All the thunderbolts unleashed by the Emperor in front of them were attracted by Pacilitz.


A thunderclap of lightning rang out, and the thunder was all absorbed by Pacilitz!

And losing the blockade of the powerful thunder, the attack of the five divine beasts hit the emperor's body head-on!


In an instant, the energy rioted, and the shockwave swept towards all directions.

The surrounding clouds were shaken away.

Luo Chen shrank behind Reggie Lock, dodging the strong onslaught from ahead.

Under this blow, the emperor's body was dripping with blood, most of the bones in his body were shattered, and blood marks appeared on the surface of his body!

At the same time, there was a twist in the body.

His body on the verge of collapse was completely out of control!

"Roaring ——!"

He opened his mouth frantically, and there was a roar, the flesh between the corners of his mouth and the base of his ears was torn, and his entire jaw was open enough to stuff a football!

Blood splattered down the massive wound in his jaw.

His eyes bulged, a black bone spur sprouted from his forehead, his hands turned into claws, his feet turned into animal feet, and five tails like streamers grew from his buttocks.

Yellow, brown, and blue hair grew all over the body, and a thick mane grew on the neck.

At the same time, dense sarcomas of large and small were all over his body.

Some ruptured sarcomas have foul-smelling blood and pus flowing from them.


When the emperor collapsed physically, he suddenly regained his senses.

He yelled unwillingly.

A powerful waveguide surged from him, trying to suppress the disintegration of his body, but to no avail.

"I'm not going to let you go!"

With a roar, bang!

The whole body was blown to pieces.

Looking at the blood mist drifting in front of him, Luo Chen was silent for a moment.

It seems that this waveguide messenger is not willing to be used as a test subject.

If this one, like the Queen Mother, can perfectly fuse genes, he will surely defect to the Secret Society after waking up and take revenge on them.

But if it weren't for the Alliance's attack this time, I think that when the Queen Mother and the Emperor are about to wake up, they will also be put on a binding armor like that genetic Pokémon, and thus controlled by the Secret Society.

In any case, he won't end too well.

It was the Queen Mother who was lucky, just awakened by the Alliance's surprise attack, and defected before she put on the restraining armor.

Lucky and decisive woman.

Luo Chen said to Ladias and Gainosect: "You recover your injuries and physical strength, Ladias will refill the meditation, and we will go and masturbate the combined three god birds!"

The five divine beasts were once again ready, and they slaughtered together on the battlefield of Leshiram.


Five beams of light slammed straight towards the Combined Three Divine Birds.

And the three-in-one divine bird fanned its wings, and in an instant, a burst of ice and snow descended from the sky, and the blade of ice and snow blown by the strong blizzard defeated all the skills of the five divine beasts!

Then the combined three gods flapped their wings again, and the storm became more violent, and the ice and snow became more and more biting.


Leshiram roared, and fierce cyan flames surged around his body, and the monstrous flames quickly condensed into a huge cyan fireball, and then blasted towards the blizzard in front of him!

It is none other than Leshiram's strongest skill, and it is also one of his exclusive skills, Qingyan!

The cyan fireball exploded in the blizzard, and the cyan fireworks violently burned everything around it, engulfing all the ice and snow!

Fire-based skills have double damage to ice-based skills, so the Blizzard of the Combined Three Divine Birds is also inferior to Leshiram's Blue Flame.

Leshiram looked at Luo Chen and the gods and beasts.

"The man was dealt with?"

Luo Chen nodded.

"Yes, that guy showed off a wave of lightning in front of Pachiliz, and then he attracted the lightning over, while the attacks of the other five divine beasts crushed his body, and finally disintegrated and exploded. "

Leshiram was a little speechless, you went and killed him?

Or is it a little bit of Pachiliz?

Tsk, this little guy's skill is quite interesting.

They also didn't have much small talk and didn't have time for them to make small talk.

Because the combined trio bird in front of it released hot wind, thunder, and freezing beams at the same time.

This time, Pachlitz didn't use it again, because once he used it, all three attacks would be attracted to him, and that would be a disaster.

The three divine pillars collectively used electromagnetic cannons, and the other three divine beasts also released their own exclusive skills, which were staggered flames, mist balls, and high-tech light cannons.

Six beams of light blasted towards the thunder and ice light in front of them, shattering the hot wind of fire as well.


Nine powerful forces erupted together, and the huge impact could be felt even on the surface of the ground below 10,000 zhang.

Luo Chen let the Three Divine Pillars protect him firmly, and at the same time unleashed his telekinesis to protect himself and Pachiliz with all his might.

The shock shook all the warring sides into the air.

And even with the protection of the Three Divine Pillars, Luo Chen still felt a surge of qi and blood.

It was the first time he had fought against such a formidable opponent, and it was truly intimidating.

After stabilizing his figure, Luo Chen looked at Leshiram, who had just used a huge fireball surrounded two rings of fire, which were his exclusive skill, Interlaced Flames.

When he saw the staggered flames, Luo Chen's mind instantly appeared with a continuous technique that could cooperate with him.

Staggered Lightning!

These two skills have a special feature, when they are used one after the other, the former can double the power of the skill released later!

And Pachlitz is just the right thing to do!

As long as Pachlitz uses the Staggered Lightning first, he will be able to double the power of Leshiram's Staggered Flames!

That would be a huge boost!

Maybe it can directly change the current situation!

Luo Chen naturally didn't delay, he flew to Leshiram's side and said, "Leshiram, after I let Pachiliz attack, you will release the staggered flames!"

Leshiram was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Luo Chen meant.

Follow Pachiliz to unleash the staggered flames?

Is there any skill he wants to use that can reduce the opponent's special defense or improve his own special attack?

Luo Chen looked at Pachiliz.

"Come on, Pachlitz, use the staggered lightning!"


Leshiram, Latias, and Gainoxekt were all stunned.

Staggered lightning?

Luo Chen's brain pumped? actually let Pachilitz use staggered lightning?

Did he use it?

That's a Zekrom skill!


Pachlitz nodded solemnly at Luo Chen, then jumped to his feet, leaping into the air, blue light coming out of his body, and his body was enveloped in a cloud of purple lightning.


The purple lightning ball unleashed huge lightning bolts, slashing towards the combined three divine birds in front of them with an astonishing sound!

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