The Three Pillars are also bombarding non-stop, and as the distance closes, the damage caused by their skills increases.

The three-in-one divine bird also began to feel a little threatened.

And with the ascent, the surrounding environment has also changed a lot, and the cold wind gusts, which makes people shiver.

Luo Chen hurriedly used the telekinetic barrier to protect himself, and this cold wind should be the ability of the Frozen Bird.

The mythical beasts on the Alliance's side are Leshiram, Latias, and Gainoxekt.

Among them, the strongest Leshram has a high resistance to both fire and electricity skills.

Latias is also twice as weak ice.

Only Gaenosekt is four times weaker, but Gaenosekt is also the weakest of the three.

Therefore, using ice-based moves is the best choice for the Three Divine Birds.


A cry was heard, and endless lightning appeared above and swept downward.

Obviously, it was the Trinity Divine Bird that sensed the arrival of Luo Chen and the Three Divine Pillars and launched an attack on him.

But lightning, Luo Chen is not worried.

It can be said that what he is not afraid of the most is the skill of the electric system, with Pachlitz, the thunder and lightning output of the Trinity Divine Bird has no effect at all.

Thunder and lightning slate, conquer the world's electric Pokémon!

"Pacilitz, use it to see me!"


Pachilitz nodded, jumped onto Reggielock's head, and pointed his little paw at the sky, and the power of the unknown surged.

All the thunder and lightning are coming towards Pachiliz!

The thunder dragon surged, the thunder sea was vast, the momentum was extremely compelling, and the thunder light drowned Pachilitz's figure.

After more than ten seconds, the electric light disappeared, Pachiliz yawned, spread his hands, shook his head and sighed: "Chipa~" (tickle-like attack, it's really boring~)

After speaking, he flicked his big tail and jumped back on Luo Chen's shoulder.


Luo Chen also laughed cheaply twice and rubbed Patch Litz's head.

"Well done, Pacilitz!"

The situation below was naturally sensed by the Trinity Divine Bird and Leshiram, and the Trinity Divine Bird was so angry that it cried angrily.

Leshiram was surprised, that Pachlitz was a power storage characteristic?

However, even this kind of trait that can negate electric skills will still be damaged when facing opponents who are too much stronger than themselves.

Just as the ground attribute can be immune to the electrical attribute, that immunity is only within a certain range.

It's like a level 30, ground-based triple gopher that would have to be coke if it was hacked by a level 90 lightning bird.

The strength of the two is very different, and it is impossible to achieve complete immunity at all!

A ground-based quasi-god biting land shark may be able to resist the thunder of the lightning bird, but it is also not immune to all of them, and it will still receive some damage to some extent.

This Pachlitz is completely immune to the lightning skill of this combined trio?

It's a little unbelievable, the lightning of this combined three-god bird is something that he doesn't dare to hard-connect.

Moreover, Luo Chen's operation of bringing the three god pillars over to open fire also made Leshiram have some desire to complain.

It simply turned his perception on its head.

But he still said to Luo Chen: "You go and help Latias and them deal with that gene warrior first, and I can delay it for a while." "

Luo Chen was surprised.

Is Leshiram so strong?

This combined three god birds are the pinnacle of first-level gods, how can you drag on for so long?

Luo Chen remembered that this Leshiram was a level 92 super high-level divine beast, but he didn't know what level the combined three divine birds were.

Could it be that the level of the three gods before the merger was very low?

As a result, even after becoming the peak of a first-level god or even a super divine beast, his strength still failed to crush the super-high Leshiram?

Is this a rank advantage?

But since Leshiram said so, he was naturally not polite, turned around and flew to the other side, and under Leshiram's guidance, he soon arrived at another battlefield.

Of course, when he left, he didn't forget to let the three god pillars bombard the combined three god birds with more than a dozen shots.

The environment on Ladias's side was also shrouded in cold, and the emperor's body was surging with two diametrically opposed powers, frost and flame.

The flame restrained Ganosekt, and the frost restrained Latias.

Under these circumstances, Latias and Gainoxekt were stunned and failed to solve the emperor's problems.

"Luo Chen?"

Latias also saw Luo Chen approaching, and at the same time saw the three god pillars surrounding him.

The corners of her eyes twitched a few times.

Is this using superpowers to lift the three god pillars into the sky?

When he got closer, Luo Chen said to Ladias, "You two didn't even get this person, is he so powerful?"

Ladias said helplessly: "This guy is in an unstable state, his strength is equivalent to a first-level god for a while, and then it will be reduced to the level of a second-level god, and he can release three attacks at the same time, which is really tricky, if it weren't for the arrival of Gainoxekt, I really couldn't beat him alone." "

Luo Chen lingered in his heart.

Didn't you two fight either?

But this emperor was able to unleash a first-level god-level attack from time to time, which made Luo Chen a little surprised.

Fortunately, this guy's state is unstable, otherwise he alone would be enough for his group to drink a pot.

He said to Latias and Gainocekt: "Let's attack together, suppress him in all directions, and solve it as soon as possible." "

The two divine beasts nodded in unison.

"Three Divine Pillars, change the target for me, aim at the Emperor, and bombard him with the destruction of the death light!"

Although the Emperor has fused the genes of the Three Holy Beasts and mastered the three powers of flame, ice, and lightning, he is still human in nature, has no attributes, and cannot be restrained.

Therefore, it is the best choice to directly bombard him with the most powerful destruction deathlight.

Three powerful rays of destruction were fired at the Emperor in unison, and Latias and Gainocekt took the opportunity to use mist balls and high-tech light cannons to flank them, respectively.

The Emperor, who had been bombarded by the Three Divine Pillars for a while, knew that their attacks could not be dodged, so he released the power of ice with all his strength, and the frost on his body quickly spread, forming several layers of thick ice walls around him for defense!


The ice wall was shattered in an instant, and countless ice blocks were splashed in all directions, but the attacks of the five divine beasts did not stop.

At this moment, fire and lightning surged from within the ice wall at the same time!

The heat melts the ice into a large amount of water, and the power of the lightning becomes even more powerful under the diversion of the water.

Luo Chen raised his eyebrows, he was deeply surprised, did this emperor really lose his senses, he was able to use the characteristics between attributes to make such a combined attack, he looked very sober.

But then he looked at Pachlitz on his shoulder.

"Pachiliz, it's up to you!"

Pacilitz nodded excitedly, and his figure jumped high, his little hand pointing.

"Chippa!" (bring it to me!)

Once again, he unleashed a skill that could deflect the opponent's attack, look at me!

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