The meaning of this code name is to hope that she can look down on the world like the mythical god, the Queen Mother of the West!

"Queen Mother of the West?"

Luo Chen muttered to himself.

"There are also myths and stories about the Queen Mother of the West in this world, and I haven't paid attention to these..."

In the subsequent research of the Secret Society, the experiment can be said to be extremely smooth.

This may have something to do with the Queen Mother's own power of Tokiwa.

The power of Tokiwa has a powerful healing power.

This power kept the Queen Mother's body in good condition and was not harmed by the powerful power of the Three Divine Birds.

Moreover, the genes of the three divine birds are all in the hands of the Secret Society, so there will be no instability like the emperor.

The fusion of the powers of the Queen Mother and the Three Divine Birds is close to perfection, but the body also falls into a deep dormant state in the process of fusion.

In order to better absorb the power of the Three Divine Birds, as long as she wakes up, her power will be far superior to that of the Emperor!

Truly reach the level of a first-class god!

Seeing this, Luo Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The Secret Society was able to rely on the genetic fusion experiment of the Divine Beast to allow humans to obtain the power of the first-level Divine Beast?

And in this way, that emperor should also have a level close to a first-level god, right?

Luochen put all these files into the space.

Then start unplugging these instruments and taking them all away.

As for whether this woman will wake up, it is not within Luo Chen's scope of concern at all.

It's so hot outside, it's a matter of time before this woman is woken up.

Just now he saw the Queen Mother's thigh muscles tremble.

It seems that the body functions are gradually turning around.

When Luo Chen took away all the instruments and was about to go out, there was a messy footstep outside.

Luo Chen hurriedly leaned over to check, only to see a group of people wearing clothes similar to the uniforms of the Secret Society walking in from the broken staircase.

And it came straight to rooms 1 and 6.

Luo Chen frowned slightly.

It seems that someone from the Secret Society is coming to take the Queen Mother and the unknown test subject in Room 1.

What will be in Room One?

The serial number of this laboratory does not indicate the strength of its internal test subjects.

Because the emperor in room 5 is obviously inferior to the queen mother in room 6.

And rooms 2, 3, and 4 should be the rooms where the three sacred birds are studied respectively.

Their strength is obviously stronger than this queen mother.

So the one in room one is not necessarily the strongest.

What could it be?

Luo Chen thought of Lei Gong.

The Secret Society captured a statue of Lei Gong.

That Thunder Gong must be one of the most important assets of the Secret Society, and it has not appeared now.

The most likely thing is to be held in that room.

This secret society has captured a total of four divine beasts, which makes Luo Chen extremely admired.

At the same time, he thought of the alliance, and he didn't know how many divine beasts the alliance had now.

Luo Chen guessed in his heart as he released Fei Ona.

Now that the Secret Society has been blown up by his own test subjects, he naturally has nothing to scrupulously about, just start fighting.

I don't know if the explosion just caused any damage to the alliance.

Soon the members of the Secret Society entered Room Six.

The leader is a strong man.

Before he came in, he was ready for battle.

The guards on the fifth floor were all killed, and they were not shocked to death by the impact just now, but hacked to death!

The tiny sword marks on the top of their heads could not hide from them.

And room 6 was also broken into!

There was a hole cut in the wall.

If you look at the incision, you can see that it was the same person who killed the guard, and they are both masters of slashing.

After entering, the sturdy man didn't recognize Luo Chen in the uniform of the Secret Society at first glance.

But when his gaze swept over Fiona, Paper Edgeworth, and Pachlitz.

I immediately knew who the person in front of me was!

"Luo Chen?" he deliberately exclaimed loudly in order to remind the people behind him and the president who went to Room 1.

At the same time, 10,000 points of vigilance instantly rose in my heart.

This evil star actually broke into here?

He retreated.

It is no secret that Luo Chen has two divine beasts.

Reggie Rock was still out playing jerking off.

But Emperor Yan didn't appear from beginning to end, and now even Leshiram has been dispatched, but Emperor Yan has not shown his figure, so he must have been deliberately left by Luo Chen to protect himself.

and his line, will be sent!

Let's let the boss come over.

Luo Chen glanced at him a few times, hooked his fingers, and said, "Don't be stunned, you want this queen mother, right? Kill me, she will be yours." "

A few drops of cold sweat were left on the forehead of the sturdy man, releasing a fierce bite land shark.

At the same time, he put his left hand behind his back and frantically motioned to the person behind him to go to room No. 1 to shake people.

The few people behind him were all high-level members of the Secret Society, and naturally they were not stupid, and two of them immediately exited the room and ran towards Room No. 1.

Luo Chen didn't bother to spend it with them, and directly let the paper sword cut it.

The sturdy man ordered the Fierce Bite Shark to go up.

Luo Chen glanced at the fierce bite land shark.

Fierce bite land shark (golden): LV88

Exactly 10 levels higher than Paper Edgeworth.

But Paper Edgeworth is a legendary Pokémon after all, and although it is not as good as a real divine beast, it is stronger than a quasi-god.

The gap of level 10 was not enough to make the Fierce Bite Land Shark stronger than Paper Edgeworth, not to mention that Paper Edgeworth had been cultivated in Luo Chen's hands for a long time.

The stat enhancements of the Special Food, Mystic Elixirs, and Phantom Crystals have already paid off.

His strength is a few points stronger than that of the Fierce Bite Land Shark!

And if it weren't for the time to strengthen the sword dance before, a single sword would have been able to bite the land shark.

The battle between the two began, but the fierce bite land shark was quickly suppressed by the dexterous body and powerful slash of the paper edgeworth, and the few people behind the man saw this, and also released a few Pokémon, all of which were above level 80.

They swarmed around and fought with Paper Edgeworth.

Luo Chen snorted lightly and said, "Pachiliz, go over and help, Thunderbolt Fist!"


Pachlitz had been jumping on the bandwagon for a long time.

With a kick of his feet, he jumped up directly from Luo Chen's shoulders, clenched his claws into fists, and two clouds of thunder gathered in an instant.

A strong electric current crackled and was overwhelming.

The sturdy man and the few people behind him were all amused when they saw Luo Chen asking Pachiliz to help.

Although you are a powerful Divine Beast Trainer, this does not mean that the strength of your other Pokémon will increase with your identity.

Pachliz is nothing more than a rare Pokémon.

Even if your Pachlitz reaches level 80 or above, it's not enough to compete with their epic Pokémon or even quasi-gods.

But when Palchlitz's lightning fist was unleashed, they were all shocked!

This dazzling thunder, this compelling momentum, is this Patch Litz's strength so terrifying?

This strength is probably not weaker than Paper Edgeworth, right?

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