The entire terrain within a radius of several hundred miles was completely flattened under this blow.

The valleys were destroyed and the peaks were shattered.

The defense line constructed by the hundreds of thousands of Pokémon in the alliance is also full of cracks from the explosion impact.

But with this terrifying number, it still blocked the blow.

But Minna was a little frightened in her heart, if such an impact came a few more times, the alliance would not be able to hold on!

She glanced at the shattered Secret Order base, annoyed in her heart.

These mentally retarded people, since they are doing such a show at their own doorstep, are they tired of it?

In this level of fighting, it is natural to stay away from their own army, and it is best to let them fight in the sky.

Minna swept towards the Three Divine Pillars, secretly saying that it was a pity.

These three big guys can't fly and can only be used as anti-aircraft guns on land, and now they can only let Leshiram shoot.

Let him drag the monster fused with the three gods to the sky to fight, and then let the three god pillars support on the ground.

Thinking that this three-headed divine bird is the strongest combat power of the Secret Society, the alliance can still deal with it.

She took out the walkie-talkie and conveyed the signal to the alliance leader.

A large spatial door slowly opened behind Minna's walkie-talkie.


A loud dragon groan rang out.

A white dragon spread its wings and flew out, followed by a purple disc.

It was none other than Leshiram and Gainosekert in flight mode.

Leshiram frowned and looked at the three-headed divine bird in mid-air, and said to Minna, "What's the situation?"

Minna replied: "The hidden trump card of the Secret Society should be a monster born after the genetic fusion of the Three Divine Birds!"

Leshiram said cautiously: "I will take him to the sky, drag him down, you rush into the secret society base, take everything you can take away, and then let the army withdraw to the headquarters!"

Minna nodded, "Okay, I'll let the Three Divine Pillars support you." "

After the exchange of one person and one dragon, Leshiram used his spiritual power to start the first collision with the Trinity Divine Bird, and guided the other side to fly into the air.

Gano Seket flew to Latias.

The ice-type high-tech light cannon continued to bombard the emperor, and he attacked strongly with Latias in order to resolve the battle as soon as possible.

Now they all understand that the biggest opponent is the fused Three Divine Bird, and his strength is unfathomable!

The fusion of the three divine birds, the strength is not just as simple as the three divine beasts joining forces.

This is a qualitative change.

Defense, Constitution, Attack, Speed, and other attributes have reached a new level.

The power of the bloodline surging in his body is even stronger than that of a first-level god, and the improvement of this bloodline's attributes alone has already reached the level of a first-level god!

What's more, there is also the superposition of its own attributes and strength!

This is the most intuitive understanding of Ladias.

Just now, the electromagnetic cannon released by the Trinity Divine Bird blocked the joint blow of the three Manchurian Divine Pillars.

You must know that the output of a second-level god after attack enhancement is not inferior to that of a first-level god of similar level.

What's more, it's three together. The power is definitely much stronger than the output power of the first-level gods.

But it was such a joint blow, and it was easily resisted by the Trinity Divine Bird.

What if his three heads took the opportunity to unleash skills of equal power?

Not to mention anything else, just a head of destruction light can directly penetrate the alliance army!

The three Divine Pillars happened to be hit by a ray of light, and it was unknown whether they could carry it down.

Their special attack was only able to withstand the electromagnetic cannon of the Trinity Divine Bird after being strengthened three times, and without the strengthened defense and physique, eighty percent of them could not withstand the direct bombardment of that power!

This situation is very similar to the attack of the three dragons.

If you want to resist this Trinity Divine Bird, you need at least three Divine Beasts of the same level!

That is, only three first-level gods can do it!

And the three first-level gods are a fantasy lineup that even the alliance can't come up with!

Leshiram alone would never be able to defeat the Trinity Divine Bird, and even if it dragged on for a long time, it would be in danger of itself.

Therefore, Ladias and they must settle the battle as soon as possible and help Leshiram, otherwise it will not be good for the situation of the war.

Minna rushed into the Hidden Society's base with the core of the Alliance, and the army was on the outside.

Prevent the remnants of the Hidden Society from attacking here.

Although the Hidden Society's army of mutant Pokémon has now been wiped out, the Pokémon responsible for maintaining the portal have also died.

But there must still be many mutant Pokémon in the places where those portals are connected, and if the surviving people of the Secret Hidden Society open the portals again and pass them into the battlefield, the alliance army will face another impact.

Therefore, precautions must be had.

After entering the dilapidated base.

Mierna told her subordinates, "Be careful, if their higher-ups don't leave by teleporting, they must be hiding somewhere and preparing to attack us!"

She then led the team in a search.

And Luo Chen hid in room six, dodging the direct impact of the explosion.

After the explosion was over, he glanced around the research room.

The vibration caused a lot of malfunctions in the equipment, but it did not stop running.

The center of the room, like room 5, has a large nutrition cabin.

But the difference is that this nutrition pod is complete, and the nutrient solution inside is soaked in a naked woman with long hair.

Luo Chen walked over and looked at it carefully, and then sighed in admiration.

"He looks extravagant, gorgeous and dignified, and his figure is impeccable~"

He admired it for a moment and looked at the display screen on the nutrition module.

It reads her code name: Queen Mother

And her attribute bar is the same as the one in room five, full of grids, and even this one is a little out of the ordinary.

"Another hexagonal warrior? or a female warrior..."

Then he thought again, what kind of gene did this hexagonal female warrior use to fuse?

Three Holy Beasts?

Or the Three Divine Birds?

He looked around the lab and quickly found a filing cabinet.

After rummaging through it for a while, in addition to the test log, he found the experimental plan about this woman as he wished.

This woman was younger than the Emperor, and was the inheritor of the power of Tokiwa who was found by the Secret Society in her thirties.

At the time, the woman was only 9 years old.

At that time, the emperor's experiment came to a standstill because he did not have the Yan Emperor gene.

Moreover, the Secret Society had been looking for clues to the divine beasts all over the world at that time, and had captured the three divine birds one after another.

Therefore, after the Emperor's experiment stalled, the Secret Society began to go all out to carry out the genetic fusion experiment of the Three Divine Birds.

Until a dozen years ago, the experiment made great progress.

This woman also began to officially accept the gene fusion experiment with the three god birds!

And received the code name 'Queen Mother'.

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