Finally, when Luo Chen and the city lord's negotiation was over, everyone left in a hurry, ready to start construction.

Su Man couldn't wait to pull Luo Chen to a remote corner to ask him for the truth.

Several students looked at each other from a distance, what was this doing? Why did a good cat go into the corner?

Su Man's intentions Luo Chen was naturally clear, and without waiting for her to ask, Luo Chen gave a general explanation of the situation.

"The cause of this incident is indeed because of a very powerful creature, and far more than the strength of a first-class god, the same level as Arceus, belonging to the mythical gods, as long as we find Arceus, we can dissolve the power in these human bodies. "

It turned out to be true?

Isn't it Luo Chen's nonsense?

Su Man said in disbelief: "God, Arceus, does he really exist?"

Luo Chen nodded: "Nature exists, Arceus descended on Gaia Star a thousand years ago, and the first generation of Pokémon born that year should have seen him." "

"How do you know so clearly?" Suman was puzzled.

Luo Chen smiled: "If you also have a few divine beasts stuffed in your arms, you will also know. "

After speaking, he also glanced at Su Man's magnificent chest, intentionally or unintentionally.

Su Man snorted coldly, clasped his hands to his chest, and asked again: "What about Lokia? Since it is a god-like creature that is far beyond the first-level god that caused the disaster, then Lokia should not be enough to shelter the Divine Blessed City, right?"

Luo Chen glanced at Su Man a few more times, this woman is very thoughtful, she even noticed these things that he casually bringed, and they all said that women have big breasts and no brains, and this woman has both, which is rare.

He smiled slightly and said, "The strength of that Lokia in Daze is very strong, it should be much stronger than all the divine beasts on Gaia Star!"

Su Man was shocked in his heart, that Lokia had grown to the level of a super divine beast?

In her heart, the gods in Luo Chen's mouth are super divine beasts, after all, no one on Gaia Star knows about such a thing as the road to becoming a god.

Luo Chen finally said to her: "It's only a matter of time before Arceus is found, so it is inevitable to cure them, if you can, let the people of the academy help find the Terrans in this world, and you don't have to worry about other things." "

After saying that, Luo Chen turned around and left, and Su Man lowered his head and thought.

If Luo Chen had already confirmed the existence of Arceus, it was indeed enough to heal the human race in this world, but it was estimated that it would take a lot of time to find Arceus, the mythical god.

From this point of view, the insipid expression of the Mengyin Holy Maiden was because she knew that Luo Chen was sure to heal them, but the time was extremely long, and it might take decades, so she was a little indifferent.

That's the frustration of a long time.

But now that he already knows the feasibility of the matter, Su Man is naturally willing to do his best to help.

She and the academy probably can't do anything about finding Arceus, but they can try to find the human race in this world.

In the past, they were always searching for ores and materials, so the progress was slow, but if they did their best, there should be hope that they could find traces of humans.

But the strength of these students is not enough to advance quickly in this world, maybe we can discuss with the academy cadres to stop the students from entering the secret realm, let 110 teachers in, and search with all their might.

In this way, you can advance as fast as possible!

When Luo Chen came to the side of the students, everyone naturally wanted to know what was going on, but Luo Chen was reluctant to say more.

"Go and ask Mentor Suman. He directly pushed the mess to Suman, whether to tell them or not, let Suman decide.

Anyway, there are many follow-up things that need the help of the academy.

After some consideration, Suman decided to keep the news from them for the time being.

Then through the communicator, the other faculty members told me about the discovery of humans, and prepared to send someone back to Gaia to report the matter to the dean.

But these things are not what Luo Chen needs to care about, after he explained the things here clearly, he said goodbye to everyone and set off to the west alone.

Before leaving, he deliberately let the natural bird leave a teleportation mark in the Divine Blessed City, and also told Su Man that he would come back in 12 hours, but he needed her to open the passage back to Gaia, so let her try not to leave.

Su Man also knew that he was going to participate in the Alliance's actions next, so he nodded in agreement.

The students were confused, completely unaware of the current situation, Luo Chen and the mentor seemed to have discovered some secrets, but they just didn't tell them, which made them itch.

The Golden Sword Lion chose to stay in Daze, he preferred the vitality here, and he could also protect the Terrans here.

Luo Chen was not dissatisfied with this, anyway, the Golden Sword Lion Beast was just a handsome mount with him, but next, he was ready to speed up, which required the use of the Patch.

It is not very convenient for the Golden Sword Lion to follow him.

After leaving Daze, Luo Chen looked at the clouds in the sky.

Now it's also time to take a look in the sky and see how the world is structured!

He released the Patch, but to be on the safe side, he released Reggie Rock and boarded the Patch with him.

The Patch's defensive performance is definitely at the level of a divine beast, and the attack of the Void Worm should not have any effect, but it is better to bring Reggie Rock as a turret.

The two-headed Tyrannosaurus looked at the Patch with a curious face, this was the first time he had been on this flying ship, and Reggie Rock was still dumbfounded.

The flying boat rose into the air and rushed into the sky at a very fast speed, and the sound of breaking the sky immediately attracted the attention of a huge number of insects in the void, and the void insects in the sky chased after the flying boat!

Luo Chen glanced at it and let out a sneer.

"I thought I could pose some threat to me, but I couldn't even eat the exhaust of the Patch~"

Just as he was proud, a thick layer of black mist quickly gushed out from the sky, which was a black shadow formed by hundreds of millions of Void Worms!

Luo Chen raised his eyebrows: "Yo, will you still chase after you, since you are looking for death, you are welcome!"

"Reggie Lock, spoil the light!"

A beam of destruction shoots out of the black mist ahead!

But the black fog dispersed in an instant, leaving a channel-like gap in the direction of the beam, and this destructive dead light passed through the gap, leaving a lonely one...

Luo Chen snorted: "Reggie Lock, lock! and use the electromagnetic cannon!"

The numerous yellow dots on Reggie Lock's head flickered continuously, and his mental power locked onto a void worm in the black mist in front of him, and then his hands gathered a powerful electric current.

After a few breaths, a powerful thunderbolt cannon burst out!

The swarm of insects in front of them dispersed again, but the lightning cannon slashed through an eerie arc and turned to shoot at the locked Void Worm.

Boom –

With a loud bang, the electromagnetic cannon burst out in an instant, and the current and shock wave bombarded the Void Worm within a range of tens of meters!

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