Luo Chen's spirit was shocked, the West?

He nodded: "Okay, then my first target is the West!"

Instead of going out and running around, it's best to have a clear goal in mind.

Moreover, this catastrophe of destruction occurred 300 years ago, and since someone came from the West a hundred years ago, it means that someone there escaped the direct impact of the disaster, survived, and lasted for 200 years.

I think there should be something that can block the power of the true god and protect the human beings there.

It's only been a hundred years now, and there's a good chance they're still alive.

Su Man saw that they were discussing the matter of migration, and he also had a guess in his heart, this world is desolate and dead, and it is not a suitable place for a long time at all, even if this piece of Daze can live, but it is not a place to live for a long time, it must be that Luo Chen wants to move this group of humans to a more habitable Gaia Star.

In this regard, she did not object, but agreed with Luo Chen's approach.

But she was very concerned about what Luo Chen said about the residual power in these people's bodies, so she asked, "Luo Chen, what residual power did you just say they have?"

Hearing this, Luo Chen nodded, then looked at the rest of the people and said, "I already know the cause of this disaster. "

There was a sudden silence in the hall, and everyone was waiting with bated breath for Luo Chen's next words.

Luo Chen continued: "The root cause of this disaster stems from a supreme being, because of his power, the creatures in this world have slowly become crazy, and all the creatures in this world have this kind of power in their bodies.

It's just that this Daze is sheltered by the power of the sea god Lokia, and it can suppress this power so that it will not attack, so as long as you continue to stay here, it will be fine.

And if we want to completely purify this power, we must let the same existence take action, and in our Gaia Star, there is such a supreme existence! So after we gather all the human races in this world in the Divine Blessed City,

I will go to Gaia to find the Supreme Being and ask him to take action to purify the power in your body, but it will take a while, and maybe you won't be able to complete both of these things in three or five years. "

After everyone listened to Luo Chen's words, they all fell silent.

Due to the problem of their own knowledge, the people of the Divine Blessed City did not know how strong the supreme existence in Luo Chen's mouth was that they had brought their world to an end, and they only felt that this kind of existence that could destroy the world was somewhat beyond their imagination.

And Luo Chen didn't say the reason why the Supreme Being released his power, so they just felt that this disaster was a little inexplicable, and we didn't provoke you, so what did we do if we had nothing to do?

But Su Man is different, she knows the power of divine beasts, and she understands that if she wants to cause this kind of world-destroying disaster, only a group of first-level gods can do it!

But Luo Chen actually said that only one supreme being would destroy the world with a move?

What kind of creature is that?

He even said that there was an equivalent existence in Gaia?

The only person she could think of who could do such a thing was Arceus, the creator god.

But Arceus only exists in mythology!

No one in the world knows if Arceus is real.

If this world was really destroyed by such a supreme being, then Su Man had reason to believe that Luo Chen couldn't find a way to heal the power in this group of people, and his words were just comforting this group of people!

Su Man couldn't help but look at Luo Chen.

But Luo Chen responded to her with inspiration and said, "If you have any doubts, I'll talk about it later." "

Su Man turned his head, sure enough? Luo Chen was hiding something?

The catastrophe of this world has reached an irreparable level, and what they can do is to gather all the people of this world into the range where Lokia can shelter and let them live in safety.

And tell them that we can find a cure and let them live with a wait!

Su Man thought so, but faintly felt that something was wrong...

Where is it?

She suddenly looked at little Lokia in Luo Chen's arms.

That's right, it's Lokia!

Lokia is in the shelter of this place!

Lokia is a powerful first-level god, and her powerful Suman is naturally recognized, but in the face of this world-destroying disaster, why does Lokia protect this land?

Is she that strong?

Or was the force that caused this disaster not as strong as she thought?

Suman leaned back in her chair as well, and she suddenly felt that her brain was running out.

No, it's not!

This guy must be hiding some of the most important information!

He just gave a general explanation of the cause of this disaster, in order to stabilize everyone's hearts, after all, the unknown is the most frightening.

As long as the reason is known, everyone's fear will be able to subside a lot, not to mention that Luo Chen also said that he has found a cure.

This makes these human beings not have much fear in their hearts, and they are more looking forward to a better life in the future!

But the most unbearable truths, Luo Chen, did not say it.

Su Man secretly glanced at Mengyin, the holy woman of the Blessed City had gone with Luo Chen to find Lokia.

In other words, she knows the truth of everything!

At this time, Mengyin's expression did not have much waves, neither despair for the future, nor expectation of the healing things that Luo Chen said.

Seeing her somewhat indifferent expression, Su Man couldn't make a judgment for a while.

She thought in her heart: What does this look mean? Obviously, she is not very optimistic about Luo Chen's desire to heal them, but she is not unoptimistic, that is, she thinks Luo Chen can do it?

It's just that chance, or time, makes her a little unacceptable, so she is a little indifferent, and there is a look of staying out of the matter.

The Martial Enemy City Lord sighed: "I didn't expect that the cause of everything turned out to be a powerful creature, and there are indeed some awe-inspiring existences in this world." "

"But we finally know the truth of the matter, and we don't have to speculate, but since the Poseidon already knows the cause of the matter, why didn't he tell us earlier? And Dr. Jin Yin, why did he go to find the cause of the incident in the first place? Didn't the Poseidon tell him?"

Luo Chen, who asked this, was stunned.

yes, why didn't Lokia say it earlier? And Dr. Gold and Silver, didn't he ask Lokia?

The reason for not telling the people of the Divine Blessed City, Luo Chen could guess a few points, and eighty percent was because it was useless to tell them, and they couldn't find a cure anyway, so they didn't do much.

But the reason for not telling Dr. Jin Yin was a little confusing.

Could it be that Lokia also learned about it later?

Or is there another purpose for Dr. Gold's and Silver's journey?

Luo Chen didn't know these questions, so he could only pass them over casually, and then discussed some expansions.

The Sea Sacrifice didn't dwell on these issues, it wasn't too important to them, as long as they could heal their bodies and leave here, everything else could be forgotten.

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