People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 477 Procrastination, Tracing the Roots

Narcissa is still at Malfoy Manor.

I can't handle that much now.

"Seven Return Pills must hurry up and get them out."

Taking this time, Luo Chen analyzed his many arrangements some time ago. Although there were some accidents, the plans were still under his control.

There is only one thing that Luo Chen deeply confirms, he really doesn't have the talent to write novels.

A mere seven-return Dan can be so procrastinating, if he is allowed to write a novel. The field of traditional literature relies on its own identity, status, and influence, which is fine. If it was an online novel of the era when he traveled here.

It is estimated that it will be sprayed to death just after going online. The water is more than just a sea shadow.

The stars and shadows are far inferior.

With the Seven Return Pill, replenish your magic energy. If you encounter such a situation again, you will definitely be more flexible.


What Luochen thought before was indeed correct, he sent old Malfoy to Riddle's ancestral house in a hurry.

What a coincidence.

Downstairs there were two other groups confronting each other.

Yibo is another team from the Institute of Magic. They came to trace the source under the latest order.

The other team didn't respond for a long time, but judging from their tracking of the spell. It is obvious that someone deliberately placed those gold coins or other objects with magic spells in different places in the corrupt country.

Except for some wilderness and unknown locations, others are dangerous to a certain extent.

Raj Xiaoquan guessed that this person wanted to confuse the public, even disturb the wizarding world of the corrupt country, and consume their people.

According to their research on the culture of the rotten country, the most likely one is Voldemort who just disappeared 10 years ago, but did not die completely.

When the other party was alive, he had a profound influence on Europe including the corrupt country, and was even called the second generation of Dark Lord by ordinary wizards.

But in the eyes of the wizards in their magic institute, they can suppress it with one hand when their headmaster comes.

Although Europe is the place where magic originated, the magic culture was once extremely developed. Relying on the power of the Muggles of the rotten country, they spread their Muggle culture to all parts of the world.

But to this day, many wizards in the European wizarding world do not think about progress and are so proud that they are gradually declining, unlike their magic institutes in Japan and other forces in the wizarding world in their own country.

Don't look at the site just a little bit.

The number of wizards was once insufficient, but they have a strong sense of urgency, so they have been accumulating strength, and at the same time training their subordinates and cannon fodder.

to this day.

The total number of wizards in Japan, not to mention catching up with the European wizarding world, definitely has an advantage over the combined number of wizards in Iron Tower Country and Corrupt Country.

Therefore, the intelligence system in their hands was not inferior. With the support of the current director of the Institute of Magic, they quickly sorted out the information at hand and set their target on Voldemort.

Moreover, the eighteen generations of Voldemort's ancestors were almost found out by them.

Although the Ministry of Magic tried its best to prohibit and destroy most of the news about the Ambusher, if it was just spying on the news, it was still very easy for the Japanese wizards.

What's more, in their small team, there are also wizards who can use ghosts and evil.

And the people who confronted them, no... To be precise, there was only one person.

Pettigrew Peter.

I didn't want to come, after all, I was injured so badly at the time.

But although they have the support of the Lestrange family's wealth, they have a lot of magic materials, which are not something you can get with money.

Plus a long time.

In order to cultivate Voldemort's parasite well, Pettigrew Peter needs to steal money to get by, and his outlook on money has long since changed. Voldemort ordered him to retrieve the lost magic materials and magic props, and he didn't resist that much.

But he also waited for a whole night to make sure that the danger was completely eliminated before he dared to come.

I didn't expect that he just put things on his body.

The people from the Dongying team came to do it.

As soon as they met, they recognized the other party's identity, but Pettigrew Peter didn't do anything because he was cowardly, and the Japanese wizard wanted to catch Peter.

They don't know Peter.

At present, for the sake of stability in the whole corrupt country, not many people know that Peter is Voldemort's loyal lackey.

Therefore, compared with those events and people with great influence, this kind of gossip is more difficult for Dongpu wizards to spy on.

But they clearly remember.

They broke in at the same time, this Pettigrew Peter was engraving a snake beside the magic circle, and a very weird thing that couldn't see the face clearly.

At this time, hiding in Riddle's old house again, doing such a secretive and careless thing, may have something to do with Voldemort.

The atmosphere is getting more and more dignified.

Peter's head turned quickly, and the only way he could think of to break the situation was to force his way in, and then take advantage of the chaos to slip away in the form of a mouse.

And the 8 people on the other side are already moving slowly, it seems that they want to surround him.

"do not move!"

Peter shrieked, drawing his wand threateningly and confusingly. There was a sudden bang on the floor above their heads.

The two sides were shocked for a moment.

"Thunderbolt explosion."

Without saying a word, Peter used his best explosive spell.

"Armor protection."

"Absolute defense."

"The shield of the sky plateau."

The three people on the Dongpu Wizard's side cast defensive spells one after another, and the one at the front used the Iron Armor Curse to protect themselves.

In order to strengthen the defense, one of the two wizards behind him released a group defense spell, and the light golden defensive cover enveloped the audience, while the last one released a purple cloud covered with Oval light shield with black text.

Firmly guarded in front of the first wizard.

It can be guaranteed that he will focus all his attention on Pettigrew Peter.

The miserable green beam of light just arrived, and smoothly penetrated through the pale gold protective cover, almost without shrinking, but when the rest of the lavender light shields collided.

A vortex suddenly appeared in the light shield, smashing and gathering the miserable green beam of light, and finally disappeared.

This is the wizard in the lead, finally brewing the spell.


Two tall, three-meter-high wooden "coffins". Appeared on both sides of Peter, with a gear-like mortise and tenon fitting structure on the edge.

Then move closer to the middle. The surface of the coffin is engraved with weird ghost patterns, like Shuten Doji in the Japanese mythology system. The two coffins are joined together to form a complete cuboid statue.

Their collocation is extremely skilled.

When Peter wanted to run, it was impossible. He found that the magic energy in his body was disordered, and the space was completely forbidden, and even the form of Animagus could not be changed.

"It's done."

There was a burst of cheers on the side of the Dongpu wizard, but an accident happened suddenly.



A huge hole suddenly exploded in the ceiling above.

A blue-gray figure stepped on the black mist and fell from the sky.

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