People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 476 The Old Malfoy Who Resisted Beatings

After clearing the memory, Luo Chen's figure flashed again and returned to the basement.

He didn't appear on the spot, but as soon as he appeared, the rumbling roar came to Luochen's ears.

Old Malfoy was crazy, bombarding the location where Luochen disappeared before.

The exploding curse, the smashing curse, and the killing curse are used at will, which consume a lot of energy and are extremely powerful.

In terms of proficiency, it is naturally not as good as a character like Voldemort, but it is estimated that even if Snape duels with the current old Malfoy, he will be defeated by him if he is not careful.

Obviously, the red halo shrouded the other party's body, but it was only infinitely approaching Snape, and hadn't surpassed it yet.

This state was obviously at the cost of sacrificing most of his sanity, but also due to unknown reasons, his five senses were strengthened, and he gained the ability to communicate with snake-like creatures.

As soon as it appeared, it was spotted by old Malfoy, and a miserable green beam shot directly at it.

Luo Chen teleported away.

He wanted to consume a wave first, and study the state of old Malfoy carefully. But I didn't expect that the old Malfoy's movements became more and more sharp.

Although it is absolutely impossible for the other party to predict where he will appear because of the prominence of the space imprint, but with the help of the snake tide that still shows no sign of diminishing.

However, he was able to discover Luo Chen's general location in the first place.

After slipping around for two laps, at that time, seeing that the power of the other party's spell hadn't dropped in the slightest, I didn't want to try the power of the spell myself.

After all, his mind is still normal.

"Blazing flames!"

It has already been used to perfection by Luo Chen, without using the influence value to increase the level, it has infinitely approached the level of LV5, and was released by Luo Chen casually.

Fire dragons, lions, tigers and other various animal images appeared out of the flames, and then pounced on the snakes all over the ground. Luo Chen used the most common ignition spell to exert the effect of the Fierce Fire Curse.

It's a pity that they only deal with ordinary poisonous snakes.

It is impossible to compete in power.

A large number of vipers were burned, although the gaps were soon filled by swarms of vipers. Some low-minded ones even devoured the remains of snakes that were still burning and smelling like burnt.

Some were directly burned to death, some were poisoned to death, but the space was also cleared.

However, the large-scale loss of the number of snakes finally affected the feelings of old Malfoy. Luo Chen basically confirmed that the other party's ability to communicate with snakes was not Parseltongue, but a kind of resonance.


With a flash of inspiration, Luo Chen used the Transformation Curse to turn some gravel and dead snakes into monkeys about the size of adults. After Luochen's transformation, the monkey can almost confuse the real one with the fake one.


Through the sensing ability of the snake group, old Malfoy suddenly became confused.

He had no way to continue to predict Luo Chen's position.

"Snake creatures use infrared rays and scents to sense the presence of prey. Old Malfoy was able to judge my location more and more accurately before, and he probably used this principle."

"It's really a big world, full of wonders!"

After getting the information he deserved, Luo Chen seized the opportunity, and in a flash, he appeared behind Old Malfoy, resisting the back of his neck with his wand, and released a stun spell.

Instead of directly defeating the opponent, it was knocked into the air.

"Avada Kedavra."

Old Malfoy's backhand was a killing curse.

"Sure enough, the body has been strengthened, not only the body movements, but also the defense on the surface of the body, but according to the original book, Voldemort does not have this state."

"So there are fewer descriptions in the original movie, or it means that the old Malfoy has embarked on another path through the study of Horcruxes."

For a while, Luo Chen really couldn't come up with an accurate answer.

Depress your mind for a moment.

It took two consecutive times before Old Malfoy was completely subdued.

As soon as he fell into a coma, the surrounding snake tide instantly quieted down. But soon they went their separate ways and rushed towards Luo Chen in the arena, as well as the group of monkeys transformed by Luo Chen.

Luo Chen added a "dominant" attribute judgment to the old Malfoy's ability.

The Jitianwangdi curse was activated, and he went back to Bichar's mansion first.

directly into the secret room.

As a result, the door hadn't been closed yet, and the old Malfoy, who was held by Luo Chen, woke up again.

Although the magic wand in his hand was confiscated by Luo Chen, he was able to cast the Death Curse without the wand.

This was unheard of, not even Voldemort could do it.

Luo Chen was caught off guard and was hit directly.


A terrible sense of suffocation wrapped around Luo Chen. It seemed that an invisible big hand pinched his heart. It didn't cause much pain, but it made people unable to move easily.

It has a certain similarity to the petrification curse.

But Luochen is Luochen after all, through unremitting daily training and continuous improvement of his spell skills. His own physical fitness has almost reached the level of upgrading to the magic level LV5.

Strive for the last shred of reason.

Grabbing Old Malfoy's arm with one hand, the latter disappeared in a moment of blur, while Luo Chen, who was on the spot, fell to the ground with a bang.

The star transfer spell is automatically activated.

The magic energy in the body is quickly evacuated.

His physical strength was exhausted in the blink of an eye.

I encountered the situation again where I had to concentrate and work hard to control my breathing.

After half an hour, Luo Chen calmed down.

"Damn it, it can be confirmed that the Death Curse targets both the body and the soul, and plays a dual role."

Luo Chen had already dodged Malfoy's sneak attack before. His body was unbelievably flexible, but because he touched Luo Chen's spirit, he was damaged.

The Avici Hell Mantra was also activated.

His consciousness was suddenly pulled into the nightmare hell, and his body became stalemate for a short time.

That's why Luo Chen caught him and sent him away!

"By the way, where did you throw old Malfoy just now?"

After a while, the pain in Luochen's head gradually disappeared, and he had time to care about this matter, but for a while, he couldn't remember it.

Although the spatial imprints are within Luo Chen's senses as long as they are not destroyed, but after all, the closer the existing imprints are, the clearer the feeling will be.

He can't be allowed to make trouble in the territory.

Therefore, in Luo Chen's induction, this spatial imprint was like stars all over the sky, and it was really impossible to find it easily.

"Hope nothing happens."

"I'm still not cautious enough."

Luo Chen also blamed himself a little, because his strength was so strong, although he struggled for a while for his own plan, but after he beat Voldemort a few times, his heart changed.

He has long viewed everything in the world with a detached attitude. Although Luo Chenjiao thought that he was still low-key and cautious enough before the Immortality Curse was drawn out, in fact, judging from his actions.

He is still not worthy of the word "low-key".

But now Luochen can't do anything, he can only recover his physical strength and mana as soon as possible.

After forcibly evacuating mana and physical strength, it would take at least a day and two nights to recover.

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