People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 277 The Impatient Harry Potter

With his own efforts, he just learned an advanced spell.

If such good news is not shared with others, how can we be worthy of the general public.

Didn't the ancients also say that it is better to be happy alone than to be happy together!

And this is also for the thought that arose when he flew over the town of Bristol yesterday.

He planned to turn the town of Bristol into the second village in the whole of England made up of pure wizards.

Just like Hogsmeade.

So before that, he needs to move the Muggles out of the town first.

And after such a long time, it is unrealistic to rely on the Muggle government.

Then it was necessary for Luo Chen to mobilize those ordinary wizards.

Although he alone has a way to drive these muggles out of his territory. But this is not conducive to the good guy setting he has worked so hard to create.

So I can only think about something else.

Then Luo Chen summoned a large group of rain clouds, covering the town of Bristol. According to the previous method, add the water of life and death to make those ordinary muggles sleepy.

Then use the Nankeyimeng spell to guide and interfere with their memory.

After those few months of hard work, these Muggles have quite recognized the "memory" that there are man-eating beasts on the other side of the river, and they will make horrible movements every now and then.

If it weren't for the mayor's son, business has been doing well recently. The panic of the townspeople was suppressed with force and pounds. Those people had already fled in all directions.

But in today's dream, Luo Chen also made some serious predictions.

He told everyone that in less than a month, the man-eating beasts inside would be dispatched together to flood the village and turn it into their new habitat and paradise.

As for where the "memory" comes from?

Luo Chen just copied a common routine in fantasy novels. It is said that a great prophet once appeared in their town, and then the prophet left a prophecy.

Why not before?

It was because the man-eating beast over there killed all the people who knew the prophecy.

But the ancestors of their small town left behind, such as the bright "holy light" they saw during the day.

It is the successor of their ancestors, and then tell them this memory through dreams.

Anyway, the memories of the residents in this small town are already chaotic enough.

If Luo Chen messed around like this again, it would have even better results.

And the current youngest generation is also over fifteen years old, Luo Chen has no psychological pressure.

On the second day, the residents of that small town woke up one by one and rushed to the mayor's mansion one after another. They wanted to leave here desperately.

It was the men recruited by the mayor's son who fired their guns and wounded several people, which suppressed the raging townspeople.

Of course, this is something to say later, let's not talk about it for now... I won't mention it.


After Luo Chen had dinner, there were still rain clouds floating in the sky.

The drizzle, sprinkled from the sky, brought coolness to the land.

Because of the Ping An Guarding Curse, not only the defensive shield constructed by the Absolute Defense Curse can hide his figure.

And because the caster of the spell was Luo Chen, even though the rain cloud was caused by the torrential rain spell. It will not be hindered by anything, falling into this land.

Of course, the Ping An Guardian Mantra has another effect.

That is, all changes caused by non-exotic mana will not be affected. If no one attacks the concealed barrier from outside. Then this barrier will not appear.

But other than Luo Chen, if other people want to get in and out, they can only appear through Apparition. Even Squibs are no exception.

"I didn't expect this!" Luo Chen finished arranging the protective cover near the Sutra Pavilion, and also discovered the hidden danger caused by the big X he just installed, "Why don't we open a tunnel for them, but this is absolutely The effect of the defensive spell..."

Thinking about it.

A letter with a red phoenix feather on it suddenly appeared beside him.

Luo Chen knew that it was a letter from Dumbledore, so he opened it quickly.

"To the Leaky Cauldron?" Not much content, just these few words.

He thought to himself, could it be that Sirius Black appeared?

He just planned to take advantage of the night to investigate around Privet Drive.

But since Dumbledore made the arrangements, Luo Chen didn't hesitate. After giving orders to Dobby, a curse of extreme heaven and earth appeared outside the door of the Leaky Cauldron in London.

Push the door and go in, there are many wizards inside.

Immediately someone noticed and was about to get up, but was pushed back by Luo Chen's gesture.

low key!

The Weasleys were there too, they were on the stairs, talking about something.

As for Harry Potter, he was arguing with Arthur Weasley in a corner with an excited expression.

But Luo Chen couldn't hear clearly because of the curse.

There are other diners and tea drinkers in the lobby. Because of the layout, although there are many people, it is not noisy and the atmosphere is just right.

Luo Chen passed by in a low-key manner, and what they talked about the most was the incident of Sirius Black's escape from prison.

What's more important is that there are wanted notices for Sirius Black floating on the walls, on the wall pillars, and even in the air. It has a hideous appearance, exactly the same as the one printed on the Daily Prophet.

Just as Luo Chen walked to the bar, Old Tom pushed the door out from the private room behind.

"Mr. Potter, there is..." He called Harry Potter loudly.

Suddenly noticing Luo Chen standing beside him, he immediately put down the important things in his hands, and bowed to Luo Chen.

"Sir, you are here."

He clenched his fist with his left hand and hammered his chest, intending to show his respect to Luo Chen. Because there was a bar blocking it, people outside didn't notice it at all.

Luo Chen nodded, but in his field of vision, he focused on observing the hunchback behind the old Tom.

Luo Chen didn't have sharp eyes before, so Luo Chen couldn't notice so many details.

At this time, Old Tom was wearing a layer of mid-range coral red.

This level of strength is not much worse than that of old Malfoy.

But the hunchback behind him is very light in color, almost falling to the edge of orange.

Luo Chen thought that he had cured so many patients in St. Mungo's Magical Injury Hospital before. How come you almost forgot old Tom?

Give this guy a treat when you turn around.

In any case, he was also his first subordinate, so he had to face him.

And Harry Potter and Arthur, who heard old Tom shouting, also hurried over.

"Hey, Harry, summer vacation...have a good time!"

When Luo Chen saw Harry Potter's mood, he was obviously in a bad mood.

"Professor... hello!" Harry Potter obviously wanted to say something else. But when the words came to his lips, he was very taboo, and finally choked back.

On the other hand, Arthur whispered to Harry Potter.

"I didn't have time to tell you before, Mr. Bichar knew about Sirius, and he discovered the truth that Sirius Black was wronged."

Harry Potter's eyes lit up in an instant.

"Thank you, Professor!"

"But professor, I heard that the Ministry of Magic does not plan to revoke the arrest warrant for Sirius."

Now, Luochen understood why Harry Potter was so uninterested.

Could it be that Harry Potter has already talked to the Minister of Magic.

But since that's the case...

Who is in the private room behind that?

Old Tom obviously came out to call Harry Potter earlier.

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