People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 276 Have you ever seen a spell like the sun?

It's because the spell is too short-lived.

Although the other two spells are also time-sensitive.

But its duration is directly proportional to the strength and quantity of the attack received, as well as the quantity and quality of the mana energy Luo Chen infused.

With his current strength.

If you cast this spell with all your strength.

It can easily last for more than 5 years without being attacked.

Sounds scary, but it's the truth.

Luo Chen is now a strong man.

With the influx of a lot of information, Luo Chen didn't tense up and fell asleep.

Got to wake up again, already approaching evening.

The construction site is still busy in full swing.

"Sir, your dinner is ready." Luo Chen had just walked out of the inner house when Dobby appeared beside him with a snap.

"Don't worry." Luo Chen stretched.

Using the floating spell, it rose slowly and flew to nearly 50 meters in the air.

He took out his wand and swung it down suddenly.

"Absolute defense!"

A bright silvery white light rose from the tip of Luochen's staff. Because the amount of mana Luo Chen used was too large, and the quality was high. At this moment, like a silver sun, it appeared above the Bichar family mansion.

this moment.

Whether it was Dobby, the wizards and Squibs busy on the construction site, or even the Muggles in the small town of Bristol across the river, they all cast their gazes over.

Luo Chen didn't take this into consideration, he continued to cast the spell.

Then, starting from the "silver sun", a light curtain slowly unfolded.

The rapid expansion finally covered and included the Bichar family and the 6.7 hectares of farms to which the family belonged.

This move directly scared the crowd.

Some near the edge of the light curtain took two steps back nervously.

Then, seeing that there was no danger, he instinctively tried it out.

Soft and elastic.

It was warm, as if a warm sun had fallen on his hands.

"Absolute defensive spell!"

"That rather advanced curse?"

"That's right, but I didn't expect Mr. Bichar to be able to do this!" Margery muttered to himself with a dull expression on his face.

Combining all the information he had collected, he had infinitely raised Luo Chen's image in his heart.

But he didn't expect that he still underestimated Luo Chen.

When Luochen summoned a cloud of rain clouds stretching over 2 kilometers near the town of Bristol, he felt that Luochen was very powerful, but he also considered the particularity of the spell, so Luochen made such a big movement.

But right now, there are not many people in the entire wizarding world who can master this absolute defensive spell.

Luo Chen was able to expand to such a large extent, which made him clearly understand the world-like gap between himself and Luo Chen.

Because he will absolutely defend against spells.

However, the range constructed with all the effort can only cover a house, and the effect will disappear after half a month at most.

This spell takes a lot of talent.

It also consumes a lot of mana.

But then, Margery frowned, and the bright silver shield in the air was clearly visible even ten miles away.

The Muggles in Bristol Town have seen it all, right?

I'm afraid this will cause more trouble.

Just as he was thinking, he saw Luo Chen waving his magic wand in the air again, and an invisible magical power spread out, slowly wrapping around the bright silver shield.

Then the effect of the spell came into play, and the color of the inner shield gradually faded until it disappeared.

Looking around, there is no difference from before.

It seems that the absolute defense spell has failed.

But Margery took a deep breath.

This should be the same high-level security guarding spell as the absolute defense spell.

It is still a big consumer of mana.

But Luo Chen released these two spells so easily.


Margery clearly heard the sound of himself swallowing saliva, and then those hearts were beating wildly. He looked at Luo Chen in the air, and a frenzy appeared in his eyes.

It stands to reason that this kind of emotion shouldn't appear in a wizard like him who is struggling and has a certain strength.

But at this moment, he was conquered by Luo Chen's incomparable strength.

His first thought now is to quickly move his wife and children to the town of Bristol.

Just now Sirius Black was out and about.

For good reason too.

At his level, even though he is only leading an ordinary wizarding construction group.

However, his own energy and functions have already been recruited by many wizard families. Of course, those families are not as high-end as pure blood families.

But there is also some strength, which can easily destroy the individuals and families of their ordinary construction team.

But Margery knew very well which side he would fall to once he really fell.

Then their construction group will be completely reduced to wage earners, lose their freedom, and have no chance to control their own destiny.

So he didn't choose to join either side.

Not only for his own sake, but also for the sake of those wizards and squibs under his banner.

The seemingly calm world of wizards is actually undercurrents. The big and small families are like man-eating beasts dormant in the dark sea.

If he, Margery, represents the construction team and one day suddenly joins a certain family, then those families or individuals who have given him an olive branch.

I will definitely find a way to shade him.

Even if there is a powerful pure-blood family standing behind him, this ending cannot be avoided.

This is the unspoken rule of the wizarding world.

This is also the disadvantage of the complete solidification of class. So much so that ordinary wizards like them are a bit stronger than those house elves.

But it's different now.

With Luochen's current reputation and powerful strength.

He really moved to the small town of Bristol and accepted Luo Chen's protection, so there probably wasn't anyone who dared to attack him.

Because Luochen chose to set up such a large protective shield at this moment—to cover the Bichar family and the area of ​​the farm, it was announcing something to the outside world.

"This land and the people on this land accept his protection."

"Whoever dares to offend will be punished without mercy!"

How broad-minded it must be to be able to make such a decision.

Coupled with the demeanor shown by the other party since cooperating with Luo Chen. Ma Jieli suddenly felt that if he really had the opportunity to completely serve Luo Chen, it must be a pretty good result.

But he knew that this road must be difficult.

Right now, there are too many people eagerly wanting to serve Luo Chen.

His intention to move his family to Bristol is also an expression of inclination.

It's not that easy to fall into Luo Chen's eyes. Just like the four wizards who asked Luochen to live in Bristol Town, it was the same.

So a long time ago, he was very envious of Bonaparte.

Although he is still a squib now, he is now the leader of the Bichar family's squib group, and his status in the Bichar family is second only to that house elf who never mentions his name.

It is already worthy of being treated enthusiastically by many ordinary wizards.

Of course, for these ordinary wizards and Squibs including Margery, Luo Chen didn't know that there would be such complicated psychological activities.

He just pretended to be an X just now.

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