People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 268: Our Luna Is Still Sensible

Dumbledore's figure gave a sudden pause.

Does this Luo Chen really know?

But why can he be so calm?

Whether he doesn't care about hatred, or his state of mind is far stronger than he thought.

"I know!" Dumbledore turned around and looked at Luo Chen.

It's a pity that his eyes were dull, so he could only try to get a glimpse of the changes in the expression on Luo Chen's face.

"He is a hero, a... child who used his life to stop the notorious Death Eater Sirius Black." After hesitating, Dumbledore still chose to call Peter Pettigrew by the child, "He is also the one who recently For 10 years, a rare recipient of the Order of Merlin, First Class."

Dumbledore was generous with the compliment, but it also showed that he really knew the man.

And it has to be announced to Luochen that no matter what mistakes this Pettigrew Peter made, he is already dead.

The enmity that should have been there should also disappear in smoke.

"Dead?" Luo Chen looked surprised, "But I only saw him in Hogwarts once!"

The faces of Dumbledore and Snape changed immediately, and even Lupine after wearing the phantom body.

Also got up from the ground.

But the Disillusionment Curse cast by Dumbledore was so profound that others could not see him at all.

Even the wrinkled feeling of the surrounding air is not easy to be noticed. Of course, he was in Luochen's field of vision from the beginning to the end.

Although it was covered with a deep red light film, which made him unable to see clearly what was inside, it was obvious that this kind of invisibility spell was useless to Luo Chen.

Happy eyes, debate monsters.

Once again, the word "Awesome" was typed on the public screen.

"Impossible, he has been killed by Sirius Black." Lupine said vigorously.

The incapacity spell that Snape had cast on him earlier had already worn off. After all, his current physique is still a werewolf.

Has a strong resistance to magic.

But the wolfbane potion had already restored him to reason.

But when he yelled this, he had some expectations, and that was right.

Although the relationship between Pettigrew Peter and him was not the best at the beginning, he was a member of the Predator 4 after all. If he is alive, then he is no longer alone.

But again, if he's alive, then his showdown with Sirius Black is kind of intriguing.

Without further ado, Luo Chen rummaged through the storage bag he was carrying, and pulled out the Marauder's Map that was almost "dusted".

"Professor Lupine, do you know this thing?"

Lupine, who was invisible, took the map directly. The map was suspended in the air, but it was also trembling slightly.

Obviously, this thing aroused some memories and guesses in Lupine.

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes, and the texture of the map looked familiar.

And Snape watched with cold eyes, full of displeasure. He hadn't actually seen the thing, but since Lupine would be so excited, it was obviously the work of the original hideous, so-called Marauder Four.

No wonder he saw it first.

There was a sense of disgust from the bottom of my heart.

Ho... Pooh!

But right now is very important, he can only continue to watch.

"I solemnly swear that I will not do good!" A magic wand appeared out of nowhere and tapped on the square of parchment.

The parchment unfolded slowly, and a large number of black lines and characters emerged on it.

There are not many people in the castle now.

McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout can be seen in the castle.

Snape and Dumbledore understood the function of this map just by glancing at it.

"When? And you...Professor Bichar, how did you get this map and how to use it?"

Lupine didn't explain to Dumbledore and Snape immediately, nor did he ask unnecessary, stupid questions.

"As you may not know, Mr. Filch is my godfather."

"Then the year before last, Hogwarts carried out a small-scale teaching reform, and also cleaned up a large number of magic items, and it was at that time that I obtained this map."

"Then the corresponding method of use happens to be placed together with this map."

Luo Chen's reason was barely qualified, even if Lu Ping reviewed it carefully, he couldn't say he was wrong.

Because this map was originally left at Hogwarts under the operation of James Potter.

It is also to show the great achievements of their group of four to the later "destined people". Let the latecomers remember, and let Hogwarts remember the traces of their presence.

So at this moment, Lu Ping completely believed in Luo Chen.

That Pettigrew Peter is alive!

So he quickly looked through.

But there was no trace of little love star Peter.

Seeing this scene, Luo Chen understood what the other party wanted to do, and said lightly, "There is no time like this."

"His name will only appear after the little wizard starts school."

"At first I thought it was just a coincidence, but then I looked for it according to that name, but there was nothing found, so I wondered... Could he have turned into a ghost-like creature, but this ghost can even be seen by wizards?" not?"

Lupine didn't speak.

Perhaps the ghost that Luochen guessed existed. But it is not shown on the Marauder's Map.

Because of their abilities at the time. Although he obtained the parchment full of magical power, he could only record the names of living people on it.

The rest of the creatures, not even the house elves, Hogwarts' most dedicated workers, were "qualified" to enter.

So Lupine, as one of the producers, was sure that Peter Pettigrew could appear on the Marauder's Map only if he was alive.

In fact, it was because of Lupin.

And Dumbledos Nape, the two powerful wizards, after hearing Luochen's reply. After a little thought, I understood the serious loophole in this statement.

Luo Chen set this up for them!

If there is a ghost, he can go to Nicholas and others to ask.

The ghosts in Hogwarts, even the mischievous Peeves, are managed by the Ghost Council.

This is a prerequisite for allowing them to live in Hogwarts.

And the name will only appear when the little wizards enter school, which means that there is a ninety-nine percent chance that Pettigrew Peter will exist in the form of a pet.

And wizards have the Animax spell of transfiguration.

The answer is also obvious.

It is impossible for Luo Chen not to find out.

"Okay, Luo Chen, I believe you must have discovered something, why don't you tell me about it first." Dumbledore spoke.

Then Luo Chen scratched the back of his head with a helpless expression on his face.

"Is that how my acting skills are so good?"

Snape curled his lips and didn't make any comment. He thought to himself that you are not only annoying, but also very verbose, very sloppy.

Not getting the compliment he wanted, Luo Chen looked at Luna expectantly.

But the latter's eyes were not on him, but on the map floating in the air or on Lupine who was in an invisible state. It was obvious that she was very curious.

She didn't expect that this was actually a professor.

Is Hogwarts going to offer a special invisibility class?

The textbook will be the invisibility book of invisibility, right?

"Well, I did find out a little bit that when I found that name, it was mostly near Gryffindor Tower."

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