People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 267 Lupine, do you know Peter?

Luo Chen looked at Lu Ping really pitifully.

I thought of my peace and peace curse, but I still sought Dumbledore's opinion.

But Dumbledore refused.

He thinks this is all about Lupin's experience, only he can get out of the cage he set for himself. Only then can it truly become stronger.

The two of them had just finished whispering.

Snape ran to Dumbledore's ear and waved his wand lightly. Blocking Luo Chen's snooping, what did he whisper in Dumbledore's ear?

Dumbledore, who had always been calm, heard this.

His face changed immediately, he looked at Lu Ping with some worry, and then quickly swept over Luo Chen.

Snape had just told him.

As soon as they left in the morning, Fudge, the Minister of Magic, went to Hogwarts and informed everyone that Sirius Black had escaped from Azka.

Originally he wanted to tell Dumbledore himself.

But Dumbledore was gone, and they still had a lot of work to do. So he left the news to Mag.

Snape went back and met McGonagall just now. The latter asked her to convey the news to Dumbledore. McGonagall only knew that Dumbledore left with Snape, but didn't know where Dumbledore went.

As for Dumbledore's injury, only Snape, Lupine, and the hero know about it.

Luo Chen silently watched these two whispering, feeling strange in his heart.

Whispering and telling little secrets in front of him so openly, don't you know it's easy to offend people?

Just as he was thinking, there was a knock on the door of the ward.

This rhythm is very familiar, it is Luna.

So Luo Chen went to open the door himself, and saw that the latter was holding a newspaper in his hand.

It's the Daily Prophet.

"Professor Luo Chen, you should take a look at this." Because of Luo Chen's body covering, Luna didn't see Dumbledore and Snape immediately.

And Lupine, who was already lying on the ground and hadn't changed back yet.

And in order to help Dumbledore act, Luo Chen originally wanted to block Luna's sight, otherwise he wouldn't have come to open the door himself.

He looked at Luna's unfolded newspaper, which printed the hideous appearance of Sirius Black when he was imprisoned. He seemed to be shouting something, but unfortunately it was only a moving picture.

This Sirius Black had escaped at last. In the original book, after a few days, the Ministry of Magic has not caught the former, so it had to release the news.

And now that's all.

Luo Chen was behind the scenes, and he used old Malfoy.

It seems that the energy of the Malfoy family is as strong as ever. Not even Azkaban can stop them, but now it's a little tricky.

What Luochen wanted to see more was that the Goblet of Fire could be successfully held at Hogwarts.

But something big happened to the Ministry of Magic.

It is very likely that this year's Goblet of Fire event will be cancelled.

After all, the prison he claimed to be the strongest and most terrifying was actually escaped by someone.

No matter how you explain it, it's a scandal!

But if Sirius Black can be sent back to Azkaban as soon as possible.

It's okay to say this.

At the moment when Luochen was thinking, Luna suddenly noticed Dumbledore and Snape.

She greeted the two professors earnestly, and then glanced at the empty ground not far behind Luo Chen.

She felt that there was something there, but she couldn't see anything.

"Professor, take a look."

Luo Chen knew that Dumbledore must have done a good job of covering it up, so he turned around and sent the newspaper over.

Snape glanced over. Rolling his eyes, yes, it was completely superfluous to stop Luo Chen from snooping just now.

Originally, he thought that the minister of the Ministry of Magic came to the door himself, and wanted to capture Sirius Black back to Azkaban before the news came out.

That's why he went to Hogwarts to seek Dumbledore's help.

But I didn't expect this matter to be published in the newspaper so soon. It seems that the Ministry of Magic has been acting on its own for a long time.

What to say, it's as stupid as ever!

Although Dumbledore's gaze fell on the Daily Prophet in his hand, he read it word by word, looking very serious, but from the corner of his eye, he kept paying attention to Luo Chen.

He didn't think about it, even though he quietly paid attention to it for a long time, Luo Chen's mood was always calm.

It seems that Sirius Black's escape from prison is nothing to him at all.

But it shouldn't be!

Luochen's parents died in that explosion accident 13 years ago, and it was Sirius Black who did that evil thing.

If this Luo Chen knew the truth and had such great strength, he would definitely kill him before he could.

Although Dumbledore is in awe of life, he doesn't want to kill easily. But for Luo Chen, he knew that children of this age were easily swayed by strength.

Even if he did kill Sirius Black, there would be no surprises.


It was the guess that Dumbledore had been unsure of.

Luo Chen had no memory of that night.

However, according to what Luo Chen himself said at the time, their family had done soul experiments, engraving a large amount of precious knowledge into the bloodline soul, so that the younger generation...that is, the current Luo Chen, recalled some precious knowledge from time to time.

That's why Luo Chen possessed such powerful power within himself.

This shows that Luo Chen's own mental body and spiritual power are still extremely strong. Otherwise he would have gone crazy by now.

Dumbledore knew very well that everything in this world is about balance.

Magic is not everything.

Luo Chen is a container of ancestral wisdom. If he didn't have enough background, it would be impossible for him to grow so fast.

So no matter how you look at the memory of the explosion 13 years ago, this Luo Chen should have an impression.

Even if not.

Won't Filch tell him?

Not right either.

If it was the old Filch who always wanted revenge, he would definitely tell Luochen, but now this Filch.

becomes too much.

Even he couldn't grasp it.

But fortunately, this change is good, and it is what Dumbledore is happy to see.

"Since this matter is settled, we will leave immediately. As for the rest, I will leave it to Luo Chen." Dumbledore made up his mind and gave Luo Chen a look.

Naturally, he was talking about Lupine who had not fully recovered and had been cast by him with the Disillusionment Curse.

"Miss Lovegood, next time we..." Dumbledore was about to leave, but he still didn't forget to say hello to Luna, it was obvious that Luochen was interested in this girl.

But last time he remembered that Hermione was also in Luochen's tower.


Young man!

After all these troublesome things are dealt with, he must have a long talk with Luo Chen.

He felt that he might not be able to witness the complete rise of Harry Potter and the day he became the savior. He needed to find a strong enough bodyguard for Harry Potter.

This was the thought that Dumbledore had once had in Harry Potter's year of school. But because of various accidents, he stifled this idea.

But now he has been tricked by Voldemort.

He brought up this idea again, because compared to Snape, Luochen was obviously a better protector.

Luo Chen knew what the two of them were going to do?

Taking a step forward, he raised his hand to interrupt: "Wait a minute, professor, I wonder if you have heard of Peter Pettigrew?"

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