People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 245 The two magic spells that are more and more perfectly controlled

1800 influence points deducted.

Luo Chen's Curse of Spring with a Dead Tree was successfully upgraded from LV3 to LV4.

Some information is also produced in the brain, but this knowledge does not involve the deeper physiological structure theory of creatures such as animals, plants, and humans.

It's more about teaching Luo Chen how to control the Dead Tree Reaping Spring Curse in a more subtle and precise manner to exert its effect.

Furthermore, he was able to cast spells without spells or wands.

In just three minutes, Luo Chen absorbed all this knowledge.

He flicked his right index finger slightly, and released it in the direction of the bedside table, casting a curse of rejuvenation with dead trees.

There was a clay pot of wild flowers on it, all kinds and colours, which Hagrid had no doubt sent.

It's rare for a rough guy like him to have such a thought.

The moment Luo Chen released the spell, he could feel that releasing the Dead Tree Reaping Spring Curse before was like throwing a ball of water, but now he can decompose the ball of water and control the water droplets inside.

And after these energies rushed to the pot of wild flowers, a blurry image naturally appeared in Luo Chen's mind, but it was only a section, like the stem part of a plant.

That part of the ducts, skin, fibers, and veins can all be sensed by him.

Then the energy controlled by Luo Chen strengthened the fiber part as much as possible.

It can be seen that the position three fingers below the light yellow wild flower selected by Luo Chen suddenly swells.

The light purple fragile stalk instantly became more purple and blacker, as if growing an ugly knot like the kind that only exists on trees.

The elasticity and toughness of that part are improved, and the comprehensive defense is also strengthened.

These feelings are also evolving in Luochen's corner in real time. So he also understood that when the sub-energy disappears, the image will also disappear.

"No wonder, it cost me a full 1800!"

But Luochen suddenly realized a problem. He opened the diary section and looked down.

Sure enough, when Luo Chen first obtained this spell, he asked about a hidden condition, he only needed to upgrade the healing spell to LV4.

You can reduce consumption by 20%.

But because the cost of upgrading the healing spell from LV3 to LV4 at that time was 630 points, Luo Chen weighed it up and felt that it was impossible for him to do such a loss-making business.

But now just a thrill.

This is equivalent to a waste of 520 influence points for him.

This is very uncomfortable!

No wonder he didn't like this group of numbers as a single dog in his previous life, and they still pester him endlessly in this world.


But looking at his 9016 influence points... Because Dumbledore found Gaunt's ring ahead of time and was injured because of it, Luo Chen only got 1200 influence points before and after.

Of course, this added value is still higher than one of Voldemort's soul fragments.

So Luo Chen decisively issued an order to upgrade the healing spell to LV4.

Same as before, just strengthened the control of the healing spell.

This convinced Luo Chen that the knowledge of whoring for nothing seems to be limited.

Then Luochen asked the system again to evaluate the time period for his recovery.

As a result, in the end, only a "preliminary recovery of vision is expected in 70 days, with an 85% probability".

For any therapist or doctor in the Muggle society, it can be called a medical miracle to have such a terrifying increase in the probability in just a few minutes.

But Luo Chen was not satisfied.

He still wanted to go out for a ride.

"How about a gamble?"

"The Curse of Immortality and the Curse of Immortality should both belong to the sequence area of ​​C."

After going through a few troubles, Luo Chen was almost drool-worthy by the Immortality Curse and the Immortality Curse.

He has now accumulated three chances to draw.

Two draw opportunities are free to choose a sequence.

But I struggled for a while, and it seemed that there were still four days to go before this month.

Luo Chen thought, let's not bear it anymore!

When the time comes to directly select a type, the chances will be greater.

So Luo Chen's life suddenly became regular.

He spends part of his mana every day to restore his eyes, and then consumes 2-30% of his mental power to mobilize the incantations, summarizing and refining the most suitable treatment plan for him.

This came here and was discovered on the third day.

The effect is indeed there, because of this discovery, Luo Chen's recovery time has been reduced by another 8 days, and the probability has increased to 90%, which is already quite high.

And has not been developed to the limit.

But that "preliminary recovery of vision" has been like a thorn in Luo Chen's heart.

When his eyesight recovers, he will probably become a myopic eye with eight or nine hundred degrees.

No... even that might be for the best.

In addition, Dumbledore also visited Luo Chen once in the past two days, allowing him to be treated at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Disorders with peace of mind. He was already looking for the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, so Luo Chen didn't need to worry.

When Luo Chen heard the news, he felt his scalp go numb.

It's not because Dumbledore's words are a bit crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

Mainly because Luo Chen thought deeply, what was the root cause of his sudden eye injury this time and had to be hospitalized?

I'm afraid it's not as simple as he thought before, recklessness is recklessness, Luo Chen admitted, but why does it feel more like the so-called world correction power?

Luo Chen didn't believe in this thing from the beginning, then gradually hesitant, until now he has deep doubts.

If this possibility holds.

Then Luo Chen is still that handsome, wise, and rational hanger...cough, and he will be in this miserable state now, only because he was "injured by the plot".

But no matter what, it still made Luo Chen uncomfortable.

But fortunately, Luo Chen didn't intend to continue to be the teacher of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the next semester. All he wanted to do was accomplished.

It would be best to teach it to the teacher for the next school year, Remus Lupine.

It's all about influencing value.

After continuous psychological training, Luo Chen's mood really improved a lot.

The world correction power is still something he can handle now, so he can only empty his mind and pretend he doesn't know.

Otherwise, if people really come to him for in-depth communication, what should I do!


Having just finished a day of self-treatment, Luo Chen estimated that the time should be around 8 o'clock, so he got up and started exercising in the room.

Every time I feel tired, I will use the mantra of rejuvenating spring with dead wood to speed up the recovery of my physical strength.

Thanks to the cooperation of the Healing Curse and the Curse of Reaping Spring on Dead Trees, Luo Chen's grasp of his various physiological structures has become more thorough, and he will not cause side effects every now and then, and he doesn't have to be as cautious as before.

Of course, there is a limit to this. If you use it too much, the healthy cells in your body will no longer absorb those vital energy.

But now he is more than 80% sure that if he uses this dead wood spell on Ban Ban again, his stomach will definitely not swell into the shape of a kidney.

Too bad that guy wasn't there.

I guess it's time to travel to Egypt with the Weasleys!

Just as he was thinking, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Luo Chen's ears moved, following the rhythm of knocking on the door. He knew it was Bohan Bonham again.

They have been discussing the treatment plan for the past two days.

He didn't come up with a confirmation letter either, if it wasn't for Luo Chen being able to heal his wounds by himself, he would probably have lost his temper and beat someone long ago.

Bohan Bonham was allowed in, and was about to speak.

Luo Chen suddenly heard a not very clear sound of jumping and stomping on the floor coming from outside the door.

And he was humming a song, which didn't match the serious and sad atmosphere around the 5th floor.

But I have to say that this voice was very familiar, but Luo Chen couldn't remember who it was for a while.

Bohan Bonham was very good at observing words and expressions, seeing Luo Chen's appearance, he immediately explained.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bichar, that's the Lovegood girl. Her father has been cursed, so she's temporarily living in Ward 23. It's not far from your place, of course if..."

"You mean Miss Luna Lovegood...?" Luo Chen was shocked.

Is it such a coincidence?

"Well, yes, if I remember correctly."

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