People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 244 Cover up the news and make a joke

"Where is Headmaster Dumbledore?"

"This..." Bohan Bonham hesitated for a while, and he remembered Dumbledore's instructions before he left. If Luo Chen asked, just say that he went to the Ministry of Magic to help him cover up the news.

Luo Chen had made so many contributions to the British wizarding world before, once the news of his injury spread, it would definitely cause an uproar.

But even Bohan Bonham didn't think Dumbledore would be able to suppress the news.

The Daily Prophet may be easy to say, but other daily newspapers, magazines...

Luo Chen didn't think of this, and he didn't say anything when he saw the latter. He waved his hand lightly, indicating that he could leave.

Bohan Bonham retreated helplessly, but still did as Dumbledore ordered, and told Luochen Dumbledore's whereabouts.

"Cover up the news? Hmph!"

When Luo Chen was the only one left in the room, he snorted dissatisfiedly, and slammed the bed under him with his fist.

He was already very strong now, even through the thick cushion, he could still hear the pounding sound like a drum beating.

To be honest, when getting along with Dumbledore, Luo Chen never let go of his guard, and tried to disguise himself as much as possible.

He knew that no matter how kind and great Dumbledore pretended to be in front of others, Dumbledore would never be his friend.

In the final analysis, the relationship between the two is just to use each other.

After all, there were only two things in Dumbledore's eyes.

One is the fear of strength.

The second one is peace in the wizarding world.

The former one is easy to say, because of the unfortunate death of his sister, he has a shadow in his heart.

The second is for the peace of the wizarding world, he can sacrifice anyone, from this aspect he is great.

But Luochen did not agree with his values.

By the way, maybe Dumbledore has a third thing that matters - Grindelwald.

Shaking his head, he drove these messy things out of his mind. Luo Chen no longer cared about what Dumbledore was doing?

But the most important thing now is to heal your eyes.

After guessing, the remaining 1/4 of the mana in the body hesitated for a while, but still didn't make a move. Still the same reasons as before, is St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Illness safe?

But he couldn't go back to his mansion either.

Then you will be more dangerous.

After some psychological training, Luo Chen suddenly thought that he was injured this time, and blindness might also be an opportunity.

Some clowns who can't hold back will definitely jump out.

Luo Chen thought like this, but half an hour later, the door was knocked again.

After getting Luo Chen's permission, people from outside rushed in one after another. Listen to footsteps, no less than 5.

"Mr. Bichar, I heard that you were injured. I immediately quit my job and came to see if there is anything I can do to help." Through the voice, Luochen judged that this person was Fuji.

But his tone was too flat.

If he said it from the heart, he would definitely not be so calm.

And so it is.

Although Luochen couldn't see it, Fudge, Scrimgeour, Umbridge, and the two Aurors who followed him were there.

They looked at Xiang Luochen with different eyes.

Especially Umbridge, with his ugly fat face and big smile. He made a detour to the other side of the bed, intending to confirm the information about Luo Chen's blindness at close range.

Although until now, Luo Chen hadn't had any impact on her "immediate interests".

But she just saw Luo Chen unhappy.

Luo Chen's existence would infringe on the interests of the Ministry of Magic, which is tantamount to infringing on her interests.

Only Scrimgeour looked restless, his brows were slightly frowned, and there was obvious worry on his face.

As the director of the Auror office, he knew that Luo Chen's injury would definitely not be concealed. Even if Dumbledore had rushed to the Ministry of Magic to discuss with them before, this news must be suppressed.

But when the two of them appeared in the hallway on the first floor of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries, they had already attracted too many people's attention.

These things are difficult to handle, and so far Fudge has not given orders.

Fu Ji's eyes flickered, as if he was judging Luo Chen's specific injury.

"I'm fine, Mr. Minister, you really shouldn't..." Luo Chen was also modest, with a very natural expression on his face, as if he was really grateful to Fu Ji and the others.

After that, the two sides chatted about some words that were not nutritious.

Fudge took the people away, came and went in a hurry, and didn't say anything about sending fruit baskets or bouquets of flowers.

But this wave of people is not over, it has been until the night of that day.

Send off the last visitor, Hagrid.

Only then did Luo Chen let out a long breath of relief.

Didn't Dumbledore say to cover up the news?

It's only been a while, and so many people have come. It is estimated that the Daily Prophet has already sold out the news of his injury.

When Luo Chen thought of this, his heart became even worse.

This bad old man!

It's a pity that Luo Chen's guess was wrong. Until the second day, the Daily Prophet did not publish any news about Luo Chen's injury.

Instead, other tabloid magazines.

All kinds of random fabrications, some people said that Luo Chen lost his eyesight permanently.

Some people said that Luo Chen was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

Others said that Luo Chen was already dead.

Of course, it was also said that Luo Chen had only suffered a slight injury, and now he has fully recovered.

After all, in such a short period of time, with so many powerful figures coming, Bohan Bonham, the director of the hospital, paid more attention to Luochen.

In order to avoid trouble, they had already strengthened the protection of the corridor where Luochen's ward was located, and even the Ministry of Magic sent two Aurors to help guard, one of whom was Lincoln.

It's a pity that Luo Chen didn't know.

Now he is slowly healing his eyes with the curse of rejuvenating spring with a dead tree.

When the mana was consumed to 1/2 again, he stopped.

"Something's wrong!"

The effect of the dead tree's spring spell is indeed being exerted, but the soreness in Luo Chen's eyes has not been relieved, but has become more and more serious. Now he needs to close his eyelids tightly to ensure that the tears filled inside will not flow out.

And just now I opened my eyes and looked around, but it was still dark, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

Yesterday, Luo Chen had just used the Withered Tree Rebirth Curse, and felt that this spell had only a healing effect on him, without any other side effects.

It's not like what Hagrid said at the time, and later he also considered that maybe it was because Hagrid was a hybrid of giants and humans.

His physique is extraordinarily strong... or some circumstances he doesn't understand, that's why he looks so uncomfortable after being cast with the Dead Tree Reaping Spring Curse.

"System, let's judge how long it will take me to restore my eyesight only by relying on the Curse of Spring with Dead Trees?"

[Ding: Host request received, message summarizing...]

[The specific time is unknown. It is estimated that with the assistance of the LV3 Dead Wood Spring Curse, the host will need about three months, and there is a 60% chance of initially recovering eyesight]

"Three months, a 60% chance, still preliminary?" Luo Chen thought he heard it wrong, he felt that the Curse of the Dead Tree's Rebirth at this moment was already powerful enough.

And it has always been effective, so from the beginning, he didn't think about upgrading the Curse of Spring with a Dead Tree.

But at this moment, I saw the judgment of the system.

In the end, Luo Chen didn't dare to question it, and directly issued an order to upgrade the Curse of Spring with Dead Trees.

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