People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 241 Severus Is A Very Powerful Potions Master

Then the two of them arrived at the front door of Gaunt's old house smoothly.

The door was small and stared at a dead snake arranged in an S shape. It is said to be the mark of the descendants of Salazar Slytherin.

Bewitched by magic, so it looks like he just died at this time.

Dumbledore's close observation.

Be careful, although he is powerful, but in fact, when facing any unknown things, being cautious enough is the root of his current powerful reputation.

Luo Chen was not idle either.

He took out his wand and cast a Lushan True Face Curse on the whole house and yard.

The invisible magic wave swept across. There are slight distortions around, but the house is still dilapidated and full of poverty.

Instead, on the grass outside the house, several black barrel-shaped jars appeared. The top was sealed with yellow mud, and a faint black mist was wrapped around it.

Luo Chen thought to himself, could this be the so-called trap that Dumbledore encountered just now?

He didn't expect it to be so easy, and it was cracked by him.

Dumbledore had noticed from the moment Luochen was about to cast the spell, but he didn't take any action. Just wanted to see what Luo Chen wanted to do.

Even if you want to attack him, he is 100% sure to dodge it.

The only thing he didn't expect was that Luo Chen could easily see through the trap magic in the yard.

This made him a little embarrassed.

So she gave up pretending, pointed at the lock of the house with the Elder Wand, and cast an Unlocking Charm.

Open the door easily.

Push the door open with the wand. Because of disrepair for a long time, when the door hinge turned, it made a creaking sound.

A smell mixed with wood decay and rot came out of the room. Dumbledore and Luo Chen avoided subconsciously.

They waited until the smell in the room dissipated a bit before entering.

The furniture inside showed signs of being moved, but most were damaged. A layer of dried velvet and black, purple liquid stuck to the ground.

"is blood!"

Dumbledore said softly.

"Inspect separately!" He said, and he chose to walk down the house on the right. The one they came in just now can be regarded as the living room, which can also be regarded as the kitchen.

dual purpose.

It can be seen that the Gaunt family has been in a very difficult situation after their generation.

In front of Dumbledore, Luo Chen directly released a Lushan True Face Curse.

As a result, he didn't find anything useful, so he obediently chose the room on the left.

When I opened it, it should be a double-purpose bedroom and study room, but there were no books on the bookshelves. There was also a hole in the middle of a high bed placed by the wall.

Looks like someone used the Explosive Charm.

Luo Chen tried to search for the breath in the room with the Chasing Wind and Shadow Curse.

But apart from the decadent and rancid smells full of age, he and Dumbledore's breaths were not collected at all.

Obviously, this spell of chasing wind and shadow has its limit.

Unable to find Luo, Chen left the room, only to see the door of the other room, and Dumbledore's figure flashed past in a hurry. His heart moved, and he secretly said "no".

"Wait a moment!"

Run over quickly.

But it's still too late. There was a very subtle bark sound as if a balloon had been deflated.

A snake-shaped mist with blue light in the black surrounded Dumbledore's entire body.

"Whirlwind clean!"

The mist continued to spread towards the door, Luo Chen immediately released the Whirlwind Curse, trying to blow the black mist away. It was impossible for him to let the mist get on his body.

But I didn't expect that the summoned whirlwind would be of no use to the mist.

The mist snake head, instead, rushed towards him fiercely.

In desperation, Luo Chen could only back away quickly, but fortunately, the black mist shrank back suddenly after half an inch away from the door of the room.

"Call God for protection."

Suddenly, Luochen also heard Dumbledore's old but powerful spell.

But with his strength.

This spell can already be cast without a spell or a staff, right?

The silver-white mist, like sunlight, pierces the snake of black mist, cuts and divides them, and offsets them one by one.

"Professor, are you all right?"

Luo Chen also ran in immediately, and found that Dumbledore was standing in the corner of the room right now. There is a broken dresser at the side rear.

Looking at the traces on it, it was just damaged.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is a ring held in Dumbledore's hand. The silver outline is engraved in the shape of a snake, and in the middle is a prismatic black gemstone.

They fit together to make the ring look huge.

Enough to match, the kind of wrench worn on the thumb.

Moreover, Dumbledore's left hand was still trembling with a black mist that could not be dispelled no matter what.

However, the other party didn't pay attention to his injury, and his eyes were fixed on the gem in his hand.

"Does it really exist?!" Dumbledore muttered to himself, with an inexplicable color in his eyes.

Although Dumbledore has encountered the invisibility cloak of the Potter family and obtained the old wand from Grindelwald before.

Part 2 of the Grim Reaper trio.

The corresponding description is also the same as the fable of the god of death in the collection of Beedu Weng's stories.

But among the death three-piece suit, what he wanted most was the resurrection stone.

But I couldn't find it after exhausting my whole life, until this moment.

In the past, he always believed that the so-called three-piece suit of death was just a legend, a fable, and a story.

But after all, he is a powerful wizard over 100 years old.

The obsession with the three-piece suit of the god of death, especially the god of resurrection, made him collect a lot of plausible information, so when he saw such a huge ring on the dressing table.

He was attracted almost instantly.

Then I thought I didn't want to, so I immediately went to pick it up.

As a result, he violated the black magic for defense. He could feel that the black magic had eroded him heavily, greatly damaging his strength.

However, he did not immediately choose to defend. Instead, he decided that his counterattack would not affect the suspected resurrection stone, so he did it.

That's why this situation happened now, and then he didn't care about Luo Chen being by his side, and gently rubbed the resurrection stone in his hand with his fingers.

It's a pity that there is no effect.

Dumbledore's heart skipped a beat, could it be fake?


At this time, Luo Chen's calling woke him up.

"your hands."

Dumbledore was only thinking now, and looked at his left hand.

"It's just black magic, it doesn't matter, Severus is a very powerful master of potions, he will help me solve it."

Then he changed the subject and put the ring in his hand in front of Luo Chen.

"I think this thing is a bit strange, Luo Chen, you can try it."

Luo Chen didn't take it immediately, but silently glanced at Dumbledore. If it wasn't for what was said in the original book, the black magic on it could only be triggered once.

Luo Chen was worried whether Dumbledore intended to harm him.

In fact, Dumbledore had already finished checking, the black magic on it had disappeared, he just wanted to pass Luo Chen's hand.

Are you sure it's a Horcrux?

Even after Luochen came into contact with this suspected resurrection stone, he awakened some memories and gave him a conclusion that was reassuring or giving up.

Although doing so is very inconsistent with his personality and the reason for doing things with him.

But at this time, Dumbledore wanted to know the answer too much.

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