People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 240 Arriving at Gaunt's old house, the secret of the notes

Luo Chen directly cursed the sky and land, and came to the gate of the outer house.

The old house of the Bichar family was called the inner house, and the new one was called the outer house.

The gate is made of reddish wrought copper, engraved with the "cloud pattern" of the family crest of the Bichar family.

On both sides are tall white marble walls 5 meters away. Because the overall height cannot exceed the inner house, otherwise, with Margery’s design, he would have to pile it up to at least 10 meters.

There are two stone lions made of white marble on the left and right outside the gate. There was a hydrangea under his feet, and at this time Dumbledore was observing the stone lion on the right with great interest.

"Professor, you are here so soon!"

"Oh, Mr. Bichar, I didn't bother you!" Dumbledore said with a smile.

"No, please come in." Luo Chen shook his head quickly, what could he say?

"No, I wish we'd set off soon," said Dumbledore. "To Little Hangleton."

"Now?" Luo Chen was very familiar with this name, it was the place where Voldemort's own father lived, and it was said that their old house still remained there.

Even his father's grave was built in their yard.

Dumbledore was very satisfied with Luo Chen's reaction, Luo Chen really knew it.

"Of course, if you have anything to prepare, we can set off later!" Dumbledore said, but he didn't intend to enter Luochen's mansion at all.

Luo Chen sighed, shook his head with a smile, and then Dumbledore appeared in an apparition and disappeared on the spot.

Luo Chen was taken aback for a while.

He snapped his fingers to gather the breath of Dumbledore that he had collected before, and then used the Cursed Curse to sense Dumbledore's position.

"Old driver, you don't know how to take me with you."

With a groan, a Jitianwangdi curse disappeared in place. When it reappeared, it was already a lonely cemetery.

Although it was early in the morning, the fog in this area was extremely thick. The sky was gloomy, and it seemed that it would rain at any moment.

Obviously, it was the time when the flowers and plants were full of vitality, but the grass under my feet was sluggish, not much life at all, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves.

Looking up, you can see a statue of a skeleton wearing a cloak and holding a long scythe.

Below is a square platform.

If memory is correct, it was Voldemort's father's bones that were buried there.

Although he and Dumbledore appeared in a remote location, the crows living in the forest were startled because they stepped on dead branches under their feet.

Accompanied by an unpleasant yapping sound, it flew away quickly.

"Professor, is this Little Hangleton?"

"That's right, but our target is not here, come with me." Dumbledore said and turned around directly, a faint silver mist rose from under his feet, supporting him, seemingly walking, but actually floating in the dry place. On top of fallen leaves.

Luo Chen frowned, feeling that Dumbledore was showing off to him.

Not to be outdone, as soon as his consciousness moved, his body slowly floated into the air. Following closely behind, the two circled in a big circle and traveled at least five miles to the Greater Hangleton Mountains.

Then, at a lower location, they found a dilapidated mansion—or a dilapidated three-room house.

"here it is?"

"The old house of the Gaunts," said Dumbledore, walking on. Wand in hand. The expression on his face is as usual, but his spirit has been highly concentrated.

He didn't think that there would be no defensive traps around a family that had been passed down for nearly a thousand years.

"Gantt?" Luo Chen knew about this family, but at this time he couldn't act too omniscient.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause suspicion. Although he has the talent of divination and prophecy, it still needs to go through a process, and he is pretending to be seen by others.

Dumbledore's speed was getting slower and slower, almost always moving and stopping every step.

And explained casually: "I saw it in the diary you seized. The basilisk was left by Salazar Slytherin, the founder of Slytherin College, and has been sleeping in the secret room until the successor Wake up and rid the academy of Muggle wizards."

Speaking of this, Dumbledore deliberately paused, and Luo Chen followed suit.

"Professor, are you kidding me?"

"Salazar Slytherin is one of the four founders of Hogwarts, how could he..."

"There are many rumors and rumors that cannot be verified. Even Professor Binns dare not say that he is familiar with the secrets of Hogwarts thousands of years ago."

"But there is one thing I'm sure of. Salazar Slattery is a powerful pure-blooded dark wizard."

"According to the notes, Salazar Slytherin, the basilisk left behind was to eliminate Muggle wizards. Of course, this may be the fact that the note writer deliberately distorted the facts." Dumbledore said.

"Writer? You mean Voldemort."

Dumbledore stopped completely this time, he raised his wand, waved it lightly in front of him, emitting a silvery white light.

Like clusters of silver mist, it is both beautiful and full of positive and happy power.

With a slight bump forward, it was blocked by an invisible barrier. Moreover, the screen quickly changed from invisible and colorless to billowing black smoke, which collided with the silver-white smoke, making a whining sound.

"It's not just his notes, there are actually many more ahead."

"Originally belonged to Salazar Slytherin."

"Then it was transferred to the ancestors of the Gaunt family. According to the contents recorded in the notes... or the mission, they have been maintaining the secret room and passage where the basilisk is located."

The black smoke and the silver-white mist were stalemate together, but as Dumbledore's spell continued to spew out more and more silver-white mist.

The black mist has already shown signs of receding.

"But even so, why did the basilisk come out to make trouble 50 years ago... Well, this is what he showed off to me when he was fighting Voldemort. He is very satisfied with this record." Speaking of this, he Noticing that Dumbledore suddenly turned his head and looked at him, Luo Chen hurriedly explained

This reason is also valid.

Dumbledore didn't look into it either.

There was some doubt in his heart, did Luo Chen really not read that notebook?

If he had seen it, it was impossible for him not to know.

But now it doesn't look like a fake.

Could it be that my old eyes are so dizzy that I can't see through the child in front of me.

But even the old Malfoy who went to the headmaster's office to try out some secrets, knew the notes, and part of the reason why Hogwarts appeared.

So to get to the bottom of it, this is the reason why he decided to take Luochen to explore the location of Voldemort's Horcrux this holiday, and to teach him by example

He wanted Luochen to understand the dangers of Horcruxes and the horror and evil of Voldemort.

at the same time.

This is also his supervision of Luo Chen.

The magic on that note is too dangerous.

In order not to show any strangeness, Dumbledore quickly restrained his mind and continued the explanation at the beginning.

"Because Parseltongue is required to open the Chamber of Secrets. This talent is a talent exclusive to powerful dark wizards."

"This is even more wrong, professor. Since the Gaunt family is responsible for maintaining the secret room, at least someone from them must speak Parseltongue, otherwise they won't even be able to open the entrance to the secret room." , Get the answer from Dumbledore.

But as soon as I finished speaking, I felt a little bad.

Sure enough, Dumbledore looked over silently again. He hasn't explained what Parseltongue means?

Um, no, as Luo Chen, knowing Parseltongue doesn't seem to be a problem.

After all, people even know how to destroy Horcruxes.

One Horcrux has now been wiped out.

Alas, it is too old to be dissatisfied!

It's a pity that the real world is reality, and the world will always follow the prophecy.

Although Luo Chen is powerful, he is not the prophesied savior after all.

"It's a pity that there is no record in the notes."

"Perhaps they have some ancestral teachings, well, let's go in." As Dumbledore's voice fell, the black mist completely disappeared.

This first trap has been broken through.

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