Originally, Luochen thought this was the real world.

When the third Harry Potter movie was filmed, the director and many actors were changed.

So the original role of playing Old Tom was also changed. He thought it was just a change he had to make in order to shoot the movie.

But I didn't expect that in this real world, this old Tom turned into that appearance by accident.

Then Luochen inexplicably remembered that Hagrid had mentioned to him that old Tom had exchanged with him a long time ago, a full pint of Acromantus venom.

At that time, Luo Chen didn't think there was anything wrong, he just thought that this old Tom wanted to do some bad business.

But look at it now.

He must have done some dangerous magic.

He even modified his own body.

Luo Chen frowned and waved his hand lightly. The various utensils and beakers on the square table slowly flew up and landed steadily on the ground, and then controlled Old Tom's body to land on the table.

"Quick recovery!"

Pointing the wand at Old Tom's body, he used the revive spell, but it had no effect, the other party just groaned unconsciously.

Luo Chen has never encountered such a situation.

After much deliberation, I feel that there is only one more reliable method left. Moving the wand, it aimed at Old Tom's right waist.

Released a mantra of rejuvenating spring with a dead tree, injecting vitality and vitality into it.

Stimulates its rapid release of adrenaline.

Used to wake up the body's functions.

Because he had a very good experimental product under his hands, Peter, Luo Chen was now able to control the released magical energy very well.

The latter's voice became louder and louder, and his complexion became much better than the previous blue-gray. So Luo Chen cast another spell on Old Tom's other waist.

After doing it 6 times in a row.

Old Tom finally woke up from his coma, but his face still showed a gray and defeated look.

The originally chubby cheeks seemed to be left with only a thin layer of flesh sticking to the bones.

The whole person is full of weakness.

His eyes were chaotic, he hadn't reacted when he just opened his eyes, and stared at Luo Chen for a long time before he came back to his senses.

He was about to stand up with his palms on the table, but the pain in his body made him grin his teeth.

looked around.

And Luo Chen happened to be in the wine storage room right now.

Lao Tang didn't understand, he must have failed the experiment and was rescued by Luo Chen.

"Mr. Bichar, thank you very much."

Not daring to think too much, Old Tom bowed deeply to Luo Chen. Luo Chen did not refuse, but accepted it frankly.

Taking a step back, he pointed to the oak wine barrel next to him with his left hand, which immediately turned into an exquisite high-backed chair, and Luo Chen took the opportunity to sit down.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"You should know, but all body modification experiments are black magic, which is strictly prohibited by the Ministry of Magic."

"Besides, you are actually conducting experiments in this Leaky Cauldron, in this wine storage room, not to mention whether there will be any accidents. Even if you are successful, if anyone sees you and reports you, you have to Honestly go to Azkaban and squat."

Luo Chen preached, and finally added: "Don't think that anyone can be Seymour!"

Old Tom has been listening to the lesson respectfully.

His back was arched so high that it couldn't recover anymore, and he was even shorter than before.

"Yes, Mr. Bichar, I will definitely pay attention next time"

"Next time? You still want to have a next time!" Luo Chen raised his voice. He has always valued old Tom more. His location and identity are a good source of intelligence.

"It shouldn't be a moment of enthusiasm for you to modify and experiment with your own body. Tell me, what went wrong?"

Old Tom opened his mouth.

Then he closed it tightly again, without saying anything.

"After passing this village, there is no such store anymore. I'll give you another chance!" Luo Chen finished speaking, thought for a while, and added, "You have three minutes to think about it!"

Luo Chen slowly closed his eyes, resting his left leg on his right leg, with a relaxed expression on his face.

As a result, before half a minute had passed, Old Tom couldn't bear it anymore.

"Mr. Bichar, there is a question I don't know..."

"Don't engage in these fake polites, I know what you want to ask, yes, I was the one who wiped out the Lestrange family...Of course, there are three core members of the Lestrange family in Azkaban. So I don't count as destroying the Lestrange family."

Luo Chen said with his eyes closed, his voice was very soft, and his words were full of contradictions.

But after Old Tom heard this, he was still taken aback, even though he had already guessed.

And I regret it a bit.

"That's right, sir, I really need power." Old Tom confessed to Luochen, "I have a note on human experiments in my hand, and I can borrow some magic materials from magical animals to strengthen part of my magic. Got it from a Death Eater, so I..."

Luo Chen didn't interrupt, and listened all the way through, thinking that this Voldemort is indeed the devil who was suppressed by many wizards in the British wizarding world, including the Ministry of Magic, to prevent any information about him from being kept in the world.

Even though he has disappeared for more than ten years, those Death Eaters left behind by him.

Still working in the dark.

However, Voldemort himself is quite pitiful.

The activities of the Death Eaters are activities, except for those locked in Azkaban. This guy was wandering around outside, and he didn't say that anyone went to look for him and welcome him back.

"So who is your target?"

"I, I..." Old Tom still hesitated, and Luo Chen became a little impatient.

"Forget it, I'll give you two choices now. After all, up to now, you are the only one who knows my secret. The first is to surrender to me, and the second is to cast the Forgetting Curse on you."

It's not that Luo Chen has been planning this idea for a day or two, it's just that there has never been a suitable opportunity before.

Originally, he was thinking that the other party made his own request, Luo Chen made a promise, and then accepted Old Tom smoothly.

Then check his loyalty, and you can get a good intelligence officer.

But I didn't expect that Old Tom was still stubborn.

So Luo Chen didn't ink any more.

The latter was a little surprised when he heard these two plans at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that Luochen even wiped out the Lestrange family. So it's no surprise that you can say that.

After some struggle, I accepted it.

"I chose number 1, but..."

"Let me help you avenge?"

"No, I hope that one day I can collect debts by myself!"

"Understood, the same sentence, what you need is strong strength." Luo Chen said.

"Yes!" Old Tom looked at Luo Chen up to now, his tone was very calm, he felt a little uneasy, and he had an idea, and added: "I can directly swear to you, and sign an unbreakable oath with you!"

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