People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 209: Old Tom Who Conducted Human Experiments Privately

It is the preparations he made before, which will waste a lot.

This made Luo Chen somewhat unwilling.

But let him help this Sirius Black escape?

I'm sorry, Luo Chen couldn't do it.

No one can deny that Luochen's biological parents who occupied his body died because of the battle between Sirius and Pettigrew Peter.

Even in the original, this Sirius Black is on the side of justice.

And it was Pettigrew Peter who made the fatal attack.

But this Sirius Black is also inseparable.

Luo Chen was able to bear it, and involved him for no reason. Quietly ran to Azkaban to kill him, this is already for the sake of the identity of the traverser and the influence value.

So in the end, Luo Chen simply pressed the matter down and stopped paying attention.

Continue with your daily teaching.

And he is becoming more and more popular among the professors and teachers at Hogwarts. After all, every time Luo Chen teaches, the scene is extremely grand.

In the final analysis is a word, cool!

For these little wizards in the seventh grade.

Whether they are rebellious or adults, what they like most is this kind of thrill-seeking life.

By the way, there was one thing Luo Chen didn't expect.

That is, after McGonagall, Hermione, and Harry Potter got Luochen's Nanke Yimeng Curse, they haven't started yet.

I don't know where the problem is.

Anyway, when they came to ask him for advice, Luo Chen tried his best to tell them the tricks he learned.

As for Luna who also obtained this magic?

Luo Chen didn't ask, but he probably couldn't grasp it!

Speaking of which, besides Luo Chen, the most popular creature these days is the Pu Rong Rong.

Thanks to Luo Chen's selfishness, Luo Chen would always bring this velvet with him when he was in class or eating.

And those little wizards also saw the power of Purongrong.

Scenes such as copper heads and iron arms, words and actions, super rebound, and small fists hitting your chest, etc., emerge in endlessly.

Although I knew in my heart that it was fake, it was just a dream, an illusion.

But they still gradually developed similar thoughts with Luo Chen, that this velvet is the pet that a hunk should have.

Naturally, Luo Chen took this opportunity to gain more than 100 points of influence.

Now Hogwarts doesn't say that everyone has a pudding, right?

But more than 400 cattails can still be found.

Because the dean of Slytherin House is Snape, the notice issued does not allow students in their house to raise creatures like velvet.

Coupled with the environment in which they grew up, it is difficult to develop a good impression of this weak and useless creature.

As for the main reason, Luo Chen knew that Snape felt that because of the popularity of the plush, he felt that the masculinity in the college was much less.

If it goes on for a long time, I am afraid it will not be conducive to the mental health of students.

When Luo Chen heard this, he was naturally very angry... He dared to obstruct him from earning influence points, so while he was teaching, he was also studying how to transform creatures like velvet.

Unfortunately, there is still no progress in a short time.

Also, due to this inexplicable contradiction. The implementation of the "Hogwarts College Rules" that Luochen intended to promote at the teachers' meeting into the compulsory subjects for students has also been blocked.

According to Dumbledore, this matter wants to be implemented. At least Dean Saida must agree to it.

But Snape couldn't pass this level, obviously it didn't work.

Mag kept her promise at the time and kept pushing forward with all her strength. They have even been required to have at least one copy of the "Hogwarts College Rules" in each dormitory of each grade in Gryffindor College.

They are not required to recite the full text, but they must know how to obey the rules.

Although the more this is the case, the harder it is for them to be caught when they make mistakes, and it has not stopped, and there is even a more intense trend.

As a price, the house points of Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and especially Slytherin House also dropped along with Gryffindor House.

After all, as a brave little lion.

When they challenged the rules, they couldn't play with themselves. They had to compare themselves with the young wizards in other colleges who didn't know the rules, in order to show their sense of superiority.

This time is abnormal, and other teachers also have slight complaints about it.

After all, the above half of the ways of violating discipline cannot escape the path of provoking the teacher.

But in view of Luochen's powerful strength, and Mag's all-out efforts.

Even if you feel uncomfortable complaining, you are still cautious, and you dare not directly express your attitude at a teacher meeting that may not be held in a few months.

But Luo Chen thinks this is just right

After a long time, these teachers and professors tirelessly, will naturally make up their minds to promote it with all their strength, even Snape can't escape this shackle.

During the recent period, his private medicinal material warehouse has suffered a great disaster!

Slowly ferment it!

Originally, Luo Chen did not expect to be able to do it in one go.

At least Dumbledore exists, and it is impossible for him to restrain Harry Potter, Ron and others through these rules.

More than half a month has passed, and it seems that the Chinese New Year is coming.

Luo Chen planned to take advantage of this good day to visit the ancestral land of this body.

Also pay homage to the parents of this body.

and verify a guess.

As a result, he just turned to the Leaky Cauldron at night, when he was about to call the Knight Bus to go there.

Suddenly, an explosion was heard from the Leaky Cauldron.

Something blew up?

Luo Chen immediately pushed the door open and went in, only to find that a large amount of black smoke filled the hall at some point.

Filled with pungent and fishy smell.

He covered his mouth and nose, and activated the Chasing Wind and Shadow Charm. What if the mist is poisonous?

Fortunately, at the moment, there are no customers on the first floor of the Leaky Cauldron.

The waiter who is in charge of cleaning on weekdays has already left work and is not here anymore.

After waiting for a while, Luo Chen didn't see any guest coming down from the second floor. He set his gaze on the door in a narrow corridor at the bottom of the stairs.

Luochen knew that it was the wine cellar of the Leaky Cauldron.

Except for the boss, Old Tom, the only ones who could enter that place were the waiters. It is usually locked, but at this point in time, it is estimated that only Old Tom is there.

"Catch the wind and catch the shadow!"

Now that something is wrong, definitely check it out.

Luo Chen cast a spell to condense the stench and black mist in the air into a tiny sphere.

And conjured a glass bottle and put it in. From the gap in the door, black mist still came out from time to time, but it was much less.

While continuing to absorb and condense, Luo Chen leaned over.

These doors should be locked, but because of the previous explosion, all the bolts on them collapsed.

Walking along the crack of the door, seeing that the black mist was still permeating inside, Luo Chen increased the intensity of absorption.

After a while, after seeing the situation inside clearly, Luo Chen was shocked again.

Old Tom deliberately vacated an area in this small wine cellar, and he was curled up under a square table at this time.

His face was full of pain, his body was bent, and the hair on his head had already fallen out.

"Like this?"

It was his appearance, which made Luo Chen rub his eyes in disbelief.

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