People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 292 Join forces to plan [Please subscribe]

There are forty-five thousand miles between heaven and earth.

Yang Jian stood in the void, looking down at the Huashan Mountain at his feet. At this moment, his heart was conflicted, and there was an inexplicable hostility towards the person who abducted Yang Chan.

That's right, abducted.

In Yang Jian's heart, his sister is so innocent. If she hadn't been blinded by the sweet words of mortals in the lower world, how could she have violated the rules of heaven at this juncture?

Yang Jian's own situation is already extremely difficult. He does not believe that his biological sister will embarrass him at this time.

"Hmph, if I go down and pretend to launch an attack to investigate, that damn mortal doesn't even have the courage to stand in front of Third Sister, so don't blame me for being ruthless."

Yang Jian's eyes narrowed slightly and he made up his mind.

In his opinion, it is not a big mistake for immortals to fall in love. If falling in love was also a mistake, then Yang Jian would not appear in this world.

Yang Jian, who had the same experience, has never been hostile to mortals. To this day, Yang Jian still believes that his unarmed father, who cannot even defeat the most common heavenly soldiers in heaven, is the bravest man in the world.

Yang Tianyou is willing to die for Yao Ji.

Comparing his feelings, even if Yang Jian lowered his standards and would not really kill the man who abducted his sister, he would never accept that he was a coward who did not even have the courage to stand up and face him.

With a movement of body, Yang Jian went down to earth.


Huashan, Notre Dame Temple.

An open space at the back was cleared by Yang Chan and several thatched houses were built. A family of three lived in them and felt indescribable warmth.

Zhang Jingyun held Agarwood in his arms. The little Agarwood, which was less than a month old, was already beginning to look extraordinary. In the hot summer, it didn't feel hot at all, didn't cry or fuss, and even heard sweet laughter from time to time.

He was born with a demigod body, possessing spirituality. He was not afraid of severe cold or scorching heat, and his whole body was filled with rich aura of heaven and earth.

This would be extraordinary if placed in the world of cultivating immortals. A perfect heaven-defying physique, a natural holy body, etc., if combined with some strange phenomena...

Zhang Jingyun had to shout,

My son Agarwood has the appearance of an emperor!

"I don't know why, but I suddenly had a bad feeling. Did something happen to my second brother?" Yang Chan, who was leaning next to Zhang Jingyun, suddenly sat upright.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. He was proficient in calculation methods, and he also felt a big crisis, and it would soon befall him.

"Calculating the time, it's almost time."

Zhang Jingyun knew that the matter between him and Yang Chan could not be hidden. After all, paper could not cover the fire, and no matter how he calculated, Yang Chan was destined to be in trouble.

The fate of being trapped under Mount Hua cannot be changed. Even the system mission is to modify the rules of heaven so that the Three Holy Mothers can regain their freedom.

In Zhang Jingyun's view, Yang Chan's being forced down Mount Huashan was the trigger for the plot of Lotus Lantern and the most important move made by Yang Jian to change the rules of heaven.

Between the hundreds of thousands of people in Beijun and the Three Holy Mothers, he could only sacrifice himself and choose hundreds of thousands of people. Yang Jian was worthy of the people, but he was sorry for Yang Chan.

Even if he chooses to break into the Lingxiao Palace at all costs and force the Jade Emperor to modify the rules of heaven, more people will only be implicated.

And with the arrival of Jin Chanzi, Yang Jian already knew that the preparations he had made over the years were not sufficient, and it was far from enough to achieve the purpose of amending the rules of heaven.

Yang Jian ruthlessly suppressed Yang Chan under Huashan, which was also an expedient measure. Later results proved that Yang Jian made the right choice.

It was only more than twenty days before and after. To the human world, only more than twenty years had passed. At that time, not only were the rules of heaven changed, but Chenxiang also transformed from a naughty kid who only wanted to be a member of the Communist Party of China to a well-known figure in the three realms. Big shot.

All kinds of calculations, the core is just one word, patience!

Not only did Yang Jian have to endure it, but he also had to endure the betrayal and separation from his relatives, the hostility of his nephew, and the confusion of his lover, and even the Three Holy Mothers had to endure it.

Compared with modifying the rules of heaven.

What does it mean to stay under Mount Hua for sixteen years?

Zhang Jingyun knew that this day would come sooner or later, but he did not expect that Yang Jian would come to Huashan alone first.

With a creak, the door opened.

Neither Zhang Jingyun nor Yang Chan noticed the abnormality in advance until a weather-beaten face that was as handsome as Zhang Jingyun appeared in their eyes.

"Second brother!" Yang Chan was shocked.

In contrast, Zhang Jingyun was much calmer. He looked at Yang Jian carefully and saw that he was wearing a crown with a fan and a Taoist silk ribbon. His eyes were deep, full of calmness, rationality, and intelligence.

"It's you!"

Yang Jian was also surprised.

Because the mortal who kidnapped his own sister in front of him had helped him a lot before, Yang Jian even thought about how to repay him.

But now, no matter how much Yang Jian thinks about repaying him, he can't help but want to beat him violently. The number one sister control in the three realms is not just talk.

"Second brother, listen to my explanation, don't hurt him!" Yang Chan looked panicked. He knew that Yang Jian's arrival was not a good thing for Zhang Jingyun.

When Yang Jian saw Yang Chan handing the child over to Zhang Jingyun and stepped forward to block him, Yang Jian suddenly felt more murderous intent towards Zhang Jingyun in his heart.

"Do you only hide behind women?"

Yang Jian thought in his heart.

But at this time, Zhang Jingyun did not take the agarwood, but forcefully pulled Yang Chan behind him, and met Yang Jian with calm eyes.

"Zhenjun, we meet again."

Zhang Jingyun's approach made Yang Jian appreciate it more. Being able to see Yang Tianyou's figure, Yang Jian's hostility towards Zhang Jingyun also disappeared a lot for a while.

"Did you do it on purpose last time?"

Yang Jian suddenly realized, "Since you deliberately helped me get rid of Tiannu last time, then you also deliberately helped me when digging ditches in Nan County last time?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head, "Zhenjun is overthinking. I was just a mortal at that time, and I didn't know how to calculate with my fingers. How could I know that Zhenjun was in trouble?"

A trace of undetectable embarrassment flashed across Yang Jian's face. At that time, he had repeatedly confirmed that Zhang Jingyun was just a mortal, just a mess.

"Hmph, even if you helped me, you can't offset the crime you committed today. And you, Yang Chan, do you know how much trouble you have caused?"

Yang Jian lowered his face and scolded angrily.

Yang Chan was about to speak when he saw Zhang Jingyun wink. The latter understood after thinking about it, and then sent Chenxiang to Yang Jian, "Second brother, let's not talk about this for now. Come and see your nephew. Yanchang named him Chenxiang."

"Agarwood? Why did you choose the name? It sounds like a girl's name. Fortunately, he is a scholar who has won three yuan in a row."

Yang Jian was dissatisfied, but he took the agarwood with both hands with great care, stretched out his fingers, and brushed agarwood's cheek lovingly.

"Agarwood is our love token."

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but stab Yang Jian.

Yang Jian twitched the corner of his mouth, handed the child back, looked at Zhang Jingyun with stern eyes, and then flicked his wrist to summon a three-pointed two-edged knife.

"The last time I came down to earth, I saw that you still had some cultivation. After not seeing you for a few days, you have become a lot more courageous. I will give you a chance. If you leave Third Sister, I will spare your life!"

Yang Jian said coldly.

"My father-in-law has never left my mother-in-law. Although I am not talented and dare not try to surpass my father-in-law, I hope that the true king will not underestimate me."

Zhang Jingyun has seen what it means to turn his back on others, but he is not scared. The complete recovery of his cultivation level has given Zhang Jingyun a little more confidence, although he is still no match for Yang Jian.

"Since you already know the fate of my father, you should understand that gods and mortals will not have a good ending. Why drag the third sister into the sea of ​​misery?"

Zhang Jingyun sighed: "This is where Zhenjun is dissatisfied with me, but it is also where I am not as good as my father-in-law. Even from the first sight of my wife, I swore that I would be with her.

As for the bad ending between gods and mortals, I had a good chance and picked up jade tree fragments. I heard that they were transformed from Pangu's eyelashes. So far, I have become as good as ordinary gods. "

Yang Jian twitched the corner of his mouth, Guanghan Palace Yushu again, this matter is not over, right? You can take it out anytime and light it up for yourself.

"Then let me see what you are capable of."

Yang Jian had long made up his mind and would not give up until he gave the mortal who abducted his sister a lesson.

Zhang Jingyun did not retreat but advanced, and stepped outside the room: "The room is small. If you really want to give me some advice, why don't you come outside."

Yang Jian smiled, "You asked for it!"

He was worried that he wouldn't be able to attack Zhang Jingyun in front of Yang Chan, but he didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to ask for a beating. Someone would give him a pillow when he fell asleep.

Yang Jian flashed and appeared in mid-air, holding a three-pointed two-edged sword and confronting Zhang Jingyun. In his opinion, Zhang Jingyun had only been practicing for a year, so even if he had an unexpected encounter, he was no match for him.

"Just because he still has some courage, I'll just give him a beating. It will save my third sister from grief." Yang Jian thought in his heart, and then slashed with a two-edged knife, and the invisible magic power divided the clouds in the sky into two sides.

With a little use of mana, it has such destructive power. If Yang Jian uses all his strength, he can definitely give the earth a center.

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Yang Jian may be pretending to others, but he can never pretend to himself. He really hates himself for kidnapping Yang Chan."


A melodious and heavy sound echoed through the clouds.

Yang Jian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw a black cauldron suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Jingyun, which was pitch black and full of scars. As his attack landed on the black cauldron, a five-color divine light flashed through, and the attack was resolved.

"What a divine cauldron. It seems that you have great fortune. Who are you?" Yang Jian thought thoughtfully and actually doubted Zhang Jingyun's origins.

Zhang Jingyun had no choice but to reveal the Five Elements Heavenly Emperor Cauldron. If not, he would have suffered some injuries if he blocked Yang Jian's attack, and his level could not be any worse.

Yang Jian had practiced the Nine-turn Xuan Gong to the sixth level. Zhang Jingyun's peak state was equivalent to the third level of Xuan Gong. This was because Yang Jian didn't want to kill him.

"See for yourself, Zhenjun."

Zhang Jingyun started to use Xuan Gong, and a familiar feeling came to Yang Jian's heart, which made him quite speechless for a moment. It was Master Yuding who did something good again.

"Your cauldron..."

"It's the same as the jade tree fragments, picked up."

Yang Jian had a dark look on his face: "Are you good at picking things up?"

"To be honest with you, I have picked up a lot of things. I will show them slowly when I have the opportunity in the future. Speaking of which, I can always see some figures in this jade tree fragment. Now that the fragment is of no use to my practice, I gave it to True Lord."

Zhang Jingyun handed Yang Jian the jade tree fragments that he had painstakingly found from Xijun. When the jade trees were broken, the fragments scattered around the world. The world was so big that it took Zhang Jingyun several months to find a piece.

Yang Jian took the fragment and used his magic power to explore the inside. Sure enough, he vaguely saw a figure, smashing the jade tree with one punch and then running away.

Anyone who is familiar with Yang Jian will definitely be able to see it, and Yang Jian himself can see it at a glance, and he can't help but have a headache for a while.

There are so many jade tree fragments.

He didn't know how many people had grabbed hold of him. Breaking Pangu's eyelashes was a serious crime. Yang Jian just didn't want to let these trivial matters hold him back at this juncture.

"Hey!" Yang Jian suddenly sighed, "To be honest, you surprised me, although I have to admit that it's worth it for Third Sister to choose you."

Zhang Jingyun actually felt flattered. Yang Jian was not only proud, but also very arrogant. It was really rare that he would praise himself.


Yang Jian changed the topic: "The Queen Mother has given an order, ordering me to capture the third sister and suppress her under Mount Hua. It's too late."

"Then the True Lord should be leading the Heavenly Soldiers and the Heavenly Future at this moment. Being alone obviously has ulterior motives. I also know from my wife that the True Lord is not such a person."

"I have no choice." Yang Jian shook his head.

Zhang Jingyun said: "In my opinion, on the contrary, Zhenjun has already made his choice, and my wife and I are ready to cooperate with you."

Yang Jian:"???"

Yang Jian looked confused. What was he going to do? Why doesn't he know it himself? Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted again by Zhang Jingyun.

"Stop talking about it. Heaven's secrets must not be leaked. I understand this, and so does the lady. Otherwise, he wouldn't trust me to face you alone, right? The lady is holding the lotus lantern and adding me. Even if I can't defeat the heavenly soldiers, how can I still do it?" Can't you run away?" Zhang Jingyun said solemnly.

This is the truth. Yang Chan and Zhang Jingyun, working together, were able to escape from the capture of the heavenly soldiers and generals. Yang Jian was unable to stop them, but what he didn't understand was what did Zhang Jingyun and Yang Chan know?

Why does he almost don't understand?

"Isn't it just suppressed at the foot of Huashan Mountain? It just so happens that in the past few years, my wife has been in great prosperity and has made great progress, so she can practice in seclusion under Huashan Mountain.

As for the external matters, leave it to you and me. It is not easy to change the rules of heaven. It requires careful planning, just like the rise of the true king in the past, but this time it is replaced by the nephew of the true king. "

Zhang Jingyun's words made Yang Jian feel suddenly enlightened. Before coming to Huashan, he only had some vague ideas in his mind.

Following Zhang Jingyun's reminder, Yang Jian immediately realized that once again, he rebelled and caused trouble in heaven last time, which led to the current situation.

Now that the rules of heaven are rotten and the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother refuse to listen, they can only repeat their old tricks and let agarwood become an opportunity to change the rules of heaven.

"True Lord?"

Zhang Jingyun's voice interrupted Yang Jian's thoughts: "What's wrong?" For some reason, Yang Jian's attitude towards him suddenly changed a lot.

"Zhenjun looks confused. Could it be that my wife and I misunderstood the meaning? This is not your plan, and you don't want to hide it later?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

Yang Jian's face was slightly red, and he was actually a little ashamed. He, the god of justice, had not thought of such a grand plan, but Zhang Jingyun could.

"Winning three yuan in a row is really amazing!"

Yang Jian secretly admitted, and said smoothly: "Now that you understand it, then act according to the plan."

After pondering for two seconds, Yang Jian then spoke again: "Even though Third Sister has suffered so much, I don't know if she can understand me."

Zhang Jingyun said: "I have already told my wife, but no one on Zhenjun's side understands, even Chang'e has to hide it...

You can only be patient and patient. As long as the rules of heaven are changed, it will be natural for you and Fairy Chang'e to be together. "

Yang Jian's face turned red.

He quibbled, "Nonsense, it's nothing..."

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