People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 291 Tantan Merit Buddha【Please subscribe】

"Give birth, give birth, with a teapot spout!" Ao Tingxin ran out to announce the good news to Zhang Jingyun with an excited look on her face, with bursts of blush on her cheeks, as if she was more excited than giving birth to her own child.

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth, "It's just my son. Why does he have a teapot spout? You describe him so vividly."

After experiencing many worlds in the world, Zhang Jingyun realized that he had had so many children and was rich in experience, so he would not be too surprised. However, this time was still a little special.

Yang Chan is a true immortal, and her cultivation level is much stronger than Zhang Jingyun. Zhang Jingyun has not returned to the fairyland at this time, so he is still a mortal. Therefore, isn't Little Agarwood a semi-immortal? Half a god!

Among Zhang Jingyun's many children, Chen Xiang is definitely the most talented one, even better than Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun's bloodline is not enough to affect Chenxiang. Although he has the bloodline of a true dragon in his body, he is still unable to compare with Yang Chan.

The fundamental reason why Yang Chan and Yang Jian are so powerful is that the blood of Yao Ji flows in their bodies. Yao Ji is the sister of the Jade Emperor and has the same bloodline. She is definitely the strongest bloodline in this world.

Sometimes Zhang Jingyun also envies Agarwood.

I have a mother who is kind-hearted and extraordinary, and I have an uncle who is omnipotent in the three worlds. Although my uncle and my parents are somewhat at odds, my uncle still chooses to cultivate him with all his strength.

In the original plot, Chen Xiang's first sixteen years were no different from ordinary people, even a little too ordinary. Even eating chicken drumsticks was a luxury.

Of course, this is all because Liu Yanchang is a waste. Not only can he not bring happiness to Yang Chan, but his own son also has a stumbling life and has not cultivated any outstanding qualities. He spent sixteen years of muddling through and almost ruined Chenxiang's life.

At that time, Yang Jian found Chen Xiang and Liu Yanchang and did not kill Liu Yanchang immediately because he had a loving heart.

Therefore, there is no need to talk about the first sixteen years of Agarwood, but the following four years can be said to be beyond description in words.

Look what he has done? Wreaking havoc in the Heavenly Palace, stealing elixirs, and eating flat peaches, let’s do what Sun Wukong did first.

Then, he went to the heaven to confront the Queen Mother, secretly apprenticed to Sun Wukong, fought with Yang Jian, fought three ancient gods, and was able to open the god's ax and split the mountain to save his mother.

In just four years, he has grown up to be on par with Yang Jian and others. This is the result of Yang Jian's education. Looking at Liu Yanchang in turn, what a hook.

It is true that Yang Jian uses agarwood, but in the process, it is more about tempering agarwood. Yang Jian's love for agarwood is no worse than Liu Yanchang, or even more.

Not to mention that when Chen Xiang was growing up, he also picked up a little fox as his wife. If Zhang Jingyun had such an uncle, wouldn't he be able to support him?

"Listen to your heart, thank you!"

Zhang Jingyun must be happy to have a son. Although he knows Chen Xiang's future trajectory, the feeling that blood is thicker than water cannot be deceived.

Ao Tingxin was grabbed by Zhang Jingyun's shoulders so hard that she was shaken twice until her brain became confused. Then she was held in Zhang Jingyun's arms excitedly. Although she was delivered quickly, Ao Tingxin still felt a little weak in her legs and feet.

There was even an unknown feeling welling up in my heart: "Strange, why does my face feel so hot? Is it because the weather is getting warmer?"

It's not the hot summer, and Ao Tingxin is a god, so the hot weather won't make her blush. Maybe Ao Tingxin also feels regretful from time to time.

If Zhang Jingyun finally failed the exam, he would probably go to the East China Sea with him. Does that mean that now he is the one giving birth to the child, not Yang Chan?

"Ah! Where do all these random thoughts come from!" Ao Tingxin put all the distracting thoughts behind and entered the room one after another with Zhang Jingyun.

After the birth of agarwood, Zhang Jingyun had one more thing to do. At Yang Chan's strong request, he once again asked his classmates and friends to transport a piece of fine agarwood back from Dali.

Of course, this time it was not to make a tea tray, but to make something special. Zhang Jingyun carved the names of the three members of his family on an agarwood sign, then strung the three wooden signs together, hung them with a red rope, and when the wind blew, When the wooden signs hit each other, they will make a special sound, like wind chimes.

Yang Chan recalled what her father once said when she was a child, "My father said that our home is actually like this wind chime.

Each of us is an integral part of the family. Only when we are reunited can we play happy music.

Agarwood is the name of our child, and the wind chimes made of agarwood represent our home, which we will never be apart from for the rest of our lives. "

Zhang Jingyun lowered his head and looked at the agarwood in his arms. The little agarwood's skin was plump and crystal clear as jade. It was like a fairy with jade bones.

As if she felt something, Chen Xiang let out a loud cry and cried loudly. Yang Chan quickly picked him up and sang children's songs softly.

"There is a mountain in the distance, and there is a tree on the mountain.

There is a thatched house under the tree,

The family lives in the house and is very happy.

There is a cloud in the sky, slowly dispersing into fog,

The wind on the ground is chasing~"

As expected, Agarwood calmed down. Thousands of years ago, Yao Ji often sang this children's song to her three children. Now the singer is Yang Chan.

Zhang Jingyun held Yang Chan and Agarwood in his arms. With a wife and a son in this world, what else could he be dissatisfied with.

The next day.

Zhang Jingyun met someone by chance at the foot of the mountain.

"Ding Da?" Zhang Jingyun recognized the other party.

Ding Da blinked his eyes and saw that it was Zhang Jingyun. He almost threw the son in his arms to the ground in excitement, but luckily he managed to hold on, "It's really you!"

Zhang Jingyun smiled: "You have a son?"

Ding Da wished he could kneel down to Zhang Jingyun and said: "I listened to your advice. From that day on, I started doing good deeds, opened a porridge shop, and helped the people.

When I met a woman who sold her body to bury her father, I gave her ten taels of silver without asking for anything in return. I didn’t expect that the next one would turn out to be a son. Fortunately, I listened to your words. "

Ding Da had had twelve daughters in a row before, but he didn't have a son. It was all the result of Yang Chan's punishment of Ding Da. Did he dare to go to the fish and meat village again?

Later, Ding Da's good deeds gradually benefited everyone. Not only did Ding Da become a good person, but he also had a son as he wished. How could he not be grateful to Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun said to Ding Da: "Congratulations, it's a coincidence that I also had a son not long ago, named Agarwood."

Ding Da's eyes lit up and he said to Zhang Jingyun, "What a coincidence. My mother-in-law is pregnant with another child. I don't know the gender yet. How about we help them sublimate their relationship?"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly remembered that in the plot of Lotus Lantern, after Ding Da gave birth to a son, he also got a daughter. Because Liu Yanchang named his son Agarwood, Ding Da named his daughter Lilac and wanted to get married by fingertips.

As for Ding Dahe's hard-earned son, he was killed by scattered boulders when Yang Jian suppressed Yang Chan, and he ended up miserable.

Zhang Jingyun asked: "How do you want to sublime?"

Ding Da said enthusiastically: "If it's a boy, then we'll marry Jinlan. If it's a girl, then we'll marry her as our son-in-law. How about that?"

Zhang Jingyun laughed, "Ding Da, Ding Da, how can you be so careless about your children? If you don't like each other in the future, wouldn't you harm them?"

"As the saying goes, it's the parents' orders and the matchmaker's words. When it's their turn to make the decision on marriage, shouldn't we make the decision?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and said: "Let's stop here. It's not that I look down on Brother Ding. It's really because I love my child and will not force him to do things he doesn't want to do. If they are destined, they can get married without you and me matching them. Lianli.

But Brother Ding, I see that you have been in a bad mood recently, and I am afraid that you are facing a disaster in your life. If you don't find a way to resolve it, I am afraid that it will be a disaster. "

When Ding Da heard this, he didn't even think about getting married. Life-related matters must be more important than marrying his children. "Please give me some advice!"

"Within three months, no matter what happens, remember not to go to Mount Huashan. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the gods to save you." Zhang Jingyun said.

"You can't go to Huashan within three months... Remember, remember!" Ding Da was so frightened that he said goodbye to Zhang Jingyun and hid at home. Not only did he go to Huashan, he didn't even dare to take a step home.

Return to the Temple of Our Lady.

Yang Chan was coaxing Chenxiang, and Zhang Jingyun took it over and teased him with the toy he bought from the mountain. Chenxiang smiled like a tiger.

"I've had a bad feeling lately."

Yang Chan suddenly said.

Zhang Jingyun paused and said, "There is a distance of ninety thousand miles between heaven and earth. One day in the sky and one year on the earth. It has been too peaceful for more than a year."

Behind the calm lies a greater crisis.

"You feel that way too?"

Zhang Jingyun nodded, "But I have already mastered the first three turns of the Nine Turns Xuan Gong, which is comparable to that of an immortal. I am somewhat capable of dealing with crises."

"Third transfer?" Yang Chan asked in surprise.

In just a short time, Zhang Jingyun has reached the third level of Xuan Gong. If he was given ten or a hundred years, wouldn't he be able to compete with Yang Jian?

"When I have the opportunity, I will go and discuss the following techniques with Master Yuding." Yang Chan said.

Zhang Jingyun chuckled: "I'm afraid he won't give it."

Although Master Yuding is not very strong, his calculation ability is extremely powerful. I am afraid that he has already had a premonition that teaching the following techniques will cause huge trouble.

"Your cultivation has improved too quickly."

Yang Chan couldn't help but say, Zhang Jingyun flipped his wrist and took out a blue crystal, which was a jade tree fragment, and then said what he said to deceive Yang Jian again.

"Did your second brother break the Moon Palace Yushu?" Zhang Jingyun suddenly said, and Yang Chan was convinced when she heard this.

"I didn't expect you to have such a good fortune, but don't let others know about my second brother smashing the Yushu. He is already troublesome enough."

"I see."


There are forty-five thousand miles between heaven and earth.

Yang Jian's 1,200 grass-headed gods gathered here. In addition to the grass-headed gods, there were also hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals that the Queen Mother asked Yang Jian to mobilize.

In the Temple of the True King, the candlelight is weak.

The candlelight shone on Yang Jian's face, reflecting half of it in the light and half in the dark. He could never make the final choice.

"Second Master, are you trying to force the Jade Emperor to change his rules?"

Meishan Laoliu was eager to give it a try.

Yang Jian's face trembled slightly, and he said word by word: "Send troops to Huashan to capture the Three Holy Mothers!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

The boss of Meishan couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "Second Master, have you forgotten what you said? What if you touch the mortal heart! So what if you break the rules of heaven! Whoever dares to touch my sister will be dead!"

Yang Jian felt a pain in his heart and closed his eyes.

"Second Master, that's your biological sister! We all see how much you love her. Even if we can't change the rules of heaven, we can't let her harm her..."

"That's enough!" Yang Jian shouted.

At this moment, Roaring Sky Dog transformed into a human form and reported: "Master, we have found out clearly that the Third Holy Mother and that mortal have a child."

Yang Jian opened his eyes, but it was even more painful, "Why? Do you want me to kill my newly born nephew with my own hands?"

Anger arose in his heart, and Yang Jian summoned a three-pointed two-edged sword, "You're right, it doesn't matter if you touch the world, it doesn't matter if you break the rules of heaven! Who made her my sister!

Old five and six, you will lead the grass-headed gods and control the heavenly soldiers and generals in a moment. The rest of you will follow me to the heaven! "

The six Meishan monsters looked at each other with determined expressions on their faces. They had been waiting for thousands of years, and Yang Jian finally made up his mind to rebel against this day!

Yang Jian was walking in front, but as soon as the temple door opened, he was blocked by a monk wearing cassocks and covered with Buddha's light.


The monk turned around and Yang Jian recognized him.

"Tang Sanzang!" Roaring Sky Dog also recognized the person. Tang Sanzang smiled slightly, clasped his hands together, and said solemnly: "The poor monk Zhantan Merit Buddha!"

"Master returned from studying scriptures in the West. His merits and virtues were perfect, and he was named the Sandalwood Merit Buddha by the Buddha. I visited the True Lord Temple today. What do you think?" Yang Jian said solemnly.

"The poor monk was cultivating in the west. Suddenly, the sound of killings rang in his ears, and he came in a hurry." Tang Sanzang or Zhantan Merit Buddha said this.

Yang Jian said: "Master came here to stop the killing, so why don't you go to the Lingxiao Palace to see the Jade Emperor instead of coming to me?"

"Amitabha, if we can stop him from going to the Lingxiao Palace, then why should the poor monk come to the True King's Temple? The poor monk comes here to give advice to the True King for the billions of beings in the lower world.

There are thousands of ways to solve the problem, why must we sacrifice our lives in exchange? Maintaining the stability of the Three Realms is the ultimate goal.

The true king must understand that as long as you give the order and the swords are facing each other, no one knows how many people will be sacrificed. Even if you do tens of millions of good deeds, you will not be able to make up for it.

I ask the true king to think twice, and the poor monk takes his leave. "

Tang Sanzang's voice turned into a rainbow and left.

Yang Jian watched him leave with a thoughtful expression on his face. The Six Monsters of Meishan said at the side: "Second Master, don't listen to this monk. He said it nicely. The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are unwilling to change the rules of heaven and not let them pay." How can you agree to change the rules of heaven for a small price?"

When Yang Jian raised his hand, several people did not dare to speak anymore.

Compared to the Six Monsters of Meishan, Yang Jian thought more about it. Could it be a coincidence that the Tantan Merit Buddha came at this time?

Moreover, the meaning of his words is even more intriguing. Zhantan Gongde Buddha felt that even going to the Lingxiao Palace could not stop the Jade Emperor, so he came to Yang Jian.

In other words, Zhan Tan Gongde Buddha wanted to stop the Jade Emperor, so he also believed that the Jade Emperor was wrong and that the rules of heaven were not fair. It was just that the Jade Emperor had no way to operate, so he chose to go to Yang Jian.

"Does Buddhism also want to get involved?"

Yang Jian suddenly realized that Tantan Merit Buddha was a disciple of the Buddha. His coming represented the Tathagata, so this was a signal that Buddhism intended to participate and wanted to help.

Of course, Buddhism has always been unprofitable and they must have more plans. But for Yang Jian, at least he can have more helpers.

"It seems I overlooked a lot of issues."

Thinking of this, Yang Jian put away the three-pointed two-edged sword. Under the surprised eyes of the Six Meishan Monsters, Yang Jian flew towards the mortal world.

"Second Master, what are you doing?"

The Six Monsters of Meishan shouted from behind.

Yang Jian said: "Go and see my nephew first."

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