People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 206 Subdue Xiaoqing【Please subscribe】

"Any conditions are acceptable?"

Zhang Jingyun had a strange look on his face. He thought that if Ku Shen was not easy to talk to, he would start another argument. Unexpectedly, Ku Shen was more aware of current affairs than he thought.

However, when Ku Shen saw Zhang Jingyun's expression, his heart suddenly skipped a beat, subconsciously thinking that Zhang Jingyun wanted the lion to open his mouth.

So Ku Shen quickly said: "If it is something I can do, we can naturally discuss it. If it is beyond my ability, it is useless for you to mention it."

At this point, Ku Shen was worried that Zhang Jingyun would try every means to kill him, so he couldn't help but betray him: "Although I let the thief go, you have seen the battle, and I have already contributed."

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but said: "Lord Ku Shen, you are a majestic god. You enjoy the incense and worship. Not to mention that you can't even defeat a little demon from the lower realm."

"Offering incense?" God Ku said with a bitter look on his face: "That mortal named Li used two taels of silver to invite this god back and still wants to enjoy the service of two hundred taels?

Although the green snake has only less than a thousand years of Taoism, its divine body does not have much incense and will power. If you really want to surrender this monster, you will probably have to pay a high price. "

Zhang Jingyun was speechless for a while.

So realistic?

What kind of serious god is this?

God Ku kept chattering and kept making misery: "That's all. I condescended to come. The mortal surnamed Li also said that I received the incense in vain. It is already quite generous for me to take action. If it were other small-minded people, I would be very generous." If you are a god, then mortals will be unlucky.”

Zhang Jingyun's expression remained normal, "If you say that, it's my brother-in-law Li Gongfu's fault. How about I ask him to apologize to Lord Kushen?"

Ku Shen twitched the corner of his mouth and secretly cursed himself for talking nonsense. No wonder Zhang Jingyun would take action. The mortal named Li was related to Zhang Jingyun.

"No, no, no, brother, tell me what you want. Let's discuss it quickly. If this happens again in the future, I will not let any thief go!"

Kushen changed his attitude and said.

Zhang Jingyun thought for a while and said, "I have been cultivating Taoism so far, and I am only one step away from attaining Taoism and ascending to heaven. I wonder if God Ku has any advice to help me become an immortal?"

Kushen: “…………”

Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level is not weak, he is already in the realm of refining the void, but no matter how you look at it, it is far from attaining the Tao and ascending to heaven. After hearing what he said, he still wants to find his own way to become an immortal?

"Brother, I'm joking. I'm just a little Ku Shen, and I'm not qualified to turn mortals into immortals. If I want to become an immortal, I'd better find another way." Ku Shen said helplessly.

"I am troubled by this. There are countless opportunities in the world. I have also been favored by eminent Buddhist monks. However, I have no chance to meet Buddhism. Master Kushen is a god. Can you please point me to a clear path? Where can I find opportunities?"

Zhang Jingyun said for a while, and then added: "I will pretend that I didn't see what happened today. From now on, I will let my brother-in-law worship God Ku all the year round and continue our love for him. What do you think, Master Ku God?"

Ku Shen thought for a while, then smiled on his face, "Okay, I will know as soon as I look at this little brother that we are very destined."

Zhang Jingyun felt relieved.

Ku Shen is also a real god. If there is any benefit to him, he will do it. If there is no benefit, he will just muddle along. Even if he is a god, he still pays attention to human relations and sophistication.

Offering incense is a big deal to the gods, but for a small god like Ku Shen, he has to do the hardest and most tiring work all year round and enjoys very little incense.

If it can be worshiped all year round, it will be quite nourishing for Ku Shen. He was originally in the wrong, and Zhang Jingyun did it very smoothly.

It would be too ignorant to refuse further.

"This is my god's talisman. It can contact a friend of my god. This god has extraordinary abilities. If you can gain his respect, you will be able to become an immortal soon."

Zhang Jingyun got the letter talisman, and Ku Shen also left. He looked carefully at the letter talisman in his hand. There was an evil ghost engraved on both sides. It looked very menacing, but the letter talisman gave people the feeling that the evil ghost was panicking.

It was like seeing a ghost.

"I don't know which god's talisman this is. I'll find a good and auspicious day in the future, bathe and change clothes, activate the talisman and pay homage to this god."

Zhang Jingyun put the letter talisman away and looked in the direction, then disappeared in a flash. He was actually chasing the six snitches.

The six snitches are led by the green-robed snitch, and the other five are ghosts. Together they can perform the Five Ghost Transporting Technique, making it easy to steal things.

As for the leader of the Tsing Yi Snitch.

Zhang Jingyun saw the fight between Ku Shen and her just now. Ku Shen also casually revealed the identity of the thief, which was a green snake that had become a spirit through cultivation.

Although the green-robed snitch was dressed as a man, Zhang Jingyun could tell at a glance that the green snake was female.

Therefore, the snitch in green is most likely Xiao Qing. Xiao Qing did not have Bai Suzhen with her at this time, which means that Bai Suzhen has not yet arrived in Qiantang County.

"Including the last time, a total of two treasuries were stolen, each time costing one thousand taels. What is she doing as a snake demon stealing so much silver?"

Zhang Jingyun was quite puzzled.

And this is Xiaoqing too. One time is not enough. She caught Qiantang County and tried to plunder the wool. Zhang Jingyun's poor brother-in-law suffered an unreasonable disaster from her.

Zhang Jingyun thought for a while and decided to meet Xiaoqing for a while. Bai Suzhen's Taoism has reached the standard of becoming an immortal, which Zhang Jingyun cannot compare with.

However, Xiao Qing's Taoism had not yet reached a thousand years, so Zhang Jingyun was still more than enough to deal with her. He immediately used his sword control skills to turn into sword light and chase after her.

After a while, Zhang Jingyun arrived at Prince Qiu's Mansion.

It has to be said that Xiaoqing has a lot of experience as a snitch and is very good at concealing her whereabouts along the way, but the five little ghosts around her don't have this ability.

Zhang Jingyun could smell the ghostly aura clearly from a long distance away. After all, Maoshan disciples were also one of the sects best at catching ghosts and subduing them.

Prince Qiu's Mansion was a dilapidated mansion with ruins and overgrown grass. Zhang Jingyun slowly walked into the lobby and looked around, taking in the entire situation in the mansion. He already had some concerns in his mind.

After Xiaoqing and the five little ghosts fought with Ku Shen, they also knew that it was not advisable to get into a big fight, so Zhang Jingyun did not drive them away immediately after entering their territory.

It wasn't until Xiaoqing realized that Zhang Jingyun didn't seem to have entered by mistake, and was looking at herself and others intentionally or unintentionally, that she knew that the person coming was not an ordinary person.


Xiao Qing turned into a young man in green and appeared in front of him. He was tall and tall, handsome in appearance, and his brows were full of heroism. He was really a handsome man.

"I see that this young master has been wandering here. I don't know why?" The young man in green stepped forward and seemed to be the master of this place.

"Looking for something." Zhang Jingyun said.

"Oh? I know this Prince Qiu's Mansion very well. I don't know what the young master is looking for. Can you help me?" Xiao Qing asked enthusiastically.

Zhang Jingyun pondered for two seconds, nodded and said: "Your Excellency is willing to help, I feel much more relaxed. What I am looking for is two thousand taels of official silver."

"You're here to look for money? I'm afraid you're out of your mind. You can go find it yourself. I'll take my leave." Xiao Qing's face changed slightly, and she turned around and left.

Zhang Jingyun changed his position and stood in front of Xiao Qing, "Sir, why are you leaving in such a hurry? Aren't you going to help me find money? Your chest is bulging. Have you hidden the money inside?"

"Bah! You whore!"

Xiao Qing was so angry that she immediately slapped Zhang Jingyun with her palm. The latter did not move and held his hands palm to palm. There was only a crisp sound, and Xiao Qing was shaken by the magic power and kept retreating.

"It turns out that we are members of the same sect. You have good cultivation. Why don't we just let it go from now on?" Xiao Qing said, stabilizing her figure.

Zhang Jingyun chuckled: "You think I am the God of the Treasury and I will let you go because the money is not mine? You and I can only leave one of you today."

"You are only one person, and there are six of us in total. Even if you have deep cultivation, you may not be able to capture all six of us."

Xiaoqing called out the five ghosts as he spoke. They all bared their teeth and claws, looking at Zhang Jingyun with evil eyes. Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly and he stretched out his hand.

He shouted: "Come here!"

The air seemed to be exploded, and Zhang Jingyun's voice had a strange magic power. As soon as the words fell, the five ghosts did not dare to have any sense of resistance.

Immediately afterwards, the Five Ghosts were taken in by Zhang Jingyun.

"What kind of spell is this? No, it's witchcraft. It's specifically designed to restrain ghosts. Who are you? As long as you let go of the five ghosts, everything will be easy to discuss."

Xiao Qing said softly.

Zhang Jingyun used Julingshuang to detain five ghosts. In just a thought, Xiaoqing's attitude made Zhang Jingyun secretly agree that he was at least loyal.

"Okay, you take out the stolen two thousand taels of official silver, and then swear an oath that you will never set foot in the world to do evil again, and I will let you go." Zhang Jingyun said.

Anger flashed on Xiao Qing's face: "Who do you think you are? Celestial Master Zhong Kui or Emperor Zhenwu. Since you won't let him go, I will take it myself!"

"You can try it!"

Taking advantage of the fact that Xiaoqing is not his sister-in-law yet, Zhang Jingyun naturally dares to do anything, and it is also a good thing to train his future sister-in-law in advance.


Xiaoqing stood still, formed a seal with her hands, and opened her mouth to spit out. A line of fire spread from her mouth, and when it saw the wind, it turned into a fire snake and wrapped around Zhang Jingyun's body.

"Samadhi True Fire? No, I haven't mastered it yet!" Zhang Jingyun was shocked. Xiaoqing could actually use Samadhi Real Fire. Fortunately, she hadn't mastered it, otherwise she might really get burned.

The line of fire gradually spread, Zhang Jingyun's body glowed, and his strong magic power directly blocked the three half-hearted Zhenhuo Xiaoqing's spells.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe borrows the law!"

Zhang Jingyun took a shot out of thin air, Xiao Qing's expression changed drastically, and the ground behind her exploded in the next second. The power of Zhang Jingyun's spell exceeded her imagination.

"You are quite capable, do you dare to fight with me outside?" Xiao Qing said and flew out. This is the way to fly through the void, and monsters with some cultivation can basically do it.

You can fly and glide in the air when you use Flying Flying. It focuses on one process and the time interval is large, so it is most suitable for traveling around mountains and rivers or looking for things.

Monsters like Xiaoqing probably don't have any celestial destiny. They are lucky enough to get the Samadhi True Fire. Naturally, they don't have any powerful skills like soaring into the clouds and riding on the mist.

Zhang Jingyun directly used his sword to catch up.

Xiao Qing turned around and saw Zhang Jingyun using the flying sword, and was immediately frightened. Most of the people in the cultivation world who can use flying swords are masters.

"Oops, why did you mess with such a person!"

Seeing the flying sword coming through the air, Xiao Qing quickly dodged. Zhang Jingyun flew in the air and pointed his sword. Xiao Qing couldn't resist just a demon-slaying sword. If he used the Xuanyuan Divine Sword, he would probably damage his sister-in-law, right?

Bang bang bang!

But at this moment, Xiao Qing had already flown into the mountain forest. With a burst of explosions, the mountain forest became shrouded in clouds and mist, and then a seven or eight-foot-long green-scaled giant python came out, with its bloody mouth wide open, which was quite terrifying. .

"Don't force me to fight you to the death!"

Xiao Qing's angry voice came.

Zhang Jingyun knew that Xiao Qing was really anxious, but it was still far from a dead end. Zhang Jingyun wanted to take down Xiao Qing first with all his strength this time.

"Haha, how dare you do what you do with your little skills! How dare you, a snake demon, be so presumptuous in front of me? Look at my mighty Tianlong!"

Zhang Jingyun scolded sharply.

A real dragon's power enveloped Xiaoqing's body. Since ancient times, snakes have practiced in order to cross the dragon gate and transform into a real dragon.

Therefore, the true dragon bloodline in Zhang Jingyun's body is the natural nemesis of snakes. Xiaoqing's cultivation level is estimated to be unable to use even 50% of it at this moment.

"The divine sword subdues demons and kills evil spirits!"

Zhang Jingyun shouted with his sword.

Xiao Qing transformed into a human being and knelt on the ground and begged: "God, please spare my life. Although Xiao Qing stole official silver, he robbed the rich and gave to the poor. God has the virtue of a good life, so my sin will not lead to death!"

Zhang Jingyun put away his flying sword at the right time and said solemnly, "Robbing the rich and giving to the poor? How do you know that the official silver in the warehouse is not for disaster relief and benefiting the people?"

Even if not, have you ever considered that when you steal official money, people in the yamen will also suffer unreasonable disasters. They also have families, so what should they do? "

" Xiaoqing's lack of consideration!"

Zhang Jingyun held his sword and said: "I already know that you drove the five ghosts, and you have not done anything harmful to anyone. This is what you said is true."

"The Immortal knows everything clearly..."

"No need to compliment me, I'm not an immortal, I'm just a Taoist. My name is Xu Xian. The last time I was scared to death by you was my brother-in-law."

Only then did Xiao Qing understand how she had offended the other party and how she had scared the other party's relatives. Even if Zhang Jingyun killed the demon, it was reasonable. Now that the other party was still willing to listen to her, it was clear that he was a rare upright person.

"Forgive me, Master. The official silver is in Prince Qiu's palace. I will take it and return it to the government. From now on, Xiaoqing will no longer cause trouble..."

Zhang Jingyun interrupted: "The official silver will be taken by someone. As for you, you can avoid the death penalty, but you cannot escape the living penalty, so I will punish you. Well, let me think about it..."

Xiao Qing had an idea and said: "Xiao Qing is willing to serve the real person, listen to the real person's teachings, and wash away his sins to repay the real person for sparing his life."

Zhang Jingyun frowned: "What are you saying? How can I be a grown man and ask other men to serve me?"

A smile appeared on Xiao Qing's handsome face, "I don't know what I know. Xiao Qing is actually a girl. She turned into a man to tease you."

After saying that, Xiaoqing returned to her female form.

Zhang Jingyun took a closer look and saw that she was really pretty. The word Jiao means cute and pink, as lovable as delicate flowers and nephrite. The word Yan means bright and watery, delicate but not weak. The word Qiao means graceful and agile, like an elf. Violet, the word "Li" must mean beauty and elegance, with a touch of watery feminine temperament between the eyebrows and eyes.

She actually looks so beautiful?

"This... is even more inappropriate, isn't it Xiaoqing? There are differences between men and women, so what's the point of having a woman as beautiful as a flower serving me?

I think you have a good character, so let me give you a break. Don't act recklessly based on your success in the future. Otherwise, other people won't be as easy to talk to as me. "

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he disappeared.

Xiaoqing looked at the direction he was leaving in a daze, "He is actually a good person! Real man, please let my friend go!"

Xiao Qing remembered that the Five Ghosts were still being held by Zhang Jingyun, and immediately shouted loudly. The next second, five black figures were blown by a gust of wind, and they were the detained Five Ghosts.

"Miss Qing, it's so dangerous!"

Five Ghosts said with lingering fear.

Xiaoqing felt the same way. After returning to Prince Qiu's Mansion, she obediently took out the money and laid it out. The next morning, Li Gongfu led people into Prince Qiu's Mansion.

It turned out that he dreamed last night that the God of Treasury left instructions, saying that all the stolen Treasury silver was hidden here. Li Gongfu was doubtful and brought someone over to take a look. It was indeed the case!

Naturally, God Ku would not be so kind.

The dreams that Li Gongfu had were all caused by Zhang Jingyun. Last time he received twenty blows, it just so happened that this time he was given a chance to make meritorious deeds.

After the treasury silver was returned to Zhao, Xiaoqing had no energy. It was not that he felt sorry for the money, but he really couldn't forget Zhang Jingyun.

Prince Qiu's Mansion was her territory. Unknowingly, Xiaoqing didn't notice a woman in white clothes walking in front of her.

"Huh? Where did you come from, little lady? Haosheng sign. Don't you know this is my territory?" Xiao Qing reacted and asked naughtily.

"Is this your territory? I didn't know. I thought I wanted to stay here temporarily because no one lived there." Bai Suzhen said kindly.

"Stay here? Will you be my wife?"

Xiao Qingnu dressed as a man and teased.

Bai Suzhen frowned, "You are a scumbag, why don't I teach you a lesson!"

After that, Bai Suzhen started to compete with Xiao Qing. Zhang Jingyun taught her a lesson and she tolerated it. Xiao Qing was not convinced by Bai Suzhen's words.

At this moment, a fight begins.

Before she could make a cup of tea, Xiaoqing collapsed on the ground, looking at the bright realgar sword across her neck and feeling extremely depressed.

"Why is there another one with a flying sword?"

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