People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 205 Ku Shen, you don’t want to either [please subscribe]

Chapter 205 Kushen, you don’t want to either... [Please subscribe]

Fahai has a keen eye and can see the wisdom of others. At first, he was kind to Zhang Jingyun, but now his attitude has completely changed.

He even vaguely threatened Zhang Jingyun.

"Hmph! If you have such secular thoughts, you will be annihilated by the Buddha. When the time comes, disaster will come. Let's see who will save you!" Fahai said coldly and prepared to leave.

Zhang Jingyun's expression remained as usual and he was not angry: "Master, I'm not afraid, and I won't cause any trouble."

"Oh? Why?" Fa Hai was puzzled.

Zhang Jingyun smiled and said, "If the family has a good wife, master, haven't you heard someone say that if the family has a good wife, the husband will not suffer any misfortune."


Fahai clasped his hands together, stretched the muscles on his face, and recited the Buddha's name with a gloomy face. Then he left without saying another word to Zhang Jingyun.

Looking at Fahai's back, the smile on Zhang Jingyun's face completely disappeared until he was gone. Although this version of Fahai was not Zhao Wenzhuo, the fluctuations in his mana were beyond even Zhang Jingyun's reach.

There is no doubt that Fahai has reached heavenly cultivation and is only one step away from the Buddhist Arahant status. In terms of cultivation alone, he is probably a bit better than Bai Suzhen.

"Such a person, who wants to take away my wife, is really a big worry. If Fahai hadn't had a profound background, he would have been given a nuclear bomb to try."

Zhang Jingyun muttered in his heart.

Bai Suzhen already has a background among monsters. She has the advice of her master, Mother Lishan, and Guanyin Bodhisattva. Even Emperor Zhenwu let her go.

But it would be outrageous for Fahai not to accept this trick at all.

Zhang Jingyun originally came to the mountains today to look for opportunities, but he didn't find a teacher with a Tongtian background. Instead, he met Fahai. It was really unlucky.

However, today's brief confrontation also made Zhang Jingyun realize that there is still a big gap between himself and the truly powerful practitioners in this world.

"It seems that I can't just wait for my wife by the West Lake. I have to keep up with my cultivation level. I have to at least reach the peak of virtual refining and keep pace with Fa Hai and others."

Zhang Jingyun doesn't expect to directly attain enlightenment and ascend to immortality. Ascension to immortality is not only a matter of cultivation, but the water here is deep.

In fact, some immortals in heaven are not as powerful as some enlightened masters and hidden demons in the world. The most enviable thing about immortals is their "organization".

The end of the universe is the establishment.

If you want to become an immortal, you must have a heavenly organization. This is called being in the immortal class, so it is useless to have cultivation alone. With Zhang Jingyun's background, he can theoretically seek refuge with the immortal ancestor of the Qing sect on Maoshan Mountain.

But Zhang Jingyun has no name or status in this world. Moreover, he has also mastered the thunder method practiced by past masters and high-level masters, which is difficult to explain clearly.

Precisely because of these considerations, Zhang Jingyun thought about finding another opportunity in this world. How could he expect that Xu Xian's identity would attract the favor of a monk.

The mission failed, and he met Fa Hai, who was so unlucky that Zhang Jingyun had to return to Qing Yu Tang, diagnose and treat patients in the medicine shop, and wait for the opportunity.

Although Zhang Jingyun was very resistant to Fahai's attempt to seduce Zhang Jingyun into converting to the Three Jewels, Fahai's words still made sense.

Cure people for one lifetime, practice to save people for eternity.

Although curing diseases and saving people in a medicine shop is a way of saving people and helping the world, it can also accumulate merit. However, it is also a fact that such people will not be able to achieve Taoism and become immortals in their lifetime.

Zhang Jingyun also knew that he would not stay at the drug store for long. When Bai Suzhen came to repay his kindness, he would definitely leave Qiantang County soon.

"Hanwen! Hanwen! Something big happened!"

At this moment, his sister Xu Jiaorong's urgent voice reached Zhang Jingyun's ears clearly, and then he saw her running over in a hurry.

Zhang Jingyun quickly stood up, supported Xu Jiaorong and asked, "Sister, don't panic, what happened?"

There were tears in the corners of Xu Jiaorong's eyes. Such a sound naturally alerted Wang Yuanwai in the medicine shop, who came together to comfort Xu Jiaorong.

"It's your brother-in-law who was beaten twenty times by the county magistrate. His butt was beaten to a bloody pulp. Please get some good sore medicine quickly." Xu Jiaorong cried.

"Exceptor Wang, I'll grab some medicine for my brother-in-law."

After Zhang Jingyun heard this, he informed Wang Yuanwai, who said without hesitation: "Pick the best one. If your family has something urgent, you can go back with Mrs. Li later. Don't worry about the drug store."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang."

Zhang Jingyun grabbed some medicine and went home with his sister. On the way, he already asked about the reason. He could only say that Li Gongfu also suffered an unreasonable disaster.

The cause of the incident was a major case that occurred recently. One thousand taels of treasury silver was stolen in Qiantang County. Because of the bizarre theft of treasury silver, it even alarmed the current emperor.

Li Gongfu is the chief arrester of Qiantang County.

As the chief catcher, he would certainly not be able to escape responsibility for the theft of treasury silver. The Holy Father gave the county magistrate a month to catch the thief.

The county magistrate ordered Li Gongfu to give up his job for half a month if he, the chief catcher, and himself, the county magistrate, could not catch the snitch.

No matter how anxious Li Gongfu was, there was nothing he could do. The money stolen from the warehouse was bizarre, and the lock of the warehouse showed no signs of being broken. The money inside flew out in front of everyone, as if he had seen a ghost.

Thinking that the snitch might come to the government office to steal money, Li Gongfu personally guarded the warehouse with his people. Unexpectedly, he actually encountered the snitch.

"At that time, a group of six people were surrounded by us. We thought we could take down the thieves in one go, but we didn't expect that one of the green-clad snitches was very capable. After injuring several police officers, he actually escaped with his men.

We chased all the way into a dilapidated house. Logically speaking, these people could not fly. But when we entered the house, we unexpectedly encountered a green python several feet long. The python raised its head and was taller than a person. How could I see it? After such a scene, I fainted directly. "

Li Gongfu talked about the thrilling situation at that time.

Xu Jiaorong gave Li Gongfu the medicine with a distressed look on her face: "The same goes for the county magistrate. You have done your duty so well, yet he still beats you!"

The wound on Li Gongfu's butt was burning and hurting, "The county magistrate can't do anything. After all, I didn't catch the snitch. The case of the theft of banknotes cannot be solved, and we don't have food to eat inside."

"Are you still talking to him?"

"Hey, the county magistrate is actually taking care of me. If he hits me, it is equivalent to punishing me. No matter how the case is handled later, it has nothing to do with me.

Moreover, these twenty big players are also very knowledgeable. In our county government, sometimes it seems like a gentle blow with a stick, but in fact the person being hit has already suffered internal injuries.

Sometimes it looks like the beating is hard and brutal, and the person being beaten screams in pain, just like me. In fact, it is just a superficial wound, and it will recover in a few days. What are you worried about? "

Li Gongfu said slightly with satisfaction.

In the yamen, Li Gongfu was the chief arrester, so he naturally had a good reputation. Xu Jiaorong didn't understand this, so she was anxious and distressed.

When Li Gongfu explained the reason, Xu Jiaorong was stunned: "Ah, can this still be done? Then how to beat the prisoner and how hard he should be beaten are all yours, right?"

Li Gongfu smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but shake his head, this silly sister, if it wasn't like this, how did she think such a big house like Li's Mansion came to be?

"I didn't expect that this little thing would alarm Han Wen. How have you been at Qing Yu Tang lately? Is Mr. Wang treating you well?" Li Gongfu asked with concern.

Zhang Jingyun nodded: "Member Wang is a good outsider."

Xu Jiaorong couldn't help but said: "You are busy with the case. You must not know that Hanwen is in Qingyu Hall. Even the king has to ask for advice in Chinese when he prescribes prescriptions."

"Huh? Hanwen actually has such abilities!"

Li Gongfu was surprised and happy, Zhang Jingyun said modestly: "Brother-in-law also knows that I usually read a few medical books, and the principles are all clear, so it naturally entered my head."

"If I had known this, your sister and I would have given you a shop so that you could open your own medicine shop, so that you would not have to be an apprentice." Li Gongfu regretted.

Xu Jiaorong echoed: "I think so too."

"You can treat illnesses and save people anywhere. If it's just for money, I might as well become an official. Let's talk about my brother-in-law. Can you think of a way to deal with the theft of banknotes?" Zhang Jingyun said.

"Hey!" Li Gongfu was worried when he talked about the theft of silver from the treasury: "What can I do? Have you ever seen the money running out on its own?

This is not a case that we can solve at all. Let alone solve the case, as long as the snitch stops coming to steal money, it will be a good thing. "

"You can only be a thief for a thousand days, but you can't prevent a thief for a thousand days. In my opinion, this is not a long-term solution. Brother-in-law, do you want to hear my advice?"

Zhang Jingyun asked with a smile.

"Hanwen, how can you read people's minds when you read? Tell me, what suggestions do you have?" Li Gongfu said curiously.

"The money from the treasury was stolen, but the door lock was not broken, and the money was flying around in front of the guards. It seems that it was not done by humans." Zhang Jingyun said.

Li Gongfu nodded: "People who can do such things are indeed nothing."

Zhang Jingyun smiled: "Brother-in-law, you are overthinking. What I mean is that in addition to people, there are also ghosts and gods who can steal official silver, so you can't catch the snitch."

"Ghosts and gods? Hanwen, you are also a scholar, but you don't know that you are silent and have strange powers that confuse the gods? What kind of ghosts and ghosts, I don't believe it." Xu Jiaorong couldn't help but say.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Xu Jiaorong and joked: "Then why does my sister worship Guan Gong every day? Don't you not believe in ghosts and gods?"

"I..." Xu Jiaorong was speechless for a moment.

Li Gongfu also grasped the last straw and said: "Even if it is a trick of ghosts and gods, Hanwen, you read a lot, what do you think we should do?"

"As the saying goes, ghosts have their own ways, and gods have their own ways. The guarding of Kuyin should be left to Kushen. Brother-in-law, you can just go to the temple tomorrow to see a portrait of Kushen."

"What about the nearby temples..." Li Gongfu thought for a while, and there were a few famous ones. Xu Jiaorong, who was next to him, said loudly: "Let's go to Lingyin Temple. I heard it's quite magical."

"Lingyin Temple, um, has been causing trouble recently. You know the Li family, right? Li Shanren, Li Maochun, used to be an official in Tiantai County. He is an honest man and does not care about glory and profit.

Li Shanren later resigned and returned to seclusion. He and his wife, Wang, were fond of charity, so they were known as Li Shanren. Unfortunately, he was nearly fifty years old and had no heirs.

Later, I heard that the couple fasted for three days and went to the Guoqing Temple in Tiantai to worship Buddha and pray for a child. As a result, they actually gave birth to a son. They are getting married this year. "

"Isn't that a good thing?" Xu Jiaorong said.

Li Gongfu said: "But I don't know what evil happened to the child's mind. He actually abandoned his bride and ran to Lingyin Temple to get married. On the eve of the wedding, he even gave himself a crazy Buddhist name. What is his name..."

"Jidian?" Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but ask.

Li Gongfu clapped his hands and said, "Han Wen, you are so amazing. You are so crazy. This kid's life is ruined."

"On the eve of the wedding? What a sin! These monks, as long as they don't give birth, they even trick young people into becoming monks. Hanwen, you must stay away from being a monk in the future." Xu Jiaorong warned.

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth.

He just made Fahai angry today.

However, this Lingyin Temple Ji Dian is a legend. How did Li Gongfu know that this crazy Ji Dian would become the famous monk Jigong in the future.

"If you have a chance, you should make a good relationship."

Monk Jidian is said to be the reincarnation of Arhat who subdued the Dragon. The reason why he became a monk on the eve of his wedding was because this day happened to be the day when he awakened the memory of Arhat who subdued the Dragon.

It can only be said that he and that girl have no fate.

The next day, Li Gongfu was able to walk. According to the strength of his instructions, it should take three days to get out of bed. It only took one day to recover. It was obvious that the medicine Zhang Jingyun used was surprisingly effective.

A dead horse becomes a living horse doctor. Li Gongfu went to the Taoist temple and spent two taels of silver to beg for a portrait of God Zhang Ku. When he came back, he posted it in the warehouse, hoping it would have miraculous effects.

I was just asking for peace of mind.

As a result, Li Gongfu never expected that this image of the God of War actually had some effect, and a golden light suddenly lit up in the warehouse in the middle of the night.

Li Gongfu and others rushed in quickly.

The image of the God of Treasury was shining brightly. Li Gongfu was anxious and hurriedly checked the silver in the Treasury. As a result, his vision went dark, and another thousand taels of silver were stolen.

"It's another trick of ghosts and gods. My Lord Kushen, I spent two taels of silver to invite you over. You should be more careful about things. You can't receive incense in vain!"

Li Gongfu said resentfully.

As soon as he finished speaking, the portrait of God Ku suddenly flew up and chased after the thief who stole the Ku silver. Li Gongfu and others' eyes lit up and they quickly followed.

It's just that the speed of Ku Shen's portrait is much faster than that of humans, and the person who stole Ku Yin is not an ordinary person. Zhang Jingyun smelled the scent of Li Gongfu from the beginning.

There are six snitches in total, led by the green-robed snitch, and the other five do as they are told. Zhang Jingyun can be sure that the five snitches are the five ghosts.

The method of stealing money is to move it with five ghosts.

Now Kushen is showing his power. With the sudden appearance of divine light, Kushen leads his generals to assist the six snitches. The two sides confront each other and it is about to break out.

"Humph, I just got invited back by a mortal and I met you gang of thieves. I was accused of receiving incense for nothing and didn't give my money back!"

Kushen said with an unhappy expression.

The green-robed snitch has a handsome appearance and an extraordinary aura. Even when facing Kushen and other incense gods, his expression remains unchanged: "I won't return it!"

"Then don't blame me for destroying demons!"

Ku Shen transformed into a golden mace and faced the Tsing Yi Snitch. The latter fought with bare hands and survived, and the other five ghosts also fought.

The two sides fought for hundreds of rounds but couldn't help each other. The Tsing Yi Snitch raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "Since you can't help us, how about letting us pass?"

God Ku thought for a moment, then actually put away his golden mace and said, "Okay, Ku Yin doesn't belong to me anyway, I'll let you go."

The green robed snitch: "???"

When one person and five ghosts left Kushen, he didn't take any action, which really made the Tsing Yi Snitch smile. Kushen was also ready to go home when he saw the snitch leaving Kushen.

However, at this moment, a voice sounded: "Ku Shen, please go slowly. You don't want anyone to know that you let the thief go without permission tonight, do you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun slowly appeared.

Ku Shen was shocked because he didn't notice anyone. Although letting the thief run away was a dereliction of duty, this person actually threatened him?

So bold!

"This little brother, can you be accommodating and just pretend that you didn't see what happened today? If you have any requests, just ask." Ku Shen said with an almost flattering smile.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes were strange.

It turns out that God Ku is this kind of god.

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