People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 197 The Curse of the Snake God [Please subscribe]

The six-winged centipede's body was shattered by the thunder method. After a high-pitched cry, the angry chicken accurately stepped on the six-winged centipede's remaining head.

The chicken claws scratched hard and broke the centipede shell. The next second, a delicious smell rushed into the nose. It turned out that this six-winged centipede had been cultivating for thousands of years, and the juice in its brain had turned into milky white liquid, and the fragrance entered the spleen.

Nuqingji feasted without saying a word. A monster that has been practicing for thousands of years can be said to be full of treasures, and nothing can be wasted.

"You will enjoy it."

Zhang Jingyun has obtained the inner elixir of the six-winged centipede. The red inner elixir condensed from thousands of years of practice. Although it cannot be compared with Pudu Cihang's dragon beads, it is still an extremely precious treasure and is of great benefit to practice.

After a while, Nuqing Chicken was so full that it was rounded up. The already strong and burly chicken body now seemed to have a more comical feel.

Zhang Jingyun reached out and picked it up in his hand.

"As a phoenix, wouldn't it be a waste of life if you don't know how to practice? You are destined to me. From now on, you will be by my side, and you will be called...Akun?"

A smile appeared on Zhang Jingyun's lips.

The Angry Chicken flapped its wings, feeling that the name seemed impolite, but since Zhang Jingyun saved his life, it didn't care too much.

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Jingyun put the six-winged centipede's broken body into the system space with a wave of his hand. Not only the brain, but also the six-winged centipede's flesh, muscles and bones can be used as medicine. If not, it can also be used to feed chickens.

Although he is a phoenix, the path of the angry Qing Chicken is too shallow. Taking more flesh and blood containing the essence of spiritual energy may help him embark on the path of spiritual practice as soon as possible.

Until a few years later.

Zhang Jingyun may gain a phoenix.

After dealing with the six-winged centipede, Zhang Jingyun looked around and found that this was the Dan Well beneath the underground palace hall, and he looked into the Dan Well.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes flashed with golden light.

What was visible to the eye were countless coffins and densely packed mountains of corpses. In the middle was a huge alchemy furnace.

In ancient times, the Pingshan Underground Palace was an alchemy place dedicated to refining the elixir of immortality for the emperor. Unexpectedly, the materials used by these alchemists to make elixirs were not only various precious medicines but also ancient corpses.

The alchemist first sent people to dig out the coffins in various places, took out the corpses inside, used the alchemy cauldron to refine the corpse oil, and then concocted the elixir and presented it to the emperor.

Regardless of whether the emperor knew the origin of these elixirs, looking at the size of the Pingshan Underground Palace, you can tell that it has been prosperous for a long time.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head. In order to live forever, the ancients did everything they could, but this was not the right way after all.

Turning his eyes, Zhang Jingyun jumped out of the Danjing and landed on the ground again with the Angry Chicken, but Chen Yulou, Partridge Whistle and others were nowhere to be seen.

Feel it slightly for a moment.

Zhang Jingyun came to another hall.

In fact, from the outside, Pingshan Mountain is crooked and there are cracks in the mountain, and it looks like a Jedi. But inside Pingshan Mountain, it looks completely different.

The hinterland of Pingshan is full of vitality and infinite vitality, so the antiquities hidden in the mountain remain as new as ever. The thousand-year candles, ten-thousand-year lamps, and eight-treasure glazed lamps between the towers and pavilions are all first-rate treasures in the world.

Before, everyone was still worried about Zhang Jingyun's safety, but when he showed his ability to kill monsters with flying swords, everyone in Xiling knew that he was a god-like figure.

As gods slay demons and demons, secular people like them naturally turned their attention to the countless treasures in the Pingshan Underground Palace.

The Xiling warriors led by Chen Yulou were quite professional. They had all kinds of tools and coordinated with each other, even the step stones engraved with fairyland patterns.

"Brother Chen is very busy."

Zhang Jingyun's voice rang in Chen Yulou's ears. The latter turned around and saw that Zhang Jingyun was not paying attention to the work of his men. He immediately clasped his fists and said: "Brother Chen, this call from the real person really makes Chen feel ashamed. You are a real person and don't show your face. Please forgive Chen for not being able to recognize Mount Tai."

"Does Shopkeeper Chen want to dismantle all the items in the underground palace and transport them away?" Zhang Jingyun suddenly asked.

Chen Yulou smiled bitterly and said: "I didn't want to, but life has been really difficult in recent years. Our Chen family has also tried to open warehouses to release food to help the people. This bottle of treasure in the mountain palace was accumulated in mountains through the plundering of people's wealth by successive dynasties. This is also..."

Zhang Jingyun interrupted: "Shopkeeper Chen doesn't need to say more. Although I am a Taoist, I am not so noble that I don't know the sufferings of the people."

Chen Yulou's words were probably a sign of betrayal. Zhang Jingyun's strength showed that he was afraid that the other party would rob the tomb and harm the world, so he could only guard the treasure mountain without being able to get in. Unexpectedly, Zhang Jingyun didn't stop him at all.

In this era, although Chen Yulou was a bandit leader and a tomb robber, under his management, at least it was peaceful. The treasures in Pingshan were left alone, and it would be better to use them in the right place.

I just don’t know if Chen Yulou will follow the same old path as in the original plot after getting the treasure. He will steal some tomb of the king and become blind and disheartened, leaving hundreds of thousands of people in Changsheng Mountain without a leader. The lineage also withered from then on.

"Why don't you see the partridge whistle?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

"Oh, we discovered another secret passage before, and found a fellow traveler in the secret passage. Brother Zhang, which faction do you think he is a master of?"

Chen Yulou sold it out.

Zhang Jingyun thought about it. Pingshan is a treasure mountain. This has been said since ancient times, so Chen Yulou and others are not the first tomb robbers to come.

However, being able to avoid the six-winged centipede and the surrounding poisonous insects, and accurately enter the underground palace hall to find the secret passage must have a lot of history.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly thought of something.

"Daming Guanshan Taibao?"

Chen Yulou's eyes widened, "You all know this, and you are right. There is nothing unknown throughout the ages that a true Taoist can communicate with the gods. That's right, he is the Guanshan Taibao."

Speaking of Guanshan Taibao, although they are not the four groups of tomb robbers, they have sworn hatred with the four groups of Faqiu to touch gold and Moving mountains and unloading ridges.

During the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang wanted Liu Ji to design and build the imperial mausoleum to ensure that the imperial mausoleum could not be stolen. Liu Ji handed this hot potato to the Guanshan Taibao.

Before the Ming Dynasty, Guanshan Taibao was also a tomb robber. He was cleared after being recommended by Liu Ji, and was reused by Zhu Yuanzhang, who gave him the title of Guanshan Taibao.

It's just that this group of people's way of protecting the emperor's tomb is very special. They are tomb robbers, and they know that there are very few tombs in the world that cannot be robbed.

Instead of trying to set up various traps, it is better to find another way. As long as all the tomb thieves who have the ability to rob the imperial tomb are eliminated, the imperial tomb will naturally be safe.

As a result, with the cooperation of the whole country, the Guanshan Taibao conducted a large-scale purge of tomb robbers from the four factions: Faqiu, Mojin, Banshan, and Xiling.

The Faqiu Seal of the Faqiu lineage was destroyed by this disaster. Seven of the ten Touching Gold Talisman of the Touching Gold lineage were destroyed by it. Xiling and Moving Mountains also could not escape this disaster, resulting in numerous casualties.

Therefore, after the Ming Dynasty, the Guanshan Taibao lineage was basically shouted out by everyone in the world, and it can be said to be infamous.

After Chen Yulou and Partridge Post discovered the Guanshan Taibao, the rest of the Xiling bandits were filled with indignation and wanted to cut these unjust people into pieces.

But after all, these are old grudges many years ago. The Guanshan Taibao was forced into this position by Liu Ji. If he wanted to protect himself, he could only stab his colleagues. Now, so many years have passed, and the Guanshan Taibao has long been cut off. So on the grounds that the deceased was a big one, they took out the Daimyo Kanshan Taibao who was suffocated to death in the secret passage and buried him.

Zhang Jingyun and Chen Yulou left the underground palace after talking and came to the mountainside of Pingshan Mountain to see Partridge Shao and his only two remaining tribesmen, the old foreigner and Hua Ling.

"Brother Zhang, did you get rid of that six-winged centipede?"

Partridge Whistle asked when he saw Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun nodded: "The biggest reason why I came here is to get rid of this monster, and now I have to leave."

"The real person is leaving so soon?"

Hua Ling couldn't help but ask.

"I know the curse of your Zagrama clan, and I know how to solve it. But if I tell you, you can't even find me in that place. Do you believe me?"

Partridge Whistle's face turned pale and he couldn't help coughing, but he saw gold in the blood in his palm. This showed that the ghost cave curse had actually begun to affect Partridge Whistle's body.

"There are only three of us left in the Moving Mountain lineage. Even if there is only a glimmer of a chance, we will go even if we risk our lives. Please make it happen!"

Partridge Whistle said with a firm expression.

Zhang Jingyun thought for a moment. The Feng Shui pattern in the Worm Valley in Yunnan was perfect. If a plane hadn't broken through the Feng Shui pattern of the water dragon halo and destroyed the formation, outsiders would never have been able to find it.

Moreover, the level of tomb robbers in the Taoist lineage of Banshan could not break through the tomb of King Xian. He told him that it was better to think differently than to just die.

"Actually, you have other options."

Partridge Whistle looked puzzled, and Zhang Jingyun continued: "The curse of the Zagrama tribe has a characteristic, that is, the further away from the source of the curse, the smaller the impact of the curse. The world is so big, you can go to a place far enough away. Live like a normal person.”

Partridge Whistle trembled, "Is that so?"

Zhang Jingyun patted Partridge Whistle on the shoulder and said, "You three are the only ones in the Qishan lineage. If we go to find the Muchen Bead and never come back, your clan will be completely cut off.

So, it is better to find a place to live a good life and have more children. Only then will there be hope. In the future, you may be able to return to your homeland and completely lift the curse. "

"I understand, thank you Brother Zhang for your advice."

The partridge whistle seemed to have listened.

This is the reality. Partridge Whistle has to accept that there are only three Taoist Banshan people left, and they can no longer withstand any setbacks.

"Brother Zhang, Partridge Whistle has one more thing to ask for."

Zhang Jingyun was stunned, and then he heard Partridge Whistle say to him: "Junior brother and I can go far away. As for my junior sister, can you let her stay with Brother Zhang? With Brother Zhang's ability, maybe he can do it without Muchen Beads." She lifts the curse."


Zhang Jingyun paused and said, "It's okay to give it a try, but I'm not completely sure. I can only do my best to prevent her from going down the road of moving mountains."

"Thank you, Brother Zhang!" Partridge Whistle thanked him.

"It doesn't matter, we'll see you later!"

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he took Hua Ling and left with his sword. The old foreigner looked at the backs of the two and couldn't help but said to Partridge Whistle: "Senior brother, we are just such a junior sister."

"Better than being with us."

Partridge Whistle was also decisive, and Hua Ling was innocent and cute. He expected that even an accomplished person like Zhang Jingyun couldn't bear to watch her die in pain.

"Even if Junior Sister and Brother Zhang can get married and give birth to children, Brother Zhang will not let his wife and children be harmed by the curse!" Partridge Whistle said in a deep voice.


The incident at Pingshan was just a formality for Zhang Jingyun, he just got rid of a monster along the way and picked up a poor girl with a sign of great danger.

As for Chen Yulou and others, as well as the Pingshan Underground Palace, they were left to their own devices, even though there was a general's tomb inside, and the Yuan Dynasty general buried there had turned into a zombie.

But zombies of that level are not as good as Mao Zheng. They can be dealt with by a Kuixing kick from the Partridge Whistle. Zhang Jingyun really has no interest in taking action.

After bringing the flower spirit home, Zhang Jingyun also wanted to see if he could break the ghost cave curse without taking the Muchen Bead to Kunlun Mountain.

"Hua Ling, take off your clothes and expose the mark. I'll check it first." Zhang Jingyun said to Hua Ling in the room.

The latter's face turned red, he said "Hello" Nunuo, lowered his head and began to untie his clothes. Zhang Jingyun didn't pay much attention to it. When he turned around again, he didn't expect that the girl had already untied her bellyband.

Zhang Jingyun couldn't take his eyes away when he saw this scene. There was only one word left in his head, which was so round and beautiful that it made people's eyes light up.

Even Hua Ling's earlobes were pink at the moment. When she turned around, she could see that the ghost eye marks on her shoulders were strangely blood red.

Zhang Jingyun looked like a god and took out a talisman, which was the Maoshan exorcism talisman. As the magic power activated the talisman to burn, it turned into spiritual light and disappeared into the flower spirit's body.

The next second, Hua Ling groaned.

Zhang Jingyun could see that the curse was like a whirlpool, swallowing up the power of the talisman and then calming down instantly.

"so smart?"

Zhang Jingyun was slightly stunned. The so-called ghost cave curse was actually formed by the power of a BOSS snake god who only existed behind the scenes in the Ghost Blowing Lamp series.

It can also be said to be the curse of the snake god.

There is no positive description of this snake god, and Zhang Jingyun only knows that the ghost cave is a miracle formed by the power of the snake god.

What force could create such a substantial ghost hole? At least with Zhang Jingyun's power, he can't do it. In the story of Ghost Blowing the Lantern, this power is called the illusion of realm.

The transformation of the environment can be made into a virtual reality, or even the objects in the memory can be embodied into reality, and it is not limited to one or two small items, it can also be a city or an unfathomable giant cave, all of which can be passed through. This ability becomes a reality.

In Gui Chuideng's world view, the snake god is not a creature on earth, but a fallen god who came to earth from other worlds.

It will definitely not be easy to lift its curse, but Zhang Jingyun is not afraid. No matter how powerful the snake god is, he will eventually die. Try a few more times and maybe he can solve it.

Zhang Jingyun used various means to lift the curse, until he used thunder to destroy the ghost cave curse pattern on Hua Ling's back, and his face lit up with joy, "Lifted?"

Check the flower spirit inside and out.

Zhang Jingyun was filled with joy when he suddenly saw a ghost eye pattern slowly forming on Hua Ling's back again, as if staring at Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun opened his golden eyes and vaguely saw that there seemed to be a thread that tightly tied the flower spirit to the source of the ghost cave.

"I don't believe it can't be cut off!"

Zhang Jingyun's eyes flashed fiercely, he made a seal with his hand, summoned the golden Xuanyuan Sword, and slashed down the line connecting life and death without hesitation!

PS: Yesterday, my fever reached 39 degrees, I have a headache, and I really have no energy. I’m due for an update. I’ll make up for it when I get better. Everyone should pay more attention to their health~

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