People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 196 Six-winged Centipede【Please subscribe】

"Is this Pingshan? It really has something good about it." After everyone got the Nuqing Chicken from Jinfeng Village, they rested for two days and then went directly to Pingshan.

When he arrived at the foot of Pingshan Mountain, Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but sigh. Chen Yulou had been the chief of Xiling for many years and was extremely skilled in tomb robbing. However, among the tomb robbing school, the captain who touched the gold was always respected.

Zhang Jingyun was also a descendant of the legendary Faqiu lineage, and his skills were definitely above those of the Golden Colonel. Chen Yulou suddenly wanted to compete.

"I have heard for a long time that I can touch gold in Faqiu, and I am proficient in dividing gold and fixing acupoints. I can tell whether there are ancient tombs underground just by looking at the Feng Shui in a certain place. What does Brother Zhang think of Pingshan?"

Zhang Jingyun raised his head and glanced, "Pingshan, its mountain shape is unique, there are hidden hidden elements in the mountain topography, the earth color is thick and solid, the ground veins are high, and the flowing water is suitable for flowing around.

The dragon god on the mountain does not go to the water, and the dragon god in the water does not go up the mountain. If you look carefully at the difference between the mountains and the water here, you will see that it is a real dragon that swallows everything. It is an indescribably precious treasure. "

"Heroes think alike."

Chen Yulou couldn't help but nodded and said, he has special skills and is proficient in Qimen Dunjia and astrological divination. He can also see what Zhang Jingyun said.

It's just that Chen Yulou only knows the situation of Feng Shui in this place. He is a layman with the method of finding dragons and acupuncture points used by Faqiu Tianguan and Mojin Xiaowei.

"In Brother Zhang's opinion, how to go deep into Pingshan Mountain?"

Zhang Jingyun said: "The last time Brother Chen explored Pingshan, he should have used the centipede, a tomb-robbing artifact of the Xieling warriors lineage, to hang up a mountain ladder and descend from the top of the mountain into Pingshan?"

"Not bad." Chen Yulou nodded.

Just as Zhang Jingyun said, as soon as everyone went there, they encountered the strange poisonous insects in the Pingshan Mountain, as well as the strong poisonous gas, causing many casualties.

Fortunately, the last group of Xiling warriors fought hard to cut off the enemy. Although Chen Yulou and others were in a state of embarrassment, they returned safely in the end.

"If I use the sixteen-character yin-yang Feng Shui secret technique to dig a tunnel from the mountainside directly to the underground palace, even if I encounter poison, there won't be much poison. I can restrain it with the power of the Angry Chicken."

Zhang Jingyun's words made Chen Yulou's eyes light up, "If the thief's hole can be accurately penetrated into the Pingshan underground palace, the secret technique of Faqiu will be well-deserved."

"Shopkeeper Chen doesn't know that when I robbed tombs in the past, I always hit the head of the tomb owner's coffin with the robber. This little skill is not worth mentioning."

Zhang Jingyun said calmly.

Chen Yulou was secretly frightened. They had little skill, so weren't they all reckless men in Xiling's lineage who only knew how to conquer mountains?

Zhang Jingyun just doesn't know what Chen Yulou is thinking. If he knew, he would probably ask the question, wouldn't he?

The unloading line has always been a large group of people, gathering in the mountains and forests to unload a mountain. The key is that there is strength in numbers.

The four factions of tomb robbers, Faqiu Tianguan and Mojin Xiaowei, are the ones who pay the most attention to skills. There will be no more than three people in action.

Mountain-moving Taoists are famous for their mountain-moving skills, but occasionally, they will use extreme methods. They even dare to use explosives to pry open the tomb door. Partridge Whistle is an expert.

Xiling lineage is the least popular.

However, in later generations, Xiling was reincarnated and became a hidden mainstream. Those archaeological units were very much in the style of Xiling. Excavation of an ancient tomb could easily level a mountain.

For example, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum.

It is said that the entire Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang can still be excavated for 700 years. Archaeologists who can work here will have a real iron rice bowl that they will not be able to finish in a few lifetimes.

"There's just one more thing." Zhang Jingyun said suddenly: "Although I can determine the location of the robbery hole, digging a hole requires a specialized person."

Chen Yulou smiled: "My Xiling family has a large number of people. It's just a robbery hole. It won't take long for so many brothers to get through it."

"Shopkeeper Chen, it doesn't take more than a few people to make a robbery hole. The hole is narrow. The diameter of the hole to be made in the hair mound is no more than seven inches. With the secret technique of bone shrinkage in the hair mound, one person can come and go freely.

If you have so many people entering the underground palace, the hole will be bigger, but there is always one person who actually digs the earth. Even if they can be replaced at any time, how fast can they get there? "

"What should we do?" Chen Yulou couldn't help but ask. This time he came to Pingshan to rob the tomb with great fanfare. Many warlords were watching along the way. This dilemma really damaged the reputation of the commander-in-chief of Xiling.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the partridge whistle.

The latter understood the situation and said to Chen Yulou: "Brother Chen, don't worry. Just leave it to me to move the mountain line to break the robbery cave."

Chen Yulou's eyes lit up: "Brother Partridge Whistle, you want to use the legendary mountain-moving technique? This time, brother, I have opened my eyes."

The Partridge Whistle nodded, and then said to Hua Ling: "Junior sister, please dig out the mountain to dig Zijia!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hua Ling, dressed as a Taoist nun, put down the big bamboo basket behind her back, and everyone vaguely heard the business of iron armor rubbing in it.

Chen Yulou was surprised: "Is this Fenshan Dizijia alive?"

The world only knows that the legendary mountain-moving skills are amazing, especially the ability to dig up Zijia from mountains, and the speed of digging burrows is unmatched by anyone. Today I am lucky enough to have an eye-opening experience.

In fact, it's not surprising that Chen Yulou was surprised. He had always thought that the Mountain Digging Armor was a set of sharp equipment that could increase the speed of digging holes. For this reason, he also trained the Digging Camp specifically for digging graves.

Hua Ling lowered the bamboo basket and opened it. After a friction sound, two spherical objects covered with nail leaves rolled out. When they stretched out, they turned out to be a pair of monsters with scales all over their bodies.

The monster is shaped like a dragon, turtle, and carp. The scales on its body are neatly arranged like armor. Its head is like a cone, its tail is horny, and its limbs are short and thick, but its toes and claws are particularly sharp.

The two monsters shook their heads and swung their tails as they looked at the dragon and the tiger. If they took just two steps, the scales on their bodies would make a clanking sound.

At first glance, Zhang Jingyun looks like two pangolins, one big and one small. They are also wearing this copper ring with the word "Xue Ling" engraved on it.

This pair of mountain-digging armors is also known as the pangolin armor. There are two, one large and one small, constrained by blood ties. You only need to control the smaller one, and the larger one will follow closely.

In fact, it can be seen from the appearance that this thing is a mutated species of pangolin. It has been selected and cultivated by the Taoist people for thousands of years, and it has become more and more suitable for digging holes. Compared with ordinary pangolins, they are simply different. Different places.

"Hua Ling, it's time to start."

Partridge Whistle said to Hua Ling.

However, the Pangolin Lingjia, who had always been carefully raised by the flower spirit and had a close relationship, turned out to be indifferent to her orders this time.

The big one and the small one actually looked at Zhang Jingyun, as if Zhang Jingyun had some special charm, and the two behaved particularly intimately.

"Don't blame me, don't blame me. I've always been like this. I'm easily approached by small animals. You two little guys, hurry up and get to work."

In fact, it was Zhang Jingyun who used the taming technique to unknowingly tame the opponent like the angry Qingji, and this is why he behaved abnormally.

As soon as Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, the Pangolin Armor began to dig a hole without hesitation, the smaller one in front and the larger one behind. Amidst a burst of collision of armor pieces, the two Pangolin Armors started to dig towards the cave in less than half an hour. A nearly twenty-meter passage was dug in front of the tunnel, which was large enough for ordinary people to pass.

"Good stuff, really good stuff!"

Chen Yulou's eyes were filled with brilliance.

Every sect has its own unique tomb robbing skills. If he hadn't happened to meet Zhang Jingyun and Partridge Shao, two like-minded people this time, he would never have imagined that such secrets of tomb robbing existed in the world.

A few hours later, the two pangolin beetles stopped, and Hua Ling took out insect cakes to feed them. Such intensive digging must have consumed a lot of money.

Zhang Jingyun squatted beside Hua Ling and reached out to touch it, and quietly transferred two rays of mana into the two pangolin mausoleum armors.

The next second, the two guys were resurrected with full health, and continued to dig holes with great energy, which made Hua Ling puzzled.

She looked at Zhang Jingyun, and she always felt that he had some unusual power. Hua Ling had been innocent and simple since she was a child, and her simple nature allowed her to feel even more subtle things.

There was supernatural power in Zhang Jingyun that attracted him. Previously, Partridge Whistle had doubts about Zhang Jingyun's ability to lift the curse of Taoist Banshan, but Hua Ling believed in him for some reason.

After another two hours, the thieves hole was opened.

Thick black smoke rises into the sky. This is the poisonous gas accumulated over the years in the Pingshan Underground Palace. Anyone who dares to enter the underground palace at this time will be instantly dissolved into a pool of corpses by this poisonous gas.

In ancient times, tomb robbers did not have much experience in robbing tombs. Occasionally they would dig through a large tomb and rush in to plunder various artifacts, but they would melt and disappear in the next second.

Over time, there was a saying about the place where corpses were moved.

Everyone present is an experienced tomb robber, and they will definitely not be in a hurry, waiting for the poisonous gas to dissipate before entering the underground palace one after another.

After Zhang Jingyun entered, he conveniently covered up the robbery hole. Chen Yulou and others were puzzled. Zhang Jingyun said: "A few of you don't know. If the robbery hole is open and air enters, many exposed objects will be oxidized instantly. I did this to protect them as much as possible." The utensils inside.”

"Brother Zhang is so attentive, Chen admires him."

Chen Yulou said sternly, in fact, in the tomb robbing business, the most important thing to do is to touch the gold from the mound. When robbing a tomb, you must light a candle in the southeast corner. If the candle goes out, you cannot take any bright objects and you must retreat quickly.

Not only that, the tomb robbers of the Faqiu and Mojin lineage would only take one or two of the most precious artifacts, and would not use desperate measures to leave some soup for future generations. Such rules would make Chen Yulou feel ashamed.

After all, people in the Xieling lineage have always been frightened. The people here are the tomb owners, but no one of the valuable tombs they target will want to keep.

Even the owner of the tomb had to suffer several more calamities after his death. A mouthful of teeth would be knocked out if the person had gold-encrusted teeth. If the body was valuable, the person and the coffin would be dragged out and sold.

The main thing is not to waste.

Zhang Jingyun took out candles and lit them as usual and placed them in the southeast corner. Everyone couldn't help but feel excited when they saw this scene.

Faqiu Tianguan talked about these rules, but they couldn't tell them. If the candle goes out, do they still have to exit Pingshan according to the rules?

So Chen Yulou couldn't help but asked Zhang Jingyun: "Brother Zhang, you have rich experience in tomb robbing. I think you will gain a lot from traveling all over the country. I wonder what your chances of winning are usually when robbing tombs?"

"Ten percent!"

Zhang Jingyun made a splash.

Chen Yulou wanted to comfort him, but Zhang Jingyun was so confident that he was 100% sure. Doesn't that mean he has never failed?

"The situation in the tomb is complicated and changeable. Did Brother Zhang never put out the candles he lit?" Chen Yulou couldn't help but ask more.

Zhang Jingyun smiled but said nothing.

Just kidding, how can this windproof candle be extinguished? Made of special materials, it can continue to burn even if it is placed in water. Which ghosts and gods will try to extinguish it?

If not.

How can Zhang Jingyun be victorious in every battle?

The power of science and technology has gradually been applied to all walks of life, and Zhang Jingyun will naturally keep pace with the times. Sure enough, the candle flame in the corner did not waver at all.

Seeing this situation, Chen Yulou and others were even more relieved. Even the owner of the tomb allowed them to make a fortune. Is there anything smoother?

Everyone couldn't take their eyes away after entering the underground palace hall. It turned out that this underground palace hall was composed of several halls with double eaves resting on the mountain.

Looking around, you can see beautiful buildings, towering pavilions, eaves and brackets, rows of urns, and carved beams and painted buildings without losing their solemnity.

As the air flow surged, candlelight lit up in the hall and turned on automatically. The lights inside and outside the hall were brightly lit, and the golden bricks and blue tiles were particularly brilliant, layer upon layer of beauty.

But just entered the main hall.

Before everyone felt anything unusual, the angry Qingji who was following Zhang Jingyun suddenly had its feathers flying, as if it sensed some huge danger.

The Nuqing Chicken is extremely extraordinary. It is covered in colorful feathers and has a high crest. The comb on its head is large and red, with bright red blood. Its feet are like gold. Its size alone is twice that of an ordinary rooster.

Since the thieves penetrated directly into the underground palace, they did not encounter any poisons along the way. Nuqingji was already waiting anxiously. The bottle of evil spirit in the mountain made him eager to try.

But now, it feels that it is the most powerful monster in the underground palace, and only it can hide in the main hall of the underground palace and enjoy the baptism of the bottled mountain medicinal gas all year round.

Pingshan Mountain used to be the place where the emperor made alchemy. There were countless medicines in the mountain. The soaring treasure qi that everyone saw from the outside was actually the essence of medicine qi, which had miraculous effects on the cultivation and evolution of monsters.

At this time, the monster seemed to have noticed something unusual. There were so many people coming to the Pingshan Underground Palace. In addition to the medicinal and demonic energy, they also gained popularity.

Everyone felt a vibration under their feet.

The next second, a huge creature poured out of the hall. Only when it got closer did everyone see clearly that it was actually a giant black centipede with six wings on its back.

The three pairs of wings of this giant centipede are all transparent, and its whole body is filled with black air. There are obvious red marks on its back from beginning to end, and more than a hundred legs are arranged on both sides.

All the beards and claws moved, grabbing the ground and rushing towards it, like a black dragon covered in scales, rumbling and swimming in, opening its bloody mouth. There were only a few people in this mouth who were afraid that they would not be able to feed this monster.

"What a big beast, everyone, get back!"

Chen Yulou shouted loudly, but as soon as he finished speaking, he saw a colorful figure rushing towards the six-winged centipede without hesitation, it was the Angry Chicken.


As the rooster crows, the six-winged centipede suddenly stops. The rooster's crow carries the power of the phoenix, which is the nemesis of creatures like centipedes.

Not only that, the angry chicken becomes more and more brave as it fights.

It flew up and stepped on the six-winged centipede's back, and used its sharp chicken claws to scratch out dozens of bloody holes in the six-winged centipede in full view of everyone.

"A chicken is so brave? How can we have the nerve to retreat? Come here, beat me!" Chen Yulou saw that Nu Qing's chicken was fighting happily, and he immediately asked his men to shoot and attack the six-winged centipede together.

Partridge Whistle was not to be outdone. He flipped his hands, took out two mirror boxes and pulled the triggers one after another. The bullets shot towards the six-winged centipede like two fire snakes.

"Good marksmanship!"

Chen Yulou praised the partridge when he saw that the whistle shot was flawless. However, the six-winged centipede was too big, and the damage to him by both the Angry Chicken and the bullets was too insignificant.

And being besieged by everyone also aroused the fighting spirit of the six-winged centipede. It was seen that it withstood the fire attack, and with a strong swing of its centipede body, it swept dozens of Xiling warriors to their feet.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes were shining brightly, and through the golden pupil, he could see that a red inner elixir had condensed into the body of the six-winged centipede. It took thousands of years of practice to achieve this.

Partridge Whistle and the others will definitely not be able to take it, and in the original plot, Partridge Whistle's junior brother Lao Yang and junior sister Hua Ling also died in this battle. So far, Partridge Whistle is the only one left in the Taoist movement.

"Please don't fight. This thing has become a spirit. It is a real monster. You can only use Taoist magical powers to subjugate and eliminate demons."

Zhang Jingyun stepped forward and said.

Chen Yulou secretly complained, how long had it been since Zhang Jingyun, an experienced tomb robber, still thought he was some kind of Taoist real person?

But the next second, a red light flashed.

A flying sword flew out in response, carrying the force of wind and thunder, and pierced the six-winged centipede. The flying sword returned, and the six-winged centipede almost lost its soul. Without hesitation, the six-winged centipede abandoned everyone and fled to its lair.

The Ang Qing Chicken flapped its wings and flew over.

Zhang Jingyun, with everyone looking confused, stepped on the flying sword, pinched the sword hand with his hand, turned into a stream of light and chased after the six-winged centipede.

"Brother Partridge Whistle, am I dazzled? Brother Zhang has flown away?" Chen Yulou murmured.

"He still flew away with his sword. It seems that he was right. Brother Zhang is really a real person in the legend. His magic has been mastered and he is a true practitioner."

"Ouch!" Chen Yulou was distressed secretly.

Partridge Whistle was puzzled. Zhang Jingyun was so powerful. Chen Yulou should be happy. Why did he look so depressed?

"Brother, have you forgotten?" Chen Yulou said in a deep voice: "I was outspoken before. If I said Brother Zhang was a real person, I would stand on my head and walk down the Pingshan Mountain."

"Brother Zhang won't care."

"No, a man does what he says!"

Under the Pingshan Underground Palace, the six-winged centipede escaped quickly, crashing through several walls and drilling into an underground alchemy well.

Seeing that there was no one around, the six-winged centipede spit out its inner elixir, and the red elixir pellet dripped and rolled, attracting the essence of the surrounding medicinal energy to heal its wounds.

It only takes a moment.

The six-winged centipede's injuries were 80% to 90% healed. However, just as he was about to swallow the inner elixir, he saw that Zhang Jingyun was faster than the six-winged centipede and snatched away the inner elixir with his backhand.

The six-winged centipede, which had lost its inner elixir, went completely crazy and attacked Zhang Jingyun frantically. Zhang Jingyun stepped on the flying sword and fought with the six-winged centipede.

The Angry Chicken came next and pounced on it again. This chicken was so brave that it was unimaginable. He simply looked down on life and death. He would do anything if he refused. How dare he step forward in a fight with a trapped beast?

Zhang Jingyun mobilized his magic power to pull the Angry Chicken back, then made seals with his hands and muttered words, amidst a burst of thunder that covered the sky and the earth.

The several-foot-long six-winged centipede was directly flipped over by the hemp. Thunderbolts swam across its body like silver snakes, and then exploded with a bang.

"Sure enough, there is no comparison with Pudu Cihang."

Zhang Jingyun easily grabbed a thousand-year inner elixir. He was destined to be a creature of this kind. If not for this, Zhang Jingyun would have killed the six-winged centipede in seconds just by looking at him.

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