People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 160 Mr. New Zombie【Please subscribe】

Renjia Town, inside Jiu Shu Yizhuang.

Zhang Jingyun is sitting cross-legged to worship the royal zombies. It has been exactly seven, seven and forty-nine days since Zhang Jingyun, Simu and Taoist Master Qianhe joined forces to deal with the royal zombies.

In the battle with the royal zombies, Taoist priest Qianhe was really unlucky. The zombie he was escorting was struck by lightning, causing the zombie to advance several levels at once.

The ink pipe line combined with the copper-horned golden coffin was used to suppress zombies, which was the highest treatment in Maoshan. However, the ink pipe line failed when it rained.

Taoist Master Qianhe's leg was crushed by the lid of the golden coffin again. The time and place were not on Taoist Master Qianhe's side, but luckily people and people were on his side.

Zhang Jingyun's insight into the plot changed the ending. Taoist priest Qianhe did not commit suicide in the end. It would be a pity that such an expert died at the hands of zombies.

As for Zhang Jingyun, he used the Five Camp Divine General Formation to subdue the royal zombie, then took him back to Yizhuang and used Maoshan Technique to sacrifice and refine it into an armored corpse.

There was originally some trouble with Taoist Master Qianhe. After all, he was responsible for transporting the zombies back to Beijing. If Zhang Jingyun was allowed to take the zombies away, it would be disobedience.

In the end, Zhang Jingyun thought of a way.

The golden coffin with copper horns was cast in gold.

This much gold is enough to smoothen the relationship between superiors and subordinates. Sure enough, after Zhang Jingyun's suggestion, the guard commander Wu Shilang suddenly turned around.

Now that the court is in turmoil, the emperor is no longer able to sit still. There is little room for promotion if he stays in the palace, and he may face danger from time to time.

Why not sell the gold, take care of it, and take advantage of the changing situation inside and outside the court to retreat. Therefore, Wu Shilang is not afraid that he will not be able to return to life, not to mention that zombies are inherently ferocious, and the purpose of letting Maoshan Taoist priests take this evil thing away is Hello, Emperor.

After all, the emperor and the zombies are still related by blood. If the zombies are brought back to the palace and resurrected, it will be a huge disaster.

That's what it turned out to be.

Zhang Jingyun easily brought the royal zombies back to Yizhuang. Taoist priest Qianhe, who was responsible for escorting the zombies, was also given a generous gift by Wu Shilang...a coffin lid.

Don't underestimate this coffin lid.

The gold one weighs dozens of kilograms.

In the main world, if you can directly gain wealth and freedom in one step, even if Taoist Master Simu, the most profitable among Maoshan disciples, wants to earn so much gold, it will take several years.

In comparison, Uncle Jiu was the poorest.

Zhang Jingyun sometimes thinks that Uncle Jiu is so poor that he should change things. After all, Uncle Jiu treats him the same as he treats his disciples.

Since he was not in a hurry to make money, Zhang Jingyun still refined the armored zombies first. The royal zombies were injured by the Wuying Divine Generals Formation, and then were controlled by Maoshan's corpse refining technique. The difficulty of refining the royal zombies was much greater than that of Mr. Ren.

After all, Mr. Ren had Xuan Qingzi to lay the foundation. Xuan Qingzi took his hair and blood essence and melted them into the Soul-Calling Bell from the very beginning.

Therefore, Zhang Jingyun can easily control Mrs. Ren. The royal zombies are already powerful and have no tokens to control them. Zhang Jingyun uses his deep magic power to forcibly refine the opponent.

It takes twenty-one days to refine Mr. Ren.

As for the royal zombies, Zhang Jingyun never stopped for a moment. Forty-nine days in total were already the deadline for the corpse refining technique.

If it still fails, it means that the corpse refining has failed.

Fortunately, with Zhang Jingyun's own efforts, he happened to have a breakthrough in his martial arts. The light gathering method reached the point where the moon hangs in the sky, and his magic power was sufficient.

Originally, the royal zombies were still resisting at the last moment. Zhang Jingyun almost thought that the corpse refining had failed. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the golden light of merit bloomed, shocking the zombies.

In the end, the process of refining the corpse was almost uneventful.

Zhang Jingyun successfully harvested the second zombie.

Old Master Ren and royal zombies stood beside him, like guardians on the left and right, but their appearance was a little different, one was covered in red hair, and the other was covered in fried hair.

"From now on, you will be Ah Da and Ah Er!"

Zhang Jingyun named the two zombies.

In terms of strength, Ah Er has royal blood, and he also absorbed a bolt of lightning to survive the thunder catastrophe. He is more than a bit more powerful than Old Master Ren.

But during the battle that day, Zhang Jingyun discovered that Mr. Ren was not timid at all, and he dared to charge at zombies that were stronger than him.

And although he is Mao Zong, Old Master Ren's physical strength is obviously too strong, and he can be compared to the royal zombies.

Even in terms of speed, his resistance to magic damage is not as good as that of the royal zombies. Zhang Jingyun's blood essence made him undergo unexpected changes, but when he also used the blood essence to refine the royal zombies, he was normal.

There was no red hair on his body, and after channeling, the hair on his body became hard and black, as if he had been struck by thunder.

Shaking his head, Zhang Jingyun didn't think too much. It was already a big opportunity to be able to transform into two powerful zombies. What more bicycles were needed.

"The mutated old man Ren and the royal zombies, there are not many monsters in the entire Uncle Jiu zombie world that are stronger than them, right?"

Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart.

In terms of Taoism, Uncle Jiu and others can suppress Mrs. Ren, but they cannot deal with the royal zombies. Only Shi Jian can single-handedly defeat the royal zombies and win.

Zombies and ghosts.

It seems that only the Musical Zombie Nintendo can compete with Mrs. Ren and Royal Zombies, and the rest are just like that.

"Uncle Master can rest assured after sacrificing the zombies." These days, Uncle Jiu has been worried about Zhang Jingyun for fear of being backlashed by the royal zombies.

Uncle Jiu is not inferior to others when it comes to taking care of the younger generation. Otherwise, how could he have titles such as one of the three chiefs of Novice Village and the Holy Master of All Realms?

"Hey, uncle has a guest?"

Zhang Jingyun came out of seclusion and went to the pavilion in the courtyard to look for Uncle Jiu. He saw another Taoist priest who spoke calmly, talking to Uncle Jiu in a lively manner.

Uncle Jiu was practicing Tai Chi in the yard, which was simple and full of simplicity. It looked more profound than the commonly circulated Tai Chi, and even the Taoist priests were full of praise.

"Brother Taoist Tai Chi has mastered the essence. In my opinion, it is more authentic than Chenjiagou's. Forgive me, I wonder which lineage it is inherited from?"

Huang Taoist asked curiously.

There are many schools of Tai Chi, and Taoist Huang has seen most of them, but he really can't figure out Uncle Jiu's method.

This is natural.

Uncle Jiu's Tai Chi was taught by Zhang Jingyun, and Zhang Jingyun had seen Zhang Sanfeng boxing himself. No one knew the essence of Tai Chi better than Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun combines what he has learned.

Integrating Zhang Sanfeng's Tai Chi techniques into one, he can actually become a school of his own, but Zhang Jingyun does not seek these false reputations.

"My boxing skills...oh, isn't this the real master? Brother Tao, this is the nephew I mentioned to you. He was a master of martial arts before practicing Taoism. This is Master Huang."

Uncle Jiu saw Zhang Jingyun smiling and said.

"I've met Master Huang."

Zhang Jingyun saluted, and Master Huang returned the salute and said: "Brother Lin Dao and I are both from the Maoshan lineage, so you can also call me uncle."

"Uncle Huang."

When he is called "Master-Uncle", the relationship becomes closer.

"Master Nephew, you must have succeeded in the sacrifice when you came out of seclusion. It just so happens that tomorrow Brother Huang Dao and I are going to Tengteng Town, Guangxi to deal with zombies. Are you interested?"

Uncle Jiu suddenly asked.

"Tengteng Town, Guangxi?" Zhang Jingyun had an impression. A few years ago, Tengteng Town was no worse than Renjia Town, but it was a pity that it was ruined by famine, and now there are zombies.

In troubled times, there must be evil spirits.

"I just sacrificed the armored corpse, just to see the strength." Zhang Jingyun agreed without hesitation, but he sighed in his heart that it was indeed right to follow Uncle Jiu.

Following Uncle Jiu, zombies and ghosts come one after another. The mission of subduing demons and slaying demons has not yet taken off? The rewards for returning to the main world will definitely not be bad.

"Uncle Master, why don't you see Qiu Sheng's talent?"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly asked.

Uncle Jiu said: "These two useless things, all they wanted to do last night was go out to the theater and give Ling Ying all the tasks I assigned.

As a result, it was not fulfilled, causing Ling Ying to riot, so I asked them to send Ling Ying to Gu Gu to avoid causing trouble. "

"Spirit baby?" Zhang Jingyun's heart moved.

It seems a bit familiar.

Uncle Jiu said at the right time: "You have been in seclusion for these days, and I have invited a group of spiritual babies to be offered in the ancestral hall. This is also to accumulate Yin virtue and is good for practice."

"What is a spirit infant?"

Uncle Jiu was slightly surprised and then explained to Zhang Jingyun, "Some people believe that unborn babies have no soul.

Therefore, for a long time, women have continued to commit sins due to abortion and miscarriage, causing many young and weak souls to lose the opportunity to be reincarnated as human beings because their bodies were destroyed.

These little elves who are ignored by others are spirit infants. If the spirit infants are reincarnated many times and cannot reach adulthood, they will accumulate resentment towards humans and gradually become vicious and evil.

If those two idiots Qiu Shengwencai played tricks on those kind spirit babies, nothing would happen, but if they offended those three evil babies, it would be dangerous. "

Uncle Jiu told Zhang Jingyun what had happened in the past few days. It turned out that it was Qiu Shengwencai who promised the spirit infant and asked them to stack three large frames of paper ingots and bring them back a basket of eggs. In the end, he only used three quail eggs to send the spirit infant away.

The child has an outspoken personality and takes revenge whenever he wants, so Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai are naturally tortured. In the end, Uncle Jiu can only let them send the spirit baby away.

Aunt Zhue and Uncle Jiu are from the same sect, so the spirit baby will be better taken care of there. In fact, Uncle Jiu has done this kind of thing a lot in recent years.

"Gu Gu, Ling Ying..."

Zhang Jingyun immediately remembered this movie. The title of the movie: Mr. New Zombie is about Uncle Jiu and Aunt Sue teaming up to deal with an evil baby possessing a pregnant woman.

In this plot, Uncle Jiu even lost his virginity.

Zhang Jingyun remembered the general plot, turned around, and looked at Taoist Huang again. He had the impression that this Taoist named Huang was the unlucky guy who was dismembered and eaten by zombies in Tengteng Town.

"Remember, it was Uncle Jiu who was tricked by Qiu Shengwencai into meeting Aunt Zhue, so Huang Taoist had to go to Tengteng Town alone to deal with the zombies.

Unexpectedly, there was a powerful zombie king in Tengteng Town. Huang Taoist went to Tengteng Town to fight in the jungle. With a sliding shovel... he directly fed the zombies. "

Zhang Jingyun was thinking when he suddenly heard a cry: "Master! It's not good!" The voice came from far away and it was clear that the person speaking was Qiu Sheng.

"What's going on? You're in a panic!"

In front of Taoist Huang, Uncle Jiu couldn't help but look at the disciple's appearance. Qiu Sheng's voice became calmer after being scolded by Uncle Jiu.

"Master, Aunt Zhe is sick and is about to die." This was Aunt Zhe's excuse for discussing with him. Qiu Sheng lied to Uncle Jiu just by opening his mouth.

"You're sick, is it that serious?"

Uncle Jiu hesitated for a moment before going to visit Aunt Sue. During those years of studying Taoism in the mountains, he missed his first love, but Aunt Sue was obsessed with him.

"Brother Dao, I'm really sorry. I'm afraid I can't go to Tengteng Town with you." Uncle Jiu said with cupped hands.

"It doesn't matter. Brother Taoist, if there's something urgent, go handle it quickly. I can go to Tengteng Town myself." Taoist Huang said with confidence.

Zhang Jingyun looked strange.

Doesn't this cost someone's head?

Knowing that Gu Ze was pretending to be ill, Zhang Jingyun said: "Uncle Master, let me go with Master Huang. This is a panacea. As long as you have a breath, you can definitely save her. You can take it to Gu Gu."

"Thank you so much, nephew."

Uncle Jiu said gratefully.

Zhang Jingyun chuckled, this is indeed a magic pill, and it is concocted with devil's chili pepper. Gu Gu will definitely jump up and down after eating it, creating a medical miracle.

Here, Uncle Jiu and Qiu Sheng went to see Aunt Sue.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Taoist Huang and said, "Uncle Master, I think we don't have to wait until tomorrow. Let's set off for Tengteng Town now."



Tengteng Town is in Guangxi.

It took Zhang Jingyun and Huang Taoist nearly two days to arrive. On the way, Zhang Jingyun once again realized that Uncle Jiu was indeed prone to zombies and demons, and the monsters that followed Uncle Jiu never stopped.

When I went out with Taoist Huang, it was quiet along the way, and according to Taoist Huang, he had not encountered many zombies in all his decades of practice.

Since they rarely encounter zombies, and during the sparring, both sides just hit the target, without fighting, so naturally they don't have much fighting power.

This time, Taoist Huang heard that there were zombies in Tengteng Town. Although he was cautious and came to find Uncle Jiu, he was obviously not cautious enough.

If Zhang Jingyun didn't follow him, he would definitely die. Of course, Zhang Jingyun didn't do it for him. The main purpose was to kill zombies to complete the mission.

"Nephew, let's search each house one by one. I'll rush in first, and you just need to follow me. It should be fine."

After arriving at the place, Taoist Huang was eager to try.

Zhang Jingyun glanced at him and thought, come on, slide the shovel in and kill someone? Do you really think those zombies don't dare to suck his blood?

"Uncle, it's better to be cautious. The zombies here should be all gathered together. If you find one, it may be a zombie nest." Zhang Jingyun said.

Taoist Huang nodded: "What my nephew said makes sense, but the area of ​​Tengteng Town is not small. Where do you think we should start?"

"Of course you have to use professionals to find zombies. Ah Da and Ah Er, go and see where there are zombies." Zhang Jingyun summoned the old man and the royal zombies.

The two powerful armored corpses jumped extremely fast, which made Taoist Huang feel envious on his face. Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique was so famous that one armored corpse had been refined for three generations, so it was the best choice to be used as a protector armored corpse.

It's a pity that the art of corpse refining has been almost lost in recent years.

Using Mrs. Ren and the royal zombies to find zombies is called professional counterparts. Zhang Jingyun and Huang Taoist can just find a place to wait.

Most of the day later.

Only Mrs. Ren jumped back.

"Where's Ah Er?"

Mrs. Ren made gestures for a while, and Zhang Jingyun understood. It turned out that Mrs. Ren and the royal zombies had found the zombie nest. There were too many zombies in it. The royal zombies and the local zombies were fighting, and Mrs. Ren came back to report the news.

"With Ah Er's strength, it should be one-sided?" Zhang Jingyun was confused, and then he and Huang Taoist sneaked into the zombie lair under the leadership of Mr. Ren.

As soon as the two zombies entered, they felt nervous. Looking at them, they were all densely packed with zombies. The royal zombie Ah Er jumped up and down, and the zombies fell to the ground in one sweep, and even their limbs were scattered.

"Nephew, why don't you call someone?"

Taoist Huang felt a chill running down his spine, but luckily he was cautious.

"I remember there weren't that many zombies in the original plot?" Zhang Jingyun was very surprised. There were at least 200 zombies in it.

How did he know that if he asked Ah Da and Ah Er to find zombies, he would definitely be looking for the strongest group. The zombies here are the source of zombie cholera in Tengteng Town.

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