People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 159 Asking for the Divine Art to Refining the Corpse【Please subscribe】


Taoist priest Qianhe saw Zhang Jingyun fighting with the zombies. Although he was not losing for a while, in his opinion, flesh and blood could not compete with the bronze skin and iron bones of the zombies.

So Taoist Master Qianhe gave an order!

The four disciples from the southeast, northwest and north took out the ropes at the same time. The four were distributed in four directions in order. They threw away the ropes in their hands and surrounded the city.

This is no ordinary rope.

It is a magical weapon specially used by the Maoshan lineage to bind corpses. The sacrificial refining process is quite complicated, and even Uncle Jiu does not have such a magical weapon.

Only Taoist priests like Taoist priest Qianhe who travel outside and specialize in killing zombies would deliberately sacrifice magic weapons to bind immortal locks.

Zhang Jingyun remembered that in the original plot, the royal zombies were resurrected. First, Shunfeng Bureau opened the copper-horned golden coffin and crushed Taoist Master Qianhe's legs, and then killed a disciple.

In the end, only three of the four disciples of Taoist Qianhe were left. The three used corpse ropes to fight with the royal zombies for a while, giving Taoist Qianhe a chance.

And now, because of Zhang Jingyun's participation.

None of Taoist Master Qianhe's four disciples were injured. The four of them used corpse ropes to set up Maoshan formations in four directions, and the royal zombies couldn't break free for a while.

After a period of adjustment, Taoist Master Qianhe's leg injury was better, and he stood up to fight the royal zombies with the four disciples.

"Uncle Qianhe is quite militant."

Zhang Jingyun retreated to Taoist Priest Simu and said.

Taoist Master Simu felt the same way and said: "I think back then, senior brother and I had to fight him for who knows how long a day. Junior Brother Qianhe was not only warlike, but also very courageous..."

As he spoke, Taoist Master Four Eyes paused and then continued, "It doesn't hurt to tell you that even Senior Brother was beaten by Junior Brother Qianhe."

Zhang Jingyun was surprised: "Is this happening?"

You know, even a small figure like the former master Xuan Qingzi has heard of Shi Jian's reputation. The senior brother of Maoshan Sect really has no water at all.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes disagreed: "Senior Brother, although he is powerful, he also has a good father supporting him behind his back. He is not like us."

The previous leader of the Maoshan Sect was Shi Jian's father. Shi Jian was the senior brother of this generation, so he would naturally inherit the position of leader, and he could be considered a successor.


When Zhang Jingyun was talking to Taoist Master Simu.

On the other side, Taoist priest Qianhe and his four disciples were fighting. It was a critical moment. The four disciples trapped the royal zombies with corpse ropes. Taoist priest Qianhe used his index and middle fingers together to activate a little magic on the peach wood sword!

The magical weapon, the peach wood sword, instantly bloomed with yellow light. Taoist priest Qianhe flashed and held the peach wood sword and stabbed through the royal zombie with a plop.

Zi La La!

The magical weapon, the mahogany sword, was inserted into the body. The zombie made a strange sound, like the sound of flesh and blood being fried. The body trembled and bursts of white smoke came out.


The royal zombie is worthy of being an existence that has survived the thunder tribulation. When Taoist Master Qianhe penetrated his body with a peach wood sword, he burst out with even stronger power.

With a roar, the mahogany sword broke. Qianhe Taoist Master held the sword hilt with a dull expression on his face, and the royal zombie took advantage of the situation and bit him on the neck.

Taoist priest Qianhe flew up and hit the zombie's chin with a flying kick. He grabbed the zombie's arms with both hands, and instantly they were in a stalemate with the royal zombie.


Thunder flashed across the sky again.

This thunder did not hit the royal zombies, but after being baptized by thunder tribulation, the thunder in the sky could actually arouse the violence in the zombies.

The rope that bound the corpse suddenly flashed with an orange light, and the faces of the four disciples in the southeast and northwest were distorted. The rope that bound the body was reaching its limit.

"I can't hold it anymore!"

One of the disciples shouted. Upon hearing this, Master Qianhe quickly distanced himself from the royal zombies. In the next second, the four ropes that bound the corpses were disconnected at the same time.

Taoist Priest Qianhe stood next to Taoist Four Eyes and said: "He has become a spirit. The three of us together may not be his opponent."

"And I!"

There was a voice, and then a white figure, from far to near, as if shrinking to an inch, appeared beside the three of them, clasping hands: "Amitabha."

The person who came was none other than Master Ikkyu.

"After surviving the thunder tribulation, this zombie has broken through the limit of Mao Zombie and evolved into Flying Zombie. Logically speaking, only the God Refining Mage can deal with it. We should be able to subdue it if we go together."

Taoist Master Simu was not happy when he heard this: "Monk, what do you mean, we three Maoshan disciples can't deal with a zombie?"

"That was not what I meant."

Master Ikkyu quickly explained.

Zhang Jingyun has a good impression of Master Yixiu. After all, the monk looks like Yan Chixia and seems to be easy to get close to.

But what Taoist Priest Four Eyes said makes sense.

With so many Maoshan disciples coming to deal with a zombie, if Buddhist masters are needed to help, they won't be able to show off their face even if they win.

"Thank you, Master Ikkyu. I can deal with zombies even if I am not very talented. This is my task in itself, so I won't trouble others."

Taoist priest Qianhe also said at the right time.

"Okay, then I will be there to help you, call me when you need it." Master Yixiu's face was rosy and he was not angry.


While several people were talking, the zombie turned around and suddenly rushed towards the tent next to it, mingling with the palace guards in the tent.

"There are blood relatives of zombies in the camp."

Taoist Master Qianhe said in a loud voice that zombies kill their relatives, which is a common characteristic of all zombies. As soon as he finished speaking, everyone rushed into the camp.

Although the guards in the camp are all martial arts masters, their martial arts skills are just a showpiece in front of the royal zombies, unless they reach the level of Zhang Jingyun.

"The imperial edict is from the ocean, and the sun rises in the east. I give you a spiritual talisman to sweep away all the ominous things. I spit out the fire of the mountains from my mouth, and the light captured by the talisman's flying gate can subdue the demons as quickly as the law!"

Zhang Jingyun held the talisman in his hand, recited a spell silently in his heart, pinched the magic formula with his hands, and stepped with his feet. A talisman to exorcise evil spirits shot out and landed on the royal zombie.

The talisman spontaneously ignited without fire, and a burst of fire suddenly rose up, covering the royal zombies. However, the next second the royal zombies roared, and thunder burst out!

The heavy rain fell and destroyed the talisman.

Zhang Jingyun's expression changed slightly, "This royal zombie, after being upgraded by the Thunder Tribulation, can already draw on the power of heaven and earth to a certain extent, which is a sign of entering the flying zombie."

Feizheng is so powerful that he can not only fly in the air, but also cast spells like a Taoist priest. This is already another level of existence.

"The Patriarch protects you, take my sword!"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes directly carried a giant magic sword and used all his magic power to slash at the royal zombies. Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes was using the magic sword as a broadsword, but the royal zombies were really powerful. The broad magic sword struck him, causing a spark, and then it was broken into two sections.

"Oh, I should have known I had brought the biggest one." Taoist priest Four Eyes sighed. If it were the biggest magic sword, it looked like a door panel, and it might be able to cut the royal zombies.

"Senior brother, the magic weapon is useless!"

Taoist priest Qianhe was also helpless. His peach wood sword was broken into two pieces just like this. The zombies that had evolved into flying zombies were almost immune to everyone's magical weapons.

In fact, it is very unlikely that zombies in this world will evolve into flying zombies. The royal zombies also had good luck for several lifetimes and were struck by lightning.

Instantly upgrade several levels.

Maoshan disciples such as Taoist Priest Four Eyes and Taoist Qianhe, due to the end of the Dharma Age, have reached the peak of Qi Refining Realm. If they want to break through to the God Refining Realm, they may not be able to achieve it in their lifetime.

Therefore, it will definitely not be easy to deal with such a cheating zombie. In the original plot, Taoist priest Qianzuru and Master Ikkyu couldn't defeat the royal zombies together. In the end, they had to rely on a bunch of zombie-restraining poisons to kill the royal zombies through the plot. offline.

Zhang Jingyun stepped forward again.

Either using talismans or using various martial arts, he knocked the royal zombies away again and again, but he could not kill them.

"The only option is to use the Five Camp Divine General Formation." Zhang Jingyun thought to himself that among the many secret techniques he had mastered, many of them could kill zombies.

For example, the secret technique of spirit essence learned from the spirit cage world, after activating the source of life, can instantly burst out power beyond the limit, which is known as the power of gods.

Activating the source of life can kill royal zombies, but Zhang Jingyun feels that the spiritual cage world's cultivation system is still flawed. The exercises cannot increase lifespan. In fact, they are overdrawing life, so it is best not to use it.

In the future, there would be an opportunity to explore the world of spirit cages and find out the truth using the secret technique of spirit essence, so Zhang Jingyun ignored it.

In this world, you still have to deal with zombies with Taoist skills. This is called professional counterpart. There are no side effects when using the Wuying Divine General Formation.

"Nephew and junior brother, you hold the zombies down first, and I'll ask the ancestor to get up and fight the enemy!" Taoist Priest Four Eyes suddenly said, obviously he was also really angry.

Zhang Jingyun and Taoist priest Qianhe next to him looked at each other, and the two cooperated with each other to attract the zombies. The four disciples from the southeast and northwest connected the corpse ropes and reluctantly continued to fight against the enemy.

The index and middle fingers of the right hand of Taoist Master Four Eyes are held together, and the wrist of his right hand is held in front of him with his left hand. The Taoist Master Four Eyes' face is sincere, he closes his eyes and lowers his head to recite a mantra, and at the same time stamps the ground with his right foot.

"Please come up, Master Patriarch!"


Taoist Priest Four Eyes casts a spell with a long forward swing. When it comes to battle, Maoshan's magic spell is a bit useless, and there is simply not so much time.

So someone has to stall for time.

After a moment, the Taoist Priest with Four Eyes shook his body.

In the next second, an invisible power spread. Zhang Jingyun, Taoist Master Simu and the four disciples all looked solemn and did not dare to act recklessly!

At the same time, the royal zombies also calmed down. Zhang Jingyun saw fear in his eyes. The four-eyed Taoist priest successfully asked the ancestor to get on top of him. This momentum even affected the zombies.

Also, Maoshan Patriarch exists.

The ordinary mountain spirits and wild monsters were frightened to death when they saw it. The performance of the royal zombies was already quite good. Zhang Jingyun and Taoist priest Qianhe quickly backed away.

At this moment, Taoist Priest Simu's body was more than doubled in size, his muscles were swollen and bursting through his clothes, his face was rosy, and he seemed to be full of energy.


Taoist priest Four Eyes roared angrily and grabbed the royal zombie, threw it ten meters away, and made a shallow pit on the ground. The power was approaching Zhang Jingyun, but it was not a pure physical attack, but also suffered magic damage.

Therefore, the royal zombies are obviously more afraid of the four-eyed Taoist priest. Being beaten by Zhang Jingyun is at best a superficial injury, while being beaten by the four-eyed Taoist priest is equivalent to some internal injuries.

"Uncle Four Eyes has slender arms and legs, and Grandmaster Qing's upper body is indestructible. If I practice the Maoshan Qing Shen Technique, wouldn't it mean that I can take off from the same spot?"

Zhang Jingyun was greedy for Taoist Priest Four's spells.

"Don't wake up senior brother, he will be useless once he becomes discouraged." Next to him, Taoist Master Qianhe reminded everyone, but as soon as these words came out, Zhang Jingyun knew something was wrong.

Sure enough, Taoist Priest Four Eyes was beating up the royal zombies when he suddenly stepped on a hook weapon thrown by a guard on the ground and was instantly discouraged.

The burly figure returned directly to its original shape.

The hand that was grabbing the zombie was also grabbed by the zombie. A mouth full of black gas slowly opened and wanted to bite the neck of the four-eyed priest.

"He is indeed a five-second real man!"

Zhang Jingyun was helpless. It was clear that he had not mastered Taoist Priest Four Eyes' magic technique yet. First, it was a long foreplay, and second, it was not strong enough to resist damage. It was too flaky.

"Uncle Master, I will use the Five Camps Divine General Formation!"

Zhang Jingyun said hello and then took out the soul-catching bell, shook it slightly, summoned the old man Ren, and then threw the bell to Taoist Simu.

"Can Mao Zheng deal with royal zombies?"

Taoist Master Four Eyes couldn't bear to use it. Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique is sometimes passed down from one zombie to three generations, and it doesn't necessarily have to be used today.

If it is damaged, decades of hard work will be ruined, which is too wasteful. Therefore, the corpse refining line often waits for the zombie sacrifice to reach its peak before using it.

"Uncle, don't worry. I control the Five Camps of Divine Generals. Maybe I can capture and refine this quasi-flying zombie. Then I will make a lot of money!"

Zhang Jingyun's words made Taoist Si Mu feel hot in his heart. They were too high-spirited. They were just like modern people who want to play with guns. In the world of martial arts, everyone wanted to learn unique skills. The temptation of practicing flying zombies made Taoist Si Mu fight with all his strength. The idea came up, even if it was to help Zhang Jingyun.

"Master Nephew, just set up your formation and leave this place to us." Taoist Priest Four Eyes and Taoist Qianhe fought hard, and the red-haired Old Master Ren also showed his fierceness, brazenly confronting the royal zombies that were about to evolve into flying zombies.

The sounds of fierce fighting are endless.

Qianhe and Taoist Master Shimu looked at each other.

"The hierarchy of zombies is very strict. Mr. Ren is a zombie. Logically speaking, he should be afraid of royal zombies. Why are he becoming more brave as he fights?" Taoist priest Qianhe felt strange.

Taoist Master Four Eyes thought of something: "I remember, it seems that the essence and blood of the zombies sacrificed by my nephew are special, causing the zombies to mutate."

"Mutated zombies? Rare!"

Of course, Taoist Priest Four Eyes and Taoist Qianhe didn't know that Mr. Ren was nourished by Zhang Jingyun's essence and blood. Zhang Jingyun had a trace of true dragon blood in his body. The special bloodline was the source of Mr. Ren's mutation.

Originally, Mr. Ren would be Mao Zong at most in his life, but with Zhang Jingyun's blood and essence, it would be possible to break through to Fei Zong or even a higher realm in the future.

"Uncle, I'm fine."

At this time, Zhang Jingyun also completed the formation.

"The immortal master's wonderful method still exists today, and the disciples follow it to defend the universe! Be as urgent as the law!" Zhang Jingyun's cold voice sounded in the ears of the royal zombies.

The next second, a line of fire was seen burning, and a mysterious talisman formation was instantly formed around the royal zombies, which was the Five Camp Divine Generals Formation.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The three talismans in Zhang Jingyun's hand burned instantly, and their magic power communicated with the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth. This is the magic of the talismans, which can control ghosts and communicate with gods.

In the talisman array, a red divine light bloomed.

The three god generals on the ground opened their eyes instantly. The Dongying and Xiying god generals, with their divine light reaching into the sky, instantly locked the feet of the royal zombie and pulled them into the ground.

Zombies cannot bend.

Zhang Jingyun only needed three battalions to deal with him. As Marshal Nezha of the middle battalion rose, a samadhi true fire rose into the sky and enveloped the royal zombies.

"It's incredible that the five battalions of divine generals can be deployed so quickly by themselves. This level of Taoism is no less than a few of us." Taoist priest Qianhe sighed.

In terms of formation practice, the Maoshan sect is dominated by Jiu Shu. Taoist priests Qianhe and Simu are not good at formations. Therefore, Zhang Jingyun is proficient in many Maoshan techniques, which is rare in the history of the Maoshan sect.


The royal zombies kept screaming.

Zhang Jingyun mobilized all his magic power and used both distraction and concentration to maintain the formation of the five battalions of divine generals while using the Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique to sacrifice the royal zombies.

With this level of mana consumption, even Zhang Jingyun felt a lot of pressure. The mana in the Qi refining realm was actually not enough.

"Not enough, not enough!"

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, and then his eyes widened. Taoist Si Mu, Taoist Qianhe and others only saw Zhang Jingyun's forehead shining brightly.

Under the night, everyone seemed to see in a trance, Zhang Jingyun's head looked like a sea of ​​sparkling waves, and a bright moon shed its brilliance.

"How can you practice the light gathering method to this level?" The eyes of Si Mu and Taoist Qianhe were dull, and Master Yixiu almost broke the string of Buddhist beads.

The bright moon was in the sky, the blue sea was surging, the tides were ebbing and flowing. Although there was no ocean, Taoist Master Simu and others felt the sound of waves and a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun's mana seemed to be endless. Under the moonlight, he had various insights in his heart, and he could control the formation and refine the corpse at the same time with ease.

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