People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 138 This is the normal dual cultivation mode [Please subscribe]

Chapter 138 This is the normal mode [Please subscribe]

As Mark and others left Nirvana Biological Company, Zhang Jingyun, Bai Yuekui and others appeared one after another and began to clean up the remaining pole-devouring beasts inside.

"Good guys, the people in the lighthouse are getting more and more powerful. They can even kill spiny eels. In the past, they had difficulty dealing with ordinary pole-devouring beasts."

Shanda sighed and said that because of Bai Yuekui, this team has been following the lighthouse all year round and knows a lot about the situation of the lighthouse.

The hunter team is the top force of Lighthouse, but in the eyes of Shanda and others, this elite team is not on the same level as them.

The Wild Hunters have been established for many years, but as of last year, they had not killed even a single Devouring Beast. It was only Zhang Jingyun who joined the Lighthouse that changed the status quo.

Unexpectedly, after just one year of development, the hunter team has become proficient in killing powerful pole-devouring beasts such as spiny eels.

This is a newly discovered long-range attack poleeater, filed under the pan-general poleeater ‖ type. Frontline hunters call them "spiny eels".

The spiny eel is small in size and lurks in the environment. When attacking, it is agile and can move quickly on building walls. The spiny eel is affiliated with the metamorphosed poleeater in its habitat.

Compared with snake dogs, earth roars and other pan-eating polar beasts, spiny eels are extremely fast and have long-range attack capabilities. If they have a shortcoming, it is that their defense is relatively low.

Heavy objects and firearms can cause damage to it. In addition, the spiny eel can also shoot poisonous stingers. As long as it hits the hunter, it will stay in its body and then start to absorb the life essence.

Because it has a subordinate relationship with the metamorphosis-type pole-devouring beast, as long as the spiny eel is killed by external factors, the metamorphosis-type pole-devouring beast will immediately receive the information and retaliate.

It is not surprising that the hunter team can kill the spiny eels. After all, Zhang Jingyun taught them the secrets of controlling emotions.

In a doomsday environment, after receiving life-saving skills, wouldn't every hunter practice like crazy? Just like Zhang Wuji, who obtained the Nine Yang Divine Technique, if he had not had the Xuanming Divine Palm in his body and suffered from the pain of cold poison invading his body, even if he was given the Nine Sun Divine Technique, he would not have been able to master these four volumes of skills in just five years.

The pressure from the external environment is very important to practice. If a skill is a life-saving method, I believe they will burst out with amazing potential.

"Not long after the hunters killed these spiny eels, they were retaliated by the transformed pole-eating beast. It should be the calyx beast. It is not dead."

Bai Yuekui said suddenly.

Zhang Jingyun is already very familiar with the species of pole-devouring beasts. The shape of a spiny eel is crawling forward with six arms, and the tip of its tail is divided into two, like a flowing ribbon.

As its name suggests, Calyx Beast has a round ball at its tail, shaped like a flower that has never bloomed, and only two small and skinny arms under its abdomen.

The six arms of the spiny eel bring it extreme speed. Although the calyx beast only has two tiny arms that are very disproportionate to its body, its speed is not slower than the spiny eel.

Because the calyx beast can temporarily suspend in the air, when the calyx beast's tail like a flower bone opens, it can float up. When the tail contracts and exerts force, it can soar in the air just like a jellyfish in the sea.

Of course, Calyxon only soars briefly.

If it could really fly at will, the Calyx Beast would have flown up to the lighthouse to enjoy its meal long ago. Its flying ability is not that far away.

And the flying method is not as imagined, flying by means of telekinesis, magnetic field, etc., but also flying through media and using physical methods.

"The transformed pole-devouring beast is second only to the king-level beast. I want to try to see if I can kill it alone. Yue Kui, you can raid the formation aside."

Zhang Jingyun said to Bai Yuekui, who nodded, then activated the return state with his team members and hid quietly nearby.

The interior of Nirvana Biological Company seemed very quiet, and Zhang Jingyun's footsteps were crisp as he walked inside. He did not control his emotions, just to let the beast hiding in the dark take the initiative to attack him.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up.

Zhang Jingyun's ears twitched slightly, and he knew that a pole-devouring beast was coming. The body hadn't arrived yet, but the wind had already spread in advance.

Uh-huh! Zhang Jingyun's sword flashed.

A snake-dog head fell. He moved slightly, and stabbed the snake-dog head on with a knife, causing a half-foot-long wound. A faint blue light could be seen inside.

This is the spiritual breath seed in the snake dog's body.

Zhang Jingyun stretched out his hand, turned his palm into a knife and stabbed it into his body. He took out the spirit breath seeds from the snake dog's chest and held them in his hands to observe carefully.

Snake-dog fell to the ground with a thud.

This is the first time Zhang Jingyun has peeled off the spirit breath seeds with his bare hands. The egg-sized spirit breath seeds bloom with blue light, and one can feel the life essence inside.

However, the intact spirit breath seeds cannot be absorbed.

In the Mana ecosystem, as long as the Spirit Breath Seed is present, the Mana Flower can transmit the life essence to the Spirit Breath Seed through the air, allowing the Extreme Devouring Beast to resurrect.

The complete spiritual breath seed contains the power of the flower of Mana. If you absorb the life essence inside, your spirit will be eroded by the Mana system and assimilated into a part of the Mana ecology.

There is only one way to absorb the life essence in the Spiritual Breath Seed, and that is to completely destroy the Mana Flower that controls the Devouring Beast.

Zhang Jingyun received the Spirit Breath Seed into the system space. He could not absorb it for the time being, and others would not carry it with them. After all, Mana Ecology could lock its position through the Spirit Breath Seed.

The system space can isolate the connection between Mana's ecology. It is impossible for the Flower of Mana to resurrect the Devouring Beast through the system space. Zhang Jingyun kept the spiritual breath seeds and studied them slowly.

At this time, Zhang Jingyun paused.

He felt a powerful aura approaching, and through the aura detection, it was the calyx beast that was injured by the hunter team.

The Calyx Beast is truly a metamorphic pole-devouring beast.

It has strong combat power, and can fight with the hunter team together, killing several team members, and even breaking up a few of the heavy bodies.

There are three ways of attack by Calyx Beast.

First, release mental interference. Its tail can release a certain kind of sound wave. Anyone in a certain area will lose their combat effectiveness. As if being hypnotized, the calyx beast can take the opportunity to absorb the life essence unscrupulously.

Secondly, the calyx beast can use singing to provide energy to the subordinate pole-devouring beast spiny eel, allowing it to regenerate quickly. In addition, the life essence absorbed by the bone spurs ejected by the spiny eel can be passed to the calyx beast, whether people within a certain range are alive or dead. , will be absorbed into the source of life.

Finally, the calyx beast can release energy beams. This kind of energy beam is not comparable to the pan-type pole-devouring beasts like Dihou. Those heavy three-dimensional mechas were blasted to pieces by the energy beams.

The moment Zhang Jingyun sensed the calyx beast approaching, he understood what the other party was thinking, and a terrifying beam of light shot directly towards him.

The calyx beast had just damaged part of its life essence, and now it couldn't wait to replenish it, so it came up and used its ultimate move.


The energy beam directly melted the iron door into a round hole, but Zhang Jingyun had already avoided it in advance. This is a very deep state in boxing. You can't see it but don't hear it, and avoid it when you sense danger.

And at the moment Zhang Jingyun felt the danger, he slashed out with a sword glowing with blue light, as if cutting off the water with a knife, clean and neat.

The blue sword light is nearly twenty meters long.

This is Zhang Jingyun's blow to activate the source of life. Based on his own spiritual essence, he activates the source of life to burst out with combat power beyond the limits of human beings.

"Damn it, a twenty-meter sword!"

Zhang Jingyun's move shocked several people. In an instant, he exited the returning state and revealed his body, but there was no need to hide it now.

Because Zhang Jingyun directly chopped the calyx beast with a knife. Under the 20-meter sword light, the calyx beast was directly cut in half by the sword light. The football-sized spirit seeds were spinning and could be clearly seen in half of the body.

Zhang Jingyun took away the spiritual breath seeds.

He has determined that against the transformed pole-devouring beast, the opponent will not even have a chance to escape. Only the king-level pole-devouring beast is his opponent.

Bai Yuokui saw that he was stimulating the life essence at will, his face was not red, he was not panting, and his face was slightly moved. The life essence was very important to the human body. If a certain amount of the life essence was lost, it would fall into deep sleep, and if more than half of it was lost, it would turn into earth.

At least Bai Yuekui couldn't stimulate the essence of life as willfully as Zhang Jingyun. For a moment, Bai Yuekui had only one thought in his mind: "It's great to be young..."

"Huh?" Zhang Jingyun noticed Bai Yuekui's gaze. Although at first glance it looked no different from her usual cute look, the two of them had practiced the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra and had reached the point where their hearts were connected, and Zhang Jingyun understood everything.

"Go back after cleaning up the miscellaneous soldiers."

Zhang Jingyun said.

Bai Yuekui and others broke out of the returning state and started fighting. As the commander, Bai Yuekui did not attack casually as before. Instead, he and Zhang Jingyun watched Xia Dou, Suixing, Shanda and others join forces to fight.

Zhang Jingyun noticed that Xia Dou took out a machine, similar to a game controller, with mysterious symbols on it, some in Tibetan and some in cuneiform.

"It's incredible that one can mentally control the Devouring Beast through a mechanical device inscribed with ancient texts."

Zhang Jingyun saw Xia Dou controlling a snake dog, and as if he felt Zhang Jingyun's gaze, the snake dog suddenly turned its head and revealed a funny smile.


Xia Dou pouted her little mouth and let out a naughty whimper, then controlled the snake dog to rush into the group of pole-devouring beasts, and cooperated with others to clean up the pole-devouring beasts as a mole.

In less than half an hour, the pole-devouring beast was emptied. Zhang Jingyun took a spirit breath seed from the ground roar, and then returned to the base with Bai Yuekui and others.

Sitting area outside the base.

Bai Yuokui still sat down on the nuclear warhead. She threw a controller to Zhang Jingyun and invited him to play the game together. After just a few games, Bai Yuokui lost and threw the controller to Xia Dou.

"You're a little distracted."

Zhang Jingyun and Bai Yuokui sat on the same nuclear bomb, buttocks touching, looking at Bai Yuokui's perfect profile, beautiful and sassy.

"Seeing Mark being betrayed and hurt by his companions, it all seems to have been arranged, and I may not be able to see what the future will look like."

"You don't believe that my technique can rejuvenate one's youth?" Zhang Jingyun frowned slightly. The threshold for the Eternal Spring Kung Fu is too high. Even with Zhang Jingyun's assistance, it would take several years to rejuvenate one's youth.

"Trust, but I may not be able to wait."

Bai Yuekui could feel Zhang Jingyun's thoughts.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. This is the world of spiritual cages, and the heroine is a very dangerous character. She will be sacrificed to heaven at every turn. In the original plot, Ran Bing was sacrificed. If there is a second film, Bai Yuekui may also be sacrificed by the director.

"What did Master Lai tell you?"

Zhang Jingyun thought of Master Lai who could predict.

Bai Yuekui shook his head.

"I didn't say anything, I just had this feeling."

Zhang Jingyun stood up suddenly, "You feel wrong, Yuekui, I suddenly thought of a way to help you regain your prosperity. Come on, follow me into the house."

Bai Yuekui: "Enter the house??"

Zhang Jingyun picked up Bai Yuekui and walked into the house. After the team members saw it, they had different reactions. Shan Da opened his mouth wide, Sui Xing dropped the bow and arrow from his hand, and Xia Dou crushed the game controller!

Bai Yuekui was still calm in Zhang Jingyun's arms, his eyes swept over everyone with clear eyes, and everyone pretended not to notice.

Entering the room, Zhang Jingyun put Bai Yuekui on the bed and took off her clothes with ease. The Jade Girl Heart Sutra can speed up the practice, and another more primitive dual cultivation can also greatly speed up the practice.

Zhang Jingyun gains attribute points, and Bai Yuekui will improve in all aspects, improving his qualifications, speed of practice, and physical fitness.

At this point, Bai Yuekui was also a little panicked. This was the first time in her life that she had experienced such an exciting scene, and she had no experience at all.

"I...actually there's something I didn't tell you."

Bai Yuekui hesitated.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

"There may be a big gap in our ages." Bai Yuekui's words immediately brought a smile to Zhang Jingyun's face.

"Gap? How old are you?"

Bai Yuekui said softly: "Eighty..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Bai Yuekui could clearly feel Zhang Jingyun's big hands rubbing back and forth on her fair thighs, unable to put them down.

"As the saying goes, if a girl is a junior, she will hold a gold brick; if a girl is thirty, she will hug the earth; if a girl is three hundred, she will be given elixirs; if a girl is three thousand, she will be ranked among the immortals...

You are eighty years old, so I still have the advantage. If I have a chance, I will recommend you a few novels and you will know that age is not a problem, nor is race. "

Zhang Jingyun's words made Bai Yuekui smile. The two of them had already connected with each other. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were the closest people in the world.

Bai Yuekui suddenly inserted his Tang Dao at the door, and a deep blue light enveloped the room, directly stopping others from listening to the corner.

[Practice once, attribute points +1]


[Practice once, attribute points +1]

Familiar beeps sounded one after another.

Zhang Jingyun's tiger body trembled, and he trembled subconsciously. He added another attribute point. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he saw it correctly.

What an attribute point.

"Isn't there only one attribute point for the first time? Why do you add an attribute point every time?" Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but try it twice.

Or add one attribute point each time.

Zhang Jingyun has gained a lot, and Bai Yuekui has also benefited a lot. She clearly feels that the cell failure in her body has been alleviated, and her body is much younger.

This was not an illusion, but he was really young. Although he was only a year and a half old, this still shocked Bai Yuekui.

She originally thought that Zhang Jingyun just punctured the window paper and everything happened, but she didn't expect that what Zhang Jingyun said was true. Double cultivation can make you young and speed up your cultivation.

"Add eight attribute points a day!"

Zhang Jingyun broke the record and also understood that the increase in attribute points is not fixed and depends on the strength of the woman.

Compared with Bai Yuekui, his previous partner's strength was a few levels behind. The first time was equivalent to 1 point of energy accumulated over many years. Then the effect of dual cultivation was obviously not as good as the first time, so it was only 0.2 points.

Bai Yuekui has deep cultivation and sufficient energy in his body, so the effect of double cultivation is perfect every time. Zhang Jingyun has never considered this before.

Now is the normal dual cultivation mode.

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