People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 137 I am the city lord, suppressing all enemies [Please subscribe]

It has been more than a year since Zhang Jingyun came to the spiritual cage world. The spiritual energy in this world is particularly rich, just like in the green valley of the Kunlun Mountains.

The green valley in Yitian World can be called the blessed land of cave heaven, which gave birth to fairy peaches that can extend life. Zhang Jingyun can practice in the valley to live without grains.

The same is true for the spirit cage world.

Since coming to the lighthouse, Zhang Jingyun has been practicing every day, absorbing a huge amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, and has rarely eaten ordinary food.

Zhang Jingyun didn't feel hungry.

I even feel that my body is becoming lighter and lighter.

After a year of hard work, in addition to harvesting a large number of attribute points, Zhang Jingyun also laid a solid foundation for promotion to the next level. Now it is time to break through.

In fact, Zhang Jingyun was able to break through a year ago, but he would have to pay a serious price. After all, his cultivation was not as steady as Wang Chao's.

If Zhang Jingyun wants to break through to see God as immortal in an instant, he needs to replenish more energy. If there is a lot of spiritual fluid for Zhang Jingyun to absorb, it may not take as long as a year to break through.

But none of that matters now.

After accumulating enough, Zhang Jingyun immediately started to break through. With a thought, he added seven attribute points to Xingyiquan, and the skill bar did not move at all.

Zhang Jingyun was not surprised.

His Xingyiquan level is still at the sixth level, and each small realm upgrade requires seven attribute points. To break through the realm of breaking the void and seeing gods without breaking, his Xingyiquan level is at the seventh level, and more attribute points are needed. .

Zhang Jingyun tried adding eight or nine attribute points to Xingyiquan one after another, but as expected, none of them broke through the seventh level.

Until Zhang Jingyun added ten attribute points, the skill bar finally began to change, and the Xingyi Quan level immediately became the seventh level entry level.


There was a roar in Zhang Jingyun's mind. At this moment, some kind of barrier seemed to be broken, and many invisible and intangible shackles were broken.

At the same time, Zhang Jingyun's heartbeat accelerated extremely fast, reaching two hundred beats per minute in the blink of an eye, and it was still rising, getting faster and faster.

Zhang Jingyun was surrounded by strong winds.

The few people guarding him, except Bai Yuekui, were a little unsteady on their feet, and the invisible strong wind was like a knife scraping their faces.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Zhang Jingyun's heartbeat could be heard very clearly. The sound in his ears only made his scalp numb. The sound of his blood flow was like a rushing river, violent and powerful.

Zhang Jingyun just stood there without moving.

But everyone clearly felt that as long as Zhang Jingyun moved, he could easily kill them, just like a humanoid beast that would show its fangs at any time.

Bai Yuekui also found it incredible.

Zhang Jingyun said it was a breakthrough, but he didn't expect that it would make such a big noise, and the return state had not been activated when he broke through, so he might attract the Extreme Devouring Beast at some point.

"Boss, what kind of skills has the boss lady practiced?"

Shanda beside him couldn't help but ask.

Bai Yuekui: "..."

Damn boss lady, if Zhang Jingyun is awake, he can beat the shit out of Shan Da and then beat him with his shit.

But Zhang Jingyun obviously didn't care about this.

A huge amount of knowledge instantly poured into his mind, all about the practice experience of breaking through the void and seeing the indestructible realm of God.

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun felt like he was watching a documentary. In the film, he had practiced hard for many years and finally broke through to the highest level of Chinese martial arts. All the secrets and practice experience were the result of his hard work.

When the skill breaks through, the state will also break through.

Directly from the Gang Qi realm's perfect breakthrough to see the immortality of the gods, what follows is the familiar energy siphon. A suction force is generated out of thin air, absorbing the pure energy in Zhang Jingyun's body to replenish consumption.

Zhang Jingyun had a strong accumulation, but he was not afraid. After a while, the energy siphon gradually dissipated, and Zhang Jingyun also stabilized the state of being indestructible.

As soon as his mind moved, although Zhang Jingyun closed his eyes, when he focused on his heart, he could see some of the tiny blood vessels on the heart.

As his attention shifted, Zhang Jingyun saw the smallest things at the level of muscles, bones, and muscles, and they naturally formed images in his mind.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved.

This is internal vision. You can see the changes in the internal organs, large and small intestines and other organs. You can even see clearly the true functions of various acupuncture points in the body.

For example, which ones are the midpoints of Qi and blood circulation, which ones are connected to the liver and kidneys, filtering toxins and impurities in the blood, and which ones cooperate with the heart. The heart bursts out the blood throughout the body and boils like boiling water, making the energy strong and bursting out with unprecedented potential. .

Zhang Jingyun fully understands the true meaning of seeing God's immortality. To see God is to see God in the physical body, like a god stationed in each acupuncture point, controlling the movement of the body.

Reaching this level and understanding the mysteries of the body means that Zhang Jingyun can greatly develop the human body's own potential and easily break through the body's limits.

After a while, Zhang Jingyun opened his eyes.

Then, under the astonished eyes of Bai Yuekui and others, Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth and spat out, and a ball of white mist instantly turned into a flying sword and shot forward.

boom! A stone the size of a human head was broken into pieces. Xia Dou, Shan Da, Sui Xing and others stopped talking because Bai Yuekui couldn't believe it when he saw this scene.

She even suspected that Zhang Jingyun had become an immortal.

"Exhaling breath to become a sword, in ancient Eastern legends, is a method only used by immortals. However, with the advancement of science and technology, those so-called practices to become immortals have been proven to be pseudo-science. Who is he?"

Bai Yuekui's eyes were confused. Zhang Jingyun was too strong. In the past, she thought she could still suppress Zhang Jingyun, but her cells would fail if she made a move.

At that time, he could only hurt the king-level pole-devouring beast, and he could only open a hole in the king-level pole-devouring beast with all his strength.

Even though I know the location of the Spiritual Breath Seed.

But he still couldn't kill the king-level pole-devouring beast.

Now that Bai Yuekui feels Zhang Jingyun's strength, he no longer dares to say that he is weaker than himself. Of course, if she is in a state of complete victory, she may be stronger.

However, Bai Yuekui knew it in his heart.

It will be difficult for her to return to the state she was in decades ago. Although Zhang Jingyun said that his exercises have the effect of rejuvenating youth, this effect cannot be perfectly achieved even in the federal period, the most powerful civilization on earth.

Unless Zhang Jingyun is really an immortal.

"How long did I use it?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

Bai Yuekui stretched out two tender white fingers and said, "Exactly two hours ago, Mark led the hunter team into the ecologically dense area to search for medical supplies."

In two hours, Zhang Jingyun reached perfection from the Gang Qi realm to the realm of seeing the gods and being indestructible. He finally no longer had so much pressure on the Devouring Beast.

Even if the king-level pole-devouring beast comes, what will happen? It is not that difficult to kill the king-level pole-devouring beast after seeing Zhang Jingyun who is in the realm of immortality.

"Are you sure you can listen to what Master Lai said? No matter what happens to Mark, you won't care?" Zhang Jingyun asked again.

"I am sure."

"What if Mark is killed?"

Bai Yuekui was stunned and said, "As I said before, Master Lai's words have never been wrong. Even if Mark is parasitized by the Spinal Gu, there is no need to worry about him."

Zhang Jingyun's eyes were strange.

Is Bai Yuokui considered a prophet?

"By the way, what is your relationship with Mark? Mark is the captain of the Lighthouse Hunters. I have never met you, but you guys know Mark very well."

When Zhang Jingyun asked, Bai Yuekui said surprisingly, "I was the one who sent Mark to the lighthouse more than 20 years ago."

"Is it you?" Zhang Jingyun knew Mark's origin. He was the baby that Morgan found based on the coordinates prompted by the Crota system.

"I know you have done some research on Mark. His name translates to coordinates. The Crota system on the lighthouse can give the coordinates, and Master Lai can send people to the coordinates."

"You have already been in contact with the lighthouse?"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly realized that Morgan found baby Mark based on the coordinates. In fact, he was placed at the coordinates by Bai Yuekui.

The purpose is to send Mark to the lighthouse.

Bai Yuekui said: "I didn't think much about it at that time. I only knew that Mark was special and there was a weapon I left behind on the lighthouse.

Under normal circumstances, Mark should be able to inherit the weapon when he grows up. Later, Master Lai discovered that Mark was the key to ecological chimerism.

Ecological chimerism is the bridge between humans and Mana ecology. Master Lai believes that Mark can do it, and he will undergo a huge change in this operation. "

Zhang Jingyun remained silent, and he was indeed right. During this ground operation, Mark was attacked and had his throat cut by the dustmen secretly controlled by Charles. At the critical moment of life and death, Mark was parasitized by the Spinal Gu.

After returning to the lighthouse, in order to save Mark, everyone performed a spinal cord transplant on him. That is, the spinal cord that resembles a human spine was removed from the head and then transplanted to replace Mark's damaged spine.

Dr. Carrie originally only wanted to give Mark an indestructible spine, but she didn't expect that Mark's cells could devour spinal cord cells, and eventually evolved into the form of a poleeater, crossing the boundaries of human race.

All these coincidences are so complicated and unpredictable. How did Master Lai predict the results in Bai Yuekui's mouth? The unknown is just that.

"Take me to see Master Lai if you have the opportunity."

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but said.

Bai Yuekui shook his head slightly and said, "Before this, I mentioned to him that I would take you to see him, but Master Lai firmly refused."


"Master Lai said he didn't want to see people he couldn't see the results of. He said he was afraid that he would die of curiosity."

Zhang Jingyun chuckled, this person is interesting.

"Master Lai, that magician, may talk a lot, but I have to say that he is really good at reading people. Even he can't see through you, which means you are not simple."

The Master Lai in Bai Yuekui's mouth is already very vivid, with the appearance of a magic stick, a talkative person, and a curiosity that is different from ordinary people.

People who can’t see through it will be really curious to death.

Zhang Jingyun could only give up. He concentrated on using the spiritual energy in his golden eyes to observe the situation in the ecologically dense area.

The so-called ecologically dense area.

This means that there are a large number of Devouring Beasts entrenched here and regard this place as their home base, so Mark and others are equivalent to shooting supplies under the noses of the Devouring Beasts.

Fighting is inevitable.

Even from the beginning, some people took the initiative to release their emotions, know themselves and their enemies, and survive a hundred battles. This is an experience that hunters think is particularly practical.

They knew that the Devouring Beast would preferentially attack humans with strong emotions, and Mark used this characteristic to deliberately make people burst into strong emotions, trying to attract the Devouring Beast to other places.

"The plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain is not bad!"

Zhang Jingyun saw Penny and Downey making love in the car, and then they began to kiss passionately. The release of this strong love was as powerful as an atomic bomb.

The pole-devouring beasts entrenched here instantly went crazy, and even the ground beneath their feet was trembling. Countless pole-devouring beasts rushed to chase Penny and Downey.

"Is this okay?"

Everyone was confused when they saw this scene, and they tricked the Devouring Beast away with a kiss. Mana's ecological IQ was really not high.

Mark and others immediately took action.

This ecologically dense area was originally a company called Nirvana Biotechnology Company, which was very famous in the old world.

According to Beacon data, Nirvana Biotech may be the culprit that caused human civilization to go from its peak to its demise.

Because it is the spores of this company from the very beginning, which are the spores formed by the vines deep underground, and the parasitic human body will grow into the flower of Mana.

Zhang Jingyun originally didn't know this information, but a data officer named Gordon came to the ground base. He was the lighthouse's historical recorder, and a lot of secret information that was not allowed to be recorded was in his mind.

"Huh? Is there any reversal?"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly muttered. Bai Yuekui heard it and was keenly aware of the abnormality. Many pole-devouring beasts were gathering towards Nirvana Biotech Company from a distance.

Although there are still many pole-devouring beasts hidden inside the company, and they have not left because of Penny and Downey's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, it is abnormal for the pole-devouring beasts outside to gather in the company.

Zhang Jingyun and others all turned on the return state to become invisible. By observing the direction in which the pole-devouring beasts gathered, Zhang Jingyun judged that someone was showing strong emotions.

The hunter team had all practiced the Twelve Shao Si Kung Fu, so it shouldn't be difficult to control their emotions, until he saw a familiar inch head.

The man was trembling all over and growling as if there was no one around. He suppressed his voice for fear of being heard, so it was obvious that he was deliberately attracting the Devouring Beast.

4068, this is the number of earthly people.

Zhang Jingyun instantly understood that this was Charles's person, and he sent Bian Tou to secretly trip Mark up and summon back the Devouring Beast that was lured away by Downey Penny.

"Who is so wicked? Didn't he mean to harm others?" Shanda couldn't help but cursed. The hunter team didn't even know about this, and they might be caught off guard by the Devouring Beast.

"Don't worry about it, just watch."

Bai Yuekui said calmly while holding his chest.

As expected, the hunter team failed to react in time and were caught in the act by the Devouring Beast herd. However, these people had practiced the technique for nearly a year and their combat effectiveness had improved a lot.

Facing the pack of polar beasts, he only panicked for a moment, and then he reacted and started to block the attack. Mark drove the heavy three-dimensional mecha to kill everyone, and he even saved the dustman 4068 once in the process.

But as the number of pole-devouring beasts increases.

Mark was also overwhelmed. In order to cover his retreat, his heavy body was knocked down by the Devouring Beast, and he was about to be absorbed into the source of life.

In the end, Mark resolutely broke away from the three-dimensional battle, and was accidentally trapped in a room. He was not buried by rocks like in the original plot, but his spine was broken by his own three-dimensional punch.

Who is piloting his own heavy plane?

Mark was also confused, and then he fell heavily to the ground. The next second, the heavy plane opened, and a young man with a short hair jumped out from it!

"Hmph, what's so great about Captain Mark? If there were another dimension, I could also be a hunter!" Cun Tou was none other than Dustman 4068.

Although this person is genetically inferior, he has a good brain. He can pilot Mark's exclusive heavy plane by himself without any training. He is considered a gifted person.

"Captain Mark, please don't blame me. Although you collected so many supplies for the lighthouse, I just want to live!

It was the leader, he forced me to do this. If I didn't do it, he would kill me and my friends.

I am a mortal, but what is wrong with mortals? I don’t believe in such bullshit genes. The leader even said that as long as I kill you, I will be a superior citizen!

Just step by step...become a Shangmin! I want to eat apples, I want to eat steak, and I want to drink milk, so Captain Mark, I'm sorry! "

4068's tone was excited. He said such words, obviously to embolden himself. This was Mark, and killing him was really stressful.

At this time, 4068 suddenly remembered something, "Mark, don't worry, I will send your friend to reunite with you after you die. Zhang Jingyun, he is not a good person either!"

Zhang Jingyun: "???"

"What the hell does this have to do with me?"

Zhang Jingyun was puzzled, but he soon understood that it turned out that this dustman 4068 had a female friend who was his childhood sweetheart.

Not long ago, his friend redeemed a set of skills and genetically evolved to become a Shangmin. Soon she was selected by the Golden Hall to perform a mission.

The person carrying out the breeding mission was Zhang Jingyun. Chenmin 4068 had a crush on his childhood sweetheart, but it ended up like this. Although his friend had accepted it, 4068 felt it was not possible!

"Is it 4277?" Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but want to laugh. This is indeed the case. 4277 is very talented and beautiful. After practicing the exercises for a few months, he made obvious progress and became a superior citizen through genetic optimization. .

Zhang Jingyun admired her very much and chose her.

"I don't have any objections to 4277, how dare you hold a grudge against me?" Zhang Jingyun's face turned dark immediately. What kind of person is he thinking about his woman?

Zhang Jingyun appeared directly in front of 4068, his eyes swept over 4068, and he was dumbfounded when he saw Zhang Jingyun.

"You...why are you here? I..."

4068 panicked, driving Mark's heavy plane, and was preparing to kill Mark, and even said that he would kill Zhang Jingyun, who had made great contributions to the lighthouse...

It was discovered!

"You are so brave. A commoner below commits an offence. He touches a superior's weapon and murders a superior. This violates the three laws of the lighthouse. You are really seeking death!"

4068 Hearing Zhang Jingyun's words was like a bolt from the blue, and he was confused, "Yes, he heard everything, what should I do?"

According to the laws of the lighthouse, I will be sentenced to death at the stake, but I don’t want to die, just a mortal? Humph, I can drive a three-dimensional plane. As long as I kill you, no one will know! "

4068 is full of murderous intent, with a fierce light in his eyes. He actually wants to kill Zhang Jingyun to keep the secret? Zhang Jingyun originally thought that he was a story about a small person's inspirational counterattack. Because he was coerced, he had to be used as a tool for others, and he eventually became a minister through forbearance...

Now it seems that he is just a clown.


Zhang Jingyun suddenly burst into flames! The strong air flow was like a giant python tearing 4068 and its weight into the air, and bursts of screams could be heard.

The heavy three-dimensional body was in tatters and barely disintegrated, but the 4068 inside had been torn to pieces by Zhang Jingyun's inner strength of seeing God's indestructible state.

Zhang Jingyun glanced at Mark and did not take action. Instead, he turned around and disappeared into the room. A moment later, members of the Hunters found the seriously injured Mark.

"Take Captain Mark back to the lighthouse quickly!"

The hunters took Mark back to the base quickly. After everyone left, Zhang Jingyun, Bai Yuekui and other talents appeared one after another.

Zhang Jingyun glanced at the lighthouse.

"Soon I will go back to be the new city lord. As the city lord, I am responsible for suppressing all enemies! Any king-level pole-devouring beast is garbage!"

PS: Please subscribe at the beginning of the month, please give me a monthly ticket~

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