People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 134 Lingyuan Cultivation System [Please subscribe]

The speed of the car reached 300, the speed of the high-speed train, and the board of Newton's coffin faintly jumped several times, as if something was trying to crawl out.

Fortunately, Bai Yuekui's teammates were quite reliable, but the speed slowed down after driving across a large canyon more than ten meters wide.

Zhang Jingyun was fine.

The moment the car landed steadily from a high place, the downward impact of Bai Yuekui in Zhang Jingyun's arms fell on his legs, and he could clearly feel the amazing elasticity of Boss Bai's butt.

Zhang Jingyun was also curious.

Bai Yuekui's body can't be seen to be very strong. From Zhang Jingyun's close contact with him, her skin is full of elasticity, and she is basically in the state of a young girl.

Compared with Zhang Jingyun's body that can catch bullets, Bai Yuekui is far inferior, but the amazing combat power that Bai Yuokui just exploded really overturned his cognition.

"At that moment, you can feel the powerful spiritual fluctuations and the azure power, which should be related to the unique substance of this world - the source of life.

Bai Yuekui may have inspired her own life essence and released it through her body, and her life essence was more powerful than the king-level pole-devouring beast. "

Zhang Jingyun hugged Bai Yuekui and felt her softness. The clear fragrance passed into his nose, which was the unique smell of Bai Yuekui.

In this regard, she has something in common with Zhang Jingyun. Zhang Jingyun has practiced Chinese martial arts to the perfection of the Gang Qi realm, and his body naturally emits fragrance.

In myths and legends, the body is sanctified and carries its own fragrance. Perhaps this is how the body evolves to perfection and escapes the cycle of grains.

Zhang Jingyun no longer needs food to replenish his energy. He can complete the cycle with just the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and has already had a first glimpse of the way to immortality.

But Bai Yuekui's body was obviously not at this level. Zhang Jingyun recalled Bai Yuekui's battle just now and found that she burst out with powerful power in an instant, and her body's strength increased several times with the blessing of the source of life.

Zhang Jingyun understood.

"The physical strength constrains Bai Yuekui's power, and the life essence allows her to break through human limits, but the damage caused to the physical body is irreversible.

If Bai Yuekui could possess the body of a pole-devouring beast, she would definitely be more powerful than a king-level pole-devouring beast, but the intelligence of a king-level pole-devouring beast seemed not to be high. "

Zhang Jingyun was thoughtful. After two encounters, he discovered that the intelligence of the king-level pole-devouring beast was slightly stronger than that of ordinary animals.

It is incomparable to humans.

In addition, Zhang Jingyun also noticed something interesting, that is, when Bai Yuekui stimulated the life essence to kill the pole-devouring beast, the blue light pillar pinned the pole-devouring beast to the ground and could not move. What is the principle of this?

"In the original plot, when Mark was fighting against Bai Yuekui, she also pierced his palm with a Tang knife and pinned him to the ground, unable to move.

Can the blue life essence blooming on the surface of Tang Dao fix the Devouring Beast? It's like Thor's hammer. It can never move even if it's not recognized by this force? "

Zhang Jingyun became more and more curious about this training system. He subconsciously grabbed it with his palm and felt the amazing elasticity, reacting instantly.

I accidentally grabbed Boss Bai’s butt.

His eyes moved slightly to see the cute little Xia Dou next to him. He was looking directly at the position where his thug was holding and hesitated to speak, with an incredible look on his face.

Zhang Jingyun didn't blush and said calmly: "I'm used to it, I used to take pictures often." After saying that, he took two shots skillfully, which made Xia Dou and Sui Xing dumbfounded.

After another ten minutes, the car finally stopped. Under the leadership of Xia Dou and others, Zhang Jingyun carried Bai Yuekui into a canyon crevice.

The location here is very secret. Walking all the way in, Zhang Jingyun can occasionally see blue crystals, but they are very small and distributed in spots.

However, the further you go in, the blue crystals become larger, longer, and thicker. Zhang Jingyun feels that these crystals are somewhat similar to the core fragments of the king-level pole-devouring beasts he collected, but the color is lighter.

"We're here, how's the situation with the boss?"

As soon as Zhang Jingyun entered a base with Bai Yuekui in his arms, Xia Dou and others asked nervously. Zhang Jingyun placed Bai Yuekui on a long table and stretched out his hand to pinch Bai Yuekui's pulse and feel carefully.

"Is this okay?"

This detection method made Bai Yuekui's team members look strange. Even in the old world, such outdated detection methods were rarely used, right?

That is to say, Zhang Jingyun doesn't know what everyone thinks, otherwise he will definitely show disdain. Traditional Chinese medicine has been developed for thousands of years and has never been said to be outdated.

"With this physical condition, if he wasn't still breathing, I'm afraid he would be able to prepare for his funeral, that is, he would have met someone like me."

Zhang Jingyun let go of his hand and used his golden eyes to check again. With this two-pronged approach, he could even see tangible and intangible things like the meridians in Bai Yuekui's body.

"Is there a separate room?"

Zhang Jingyun asked suddenly. Xia Dou and others were stunned, and then opened a door next to it, which was regarded as a temporary rest room.

"Don't disturb us during the healing period, otherwise your boss will be in danger." Zhang Jingyun's voice reached everyone's ears.

Snapped! The door is closed.

All the team members were left looking at each other.

"Xia Dou, is this person reliable? You usually have the best relationship with your boss. Have you ever heard that your boss has an ex-husband?" Shanda couldn't help but ask her.

Xia Dou's cheeks puffed up, "This is the boss's private matter, and I'm not that nosy, but the boss often seems lonely alone.

And the boss of this person actually mentioned to me that he was very powerful and almost killed the Megalodon. Only such a person can be the boss, right? "

"That makes sense."

Everyone immediately believed a lot when they heard it.

In the room, Zhang Jingyun looked at Bai Yuekui in front of him. Things were going very smoothly. He made up a temporary excuse for divorce to calm Xia Dou and others. Otherwise, he would have wasted a lot of time asking them to bring him to the base.

Anyway, just wake up Bai Yuekui.

She will explain everything clearly.

However, Bai Yuekui's injury made him think for a while. Speaking of it, it was no longer an injury, but simply cell failure and aging.

Treating Bai Yuekui is tantamount to rejuvenating a person. Although Zhang Jingyun has this ability, it also requires time and Bai Yuekui's cooperation.

Of course, there is no need to rush these things for the time being.

Bai Yuekui's cell failure does not last for a day or two. The top priority is to wake Bai Yuokui up and solve the remaining problems slowly later.

It's not difficult to wake up Bai Yuekui.

It is true that Chinese martial arts is not good at curing diseases and rescuing people. It has to rely on internal power to cultivate. Zhang Jingyun directly empowered her with deep internal power to awaken her.

But there is a premise.

Bai Yuekui's body was not in good condition and had stagnated disease energy. When Zhang Jingyun was doing exercises to heal his injuries, Bai Yuekui would inevitably have hot air steaming all over his body and the air would be poisonous.

Therefore, you must find an open place with your clothes open so that the heat can dissipate without being blocked for a moment, otherwise it will accumulate in the body, which can lead to serious illness or death.

Zhang Jingyun untied her clothes three times, and using his inner strength, he used the Dragon Capturing Kung Fu to make Bai Yuekui sit up. However, her head drooped and her short hair was messy and could not stabilize her figure.

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun put his hands up, landing on Bai Yuekui's flawless white back, and strong internal energy poured in like a giant dragon.

Bai Yuekui suddenly sat up straight, his head raised, a look of pain on his face, his short hair hanging behind his back, and he subconsciously screamed.

"what's the situation?"

Outside the room, when everyone heard Bai Yuekui's voice, their ears immediately perked up and they leaned behind the door at an alarming speed to listen carefully.

The strong internal force in Bai Yuekui's body came and went quickly. If she also cultivated her internal force, she might be able to heal her injuries automatically.

Zhang Jingyun's use of internal power to heal injuries was essentially treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. He fed Bai Yuekui a few more life-saving pills, and finally thought about it and took out a fairy peach the size of a baby's head.

The fairy peach is a rare treasure in the green valley of Kunlun Mountain. It absorbs the essence of the aura of heaven and earth. The three peach trees in the green valley, the largest peach tree, bear fruit every five years. Only one fairy peach at a time can extend your life for five years. When a peach tree bears fruit, each fruit can only prolong life by one year.

Zhang Jingyun only had time to bring one big fairy peach, but there were dozens of small fairy peach. However, Bai Yuekui's current condition was serious cell failure.

Little Xiantao is probably useless.

"My wife didn't even have time to eat this fairy peach, but it turned out to be an advantage to you. You can't eat it by yourself. I'll bite it into pieces and feed it to you. It should be fine, right?"

Zhang Jingyun muttered for a while, took a bite of the fairy peach, chewed it slightly without swallowing, then pinched Bai Yuekui's lips apart and moved them over. Feeling Bai Yuekui's soft and elastic lips, Zhang Jingyun didn't feel distressed anymore.

After a while, all the peaches entered Bai Yuekui's belly. Zhang Jingyun took out a thin quilt to cover her jade-like body and waited quietly.

A few minutes later, Bai Yuekui's eyelashes moved slightly.

Slowly opening his eyes, Bai Yuekui turned his head and saw Zhang Jingyun sitting next to him. He looked at the quilt on his body and didn't have much reaction.

But when she felt the changes in her body, Bai Yuekui, who had always been calm, finally showed surprise. Her physical condition was much better than before.

The trend of cell failure has been greatly alleviated, and it has probably returned to the state it was five years ago. There are even many changes that she cannot understand.

In short, her life span would be increased by at least five years, and the person who caused this change in her body must be the man sitting next to her.

"Thank you!" Bai Yuekui thanked him.

Zhang Jingyun raised his eyebrows, it was different. If other women were stripped like this by him, they would not care whether it was to save their lives or something. They would definitely scream first before talking.

"If I had known that you would be so seriously injured, I wouldn't have allowed you to take action. Then again, what kind of kung fu are you practicing that is so life-consuming?"

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but ask.

Bai Yuekui knew everything and said, "At the ground base, we will cultivate a special power based on the source of life, which I call Lingyuan.

Lingyuan cultivation is to cultivate the source of life, to develop and use the source of life in a reasonable way, so as to have power beyond the limits of human beings. "

"Lingyuan cultivation system?" Zhang Jingyun muttered. It seems that this is the ground cultivation system, but he can't understand things like the source of life.

"What exactly is the source of life?"

Bai Yuekui looked surprised, "Speaking of which, I'm curious how you became so strong... You turn around first, and I'll put on some clothes."

Zhang Jingyun turned around, and after a squeaking sound, Bai Yuekui stepped on her high heels and returned to her former aloof goddess of war appearance.

"If you are interested in the Lingyuan cultivation system, you can go to the base and have a look. It is a completely different world from the lighthouse."

Bai Yuekui said softly.

Zhang Jingyun would naturally agree, "One more thing, you fainted after killing the Devouring Beast, and your team members just happened to come over.

Time was tight, so I didn't explain much to them. I just said that we were husband and wife and later divorced, and they happily took me back to the base. "

Bai Yuekui: "..."

"It's okay, come with me."

Bai Yuekui said after a moment of silence. As soon as she finished speaking, she opened the door fiercely, and a "human ball" rolled directly in.

"What are you doing?" Bai Yuekui asked.

"Hey, boss, I'm concerned about your health and your emotional problems. I didn't expect you to be married." Shanda said with a smile.

Zhang Jingyun thought that Bai Yuekui would explain clearly, but she only said: "That happened many years ago."

Everyone's eyes suddenly rounded up.

A strong fire of gossip burned in his heart, and when he was about to get to the bottom of the problem, Bai Yuekui had already taken Zhang Jingyun out.

"Aren't you afraid of a sneak attack by the Devouring Beast if the base is built here?" Zhang Jingyun asked casually. Bai Yuekui took two bottles of water and threw it to Zhang Jingyun. Then he sat on a warhead and unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip.

"This is a nuclear warhead..."

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth after seeing the warhead clearly. Although his strength has exceeded human limits and can resist most technological weapons.

But once the nuclear warhead explodes and is so close, even Zhang Jingyun may have to receive a lunch box on the spot.

"The base outside is just a temporary rest area. It's very safe with this thing." Bai Yuekui sat on the nuclear warhead, tilted his legs and drank water, and patted it twice. The crisp sound was very pleasant.

"You're awesome!"

Zhang Jingyun was afraid that she would blow up the nuclear warhead, and then both of them would have to become immortals and become desperate mandarin ducks.

After resting for a while, Bai Yuekui stood up and walked to a heavy iron door. The door opened wide, and the world behind the door began to reveal its true appearance.

What is visible to the eye are pieces of blue crystals, long and thick, distributed on the mountain walls on both sides. Many people are mining blue crystals on the mountain walls, as if they are mining.

On the ground, some large-scale machines were operating, forging the bones of the pole-devouring beasts into weapons of various shapes.

Zhang Jingyun knew that the bones of the Devouring Beast could be used to forge various weapons, but most of the Devouring Beasts he killed were ordinary Devouring Beasts, and the weapons forged from such bones were not as good as the Dragon-Slaying Knife.

However, the bones of the king-level pole-devouring beast are very hard and should be good for forging weapons. You can go back and pick up the bones later.

No, Zhang Jingyun suddenly showed a shocked look.

Because what was visible to the eye was a giant skeleton, but it was so big that Zhang Jingyun didn't think it was the skeleton of the Extreme Devouring Beast for a moment.

Because this skeleton alone is more than fifty meters high, it seems like natural supporting beams holding up the entire underground base.

This must also be a king-level pole-devouring beast!

Everyone in the base is working in an orderly manner, either mining blue crystals, or sitting next to the blue lake and practicing while wearing mechanical helmets.

From time to time, several children would run around and play. When they saw Bai Yuekui, their eyes widened instantly and they quickly hugged her big white legs.

Zhang Jingyun found that Bai Yuekui, who was originally cold and cold, actually smiled after seeing these children. He was like the big sister next door, quite gentle.

Along the way, everyone greeted her with enthusiasm in their eyes. Zhang Jingyun instantly thought of Mark. After returning from collecting supplies, he was also welcomed by others.

It's just that compared to the people in Lighthouse, the people here have something more in their eyes. The people in Lighthouse are actually very desperate, because if they have one day, this big guy will reach the end, but the people here are full of hope.

"These people use the essence of life to practice. People in the base cannot go out casually. Only when they have completely practiced the state of returning to the origin and become invisible in the eyes of the Devouring Beast can they be qualified to go out and take action."

Bai Yuekui pointed at a group of people who were practicing and said that these people were wearing mechanical helmets and drawing some kind of power from the blue lake water to practice.

"What special power is there in the lake?"

Bai Yuekui said: "It is the source of life. To practice is to absorb the source of life. A king-level pole-eating beast once died here.

The spiritual breath seeds in its body are broken and integrated into the earth, and then combined with certain minerals to form the blue crystals you see.

After countless attempts, we found a way to absorb the life essence, and then developed a technology to kill the pole-devouring beast. "

Zhang Jingyun understood that it was easy to ignore Bai Yuekui's words, but the process must have been extremely difficult, and many people had sacrificed.

"Then what's your situation? Your team members are obviously not as strong as you. You are the only one who can kill the king-level pole-devouring beast."

Zhang Jingyun has long suspected that Bai Yuekui killed this giant pole-devouring beast. It is more than fifty meters tall. This must be the king level among kings!

"My situation is unique."

Bai Yuekui did not deny that after the cell failure, her strength dropped drastically, and she had paid a heavy price for killing the king-level pole-devouring beast before.

"One more question, why don't you directly absorb the spiritual breath seeds of the pole-devouring beast, instead of mining and cultivating here?"

"Spiritual Breath Seeds cannot be absorbed directly. You should also know that the Flower of Mana controls the Devouring Beast through the Seeds. Doesn't absorbing the Seeds mean that it is indirectly controlled by the Devouring Beast?"

"Aren't you also absorbing spiritual breath seeds?"

Bai Yuekui shook his head, "The mana ecology that controls this pole-devouring beast has been completely destroyed by me. The spiritual breath seeds are ownerless and can be absorbed."

Zhang Jingyun suddenly realized.

The Spirit Breath Seed is equivalent to a branded magic weapon that cannot be refined by others. The blue crystal is equivalent to the magic weapon having its brand erased.

"Then my spiritual breath seed fragments are useless?" Zhang Jingyun took out a few fragments of the spiritual breath seed fragments of the king-level pole-devouring beast.

Bai Yuekui's eyes lit up, "This can be used. The spirit breath seed fragments are the source of life that Mana Ecology failed to recover in time. Unlike the complete spirit breath seeds, only king-level pole-devouring beasts produce them."

Zhang Jingyun nodded, no wonder ordinary pole-devouring beasts would break the spiritual breath seeds and leave nothing behind, but Bai Yuekui was also really powerful.

According to what she said, the reason for the formation of this base was that she peeled off the complete spiritual breath seeds and integrated them into the earth, and then cleared the Mana Flower.

This is several times more difficult than killing the King alone!

"Lingyuan practice, you can quickly become stronger with the source of life. You can practice from the return state, which will be of great help to you."

Bai Yuekui taught him the key points of practice as he spoke. Zhang Jingyun listened, took it to heart, and then started a new path of practice with added points.

PS: I was delayed for two days this month due to illness. I’m really sorry. The herpes should be gone by the beginning of next month. I’ll add more updates. It’s almost the end of the month, so please subscribe and give me a monthly ticket~

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