People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 133 She is my wife but she is divorced【Please subscribe】

Zhang Jingyun had no problem fighting the king-level pole-devouring beast. Even if he couldn't defeat it, he could at least save his life. But Bai Yuekui's situation was different.

She cannot take action at will like Zhang Jingyun. Every time she takes action, she will accelerate cell failure, which is actually burning her life.

So Zhang Jingyun asked her if she could do it?

It's okay if Bai Yuekui doesn't want to take action. Zhang Jingyun just wants to test the level of this long-haired king-level pole-devouring beast.

It's best to kill him.

Even if you can't kill it, you still have to figure out the difference.

"This is a swift king-level pole-devouring beast that is good at mental interference. The source of life will be sensed when a living body appears within a hundred meters of it.

By then, even if I am in the Guiyuan state, it will detect my traces, so a sneak attack is theoretically impossible. "

Bai Yuekui looked at it and said, she had encountered this pole-devouring beast before, and its ability to disrupt minds was impressive.

"Mental interference?" Zhang Jingyun was suspicious.

"Yes, as long as it appears within a hundred meters of it, there will be a super strong special magnetic field that directly affects the mental level and produces strong hallucinations.

The effect of hallucination is more than a hundred times stronger than scarlet pigment. The special ability evolved by the king-level pole-devouring beast makes it difficult to kill.

In comparison, the Saw-toothed Two-jawed Beast is easier to sneak attack, because we can get close to it when it is in the return state. However, the Saw-toothed Two-jawed Beast has rough skin and thick flesh, and cannot lock on the Spirit Breath Seeds, so it is also difficult to kill. "

Bai Yuekui said conservatively that if she had not had to worry about cell failure in the past, she could have tortured the opponent first and then slowly searched for the spiritual breath seeds.

Now is a different time than in the past.

Bai Yuekui's cell exhaustion has become very serious. As long as she can kill him with one strike, she will not attack him in two waves.

"If that's the case, then I have no choice but to go hard. You will sweep behind me. If there is a chance, I will mark the core of it for you."

Zhang Jingyun's words made Bai Yuekui's eyes light up, "How did you lock the Spirit Breath Seed? The Spirit Breath Seed should be the core of what you said.

If it is a metamorphic pole-devouring beast, generally, the location of the spiritual breath seeds can be temporarily marked through high-frequency current.

However, the size of the king-level pole-devouring beast is so huge that high-frequency current cannot mark it. Has Lighthouse already mastered this technology? "

"Spirit Breath Seed..." Zhang Jingyun paused after hearing this. Spirit Breath Seed is the name of the ground forces. If he said it casually, it would arouse suspicion.

So Zhang Jingyun always said it was the core, but in the end it was the same thing. Bai Yuekui was also curious about Zhang Jingyun's marking method.

"Of course there is no such marking technology on the lighthouse, and we don't even know about the high-frequency current. I actually saw the spirit seeds directly."

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, high-frequency current marking, this is a simple method, and he can teach this method to wilderness hunters in the future.

"Did you see it directly?"

Bai Yuekui was surprised, with a confused look on his face. This was the first time Zhang Jingyun saw such a rich expression on the face of this cold "girl".

"It's a gift. My eyes are special. I can see things that are invisible to the naked eye. I can't teach others how to do it."

Bai Yuekui became more and more curious about Zhang Jingyun's identity, "You are a survivor of the old world, but you are not a new human being. Who are you?"

Zhang Jingyun's expression remained unchanged. From Bai Yuekui's words, he could detect a message, "New Humanity". This was not the first time he had heard of this term.

Before the catastrophe, Earth's science and technology was very advanced, and humans made major breakthroughs in biological genes, giving birth to a large number of people with special abilities. These people are also called ASH, which is the abbreviation of "Advanced Human Species".

It's just that the lighthouse does not make this information public, and even blocks it to some extent, deliberately preventing the public from accessing it.

Bai Yuekui and his group are obviously different from ordinary people. They should be the so-called new humans. The new humans and ordinary humans belong to two camps. These are the two survival modes of lighthouse and ground base.

The reason why Morgan resisted Bai Yuekui.

It's because he feels that the new humans are no longer human, and this disaster may have been caused by the new humans, so he refuses to interact with the culprits who caused the disaster.

The various extraordinary abilities displayed by Zhang Jingyun also made Bai Yuekui believe that Zhang Jingyun was also a member of the new human race without hesitation.

"I'm different from you." Zhang Jingyun shook his head: "Judging from your situation, you should have gained powerful abilities through some external factors."

Bai Yuekui nodded.

"External factors can allow people to break human limits and acquire extraordinary abilities. To put it bluntly, this is actually an ability that is obtained for nothing, and naturally there are hidden dangers.

And my strength is gained step by step, based on my hard work and practice, and every bit of strength is well-founded.

Through my own practice, I can break the limits of the human body. In my philosophy of practice, there is a saying: Break the void and you can see God.

God is not an illusory nerve in the sky, such as the Jade Emperor or Taishang Laojun in the East, or God, Zeus, Jesus, etc. in the West.

It is a sensitive and subtle acupuncture point in the body. These sensitive points control the operation of the human body, just like the gods in charge of all things in the world.

Breaking the void, you can see God, which means that the practitioner's cultivation sensitivity has reached the highest level of meticulousness.

At that time, people will clearly feel the changes in every flesh and blood, every bone, every tiny acupuncture point and even every cell in the body.

Knowing clearly what functions these flesh, bones, acupuncture points, and cells have and what role they play in the body is the spirit that controls the physical body. "

Zhang Jingyun's description made Bai Yuekui fascinated. If she had this kind of power and could control the changes and growth of every cell in her body, her life crisis would no longer be a problem.

"Have you cultivated to this level?"

Bai Yuekui suddenly asked.

Zhang Jingyun said without hesitation: "No."

Bai Yuekui: "..."

Zhang Jingyun smiled and said, "It's not impossible to practice. Why don't you come down and look for an opportunity? Maybe there will be a turn for the better by getting in touch with your practice system."

Okay, now is not the time to talk about this. We can have in-depth discussions on the issue of skills after we go back. For now, it is still important to kill the Devouring Beast. "

Zhang Jingyun knew that King-level Devouring Beasts were rare, and his mission was to kill the Devouring Beasts. The more and stronger the Devouring Beasts he killed, the higher the quality of the reward would be.

It is unlikely to kill the king-level pole-devouring beast alone, but with Bai Yuekui's cooperation, he can definitely kill the opponent, but it may aggravate Bai Yuekui's cell failure again.

Zhang Jingyun has also thought about this problem for her. He has many life-extending exercises, so Bai Yuekui's problem should not be difficult to solve.

"Okay, let's kill it together!"

At this time, Bai Yuekui seemed to have made up her mind. She clenched the Tang Dao in her hand. Zhang Jingyun could feel that this Tang Dao was completely different from the weapons he came into contact with.

This knife seems to be alive!

Zhang Jingyun took a deep look, and in the next second, he rushed out first and was within a hundred meters of the king-level pole-devouring beast in almost a moment.


This king-level pole-devouring beast was indeed extremely sharp. Its huge head was thrown upward, and the long black hair scattered on both sides suddenly burst into azure light.

It turns out that these black "hairs" are not real hair. They are actually the sensing and communication organs of the king-level pole-devouring beast. Within a hundred meters, it is like having its own domain, and no one can hide from it.

The long black hair was flying all over the sky and blooming with blue light. It looked very excited. In its perception, it discovered that the creature that broke out had an extremely powerful source of life, which was simply the most delicious food in the world.

Zhang Jingyun paused, he was extremely fast, but as soon as the king-level pole-devouring beast noticed it, the flying black hair burst into blue light, and an invisible force violently impacted Zhang Jingyun's spirit.

This is what Bai Yuekui calls mental interference.

The long-haired king-level pole-devouring beast has tried this trick time and time again, and Zhang Jingyun is no exception. It twists its body and turns quickly to prepare to absorb the life essence.

Not far away, Bai Yuekui's hand holding Tang Dao tightened. Zhang Jingyun's situation was not good. She was about to take action when she suddenly saw Zhang Jingyun blinking.

Zhang Jingyun was not disturbed by the mental shock. Bai Yuekui stabilized her body. As the king-level pole-devouring beast approached Zhang Jingyun, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun suddenly burst out!

His whole body was like an out-of-barrel cannonball. He was carrying a dragon-slaying knife weighing more than a hundred kilograms. He was surrounded by strong Gang Qi. He slashed with one knife, and a sword Qi of several feet was puffed out with no edge and shrouded the Extreme Devouring Beast. On the body.


The surging energy lifted up the dust on the ground and spread with the Extreme Devouring Beast as the center. The body of the Extreme Devouring Beast was exposed with dense white bones. This sword energy still failed to break open the Extreme Devouring Beast's body.

Only through the wound can one vaguely see a core glowing with azure light inside its body, as big as a basketball, spinning around.

Realizing that Zhang Jingyun's sword could threaten the core, the long-haired king-level pole-devouring beast suddenly roared, and a vast spiritual impact hit Zhang Jingyun.

Half of the sky was covered in blue light.

Zhang Jingyun used his superior Qing Kung Fu to move in the air, leaving the Devouring Beast behind with just a few twists and turns, but the powerful mental impact was useless to Zhang Jingyun.

"The mental shock is nothing more than that. My spirit has been transformed. My mental power is almost substantial and I can carry one kilogram of objects.

The mental attack of this pole-devouring beast is indeed powerful, but its attack on me is like a river hitting a rock. Although the rock is small, it is stronger than the rock. It is useless to let the river flow no matter how much it flows. "

Zhang Jingyun understood clearly in his heart and bullied him again. The King-level Devouring Beast fought back and forth, which was a great improvement compared to a year ago.

Zhang Jingyun even had a feeling.

If you continue to fight it here today, you may not be able to kill it, but the king-level pole-devouring beast can also "sway people"!

Zhang Jingyun has already felt it.

There are pole-devouring beasts coming from all directions for reinforcements.

Obviously, the king-level pole-devouring beast is not stupid. Zhang Jingyun is weak alone. How can he justify it without fighting in a group?

Time was running out, and Bai Yuekui was finally ready to take action. She didn't feel the location of the spirit breath seed, but seeing Zhang Jingyun hitting the flesh and blood protecting the spirit breath seed every time, she knew that this king-level one would definitely die.


Bai Yuekui crushed the ground with his foot.

If Zhang Jingyun's movement in the field is like the S-shaped curve of the Light Bearer, then Bai Yuekui is a point-to-point collision, exceeding the limit of speed, and even the king-level pole-devouring beast cannot react.

Bai Yuekui's movement skills are quite domineering. He can reach a distance of 100 meters in an instant. He even steps on the back of a king-level pole-devouring beast and runs at extremely high speeds.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. Even if she didn't speak, at this moment, the two of them seemed to have a natural understanding. Zhang Jingyun suddenly pointed out and directed an invisible sword energy towards the king-level pole-devouring beast.

Bai Yuekui understood the idea, and the Tang sword suddenly came out of its sheath. The three-foot-long sword was straight and azure light enveloped the blade. Zhang Jingyun's six-meridian divine sword was naturally used to indicate the location of the spiritual breath seeds!

Time seemed to have stood still at this moment. Zhang Jingyun's eyes were filled with purple-gold aura, and Bai Yuekui's movements could not be hidden from him.

Breathe in! Breathe in!

Bai Yuekui's breathing seemed to coincide with a certain rhythm. The special energy in her body was completely mobilized in this breathing rhythm, and a powerful power spread from Bai Yuekui's body!

She at this time.

Countless times more tyrannical than the King-level Devouring Beast, the summoned Devouring Beasts from the surrounding area were so frightened by the influence of this aura that they all crouched down.


A beam of blue light bloomed from the surface of the Tang Dao. The Tang Dao was inserted vertically into Bai Yuekui's hand, and the light beam as thick as a bucket directly penetrated the king-level pole-devouring beast.

"Roar!" The pole-devouring beast howled.

At this moment, even the pole-devouring beast on another continent can feel the despair of this king-level pole-devouring beast because of the information sharing of Mana Ecology!

A pillar of blue light pinned it to the ground.

Wave after wave of blue energy struck down. Bai Yuekui was holding the Tang Dao in both hands, his face was pale, and the Devouring Beast underneath him was firmly pinned no matter how hard he struggled.

Finally, Zhang Jingyun heard a faint bang, as if something was broken, and the Devouring Beast never moved again.

As soon as Bai Yuekui let go of her hands, she no longer had the strength to draw the sword, and her body tilted and slipped from the king-level pole-devouring beast.

Zhang Jingyun flew up, using the internal force of his whole body, he used the Dragon Capturing Skill to pull Bai Yuekui into his arms. A thug firmly grasped her soft waist. Zhang Jingyun used the Dragon Capturing Skill again to pull the Tang Sword into its sheath.

Bai Yuekui's power has exceeded Zhang Jingyun's imagination. This kind of power is indeed better than his own. The Lingyuan cultivation system is really strong.

The core of the king-level pole-devouring beast was shattered by Bai Yuekui, and its body instantly corrupted, turning into dark liquid and sinking into the ground, leaving only a pair of dense white bones and a few broken blue crystals.

Zhang Jingyun put away the blue crystal after seeing it. This is something that ordinary pole-devouring beasts don't have. In addition, the bones of the king-level pole-devouring beast are also good things.

However, this thing is of no use to the Devouring Beast. You can come back and get it when you have the opportunity. Now it is better to leave here as soon as possible.

Zhang Jingyun held Bai Yuekui in his arms and looked around. Suddenly he saw an Audi speeding towards him, and the people in the car were members of Bai Yuekui's team.

"Let go of our boss!"

There was a loud shout, and the car suddenly took off. Zhang Jingyun moved, hugged Bai Yuekui and rose into the air to sit directly between the two girls in the back seat.

This level of lightness is truly unbelievable.

"Ah, who are you, dare to hug our boss?" The girl on the left puffed her cheeks and asked in shock and fear.

She has a petite body, but her breasts are very large. She has the style of Erica, and she is obviously like Summer Dou who likes to moan.

The girl on Zhang Jingyun's right is exceptionally tall. Looking down, her long legs are slightly unable to be straightened. She is really aggrieved. She must be Broken Star.

As Zhang Jingyun strangely got into the car with Bai Yuekui in his arms, the people in the car were obviously extremely wary, staring directly at him with their eyes.

Zhang Jingyun looked around and called out the names one by one: "Xia Dou, Sui Xing, Shan Da, Xu Tong, Zi Yan, right? Don't be nervous."

"You know us?"

Zhang Jingyun smiled: "How come I don't know you? I've heard it from Yue Kui a long time ago. My name is Zhang Jingyun. I came down from the lighthouse."

Zhang Jingyun's words about Yuekui confused everyone. In addition, he was still holding Bai Yuokui, so they were obviously much more polite to him.

"Brother, you and our boss are..."

Zhang Jingyun raised the corner of his mouth, smiled softly and said: "It's complicated to say, she is my wife, but she got divorced later, and she is still a friend now."

"Ouch?" Xia Dou blinked his big watery eyes and looked Zhang Jingyun up and down repeatedly. Everyone else also looked at each other.

"Okay, brother!"

Shanda and others raised their thumbs up in admiration.

Zhang Jingyun said, "Now is not the time to talk. Yuekui just moved his hands and the situation is not good. Go back to the base quickly. I want to heal her."

"The boss took action?" Xia Dou's body trembled. No wonder Bai Yuekui fainted. The driver, Zi Yan, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and drove the Audi to 300.

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