People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 102 Aunt Ji, you don’t want Uncle Yin Liu to know either [Please subscribe]

Chapter 102 Aunt Ji, you don’t want Uncle Yin Liu to know... [Please subscribe]

Abbot Kongwen was in a dilemma.

Everyone saw and heard that the abbot refused to agree, with different expressions. Shaolin has always been an eminent monk who saves the world, but now it is quite different.

"Master, you can save people with just your words, but you are still hesitant. Are you really planning to die without saving them?"

Here, Zhang Jingyun also said heartbrokenly: "It turns out that Shaolin Temple is compassionate and has profound Buddhist teachings.

It's really a critical moment.

Shaolin Temple really doesn’t go up! "

Abbot Kong Wen, who practices Buddhism intensively, studies martial arts, and has a lot of experience in the world, but faces such moral kidnappings that transcend the times.

I didn't know what to do for a while.

"Senior brother, don't listen to this kid's lies to deceive people. Shaolin Nine Yang Kung is a secret that is not taught. Why would he use it to save people with just a few words?"

The old monk who spoke has a majestic body and a majestic appearance, and there is no emotion in his words. He is the emptiness of the three great monks in Shaolin.

Zhang Jingyun's face turned gloomy. To deal with moral kidnapping, we really need stupid and straightforward monks like Kongxing.

Although not polite.

But it does solve a lot of trouble.

Kong Wen was relieved by him, and with a thought, he said: "Although my junior brother's words are unreasonable, they do make some sense.

If everyone in the world needs Shaolin Kung Fu to save them, then wouldn’t Shaolin’s seventy-two unique skills and even the Yi Jin Jing magical technique have to be leaked?

All martial arts comrades, please understand Lao Na's difficulties. Take you as an example, as the leader of a sect, who would easily reveal the secrets of the sect to save people? "

"Huh? It seems to make sense."

"To save people, it is indeed a bit difficult to hand over the inherited skills. Master Kongwen's concerns are understandable."

Zhang Jingyun said at the right time: "Abbot Kong Wen, it's really difficult for your temple to use Shaolin Nine Yang Kung for no reason, so what about this?

Please ask your temple to show you the Shaolin Nine Yang Kung. I, Wudang, am willing to exchange the Wudang Nine Yang Kung. When Master Jue Yuan taught the Kung Fu, my great master got it. The Wudang Nine Yang Kung is no worse than the Shaolin Nine Yang Kung. "


Abbot Kongwen hesitated again.

At this moment, he no longer dared to talk to Zhang Jingyun. This kid always made some demands that he could not refuse. If he didn't agree, he would be criticized.

"Master is compassionate and will not..."

"Here we go again, here we go again..." Zhang Jingyun said, and Kong Wen felt a headache. Talking to this sixteen-year-old child was more painful than fighting with Zhang Sanfeng.

Suddenly, Abbot Kongwen had a flash of inspiration and said: "Amitabha, when Master Jueyuan taught the Nine Yang Magic Technique, three people were present!

In addition to Shaolin Wudang, there are also Emei sect founders, Guo Xiang female heroes, and Emei Nine Yang Gong must also be used to complement the Nine Yang Magic.

If Emei agrees to exchange.

Then I, Shaolin, will also agree to exchange! "

It has to be said that Kong Wen's Tai Chi skills were even better than Zhang Sanfeng's, and he kicked the ball to the Emei faction in one go.

If the Emei Sect agrees, then they will come up with the skills. Anyway, there are countless magical skills such as the Seventy-Two Special Skills of the Shaolin Temple and the Yi Jin Jing. The Shaolin Nine Yang Kung Fu is not a core skill. Once it is spread, it will be spread.

It’s not a loss to get Wudang Nine Yang Kung.

On the other hand, for the Emei sect, Nine Yang Kung is a Zhen sect technique. If Emei teaches it, the Wudang sect will know the essence of their technique and be a dwarf.

If Emei doesn't give it, that would be better.

The Shaolin Temple does not need to bear the blame for not saving anyone. It saves effort. As expected, Master Jingxuan, who is leading the Emei Sect this time, is hesitant.

In the end, Master Jingxuan shook her head and said, "I'm really sorry. The Emei Nine Yang Technique is a secret that is not passed down by our sect. If we exchange it, I will have to give my master the nod of Master Jue."

What she said was a disguised rejection.

But now everyone can understand Emei. Unlike Shaolin Temple, the Emei Sect has a profound foundation, and the Nine Yang Gong is really useless.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the woman in yellow next to Jingxuan. She had a touch of worry on her face, and she looked uncomfortable when Master Jingxuan refused.

Because the girl in yellow was Yin Liting's fiancée, and Wudang and Emei were close friends with Qin and Jin, how could she watch Zhang Wuji being tortured to death by the Xuanming Divine Palm.

not to mention…

She knew she was still sorry for Yin Liting.

"At this time, Yang Buhui should be six years old, right?" Zhang Jingyun thought thoughtfully, remembering that ten years later Zhang Wuji would be twenty and Yang Buhui would be sixteen.

Speaking of which, Ji Xiaofu is pretty good.

They were obviously engaged, but they were raped, and yet they actually fell in love with the person who raped her, gave birth to a daughter to the rapist, and still had no regrets about naming her a daughter!

What the hell kind of operation is this?

When something unethical happens and you don't think of a way to get revenge, you still give birth to a child for the other person. Do you want to give the other person more children so that he can't raise them and die in pain?

To put it another way, if you accept the fact yourself, why don't you cancel the engagement quickly and let Yin Liting, who has been waiting foolishly, give up on this idea.

Take a look at the entire story of Yitian Slaying the Dragon.

Except Cheng Kun was beaten to death by Xie Xun.

Ji Xiaofu was the happiest when she died. Not to mention the theory of victim guilt, wasn't Yin Liting more unlucky than Ji Xiaofu?

My fiancée ran away and got together with the devil of the Demon Cult. She even gave birth to a child and named her Yang Buhui. Her face was so swollen!

Ji Xiaofu cannot be sympathized with at all.

Here, the Emei Sect refused, and Kong Wen felt comfortable, "Amitabha, it's good, it's good, it's not that this poor monk refuses to save him, but this matter is really of great importance.

We sympathize with Zhang Wuxia's son, but the whereabouts of the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun are of great importance, and we also ask Zhang Wuxia to inform him of Xie Xun's whereabouts. "

"Master, my fifth brother is already in such a miserable state, and you want to add insult to injury and take advantage of the situation. What kind of divine monk are you?"

Zhang Songxi scolded angrily.

"He is asking for trouble. If he had not colluded with the witch, could not withstand the temptation of the witch, and became a martial arts hero, how would he have been in the tragedy he is today?"

Xihuazi said without mercy.

"You! Do you have to fight with swords?"

The monk Kongzhi, who had a bitter look on his face, shouted angrily: "Hmph! Xie Xun beat my senior brother Kongjian to death. How can we not avenge him for a blood feud?

We can leave aside the matter of the Longmen Escort Bureau for now, but Zhang Wuxia has to talk about the whereabouts of the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun, whether he wants to or not! "

Zhang Jingyun suddenly said: "I dare to ask Master, your temple only mentions hatred and not the dragon-slaying knife. If the dragon-slaying knife is not in Xie Xun's hands, is your temple still eager to take revenge?"

His words were extremely rude and he said them on purpose. Everyone was arguing until now and only asked about Xie Xun's whereabouts, but no one mentioned the dragon-slaying knife.

Each and every one of them is simply high-spirited and upright.

In fact, who doesn’t want a dragon-slaying knife?

But this is all tacitly said, as if they are only coveting the treasure and not seeking revenge, which is to break the window paper.

Kongxing immediately stood up and said angrily: "I have heard for a long time that Master Zhang's martial arts are unparalleled. The three Shaolin monks are no match for Master Zhang, but they have no choice but to join forces and ask Master Zhang for advice!"


Seeing emptiness actually wanted to ask Zhang Sanfeng for advice, which instantly became the focus of the audience, but then everyone realized that it was three people who had joined forces to ask for advice.

This is too shameless.

Zhang Sanfeng is a hundred years old. Although his martial arts skills are unparalleled, he is still an old man and his energy and blood are declining. It is really unfair to him to fight three against him.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Zhang Sanfeng.

If others don't know, how can he not know? Zhang Sanfeng's kung fu is so superb that for everyone, he is already on the verge of death at the age of 100, but Zhang Sanfeng's condition is that there is no problem in living for another hundred years.

Zhang Sanfeng just nodded and smiled, not wanting to take action. He simply didn't take the so-called three great Shaolin monks into consideration and felt that everyone here was rubbish.

Song Yuanqiao, who knew Zhang Sanfeng best, stood up and said: "My master is celebrating his 100th birthday. How can I fight against you? How about the Seven Heroes of Wudang come and ask for advice from you, the Twelve Shaolin Monks?"

At first, everyone thought that the Wudang Clan had given up and did not dare to let Zhang Sanfeng take action. However, that was not the case later.

The Seven Wudang people are going to challenge the twelve monks of the Shaolin Temple, including the three great divine monks and nine eminent monks of the Yuan generation. Seven against twelve, it can be described as extremely heroic.

"Hey, Yu Daiyan and Yu Sanxia are already well? Before, you, the Wudang Sect, have been pestering you that Yu Sanxia was injured under the finger of the powerful Vajra.

If this is the case, how could Yu Sanxia recover? Now it seems that everything was a misunderstanding, and it was definitely not the Shaolin monks who hurt Yu Sanxia. "

Kong Wen said when he saw Yu Daiyan standing.

Yu Daiyan snorted coldly, "Yu hasn't fully recovered yet, so I'll have a good discussion with your temple after the competition!"

Yu Daiyan spoke in a stern tone, as if the matter was inseparable from Shaolin, which puzzled Kong Wen.

But now the competition is most important.

"Since Yu Sanxia won't play, who will take his place? It can't be Zhang Zhenren, right? In this case, Shaolin Temple should simply admit defeat."

"Of course I'm not the Grand Master. My third uncle is ill, so I will use the True Martial Seven Intersection Formation to consult with the masters on his behalf."

Zhang Jingyun stood up and said.

"Twelve versus seven, the advantage is with us! Brother, why are you hesitating? Let's fight them!" Kongxing said frankly.

Before Kong Wen could say anything, Kong Zhi said first: "Su Wen Wudang Sect has a burst of magic that can exert dozens of times the power.

We, the twelve Shaolin people, have an advantage in numbers, but how can we fight against each other in a haphazard manner? Why don't you guys wait a few more days?

How about waiting for Shaolin to transfer six ordinary disciples of the Yuan generation to form the Shaolin Eighteen Arhat Formation to compete with the Wudang Seven Heroes and Zhenwu Seven Section Formation? "

The Seven Heroes of Wudang: "..."

This is so shameless, seven against twelve, already with a small number of enemies, the Shaolin Temple has to form an Arhat formation, it is really shameless than cowhide.

Zhang Jingyun couldn't bear it anymore, "The way I see it, let me, a third-generation disciple of Wudang, ask for advice from the three divine monks. If you beat me, I will let the fifth master tell you Xie Xun's whereabouts?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

As soon as Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, everyone burst into laughter. Song Yuanqiao did not blame Zhang Jingyun. These words were indeed not very lethal but extremely insulting.

It's really impossible to take it seriously.

Kong Wen and Kong Zhi didn't take it seriously either, only Kongxing said, "Haha, this young hero wants to fight three monks. What a great opportunity, let's hurry up!"

There was another burst of laughter from all the sects!

Kong Wen hurriedly said: "Please forgive me, my junior brother is not humane and cannot understand the sarcasm of this young hero. I cannot take it seriously."

Kongxing blushed all over.

However, Zhang Jingyun shook his head: "This is wrong. Who said I was joking? I didn't mean it to be sarcastic.

This emptiness monk understands it right. Yes, I just want to fight the three monks. If the three masters lose, please come down from the mountain. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Yuanqiao became anxious.

"Qingshu, what are you talking nonsense about..."

Song Yuanqiao was grabbed by Zhang Sanfeng before he could finish his words. Even if he had thousands of words, he had to swallow them in his stomach at this moment.

"Young hero, do you think you look down on the Shaolin Temple?"

Now Kong Wen also looked ugly.

Being named and challenged by Zhang Jingyun, a young boy, has already damaged Shaolin's prestige. In this case, it would be reasonable for the Wudang Clan to beat Zhang Jingyun to death if the Wudang Clan did not stop him.

Zhang Jingyun said: "I don't dare. The master said before that I have to be merciful and spare others. Don't worry, I won't hurt the lives of the three masters today."

The three great monks: "..."

Who hurt whom? In the whole world, even Master Zhang would not dare to say such arrogant words. Zhang Jingyun is only a third-generation disciple, how dare he do this?

"Good boy, let me try you!"

Emptiness is the most direct. As soon as Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he turned his hands into claws and grabbed him. It was exactly the move in Shaolin Dragon Claws.

Zhang Jingyun used Ladder Cloud to move several feet out of thin air. This level of light kung fu was already shocking. At the right time, Zhang Jingyun waved his hands and spoke.

"If I win, will Shaolin stop?"

Seeing that he was serious, Abbot Kong Wen also said angrily: "Once you say something, it's hard to catch up, but let's see what this young hero is capable of."

After saying that, Kongxing attacks again, it is the Naoyun style, grabbing the Pearl Quepen point, and the attack is fierce. If the Quemen point is captured, the victory or defeat can be determined with one move.

Zhang Jingyun flashed sideways, followed closely by Kong Xing, who used the cloud-wiping technique to wipe his throat, and the Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand, which has a total of thirty-six and eight moves, including Eagle Claw, Grasp, Qi Penetration Dragon Claw, Point Point, Bone Penetrating Power...

As for what Kongxing uses, it is the Qi Penetrating Dragon Claw. Shaolin's strong internal power drives the dragon claw hand, and it can crush bones and rocks with every move.

A pair of dragon claws pounced on food like an evil eagle, and a black dragon probed the forest. However, Zhang Jingyun responded with fleshy palms. Only the three-way grappling method was able to break Kongxing's dragon claw hands every time.

Kong Xing only knew that Zhang Jingyun was a master of moves, but he didn't know that the moves Zhang Jingyun used were the three-way grappling technique used by Tianshan Zhemei.

Tianshan Plum Blossom Hand contains the essence of Xiaoyao sect martial arts. Among the palm techniques and grappling hands, there are grasping techniques, various weapon tricks, and complex transformations.

The most powerful thing is that this Tianshan Mei Zhe hand can transform any martial arts technique in the world into Zhe Mei's hands. Although Zhang Jingyun only masters the three-way grappling method, he is the nemesis of the Shaolin Dragon Claw hand.

"It's amazing, it's amazing. When did this kid Qingshu have such ability? Senior brother, why did you secretly teach him martial arts without telling us?"

Zhang Songxi, Yin Liting and others were shocked.

Song Yuanqiao felt uncomfortable. It was only in the past two years that he discovered that his son was uneducated and incompetent. He originally wanted to train him...

Suddenly Song Yuanqiao looked at his master who was sitting still, "Looking at the master's confident look, it turned out that he had already predicted it. He must have taught him powerful kung fu..."

For a while.

Song Yuanqiao admired Zhang Sanfeng endlessly.

Here, Zhang Jingyun and Kong Xing had gone through dozens of moves, and had integrated the essence of Shaolin Dragon Claw Hands into the three-way grappling method. They immediately used their strong internal strength to capture Kong Xing's shoulder blades and then folded and pushed them.

Kongxing staggered and was supported by Kongwen. He was famous for his Shaolin dragon claw hands, but he was defeated by the unknown Zhang Jingyun.

"Brother, I have lost the reputation of Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand!" Kongxing looked confused, and the next second he raised his hand to slap his forehead.

Zhang Jingyun was stunned. He really wanted to kill himself. Although Kongxing was a bit stupid, he was the purest among the three Shaolin monks.

Future achievements will also be based on Kongwen and Kongzhi. Seeing this, Kongwen quickly stopped Kongxing to prevent a tragedy from happening in front of Zixiao Palace.

"Do the two divine monks still want to teach the younger generation?"

Zhang Jingyun looked at the two of them and asked.

Under such circumstances, if the two of them still step forward to challenge, no matter whether they win or lose, the Shaolin Temple will never be able to hold its head high in front of fellow practitioners.

"This matter...let's let it go. Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun, I, Shaolin, will find it in other ways. I can't help but avenge Senior Brother Kong's blood feud and Yin Susu's massacre of the entire Longmen Escort Agency!"

Abbot Kongwen said in a deep voice.

Zhang Jingyun said: "Master, Yin Susu has put down the butcher's knife, changed her ways, and returned to Wudang. God has the virtue of good life, and Wudang will definitely keep a close watch on her to prevent her from doing evil again."

Kong Wen: “…………”

Zhang Jingyun then said: "As for Xie Xun, he did kill innocent people indiscriminately and committed serious crimes. Wudang is a well-known and decent man and will not sit idly by.

In the future, we will find a way to bring Xie Xun back to Wudang Mountain to make it difficult for him to do evil. There is also a dragon-slaying knife. This object is the source of disaster and should be sealed by Wudang to prevent the tragedy of ten years ago from happening again! "

Kong Wen felt the muscles on his face twitching, and he didn't know why. Why did his tone sound so like what the monk said? What's going on with this little Taoist priest's anger?

"Amitabha, this matter will have to be discussed later. I, Shaolin, will not be involved. Farewell!" After Abbot Kongwen finished speaking, he led the monks down the mountain.

Next to them, the Kunlun Faction and the Kongtong Faction didn't want to give up, especially the Kongtong Faction. Xie Xun took away their secret book of Seven Injury Fist, which was a life-and-death feud.

But Shaolin was defeated. A third-generation disciple of Wudang actually defeated Kongxing. Since everyone had no weapons in their hands, they had to avoid the edge temporarily.

The Emei sect sincerely wished Zhang Sanfeng a birthday and gave him heavy gifts, including sixteen-color precious jade articles and a brocade robe with a hundred different longevity characters embroidered by ten female disciples from Emei. The affection is deep, and I never thought of embarrassing Wudang, otherwise, Master Jue would have come in person.

But just as the female disciple of the Emei Sect was leaving, Zhang Jingyun suddenly stopped Ji Xiaofu, "Uncle Ji, don't leave yet."

Master Jingxuan naturally knew that Ji Xiaofu was engaged, "It's hard to come to Wudang. Please stay for a while. We'll wait for you at the foot of the mountain."

"Thank you, Senior Sister Jingxuan."

Ji Xiaofu thanked her, and Yin Liting was about to speak when she saw Zhang Jingyun pulling Ji Xiaofu straight to Zhang Sanfeng and the injured Zhang Wuji.

Zhang Jingyun pointed at Zhang Wuji and said: "Uncle Ji, I believe you are also proficient in the Emei Nine Yang Kung Fu. Please leave the technique for my great master to save Junior Brother Wuji."

"This... Emei Nine Yang Kung Fu is not approved by Master. I cannot teach it without permission. Qingshu, Uncle Master is not unwilling to save you. Uncle Master also has difficulties."

Ji Xiaofu said in embarrassment.

Yin Liting also defended her: "The inheritance of the sect is of great importance. Your Uncle Ji hasn't married me yet, so you can't break the rules."

There was unspeakable guilt on Ji Xiaofu's face.

Zhang Jingyun whispered in her ear, "Uncle Ji, you don't want me, Uncle Yin Liu, to know that you have a child with Yang Xiao, right?"

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