People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 101 Master, he is just a child [Please subscribe]

"The Giant Whale Gang wishes Master Zhang a long life!"

In an instant, one after another glanced over quickly, either in surprise or teasing. Many people secretly marveled at the Giant Whale Gang's ability to seek death.

It was Zhang Sanfeng's 100th birthday. You came over to wish him a happy birthday and said he would live a hundred years. Isn't this a curse to death? How could the Wudang Clan just give up and give up!

Sure enough, the words from the Giant Whale Gang stopped.

Several Wudang disciples drew their swords and glared, and then a figure flashed across and blocked the way in front of everyone in the Giant Whale Gang. It was Zhang Jingyun.

"Are you saying this because you want to die?"

"Hmph, if you dare, kill me in front of all the factions, and let everyone see that the Wu-Dang Clan and the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun are the same."

The leader, a strong man in blue shirt, stood still. The reason why he dared to say such things was because the Wudang Clan did not dare to do anything to him.

Since ten years ago, various sects have been snatching dragon-slaying knives, including the Giant Whale Gang. The leader of the Giant Whale Gang, Mai Jing, and his only son both died in the hands of Xie Xun.

Now all the sects came to Wudang Mountain to explain the truth, but Wudang sent a young Taoist priest to stop everyone and didn't take them seriously.

The Kunlun and Kongtong factions did not dare to say anything.

The Giant Whale Gang should be regarded as the leader, otherwise, Wudang would really think that all the sects and gangs are here to celebrate Zhang Sanfeng's birthday.

Zhang Jingyun was silent for a moment!

The man snorted coldly.

"Since you can't take action, then I... will..."

While speaking, the strong man in blue shirt actually saw his back, and then his consciousness gradually blurred. It turned out that his head had been chopped off and was falling down!

Zhang Jingyun's sword was so fast that it was incredibly fast. The strong man in blue shirt's head and body were separated, but he could still think briefly in his head.

Until the head falls to the ground.

Plasma burst out like columns, staining the ground red.

Zhang Jingyun raised his hand and looked at the three-foot-long sword in his hand. This sword had a great origin. It was a true martial sword given to Zhang Jingyun by Dongfang Bubai in the previous world to thank Zhang Jingyun for not killing.

That's right, it was the Demon Sect that stole it from the Wudang Sect, as well as the Tai Chi Sutra handwritten by Zhang Sanfeng, which Zhang Jingyun also read.

But in the world of Yi Tian Tu Long Ji, at this point, Zhang Sanfeng has not fully understood Tai Chi and Tai Chi Sword, otherwise he can compare and see if there is any difference.

The Zhenwu Sword is extremely sharp and is a first-class sword, even more powerful than the Qianlong Nine-Dragon Sword that Zhang Jingyun intercepted.

Although Emperor Qianlong's Nine Dragons Sword was very sharp, Zhang Jingyun greatly mobilized his inner energy to pay attention to the fact that the sword was vaguely overwhelmed.

Zhenwu sword does not have this problem.

Obviously, the swords of the world without inner strength cultivation are very different from the swords of the martial arts world, which can be proved by the Yitian Sword.

After all, Yitian Sword is a sword with its own sword energy. If it were in the real world, no matter how powerful the forging technology is, it would not be able to create it.

"How dare you kill someone!"

When the head fell to the ground, the giant whale gang disciples shouted in unison, Zhang Jingyun said quickly, "Didn't he ask me to kill him in front of you?

What, you want to die too? "

Originally, the leader of the Giant Whale Gang and Gang Leader Qiao were dead, but now the only deputy gang leader has also been killed. The top brass of the Giant Whale Gang are now dead.

"I kill you!"

Naturally, the remaining members of the Giant Whale Gang couldn't stand it, and they all took out their weapons, either long knives or swords, and stabbed Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun wields the Zhenwu Sword. There are no visible sword moves, but they are free and wanton. Sometimes the sword moves are gorgeous, sometimes streamlined, and no rules can be seen.

However, with these few unorganized sword skills, the weapons of the giant whale gang were chopped off in an instant, with the clang of the weapons falling to the ground and the wails of the crowd.

It lasts forever and ever.

In this world, the Giant Whale Gang has a notorious reputation and is one of the four major evil gangs on the water. They often rob passing merchant ships.

There is a lot of killing and stealing goods.

Therefore, Zhang Jingyun was a little more ruthless. The deputy gang leader who was rude to Zhang Sanfeng was beheaded by Zhang Jingyun on the spot. Zhang Jingyun also chopped off the hand tendons of more than ten other gang members and lost their martial arts skills.

At this moment, a Buddha's call suddenly sounded, "Amitabha, if you can spare others, please spare them. Why should the donor abolish their martial arts?"

The sound reached everyone's ears clearly and brightly. It sounded like it was coming from far away, but it also seemed like it was coming from nearby.

Everyone looked around and saw no one, until a moment later, three old monks led nine monks to walk slowly to the Jiejian Pond.

The leader, the old monk, had white eyebrows that drooped over his eyes. He looked like an Arhat with long eyebrows. When he saw the wailing man lying on the ground, he recited the Buddha's name with compassion.

Zhang Jingyun said: "Master's control is quite lenient. This person is cursed to death on the 100th birthday of Grand Master. What's wrong with me?"

"Now that the culprit has been punished, why bother to implicate others? We are all born from our parents. Isn't what you are doing not killing innocent people indiscriminately?"

Said an old monk with a hot temper next to him.

"Good people have asked you to do it. You are so compassionate, why don't you take down the Buddha's golden body and sit on it yourself to be the Buddha?"

Zhang Jingyun's words made the old monk's veins jump: "What a sinner, how dare you arrange for the Buddha to see if I don't beat you to death!"

Zhang Jingyun smiled and said, "Listen to yourselves, great monk, you want to beat me to death after I say "Buddha". If no one stops me, won't you be killed?

Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. My great master's status in Wudang is equivalent to the status of Bodhidharma and Buddha in the hearts of Shaolin monks. Don't be obsessed with it. "

"Emptiness! Don't talk nonsense!"

The white-browed old monk reprimanded the old monk called Kongxing. He realized that he had said something wrong and stopped talking, but his eyes remembered Zhang Jingyun.

"Let's drop this matter and go up the mountain!"

The old monk with white eyebrows is Kong Wen, the contemporary abbot of Shaolin Temple. In recent decades, the reputation of the four great monks of Shaolin Temple, Wisdom, Wisdom and Intelligence, is only higher than that of the Seven Heroes of Wudang.

However, Kong Jian, the leader of the four great monks, was beaten to death by Xie Xun with the Seven-Injury Fist, and the four great monks became respected by Kong Wen.

As the Shaolin Temple went up the mountain, various sects gathered, and the Zixiao Palace was already overcrowded. Song Yuanqiao had to have people move the stone pier from outside to sit there.

Zhang Jingyun also rushed to the Zixiao Palace to watch. With so many people coming up the mountain to celebrate his birthday, Song Yuanqiao originally thought that Zhang Jingyun had bought enough food that day.

Unexpectedly, the food that the Huo Gong Taoist brought to us in the end was just a bowl of rice for each person, and then some vegetable leaves and tofu were placed on the rice.

Song Yuanqiao felt a little sorry when he saw everyone burying their heads in the rice, but Zhang Songxi, Yin Liting and others were secretly relieved to see this scene.

Who asked them to raise an army to investigate the crime?

After the meal, various martial arts sects, led by the Shaolin Temple, began to quarrel with the Wudang sect, asking Zhang Cuishan to reveal Xie Xun's whereabouts.

In addition, the Shaolin Temple also asked Zhang Cuishan to explain the situation regarding the destruction of the Longmen Escort Bureau, because a Shaolin monk happened to see him killing someone that day.

Naturally, Yin Susu could not stay away from the whole Longmen Escort Bureau being wiped out. She immediately revealed that she was pretending to be Zhang Cuishan and massacred everyone.

Because Du Dajin, the head of the Longmen Escort Bureau, collected two thousand taels of gold and personally promised to send Yu Daiyan to Wudang. If something went wrong on the way...

Yin Susu also said it earlier.

It is necessary that no one in the Longmen Escort Bureau should be spared.

So to a certain extent, Yin Susu also followed the rules of the world. He said he would destroy everyone in his family, and he did what he said.

The monks in the Shaolin Temple were filled with indignation and accused Yin Susu of being a devil. However, Yin Susu was not to be outdone.

"Hmph, what do you think two thousand taels of gold are? That's tens of thousands of taels of silver. Shouldn't he pay the price if he made a mistake in his escort?" Yin Susu said.

Kongxing said angrily: "There are seventy-seven members of the Longmen Escort Agency, ranging from octogenarians to infants waiting to be fed. Isn't it important that two thousand taels of gold are not as important?"

After saying this, everyone laughed.

Sorry, not really.

What does tens of thousands taels of silver mean in this era? In the real world, it means tens of millions. Don't do porcelain work without diamonds.

This is what Jianghu is like.

Shaolin, Kunlun, Kongtong... they just believe that Wudang is a famous and upright sect, so they are trying to reason with you. What if it were replaced by the Tianying Sect?

So, Yin Susu couldn't help but said: "Every wrong has its owner, and every debt has its owner. If you have any vengeance, just come to me to avenge it, or you can go to my Sky Eagle Sect and seek revenge from my father, the White-browed Eagle King!"

Kong Wen heard that the abbot and a group of Shaolin disciples were silent and silent about the destruction of the Longmen Escort Bureau. If you come to Wudang and ask for an explanation, they will reason with you. If you go to the Tianying Sect, it will be life or death.

Moreover, the White-browed Eagle King is not afraid of Shaolin. The Sky Eagle Sect has risen rapidly in recent years and has already surpassed Kunlun, Huashan, and Emei.

So it’s better to be reasonable.

As a result, the Kunlun Sect, Shaolin Temple, and Kongtong Sect once again began to refute the matter of the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun.

Zhang Jingyun was bored beside him.

This is basically the same as a quarrel between aunts on the roadside, and Zhang Jingyun is even less able to participate because of his age and seniority.

At this time, Zhang Jingyun had a second thought.

"It seems that the two elders Xuanming and Ming are coming at this time, probably trying to use Zhang Wuji to threaten Zhang Cuishan and his wife to reveal Xie Xun's whereabouts.

However, the two of them didn't know how powerful Zhang Sanfeng was, but they decided to retreat after meeting him, so they hurriedly gave Zhang Wuji a slap in the face and retreated. "

Zhang Jingyun thought that it was okay to fight Zhang Wuji while quietly retreating behind the scenes, but it was not okay to go wild on Wudang Mountain.

When he reached a corner, Zhang Jingyun tiptoed, used the ladder to leap two feet high, and found a secret corner on the top of Zixiao Palace to lie down.

Then Zhang Jingyun used his golden eyes to look around, paying attention to whether there was a combination of two people and a child. It took less than two quarters of an hour.

The quarrel among the people in Zixiao Palace was at a critical moment, and before it could be properly resolved, Zhang Jingyun suddenly saw three figures running towards them from far to near.

Among them, there was indeed a little boy about ten years old, with delicate features and handsome eyes, who looked at least five points similar to Zhang Cuishan. He was held in someone's arms and ran away.

"Here we come!" Zhang Jingyun's heart tightened.

It is certain that the strange combination of the two elders and the younger one must be Zhang Wuji and Xuan Ming. The two of them are running towards the back of Zixiao Palace with Zhang Wuji in their arms.

Zhang Jingyun used superior Qinggong to block the three of them, "Who is this person! He's so sneaky, he's not a good guy at first glance!

Huh? Where did the child you two stole look so much like my fifth uncle? Could it be the son that his fifth uncle just lost two days ago? "

The two Xuan Ming brothers were initially shocked when they saw a young man suddenly appear, who looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old.

But I felt relieved the next second.

"Hmph, since you saw something you shouldn't have seen, then go to hell!" As he spoke, one of the two elders, Xuan Ming, slapped Zhang Jingyun in the face of Zhang Jingyun.

The two elders Xuan Ming have been practicing for many years and have become the masters of the world. According to the original book, one of them, Luzhangke and Hebiweng, is as good as any master in the martial arts today, and the two of them together are even more powerful.

Of course, Zhang Sanfeng is definitely not included here, but the Seven Heroes of Wudang, the Shaolin Monk, the leader of the Kunlun Sect, and the Five Elders of Kongtong.

Facing such a master.

Zhang Jingyun actually pushed him over with a flat palm. The two elders Xuan Ming were cautious by nature. Although they had practiced the Xuan Ming Divine Palm to Yin Zhihan, there was a shortcoming in this skill.

That is, if you encounter someone with deeper internal strength, the Xuanming Divine Palm will be counterattacked by the technique, but Zhang Jingyun is so young, his internal strength must be average.

Hebi Weng then exerted all his strength to palm Zhang Jingyun. In an instant, there was only a crisp sound, and Hebiweng flew upside down like paper.

"Junior brother!"

Luzhangke never expected it.

Zhang Jingyun was able to knock his junior brother away with one move. Xuan Ming and Xuan Ming had similar skills. If they could knock away the Hebiweng, they could obviously knock away the Luzhangke.


Hebiweng fell to the ground and pointed at Zhang Jingyun with grief and anger. The opponent's internal energy was much deeper than his own, and the Xuanming Divine Palm had already turned back on him.

It's like giving yourself a slap in the face.

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun looked at Luzhangke again. Luzhangke was filled with grief and anger. He jumped up and grabbed Hebiweng and left.

Zhang Jingyun changed his body shape and wanted to stop Luzhangke, but he saw Zhang Wuji flying away from his arms before he could reach Hebiweng, and then ran in the opposite direction.

"Brother, save me!"

Hebiweng was also dumbfounded. Luzhangke was not trying to save himself at all, but he deceived Zhang Jingyun with a fake move and escaped alone.

"Junior brother, I'm going to bring in the reinforcements. Just hold on..." Luzhangke's voice had faded away, and Hebiweng couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Zhang Jingyun stood next to Hebiweng with Wuji in hand, and felt Hebiweng's aura. Although he was not dead, he was dying and might become cold at any time.

It turned out that Hebi Weng was the one who voluntarily gave up his martial arts out of frustration when he saw his senior brother abandoning him, causing the Xuanming Divine Palm to backfire and penetrate his bones.

In this situation, even Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but frown. He originally wanted to torture the Xuanming Divine Palm secret book, but now he has no chance.

Suddenly, Zhang Jingyun had a flash of inspiration.

"He Biweng's injury is due to the backlash of his palm power. As long as all his energy is absorbed, there will be no internal backlash if there is no internal force."

Zhang Jingyun dropped Zhang Wuji, stretched out his hand, activated the Purple Qi Donglai Magic Technique, and began to absorb the Hebi Weng's internal energy.

However, Zhang Jingyun felt a little hindered.

The magical power of Purple Qi from the East could not be absorbed immediately, but the obstacles came and went quickly. After a while, Hebiweng's internal energy was poured out like the Milky Way, and all of it was submerged into Zhang Jingyun's body.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly thought.

"If Hebiweng still maintains his full strength, I'm afraid that the Ziqi Donglai magic power won't be able to absorb his Zhiyin inner power at will.

Just like the Star Absorbing Technique cannot absorb Fang Zheng's internal energy, the internal energy gained from magical skills such as Yi Jin Jing and Sunflower Book are deep-rooted and difficult to absorb. Xuanming Divine Palm should also be among such magical skills. "

As the internal force is absorbed.

Hebiweng slowly opened his eyes.

However, as soon as he opened his eyes, he met Zhang Jingyun's eyes, and the soul-moving technique was immediately performed. Hebi Weng immediately recited the Xuanming God's palm technique to Zhang Jingyun.

Satisfied, Zhang Jingyun tapped Hebiweng's acupuncture points, and finally looked at Zhang Wuji, who had fainted. Seeing that his face was green and his whole body was cold, he knew the situation was not good.

When he opened his clothes, he saw a green palm print on his back. It turned out that Luzhangke had already hit the Xuanming Divine Palm when he pushed Zhang Wuji away.

"Junior Brother Wuji, it's not that I won't save you, it's really that you can't escape this disaster. Hey, anyway, I have the Sunflower Book as a backup, so you can't die."

Zhang Jingyun carried Zhang Wuji and rushed to Zixiao Palace. Wudang and other sects had already started to argue, and they were about to fight with each other.

But he saw Zhang Jingyun rushing towards him.

"Master, it's important to save Junior Brother Wuji first!"

A group of people formed a circle around Zhang Wuji.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Abbot Kongwen and others: "Everyone has seen that the child of my fifth uncle is seriously injured and is in critical condition. Everyone should go down the mountain first. If you have anything to do, we will talk about it later."


How could Kong Wen be willing to go down the mountain like this?

He immediately asked: "What is the serious injury? Each faction has a panacea. It is important for everyone to help each other to save people."

"Xuanming Divine Palm!"

At the right time, Zhang Sanfeng said with a solemn expression.

Many people in the martial arts world don't know about the Xuanming Divine Palm. Only some elderly masters have heard of this vicious palm technique.

"It turned out to be the Xuanming Divine Palm. This power is extremely cold. More than thirty years ago, Taoist Baishu used the Xuanming Divine Palm to stir up the storm, but he disappeared for unknown reasons."

Kong Wen, who is over seventy years old, knows a lot about the secret history of martial arts, but he has only heard of the evil reputation of Taoist Baishu, but does not know why this man retired from the world.

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly said: "I thought that after killing Taoist Baishu more than thirty years ago, no one in the martial arts world would know this skill."

All the martial arts people: "..."

"Master, please save Wuji!"

Seeing that his beloved son was dying, Zhang Cuishan was heartbroken and cried and begged Zhang Sanfeng. However, Zhang Sanfeng also felt troubled.

"Xuan Ming Divine Palm is extremely cold and yin. To resolve it, you need to have the inner strength of extreme yang and strength. Only the Nine Yang Divine Function in the world can cure it.

But now the Nine Yang Divine Art has been lost..."

Before Zhang Sanfeng could finish his words, he heard Zhang Jingyun say: "Master, my junior brother can still be saved, and he can complete the Nine Yang Divine Art!"

Just as he was talking, Zhang Jingyun looked at Abbot Kongwen and said: "Master Kongwen, monks are compassionate, you won't ignore death, right?"

Kong Wen's heart skipped a beat.

"What do you mean, little benefactor?"

Zhang Jingyun said: "When Master Jue Yuan taught the Kung Fu, there were three people who listened to it, Grand Master was one of them, in addition there were Zen Master Wu Se and Emei Guo Xiang Nuxia!

It's better to come by chance than by chance!

Junior Brother Wuji's life is in danger, so it is better to combine Wudang Nine Yang Kung, Shaolin Nine Yang Kung, and Emei Nine Yang Kung to complete the Nine Yang Magic.

Master Kongwen, please save poor Junior Brother Wuji. Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Master, you can't just sit idly by and ignore it! "

Zhang Jingyun's words brought tears to his eyes. Not only Zhang Cuishan and his wife burst into tears of gratitude, but even the major sects felt sympathy.

"Senior Monk Kong Wen, since you can save that child, why not lend a helping hand? If you are hit by the Xuanming Divine Palm, life will be worse than death!"

"I have always heard that the eminent monks of Shaolin are compassionate, sweep the floor without killing ants, and cherish moths and gauze lamps. How can you watch innocent children die before your eyes?"

"Is it still a decent family to refuse to save someone?"

"Abbott, you don't want an innocent child to die, right?"

"Master, he is just a child!"



Kong Wen felt that if he didn't agree, his reputation would be ruined in the next second, so it was natural for him to use Shaolin Nine Yang Kung.

The corner of Zhang Jingyun's mouth curled up, "Sure enough, if I stand on the moral high ground and point my fingers, no one can do anything to me!"

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