"It seems that this guy Vegeta is a little too carried away."

Qin Yu looked at Vegeta, shook his head lightly, and said.

He had already told Vegeta about the ability of the dragon god Salama, and he could absorb the power of the gods.

This guy even took the initiative to send divine power to others, it seems that his arrogance is more than he imagined.

"What's wrong? Look at your embarrassed appearance, have you not even had the ability to parry? "

The energy balls continued to blast out from Vegeta's palm, landing one after another on the body of the dragon god Salama.

While fighting, Vegeta also spoke out to humiliate.

"Looks like you're not that strong, are you?" Vegeta. "

"After fighting for so long, you don't seem to have caused me much damage, can it be that after becoming the strongest form, your strength is only so little?"

"Hmph! To be honest, I stunned your strength and was a little disappointed. "

Although the dragon god Salama was at an absolute disadvantage, he mocked Vegeta with a smile on his lips.

It is undeniable that Vegeta's divine power is indeed very powerful.

He only sent himself such a while, and his strength was greatly improved.

If all of his family's Vegeta's divine power was absorbed, his own power would increase a lot.

"If you don't know whether you are dead or alive, you will say cruel things before you die!"

Vegeta gritted his teeth, and the ball of energy blasted out of his palm again.

This time, the energy of the energy ball is even greater.


Huge energy balls exploded instantly when they touched the body of the Dragon God Salama.

The entire time and space trembled violently...

And Salama's body is constantly retreating.

In the eyes of others, Vegeta's advantage at this time is very obvious, and in this way, the dragon god Salama is not Vegeta's opponent at all.

"So strong, Vegeta's guy is really strong?"

At this time, Sun Wukong skimmed Vegeta and said with some surprise.

It is also in the form of Super Saiyan White, but he seems to be much more powerful than himself.

"Dad is really too strong, with him, there will be absolutely no accidents in this battle!"

Trunks was also very proud and said to himself.

And Son Gohan and Vic and the others also have the same idea, because now Vegeta's power is indeed much stronger than they thought.

The time for the battle is slowly passing.

At this time, everyone did not notice that their energy and physical energy were being consumed violently, while the enemy was getting stronger and stronger.

At this time, except for Broly and the White God Monkey King, who still have some advantages, others are already at a disadvantage.

After all, these guys' siphon ability is too powerful, and in battle, they can quietly absorb all your divine power.

Then transform into their strength.

And as time went on, the white god Vegeta also became a little solemn at this time.

"What the hell is going on? That bastard has endured so much of my energy, although he can absorb the power of God, but such a huge amount of power of God, how did it not burst her body? "

Vegeta looked at the dragon god Salama on the opposite side and began to think in his heart.

"What's wrong? Vegeta, an attack like yours can only inflict some skin trauma on me. "

"Looking at the way you look, you seem to be starting to fear me, right? In that case, I advise you not to use the power of God, because soon, I can surpass you or even kill you!" "

The dragon god Salama's body was covered in scars and blood.

If he was very embarrassed, but still laughed and taunted Vegeta.

Vegeta is so arrogant that his arrogance will become his fatal flaw.

At this time, he used the Agitation Method in the hope that he could bring out a more powerful divine power to absorb for himself.

As long as he absorbs some more divine power, Vegeta will not be his opponent.

"Damn bastard, do you really think I can't kill you?"

"Since you like to absorb energy, then this time I will let you suck enough."

Vegeta's face froze, and then his palm was raised high.

"Big Bang Qigong Wave..."

Then a huge ball of pure white energy condensed from the palm.

The power of this energy ball is very huge, and it is not at all comparable to the previous prince's combat method.

"Disappear for me! You bastard! "

Vegeta roared, and the ball of energy in his palm blasted directly towards the dragon god Salama.


The big explosion qigong wave exploded instantly.

At that moment, the body of the dragon god Salama flew out directly upside down, and a large wound appeared on his body.

The purple blood stained the body of the dragon god Salama.

Vegeta's attack is indeed very, very powerful, and such an attack can be easily killed by an angel.


After the body flew tens of thousands of miles, the dragon god Salama gasped.

Blood continued to slide from his body, but scarlet cracks appeared in his eyes.

"That's great, that's what I want."

The dragon god Salama clenched his fists, and an excited look appeared on his face.


In the next second, Vegeta's body appeared directly in front of the dragon god Salama, lifting the dragon god Salama up.

"Hey, didn't I say you were very proud just now?"

"Why, can't you stand such an attack?"

Vegeta picked up the dragon god Salama and said coldly.

Sure enough, as expected, there was also an upper limit to the energy he could absorb.

After turning into Super Saiyan White, the power of God is too great.

Therefore, he simply could not absorb that much energy.


"Vegeta, your naivety and stupidity really make me sympathetic!"

The dragon god Salama was not angry, but instead had a strategic smile on his face.

"Cut, bastard, you can still laugh, but your smile is so disgusting."


After Vegeta finished speaking, he smashed a punch into the face of the dragon god Salama.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth again.

Then the right knee went up, and another knee fell heavily on Vegeta's lower abdomen.

"Your strength now doesn't seem to be as strong as before, Vegeta."

Dragon God Salama suddenly smiled coldly.

Then both fists clenched.


Then he suddenly roared, and a terrifying aura instantly burst out from his body.

At that moment, the injuries on his body fully recovered.

And Vegeta's body was also shaken back a few steps by that qi wave.

"What... What the? "

At this moment, Vegeta was a little confused...

"Abominable! The power of this bastard has become so strong! "

Vegeta was a little hindsighted, he had only absorbed a little bit of his divine power, how did his strength suddenly become so powerful?

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