"Hmph! That's the gap between us. "

"Go to hell! An evil guy like you shouldn't exist at all. "

After Vegeta's voice fell, Reg's body suddenly exploded and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Not even a trace of residue remained.

"Cut, the guy who couldn't win just now with the combined strength of the two of us was actually killed by him in an instant."

"Although this guy's improvement of strength is a good thing for us, it is really uncomfortable!"

Deep Blue Vegeta clenched his fists, frowned, and said.

At this moment, Vegeta easily solved Reg, and then looked at the dragon god Salama.

Because he could clearly feel that this guy was the strongest of all the enemies.

Your own current strength already disdains to fight with other weak guys!

Since he is now the strongest one, he naturally has to fight with the strongest one.


Vegeta's body instantly appeared in front of this Qin Yu.

"Hey, this guy is now my prey!"

Vegeta glanced at Qin Yu and said lightly.

It was like solipsism.

At this time, the gaze of the opposite dragon god Salama was uncertain.

"Are you sure?"

"This guy can absorb the power of God, although you are very strong now, you may not be able to deal with him."

Qin Yu said lightly to Vegeta.

Vegeta's biggest feature is that he is a tailwind, but he has gained unparalleled strength, and he will definitely not solve the dragon god Salama so easily!

He will definitely have another wave, maybe in the end he will lose.

"Of course I'm sure..."

"I think you should feel my strength, my strength is definitely not comparable to yours!"

"Just this guy, Laozi Vegeta can handle it casually!"

Vegeta first raised the corners of his mouth proudly, and then pointed at the dragon god Salama and said.

Hearing Vegeta's words, the dragon god Salama seemed to start calculating in his heart.

If this guy is so arrogant, then even if he has such great power, he will not be afraid of him at all.

Maybe in the end, he can absorb all his divine power, and then turn into the strongest form.

"Alright! Then I will do what you want. "

"Handed him over to you!"

"I just hope you won't be abused too badly by him for a while!"

Qin Yu shrugged his shoulders and said with a look of indifference.

Anyway, the current dragon god Salama is too weak for himself.

He only needs to become Super Saiyan II to ask to tie with him.

If he becomes Super Saiyan Four, he can be easily erased.

But Vegeta is different, although his current strength is indeed much stronger than that of the dragon god Salama.

But this guy is obviously very proud after gaining great power, and he feels that he can completely deal with the dragon god Salama.

This arrogance will eventually become a key factor in his loss of the game.

If the Dragon God Salama is collected by then, Vegeta's power in the whole race god seems to be good.

In this way, you can also fight him well.

Perhaps in this level of competition, their own strength will become stronger and there will be a higher breakthrough.

Since Monkey King and Vegeta can both become the All-Sai God, why can't they do it?

With his own strength, if he becomes a full race god, he will definitely become an invincible existence!

Therefore, I don't want to easily solve this good opponent now.

"Hmph! Count you still know. "

"Take a good look, my current strength is definitely not what you can imagine!"

Vegeta said with a haughty look.

Then his body flashed and he rushed directly towards the dragon god Salama.

"So fast..."

The moment Vegeta's body flashed, the face of the dragon god Salama changed suddenly.

Because Vegeta's speed was much faster than him, and Qin Yu couldn't keep up with his speed at all.


While the dragon god Salama was still surprised, Vegeta's fist had already landed heavily on his face.

Hit by Vegeta's punch, the body of the dragon god Salama suddenly flew out upside down.

Fly out of thousands of miles in an instant.

Half of his face collapsed.

It just recovered quickly.

The blood stains on the corners of his mouth were also erased by Salama.

"It's kind of interesting, so that it doesn't hurt?"

"But yes, if I killed you so easily, it would be a little too boring!"

Vegeta glanced at the dragon god Salama, the corners of his mouth raised, and said with a sneer.

"This bastard, the power is so terrifying."

"It's a lot stronger than I thought."

"In this way, if I don't absorb the land of God, I will not be his opponent at all."

"If there is really no way, it seems that you can only merge with other evil gods!"

Dragon God Salama's gaze was very solemn.

In fact, his final hole card is not his peak strength, nor his own siphon ability.

But in the end, the final combination of their five evil gods.

After they finally merge, they will become all demons, and their strength will definitely increase by hundreds of millions of times!

It's simply not comparable to my current self...

It's just that I don't want to merge so quickly now!

Because in that case, if more divine power is not absorbed, the effect after the combination will be much worse.

That guy from the king fused his own hand of God, and when he became a true god, his strength was incomparable.

If he becomes a total demon now, he is not 100% sure that he can kill him!

At that time, all your efforts will be in vain!

"Hmph! It seems that your strength is only like this, is there a stronger attack? Vegeta. "

The dragon god Salama's heart moved, and he coldly provoked Vegeta.

He was going to provoke Vegeta now, so maybe the guy would use a different attack.

"Oh? Stronger attack? "

"Then I will fulfill you..."

Vegeta's right hand formed a palm and aimed directly at the dragon god Salama.

A white ball of energy instantly condensed.


Blasted towards the dragon god Salama.


The energy ball instantly exploded when it touched the dragon god Salama, directly blowing the dragon god salama hundreds of zhang away.

There are some embarrassing scars on the body!

"I just want to see how much more you can withstand such an attack!"

"Aren't you able to absorb the power of God? I want to see, can you suck all my power away? "

Vegeta sneered again and said disapprovingly.


Then, one by one, the energy balls continued to blast towards the dragon god Salama.


The energy ball continued to explode, and Salama's body continued to explode, and a lot of scars appeared on his body.

But the corner of his mouth raised a faint smile.

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