And at this time, Mei.

But he didn't notice his father's little thoughts at all.

All her eyes were occupied by this gorgeous red and white dress.

"This is what my mother used to wear... Is it a traditional dress that our family has passed down from generation to generation?"

Mei seemed a little sad. If possible, she would rather not have this dress in exchange for her mother's healthy life.

But this is obviously impossible.

A person cannot be resurrected after death.

And just when Mei was thinking wildly.

Leiden Ryoma coughed, and only opened his mouth slowly after the eyes of the two came together.

"Mei, I remember you are 16 this year, and you will be 17 soon, right?"

"At this age, you can't be considered old, but you can't be considered young either..."

Leiden Ryoma's eyes fell on his daughter, and he said thoughtfully.

Hearing this, Mei's face froze, and the bad feeling in her heart became more and more intense.

I saw her bite the bullet and promised:

"Yes, father."

Raiden Ryoma nodded and continued:

"Mei, to tell you the truth, when I met your mother, she was just 17 years old."


Ren Yu glanced speechlessly at Leiden Ryoma, and then at Yai who was so nervous that he was clutching the corner of his clothes, and even his lips were pursed a little white.

He felt that this was no longer a hint.

Instead, it is stated.

" doesn't quite understand what you mean."

Mei bites the bullet and pretends not to understand.

The bottom of my heart is panicked.

How to do?

Is the father matching himself and the teaching assistant?

That's right, that's why I said just now that there is a very important thing to tell myself.

Although Mei has no dislike for Ren Yu.

However, the bottom of her heart has long been occupied by someone.

That girl with two white braids, who looks carefree and reckless, is actually very considerate to people.

"Mei, two flowers together, no matter how beautiful they are, they need the help of others to sow the seeds to prosper, you know..."

"Female... my daughter naturally knows."

Now that it's all said and done, no matter how stupid he is, he should understand what Raiden Ryoma wants to express.

"That girl's name is Kiyana, right?"


Leiden Mei's face was flushed, and even his tone was a little stiff.

Here, Leiden Ryoma didn't dare to be too hasty, he just nodded and then didn't say anything.

Ren Yu watched the conversation between Lei Dian's father and daughter, and he, an outsider, felt extremely embarrassed.

Mei likes Kiana.

Kiana likes Mei.

But Raiden Ryoma didn't want his daughter to fall into Lily's situation, and wanted to break the pillar of connection between the two before they fully developed.

"Looking at it this way, why do I feel that I am more and more like those tall, rich and handsome people in novels who want to steal the protagonist's woman?"

Ren Yu muttered to himself.

Relatives are optimistic, rich and powerful, and they are well-matched.

Isn't this the villain template?

Just one sentence from Qiyana:

"Mei, let's escape together."

Then the story is complete.

Ren Yu rubbed his temples with a headache. He always felt that Ryoma Raiden was a little too hasty. At this time, if he accidentally aroused Mei's disgust, it would be difficult to handle.

"Think about it for yourself."

After putting down this sentence.

Raiden Ryoma got up and left the room.

If it weren't for Mei's sexual orientation being a bit problematic, and he had promised his late wife that he must train her to be an excellent woman and send her into the palace consummately, he wouldn't want to interfere in his daughter's private affairs.

At this time, Mei looked at his father's back with complicated eyes, and then looked at Ren Yu with a little apology.

"Assistant, I'm sorry, I made you laugh, father, he wasn't like this before..."


Ren Yu shook his head, expressing that he didn't care.

"Assistant, I actually have a question and I want to ask your opinion."

"you say."

Ren Yu nodded with a smile.

Mei hesitated for a moment, then said again:

"Assistant, what do you think about the accidental relationship between girls?"


Hearing this, Ren Yu's expression suddenly changed.

This question doesn't seem to be easy to answer.

After thinking about it, he considered his words and said:

"Well... I don't really understand these things. If I have to say something, I neither object nor support it."

Listening to the ambiguous, specious answer, the confusion on Mei's face became more serious.

"Then, what should I do?"

Mei asked again.

Her father's conversation made her vaguely feel that something was wrong.

After all, Raiden Ryoma had never been so serious about himself before this.

He just let himself grow up healthily, no matter what choice she made, he would silently stand behind him.

However, the father who doted on him so much, but just now, said such words with a solemn expression.

Did I really do something wrong?

At this time, the confusion in Mei's heart became heavier, and she subconsciously looked at Ren Yu at a loss, hoping to get an answer from him.

Seeing Mei's depressed look.

Ren Yu's heart moved, and he took the initiative to comfort him:

"Actually, what your father said is a bit too radical, Mei, you don't have to be so concerned."

"Then, assistant teacher, do you think the matter between me and Qiyana is normal?"

There seemed to be flames flickering in Mei's eyes.

She needs an answer that supports her convictions.

How she wished someone would tell her, Lily, it's actually not a big deal, it's so normal.

But Ren Yu turned his head away and shook his head slowly.

"Sorry, I don't know, but I know that if the matter between you and Qiyana continues, it must be a big blow to Mr. Ryoma."

"After all, he only has you as his daughter. You are the only blood of Mr. Longma. Besides, since your mother passed this dress to you, she must hope that you can find a good husband, not a good wife."

As Ren Yu said more and more words, the brilliance in Mei's eyes became less and less, and finally turned into ashes.

What she wanted was an affirmative answer.

Who knew that the teaching assistant, like his father, had a negative view of Lily.

Are you really wrong?

Mei lowered her head and sat lifelessly on the spot.

Here, after saying these words and seeing Mei's even more depressed appearance, Ren Yu felt his conscience aching.

He knew that he was breaking up Kiyana and Mei with his own hands.

But what he said was also true.

Raiden Ryoma and Mei's late mother must want a son-in-law, not another daughter.

Chapter 215

Sit for a while.

Mei still looks like this, without any sign of recovery.

"She should take a while to recover."

Thinking of this, Ren Yu looked down at his watch.

— It's almost time.

Now that the meal is over and the matter is settled, it's time for me to go back.

And just when he stood up and wanted to say goodbye to Leiden Ryoma.

On the tatami, Mei who was sitting cross-legged suddenly raised her head.

"Teacher, what do you think I should do now?"


Ren Yu frowned and glanced at the girl, thought for a while, and said:

"I can't give you any answer. The decision on this matter is in your hands. If I say something wrong, you will definitely hate me in the future."

Just when Ren Yu turned around to leave again, Mei called him to stop again.

"Teaching assistant... You and my father are actually in the same group, the purpose is to persuade me to separate from Qiyana."


Ren Yu stopped in his tracks.

Bud continued:

"I know that my father wants to match me with you as a teaching assistant... I also understand the wishes of my father and mother. I know that I am the daughter of the Lei Dian family, and I must pass on the blood, but, but I need a little time. Qia and I Na has been together for a long time, she will definitely not get used to it if she leaves me, can you give me some time?"

Her voice was almost pleading.

In fact, Mei's impression of Ren Yu is not bad.

The Far East was originally a society that worshiped the strong.

Even though Leiden Mei was born in a big family and had a father who sheltered her from the wind and rain, the education and living habits she had received made her develop the habit of respecting the strong.

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