Mei quietly looked at the black-haired man in front of him, looking a little uneasy.

My father said before that there is one important thing to tell myself.

But why did he keep the teaching assistant?

Mei was very puzzled, hesitated for a long time, and broke the silence and said: "Assistant... You, in fact, have known my father for a long time, right?"

The latter glanced at her, nodded and said:


"Oh, then, as an assistant teacher at your level of kendo, could it be that you and my father met in a swordsmanship competition?"


Ren Yu thought back to the scene when he was in the prison, and the scene where he was fighting with Thunder Ryoma in the arena, and nodded silently.


Seeing this, Mei nodded silently.


It is normal for the teaching assistant to be regarded by his father with such a high talent.

But at this moment.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Mei's head.

As if figured out something.


Father fancy?

No way!

In addition, what Raiden Ryoma said to her before

- I have something important to tell you

Mei's eyes flickered, and she suddenly looked at the kitchen, the bad feeling in her heart became stronger and stronger.

Chapter 213 Inheritance

As for what is bad feeling.

Needless to say.

In the Far East, various families married each other, and women's status was low.

Although it is modern times now, Raiden Ryoma has no requirements for his daughter, and is even extremely doting.

But Mei was still a little flustered.

Just as he was thinking, Raiden Ryoma gradually came out from the kitchen.

Seeing that the living room was silent and Ren Yu was sitting face to face with Yai, he still snorted and didn't show a good face.

But when his gaze passed over Mei, Raiden Ryoma's mood was a little complicated.

After so many days of investigation, he found that there seemed to be something wrong with his daughter's sexual orientation.

"Could it be that I have always taught her not to have too much contact with boys, so Mei became like this?"

A trace of distress flashed across Lei Dianlongma's face.

No, the inheritance of the Lei Dian family cannot be broken in his own hands.

Thinking of this, he gradually walked towards the table, and finally sat next to the two of them, and the three of them were arranged in a font.

When he saw Ren Yu sitting cross-legged carelessly, Lei Dian Longma frowned slightly again.

Just wanted to reprimand a few words.

He suddenly thought that the latter was from China.


never mind!

Leiden Ryoma sighed slightly in his heart.

Forget it, this kid is not bad, and this shortcoming is barely within the acceptable range.


"Yes Yes!"

After hearing the voice of Raiden Ryoma, Raiden Mei straightened up suddenly and sat down solemnly.

"Do you remember your mother?"

"I, of course I remember."

When hearing this, Mei looked a little sad.

In fact, her memory of her mother is very vague. She was less than one year old when she was born, but unfortunately, her mother left her forever because of cancer.

I heard that since then, Raiden Ryoma has become the only one in Mei's world, who has been a father and a mother, and she has worked hard to grow up.

"You look more and more like your mother..."

When he said this, Raiden Ryoma had a nostalgic look on his face, as if he was recalling the little things between himself and his wife.

"Your mother was as gentle as you,

She is obviously the daughter of a big family, but she has a special hobby, she likes to take care of others, and she takes good care of me...

Your mother likes you very much. On the day you were born, she talked with me about many things. Among them, your name "Mei" was given to you by her. Asking from the eminent monk can keep you safe all your life and everything is auspicious..."

Raiden Ryoma said a lot.

He poured out almost all his thoughts about his dead wife.

And listening to these trivial matters, Mei's eyes were a little red, her hands were clenched tightly, and her heart was blocked.

Before this, she had never heard her father say these things to herself.

Her father just made her happy, carefree, and lived day after day.

When I heard that my mother was seriously ill, I planned birthday gifts for myself from one to eighteen years old, as well as various blessings.

Mei finally couldn't stretch herself anymore, her eyes were filled with warm liquid.

It is said that women are emotional animals.

It is more appropriate to put these words on the kind-hearted Mei.

Mei opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything.

At this time, she was full of nostalgia for the mother she had only seen in photos, but who did take care of her.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

It was as if my heart was being held down by a mountain.

Sad, but powerless.

As he said that, Leiden Ryoma rummaged through the closet again, and found a black box that was tightly packed and exquisitely shaped.

"This is the sixteenth-year-old gift your mother asked me to give you."

Raiden Ryoma looked solemn, and carefully opened the box.

Soon, he took out the contents of the box.

It was a set of traditional costumes in the Far East, extremely luxurious.

White is the base, red is the line, and the various patterns on it are clear and lifelike, as if they will come out at any time.

The clothes were specially brought by Leiden Longma from the old house. Although they are a few years old, they have not been corroded by time because they are well maintained.

One can imagine what kind of scene it would be if this dress was worn on Mei's body.

After all, Mei's temperament, appearance, personality, and even her figure are all excellent.

This dress, as if it was born for her.

the other side.

When Mei saw the traditional costume, she was already stunned.

She recognized the suit.

This is what my mother wore!

Mei once saw this dress in a photo of her mother when she was young.

In those photos, my mother was wearing this dress, smiling like a flower, and she was so beautiful.

Mei never thought that her mother would pass on this dress to herself.

"Father, this is..."

she asked in a trembling voice.

At this moment, Raiden Ryoma smiled and explained:

"It's beautiful. This is a costume that has been passed down from generation to generation in your mother's family, from your great-grandmother's generation."

"She was wearing this dress at the time, and captured the hearts of countless people at the party."

Having said that, Raiden Ryoma smiled faintly:

"However, those guys are not my opponents. In the end, your mother was pursued by me and became my wife, and finally you."

Speaking of this, Raiden Ryoma smiled slightly, pushed the box in front of Mei, and motioned: "Now, you should inherit this dress."

"Father, I..."

Mei wanted to say something else, but Raiden Ryoma interrupted her.

"This is your mother's wish and your grandmother's wish. It is the right way to pass this dress into your hands."

Leiden Ryoma deliberately bit **** the word "righteous way".

He already knew about his daughter's affairs.

those things between women.

never the right way

Raiden Ryoma thought so.

After all, he glanced at Ren Yu who was still silent but said nothing.

More than an hour has passed since Raiden Ryoma began to speak.

During this period, Ren Yu seemed very silent, didn't say a word, didn't interrupt to stop, did he show any impatience.

This kid... is quite polite and can hold his breath.

Although Raiden Ryoma didn't know Ren Yu's family background, but with his status as an anti-entropy executor and his formidable strength, he was barely qualified to match his daughter.

This is Raiden Ryoma's evaluation of Ren Yu.

And most importantly, Ren Yu is still a man.

A man who can pass on the bloodline and let him embrace a grandson or granddaughter.

I just don't know if my daughter can like him.

Leiden Ryoma sighed slightly in his heart.

If his daughter resisted desperately, he could only let go and let Mei go her own way.

But before that, you can still give it a try.

Chapter 214 Not Another Daughter

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