At this time, Bronya also found Ren Yu at the door.

But she just looked up, then continued to operate the silver-white knife in her hand, whizzing and whizzing.

Soon, a complete circle of pear skin was peeled off.

"do you want to eat?"

With a click, Bronya split the juicy Sydney pear in half, and handed the larger piece to Ren Yu.

At this time, Ren Yu glanced at the latter with some puzzlement.

"Wash...I just went to wash my hands."

Bronya whispered as thin as a mosquito.

I saw that half of the pure white pear lying quietly in Bronya's white and tender palm, almost occupying the entire position of her palm.

"If not, then I'll eat it myself."

Although she said so, Bronya did not withdraw her palm at this time.

"Eat, who said I won't eat?"

Seeing this, Ren Yu smiled, walked a few steps to the side of the hospital bed, and reached out to pick up the things in Bronya's hands.

But just when he was about to touch that piece of Sydney.

He stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong?"

"I suddenly thought of something."

"What's up?"

Bronya asked puzzled.

Ren Yu glanced at the latter thoughtfully, became playful, and said teasingly: "I remembered that I haven't washed my hands yet, or, Bronya, you will suffer a little bit and feed me the pear. "


For a while, Bronya was silent.

She looked at her palm very seriously, and then at Ren Yu's smiling face, as if asking - are you serious?

Chapter 194 Bronya... Sister?

The guy let himself feed him?

Bronya was in a complicated mood and didn't know how to respond.

How to do it?

The icy-cold fleshy touch constantly came from her palm, reminding her to make a quick decision.

"it is good…"

After all, Bronya nodded her head and leaned her body forward.

She silently made a decision.

Now that Ren Yu rescued Xi'er, he also healed his legs and even repaired his head.


It should be reasonable to do something for him, right?

Bronya's light gray eyes were falling on Ren Yu's body at this time, and her thoughts were constantly racing.


At this time, Ren Yu's smile gradually froze on his face.

Actually agreed?

He was just thinking of teasing Duck, and never thought of taking advantage of her.

But what is the situation now?

"Grow your mouth wider, otherwise I won't be able to stuff it in."

Bronya looked at the pear in her hand, and then at Ren Yu's face, as if she was gesticulating something.


For a moment, Ren Yu's expression became very strange.

Open your mouth wide and stuff it in?

Did Bronya think of herself as a reloading bunny?

next moment.

Bronya also found something wrong in her words.

Hastily changed his words:

"I mean, you open your mouth a little wider, otherwise I won't be able to send the pear into your mouth."

Her tone was very flat, and Ren Yu couldn't hear any emotional fluctuations.

Even his face is full of facial paralysis.

It seems that the matter of feeding others is the most normal thing for Bronya.

"it is good."

Ren Yu smiled, since the other party said so.

Then he doesn't need to shirk.

With that said, he sat next to the bed, approached Bronya's petite body, and slowly opened his mouth wide.

This moment.

A nervous and restless mood gradually spread from Bronya's heart.

When feeling this inexplicable emotion, the latter was also slightly taken aback.

This is... what's wrong?

Bronya frowned, a trace of doubt appeared on her delicate face.

But before she could think about it, Ren Yu's urging voice came to her mind.

"Hurry up."


Bronya didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly cut the pear in her hand into several pieces with a knife, picked up one of them, and gently stuffed it into the latter's mouth.

Then, she found that the tension in her heart intensified.

"Is it tasty?"

Bronya moved her lips, and blurted out a word of concern.

Ren Yu didn't reply, but habitually, he touched the latter's small head with his free right hand.

In an instant, Bronya's body froze suddenly.

She shook her head, struggling, trying to shake off Ren Yu's palm.

But it couldn't be done anyway.

The smile on Ren Yu's face became even brighter, as if some bad thing had finally been succeeded by him.

really not bad.

It's nice to give Bronya a smooth hair.

Strand after strand of soft hair slid across his palm, and then gently fell back onto the latter's head.

And at the same time.

Ren Yu stared at something very obvious about Bronya, which made him very curious.

After glancing at the gray-haired girl who An Ran accepted her wrongdoing, but didn't respond much.

Boldly, Ren Yu stretched out his palm tremblingly, and pinched Bronya's twin spiral ponytails.


The latter's expression suddenly changed.

What is this doing?

Why are you touching her ponytail?

Bronya could not understand Ren Yu's behavior at this time.

But helplessly, her hands were covered with sugar water at this time, and she had no way to stop the latter's movements, so she had to endure it.

After a few minutes.

Ren Yu finally put away his curious gaze, coughed lightly, and slowly withdrew his claws, letting the innocent girl go.

" you still want to eat?"

Bronya lowered her head, her eyes fell on the slightly red knees, and she asked Ren Yu.


Ren Yu expressed his meaning concisely.

The latter was silent for a while, and then picked up another piece of pear with two fair fingers, and slowly sent it to Ren Yu's mouth.

During this time.

Bronya felt as if she had become more nervous.

But it's not the nervousness of fear, or panic.

It was a feeling of both anticipation and a little overwhelmed.


After throwing the pear into Ren Yu's mouth again, Bronya breathed a sigh of relief as if she had accomplished something important.

Unlike the last time, she didn't look at Ren Yu's expression this time, instead her eyes fell on the unfinished pieces of pears in her palm.

one two Three…

There are three more.

Just feed them all.

You can free yourself.

Just when Bronya was thinking so, Ren Yu's claws stretched out again, and landed on her head warmly.

The latter first opened his eyes slightly, and then his body tensed up.

Then slowly relax.

Bronya quietly looked at the smiling Ren Yu.

I can't help but think of it in my heart.

Is your own head so easy to touch?

It's what makes this guy so mesmerized.

And at this moment.

Suddenly, there was a beep at the door of this ward.


The unlocking sound of the door lock came.

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