"Hey, wake up! What's wrong with you?!"

Ren Yu shouted at the girl in his arms.

But Bronya seemed to have no bones, her whole body was limp, and there was no response.

What's going on?

Ren Yu hurriedly checked the latter's pulse, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he found that it was still beating normally.

At this time, Tesla who was next to him also came over, opened the eyelids of Bronya who was lying on Ren Yu's body, looked at it, and said speechlessly: "She passed out, it seems to be hypoglycemia, you take it to the infirmary have a look…"


Is Bronya so stupid?

Although he was puzzled, Ren Yu honestly walked out of the quantum laboratory with Yaya in his arms, and walked towards the medical area.

Bronya had a dream.

In the dream, she recalled her childhood and what happened in the orphanage.

During this period, she even felt that her whole body was soaked in hot water, which was very comfortable.

But as the dream deepened, the beautiful dream gradually dissipated, and instead, some shocking things and objects that Bronya had only seen in nightmares before her eyes gradually appeared before her eyes.

Despair and helplessness gradually engulfed Bronya, who was alone, and drowned her in it.

She struggled frantically, wanting to scream loudly.

But at this moment, Bronya found that the warmth in her body suddenly disappeared.

The bone-piercing cold instantly spread to every corner of her body, even down to her bones.

"don't want!"

Just as Bronya screamed loudly, the scene in front of her disappeared, and she woke up suddenly.

Because her wailing was very loud.

Everyone in the room was terrified and turned their surprised eyes over.

what's going on?

Isn't this patient in a hypoglycemic coma?

Why do you wake up as soon as you stick to the bed?

On the side, Ren Yu, who had just thrown Bronya onto the hospital bed and hadn't even taken his hand back, was also confused at the moment, looking very innocent.

I did nothing!

On the hospital bed, I found that everyone looked like they had seen a ghost. After staring at her non-stop, Bronya woke up suddenly and covered her mouth.

At this time, she observed the surrounding environment in amazement.

After a while, it wasn't until Bronya confirmed that this was indeed the real world that she calmed down slowly, and her short breathing slowed down a little.

Seeing her panic-stricken performance, Ren Yu immediately took out a piece of facial tissue from his pocket, handed it to Bronya, and asked curiously, "What exactly did you dream about? Why are you in such a mess?"

The latter looked up at Ren Yu, shook his head slightly, said nothing, took the tissue paper, thanked him, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Sorry, I just... dreamed about something from my childhood."

Bronya's voice was very small, and her tone was a little low.

"Something from my childhood?"

Ren Yu looked at her flustered face, thought for a while, and asked curiously: "What is it that made you lose your composure?"

You know, Bronya's emotions are very weak.

Even if the emotional center has been cured.

It is absolutely impossible to recover so quickly.

But now she showed a terrified expression, which showed that what Bronya dreamed was by no means an ordinary thing.

Coupled with the strange state of her coma before, Ren Yu vaguely guessed something, and tentatively said: "Is it about Cocolia and the orphanage?"


Bronya looked up at Ren Yu, and nodded her head embarrassedly.


"I knew it…"

Ren Yu sighed, thinking that it was so.

What Cocolia said to Bronya last night, and the fact that the biochip was confirmed to have a back door, really had a certain impact on her.

But what he didn't expect was that this matter would have such a big effect on Bronya.

It was so big that it made her think about it every day and dream at night.

After thinking about it, Ren Yu comforted him:

"Didn't I tell you last night, even if Cocolia doesn't want you, the conservatives will always welcome you. As long as I'm still here for a day, no one can force you to do something you don't want. Is it not enough to make such a promise?"

At this time, Bronya's mood gradually returned to normal.

In fact, she wanted to say that what she dreamed was not what Ren Yu imagined.

But the words came to my lips.

But I don't know why I can't say it.

Chapter 193 Are You Serious?


After a long while of silence, Bronya slowly spit out these two words from her mouth.

Although Ren Yu was not comforted to the point.

But she felt inexplicably warm in her heart.

Moreover, this warm current seems to have something in common with the warmth in the dream.

On the hospital bed, Bronya struggled to get up.

But the next moment, she was pushed back by Ren Yu's hand.

"The test results haven't come out, so don't move, I can't afford it if something goes wrong later."


Bronya opened her mouth, struggled a few times, and finally fell down slowly.

Seeing this, Ren Yu smiled and said:

"That's right, one Xi'er is enough to give me a headache, if something goes wrong on your side, wouldn't I be too busy?"

And he was right.

For Xi'er, Ren Yu used his identity as an executor to specially open a quantum laboratory for her.

Although there is no objection on the surface.

But in private, there are still many people who call him "a dog management who abuses his power and wastes resources".

Fortunately, due to Xier's special constitution, she was able to obtain a lot of useful data from the physical examination. These guys also strongly opposed it at the beginning, and gradually became the "true fragrance party".

Today, the scale of quantum laboratories is gradually expanding.

In the Moonlight Throne Experimental Base, apart from the main research and development of the "Moonlight Throne" Honkai energy conversion engine, and the two special bullets that were obtained from nowhere, the use of electromagnetic force fields far exceeds the current technological level.

The research on the quantum field has become the third most popular topic, and there is even a vague tendency to compete with the research on the electromagnetic force field.

The two were silent, and a medical staff came out of the compartment.

I saw him holding a detected report in his hand, and stopped beside the hospital bed.

"Ren executor, the test results came out. This girl has a slight hypoglycemia. It's nothing serious. It will be fine after a few days of recuperation."

The medical staff reported in a calm tone.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

Ren Yu nodded, took the data sheet, glanced at it casually, and put it aside.

But the medical staff were still standing by the bed, as if they still had something to say.

Seeing this, Ren Yu took the initiative to ask:

"Anything else?"

The latter glanced at Bronya lying on the hospital bed, his face was a little tangled, as if he didn't know whether he should say it here or not.

Ren Yu realized it instantly, turned around and told Bronya "some confidential matters need to be explained", then got up and walked to the corridor with the doctor.

"Let's talk about it now, is it about Bronya?"

"Yes... May I ask, has anything happened to this girl's head? For example, has she been hit by a hard object, or has she encountered some...something that has a greater impact on her?"


Ren Yu raised his eyebrows: "You want to talk about trauma to her nerve center, right?"

"That's right, that's it. I thought you didn't know the executor."

After hearing Ren Yu explain the core problem.

The medical staff breathed a sigh of relief.

"When we gave this girl a simple physical examination just now, we found that some hormones secreted in her body were several times higher than the average level, so we noticed the problem with her nerve center..."

"Hormonal disorder, could it be something wrong with the nerve center? It seems that I just had someone use rosemary to fix it for her a while ago. Is this the problem?"

Ren Yu frowned, and looked nervously at the medical staff.

Hearing this, the latter waved his hands again and again.

"No, no, Ren executor, you think too much, this matter is not as serious as you imagined."

"The surge of hormones is actually a good thing for that girl."

"What do you mean?" Ren Yu was a little confused.

"If I'm not wrong, after the damage to the nerve center, is this girl very indifferent to emotions, and can hardly detect emotions?"


"Sure enough."

The medical staff smiled and said loudly:

"As the executor, then I have to congratulate you this time."


"The surge of hormones shows that the girl's nerve center is recovering at an accelerated pace. It won't be long before she will be able to feel like a normal person again, and she will be able to feel all kinds of emotions again."

"Sure enough, the 'rosemary' you developed, no matter how many times you look at the case, it will make people feel that it is a miracle."

"Repairing nerve trauma... This is a major problem in modern medicine, but the 'rosemary' you developed has such miraculous effects..."

After this, paramedics let out a series of rainbow farts.

But Ren Yu didn't listen at all.

The only thing he listened to was the fact that Yaya was about to recover.

So, after Bronya recovers, will she be very angry at her behavior of taking Seele away?

Probably not...

Ren Yu returned to the ward while thinking about it in his heart.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Bronya holding a silver-white fruit knife in her hand, and she was peeling a big orange pear in the fruit basket.


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