In those few seconds, she thought a lot.

Including those words that I secretly slandered Ren Yu in my heart before this, thinking that he was still kept in the dark and didn't realize his little tricks.

But now after recovering.

The endless shame, and the bewilderment after being found out, immediately overwhelmed Ricier.

"you you you you you…"

She rushed to the side in a hurry, pointed at Ren Yu with a finger, her face was flushed, and she was in a hurry to say something.

Discovered by yourself?

When did this happen?

In this way, didn't those previous things become her wishful thinking?

"What's wrong with me?"

Ren Yu asked knowingly, but asked with an innocent face.


Lixier calmed down her flustered heart a little bit, took a deep breath, stared fixedly at someone, and said angrily: "Why did you suddenly appear, don't you know it's scary?!"

"It seems that you can leave Xi'er and act alone? How long will it last?"

Ren Yu changed the topic curiously.

But Richier didn't intend to answer him at all, and gave the latter a hard look, and asked: "You answer my question first!"


Ren Yu was silent for a while, looked at her angry appearance, and said with a smile: "No, you should answer my question first."

"Are you a three-year-old?!"

Finally, Richie couldn't bear it any longer, and complained loudly.

Ren Yu chuckled and did not refute.

He had come to tease Ricier on purpose.

Seeing that the other party looked ashamed and annoyed by being exposed, but acted as if he couldn't help it, he felt inexplicably happy.

at this time.

Rixier has completely calmed down, and returned to her usual indifferent appearance, as if she was the only one in the world.

"Get out of the way, I'm going back."

She straightened her clothes and stood up pretending to be calm.

It's just that the blush on her delicate face at this time is a little bright red at this time, which destroys this aloof temperament.

in the rest of the field of vision.

It was as if Ricier was forcibly concealing something, so she put on this appearance on purpose.

And even the pitch wasn't quite right.

"Wait a minute, I'm really curious about a question, and I want to ask you to confirm the answer."

Hearing this, Lixier raised her eyebrows, snorted coldly, and said dissatisfiedly:

"Hmph, for this kind of thing, you go to your dear Xier to answer it, isn't it the same?

Anyway, there is no privacy between me and her, and Xier knows everything I know. "

"Okay, if it's okay, I'm going back first."

With that said, Lixier pushed Ren Yu away and walked towards the bedroom.

But Ren Yu still found something wrong.

She moves so fast!

It was almost as if he was avoiding something, not wanting to be exposed on the spot.

And it is true.

At this moment, Richie felt extremely embarrassed.

What a shame!

Almost embarrassing in front of that guy!

But it's ok...

Fortunately, I didn't find it...

Just as she was holding the handle of the bedroom door with her slender right hand, Ren Yu's voice came from afar again.

"When Xi'er leaned on me just now, not only did she dare to kiss me, but you actually participated in it, right?"


Hearing this, Lixier seemed to be struck by lightning, her aloof temperament disappeared, and she froze in place, motionless.

"You... you, what nonsense are you talking about?!"

Although Rixier turned his back to Ren Yu and couldn't see the expression on his face clearly, the latter was sure that her expression must be very exciting at this time.

"Kiss you? You, stop joking! Don't you think I kissed you too? For a person like you, I...I don't even..."

Richier's body was stiff, her eyes were weak, and her voice was trembling, desperately trying to cover up the "good things" she had done.

This guy actually felt it!

My head got hot, and I secretly kissed Ren Yu, but he himself found out!

It's so embarrassing, I really want to die...

Richer's mind was racing with thoughts, and his scalp was about to explode from shame.

It's all Seele's fault!

It was all because she arbitrarily developed so many emotions for that guy, and made up a lot of incredible things in her brain.


It was because of this that I had no choice but to come out to do this kind of thing because of the influence of her mood!

This is not my fault at all!

Ricier once again blamed the main character.

Yes, without Xi'er, I wouldn't have...

She stomped her feet, turned around, her face was flushed, she gritted her teeth, and spit out a threatening sentence: "Just now, it was an unconscious behavior that I had no choice but to do. Like cats and dogs!

I warn you, don't think about it crookedly! I will definitely not be interested in you like Xier! You'd better die this heart as soon as possible! "

Before Ren Yu could reply, Rixier turned her head and showed her neat silver teeth as if in a demonstration.

"You are absolutely not allowed to have any illusions about me, let alone say some useless weird words to me. That kind of thing is okay to deceive Xi'er, but it is absolutely useless to me. Do you hear me clearly?!"

After finishing speaking, she didn't care whether Ren Yu listened or not, she opened the door with a bang, closed it with a bang, and finally sat down softly in front of the door, covering her hot cheeks.

In the house, because the two are the same person.

Xier, the main character, almost simultaneously received the things about the "other me".

After feeling the inexplicable feeling of desperately struggling but extremely longing from another self.

Holding the quilt, Xi'er, who was sitting on the bed, sighed softly.

"Why bother…"

she muttered under her breath.

But these words fell into Richier's ears, and turned into ridicule and sarcastic remarks.

I saw Richie yelled in shame and indignation, and immediately rushed towards Xier on the bed.

"You idiot, shut up now!"

Chapter 180 Terrifying Thing

Not long after Richie left.


The door lock clicked again.

Ren Yu frowned, wondering if he forgot to lock it, so the dormitory was reduced to the point where anyone could open the door and come in casually.

Rita appeared at the door with a smile.

"Master Ren Yu, why didn't you tell me and came back earlier?"


"Ah, by the way, that Miss Wadrin said that she wanted you to go find her as soon as possible, and she seems to have a problem with that Miss Bella."

After speaking, Rita closed the door behind her casually, changed her shoes and entered the house, her movements were very familiar, as if this was her home.

Ren Yu rubbed his temples, and suddenly stood up from the sofa.

"What did Valdeline want me for?"

"I don't know, she seems to be on guard against me, saying that as long as this news is delivered to you, it is enough."

Although she knew that she was excluded, Rita was not angry, and still dutifully recounted to Ren Yu what Wadrin had said to her.

"Did she tell me to go find her now?"

"I didn't say that, but judging from what she meant, she should let you go there as soon as possible, the sooner the better, or..."

"In other words, I'd better go there now."

Ren Yu squinted at the latter angrily.

"Rita didn't mean that..."

Having said that, Rita stopped talking, and her eyes fell on Ren Yu.

She is just a maid, and she clearly remembers her duties.

It's up to Mrs. Ren Yu to make a decision. She doesn't have the right to instigate or even advise the master.


Unless the status relationship between me and Master Ren Yu changes, such as becoming the hostess or something...

Rita swallowed her saliva, unable to stop thinking wildly.

Ren Yu didn't pay much attention to this side, thinking to himself.

Rita had a point too.

Wadrin actually has a problem with Bella? It seems that I really have to go for a quick trip. If the two disagree and start a conflict, it will be miserable.

He glanced at Rita, then looked back at the still closed door, thought for a moment, and simply pushed Rita out.

"Master Ren Yu, what are you doing? You can go alone, I have to prepare dinner for you..."

But Ren Yu didn't give her a chance to explain.

"No, I'm full today, you go back to the house and rest."

Leave Rita at home and go out by herself?

Just kidding.

Ren Yu has a B number in his heart.

The reason why Lixier was helpless in front of him was because he saved Xier and because he got along day and night.

If Ren Yu dared to leave a woman at home, the house would be demolished when he came back.

After dismissing the resentful and sullen Rita.

Ren Yu walked towards the forest behind Saint Freya, leading to the Moonlight Throne laboratory.

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