On the sofa, Xi'er was still lying in Ren Yu's arms.

There was even a slight sound of sound sleep.

Very light, very soft, you can only hear it when you calm down.

At first, when she was lying in Ren Yu's arms, she still felt a little uncomfortable and would be ashamed, and she wondered in her heart if she made him difficult.

But Ren Yu didn't say anything.

This also made Xier gradually calm down.

But lying down, she became sleepy.

Ren Yu was also thinking about some trivial matters in his mind, so there was no movement.

It wasn't until he glanced at the clock on the wall and realized that it was time that he suddenly woke up.

"Is it already this time?"

With Ren Yu's movement, even Xi'er, who hugged his neck tightly, woke up.


Xi'er didn't seem to wake up yet, her eyes were a little dazed.

When she saw Ren Yu's side face that seemed to be smiling but not a smiling face, her cheeks twitched, and she quickly blushed again, and she quickly let go of the lotus arms around the latter's neck.

"Yes, yes, sorry..."

Xier kept apologizing in a hurry.

Seeing her flustered appearance, Ren Yu suddenly became interested and deliberately teased her: "If an apology is useful, what do you need the police for?"


Xier seemed a little at a loss, hesitating.

"Me, how about I make you some delicious food as compensation?"

Ren Yu didn't say anything, but still looked at the latter with a smile.

Xier immediately turned her head away, her eyes flickering.


Because of his acting like a baby, he wasted so much time.

This kind of thing is not considered compensation at all.

How to do it?

What should I do?

Just when Xi'er frowned, thinking hard.

Ren Yu suddenly joked, looked at the blue-haired girl in his arms, and said such a sentence.

"If you really feel guilty, how about kissing me?"

Xier was stunned for a moment.

His azure blue eyes were gradually clouded with mist.

She looked at the latter in bewilderment, as if frightened by Ren Yu's words.

"Just kidding, just kidding..."

Seeing this, Ren Yu coughed lightly and quickly explained.

It would be bad if the latter were scared away.

Rice needs to be eaten bite by bite, and so is Xier.

Just when Ren Yu was trying to find a reason to fool him.

Xi'er suddenly lowered her head, twisted her body uneasily, blushed, and whispered softly: "You... If it's you..."

Her voice was very soft, as if she was speaking specifically for herself.

But Ren Yu was blessed with a badge at this time, and Xi'er's words, which were as thin as a mosquito, fell into his ears verbatim.


Ren Yu was stunned.

He looked at the girl in his arms in disbelief.


That shy, timid, and even shy Xi'er.

How could you say such a thing?

Ren Yu glanced at the other person's hair color strangely, it wasn't dark red either.

Since he didn't speak, Xi'er was too ashamed to speak.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird.

Finally, the other party seemed to muster up his courage, as if he was going all out, raised his small head, as if he was about to explode in shame, and forced himself to stare at Ren Yu.

"You, you are not allowed to see..."

"What are you not allowed to see?"

"No... just don't allow..."

After finishing speaking, Xier lowered her head and stopped looking at Ren Yu.

What she had just said had exhausted all her courage.

At this moment, she became that coward again.

Even I was still regretting in my heart, why did I say that kind of thing before.

Ren Yu chuckled, knowing that he couldn't continue teasing her anymore.

So he accepted it as soon as he saw it, and closed his eyes cooperatively.

Waiting for what happens next.

But nothing happened.

It took Xi'er a while before she realized that Ren Yu in front of her was still.


She carefully looked at the black-haired man in front of her.

Very serious.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that the latter hadn't really peeked, and had indeed closed her eyes, that Xi'er became a little more courageous.

"You are not allowed to open your eyes."

Seele emphasized it again.


Ren Yu responded lightly.

Then there was a long silence.

If he couldn't feel the latter's weight on his body, he would have even wondered if Xier ran away shyly when he closed his eyes.

Just when Ren Yu was silent, thinking about whether to open his eyes and take a sneak peek.

Next to the cheek, there was a warm feeling.

Ren Yu froze.

Seeing that Xi'er's cheeks were as red as a boiled crab, she quickly touched the latter's face and left, as if she had just touched water.

But this is not an important reason for Ren Yu's sluggishness.

The reason why he was surprised was because when the left cheek felt warm, the right cheek also received the same treatment.

This is…


This wonderful feeling comes and goes quickly.

In just over a second, or even less than two seconds, Ren Yu felt a sudden lightness on his body, as if something had left him.

He suddenly opened his eyes, but only saw the back of a young girl who disappeared around the corner, and the sound of hurried footsteps gradually going away rang in his ears.

boom boom boom...

With a bang, Xier closed the bedroom door.

I saw her sitting down slumped, covering her cheeks, her whole body seemed to be down, and she didn't move on the ground.

From time to time, one or two meaningless moans came from his mouth.

It seems to be ashamed, but also seems to be happy about it.

In the living room.

Ren Yu rubbed his cheeks, thoughtfully.

Both sides have…

Just as he was thinking, he raised his eyebrows, as if he had noticed something, and looked towards a certain corner covered by the sofa.



Nothing came.

It was as if there was nothing there.

But in Ren Yu's perception, there is indeed a life there, and he can even clearly hear the other party's chaotic heartbeat and the desperately suppressed breathing.

"Did I read it wrong?"

Ren Yu's calm voice came again, and at this moment, Ricier, who was hiding in the corner, relaxed a little.

She almost regretted it to death!

Regretting why I was so hot-headed, and accompanied Xi'er to do such a thing without paying attention? !

This is obviously all the fault of that damned Xi'er, and that guy named Ren Yu!

As a result, I am now homeless, and even need to hide in a corner, waiting for enough time before returning to Xier's body.

Can curse and curse.

Richie suddenly became inexplicably happy again.

That idiot must have never imagined that he also secretly kissed him, and he is still in the dark.

Chapter 179 You too, shut up quickly

Just thinking of the latter's puzzled expression, but he couldn't find the reason, Ricier felt happy in his heart.

But this happy mask has not been worn for long.

A dark cloud enveloped her.


Looking at the shadow cast on the ground because it covered the fluorescent lamp in front of him.

Richel was startled suddenly, and raised her head abruptly.

Immediately, someone who was scolded as an idiot just now appeared in her field of vision.

Ren Yu smiled, raised his eyebrows at the latter with a teasing face, and joked: "Oh, isn't this the beautiful and beautiful Xi'er who is ice and snow smart, what are you squatting here for? "


Richier immediately froze, as if he had been given a hold spell.

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