On the contrary, the group of Honkai Beasts were already very close to U City.

In half an hour at most, they will reach the border of U City and completely occupy this area.


The area bordering the Houkai beast tide.

I saw various types of armored vehicles, artillery, tanks, and even transport vehicles loaded with missiles taking turns.

The roar was endless, and the flames produced by the explosion were even more blinding.

Every explosive attack can always set off a large amount of flesh and blood, tearing a gap in the Houkai herd.

But soon, the Houkai beast herd followed one after another, continuing to fill in the gap, not fearing life or death at all.

Da da da da da...

Row after row of heavy-duty machine guns were erected on the trenches. The scorching tongues of flames continued to swallow, and the storm of bullets raged, causing the area to be filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

"These people can't hold on, unless all the military equipment of the entire country is brought in, or a large amount of explosives is used, it is possible to wipe out these Houkai beasts in a short period of time."

In the rear, the mercenary regiment belonging to the reform faction was watching the army's actions with a cold eye.

"Don't say that, they helped us clean up a batch of miscellaneous fish anyway, and it will be much easier when we do business later."

A mercenary who looked like a little boss shook his fist, and the exoskeleton armor on his body creaked.

"Besides, according to the situation in front of us, aren't we also unstoppable, why bother to make fun of others?"

"I don't know when the follow-up reinforcements will come..."

After finishing speaking, the two of them set their eyes on a certain girl whose eyes were covered by lavender hair.

It seems to have noticed the eyes of others.

The girl raised her head slightly, and grinned her mouth in a demonstrative manner, the fangs in her mouth that were very similar to shark teeth gleamed coldly.

"What? You want my uncle to help you loosen your muscles?"

Her voice sounded strange, full of violent feeling.

The expression on his face seemed to say, I am not easy to mess with, if you dare to approach me, you will have to pay the price in blood.

Seeing this, the little boss hurriedly withdrew his gaze, feeling chills in his heart.

This guy is indeed the minion of that crazy woman in Cocolia.

She is not very old, but she looks like she is not afraid of anything. Anyone who offends her will be beaten up.

This little boss was beaten by a young girl once, so he was so afraid of the latter.

I can't afford it, I can't afford it...


The girl with light purple hair snorted disdainfully, leaned back on the chair behind her at the same time, and stopped talking to these people.


She can see into people's hearts.

And these guys all have a sinful smell on their bodies, and even their hearts are dirty.

Except for Bronya, there was no one in the world who made her feel normal.

But after recalling the exaggerated words Bronya had said to herself for that dark blue-haired guy.

The girl couldn't help clenching her fists again.

On the armored vehicle.

The gas pedal is full.

But Ren Yu still felt that the car was crawling slowly like a turtle.

After scanning the surrounding environment, he suddenly pointed to a place and complained: "Isn't there a bridge over there? Can't we cross there?"

Hearing this, Leiden Ryoma's forehead was bulging with blue veins, and he shouted loudly:

"That's a wooden bridge! Although our armored vehicle is said to be a light model, it's almost fifteen tons! Are you sure it won't collapse when you drive it?"

It's like he doesn't want to drive faster!

But the question is is it fast enough?

"How will you know if you don't try it? If you throw away all the weapons and equipment on the car, can't it be reduced to less than ten tons? It's enough!"

Ren Yu answered confidently.

"Anyway, I don't need those low-level thermal weapons. Give me a few large-caliber anti-tank armor-piercing shells. It's better to just raise your hand and punch me."

Raiden Ryoma was silent.

What Ren Yu said was not unreasonable.

Because his resistance to Houkai is several times higher than that of ordinary people, his physical fitness has already exceeded the limit of ordinary people.

Later, after analyzing the design drawings of Destiny's "Valkyrie Armor", he even forged a pair of exoskeleton armor that augmented himself.

Relying on this pair of exoskeleton armor and the "plasma shadow show" made with the latest scientific research results of Me, Raiden Ryoma has long been out of the scope of relying on modern thermal weapons to fight against Houkai beast.

In the gap between Ren Yu's stupefaction.

Ka Ka Ka

There was a sound of a mechanical rotating shaft, as if something had left the vehicle.

The voice of thunder and lightning dragon horse also sounded faintly.

"I just abandoned the trunk, you immediately throw away all the things that can be thrown in the car, let's go to the wooden bridge to gamble!"

Chapter 155 Honest Remnants

When the armored vehicle ran over the bridge and was driving slowly on it, the whole wooden bridge suddenly shook and made some strange noises.

click - click

It seemed to bear a weight that it shouldn't bear at this age, and it cried out again and again.

Too, too heavy!

It's about to break!

On the armored vehicle, Raiden Ryoma's face was pale, and his heart was constantly praying, you must hold on!

They've lightened the vehicle as much as possible, but the bridge still can't handle it!

What should I do, should I abandon my car and walk?

But in that case, the speed will be greatly reduced, and the physical strength will be severely consumed.

After glancing at the black-haired man beside him who was still "calm and composed".

Raiden Ryoma gritted his teeth and made a move.


You can't let this kid look down on you!

And if you take a detour from here and then go there, it will really be too late!

click click click

Every time there was a muffled sound of breaking, Raiden Ryoma's heart skipped a beat.

Although Ren Yu appeared calm on the surface.

But there was also a lot of panic in my heart.

The Grand Canyon below has a height of hundreds of meters by visual inspection.

This car has no protective measures, and it will definitely not die if it falls by itself, but the thunder and lightning dragon horse is different!

If something happened to him, let's not talk about Mei's reaction, but Ren Yu must be very sorry!

He is ready to deploy his shield at any time to save Raiden Ryoma!

The vehicle moved forward slowly, and the two of them were also tense and vigilant.


At this time, the vehicle was already very close to the shore.

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer, only tens of meters away, Leiden Ryoma breathed a sigh of relief and smiled slightly.

But in the next second, there was another click from below.

The loudness of the sound was many times louder than before.


Leiden Ryoma's heart skipped a beat, and the smile gradually froze on his face.

And at this critical juncture, the bulletproof glass in front of the armored vehicle burst.

Even with the rubber layer inside as a buffer, it still couldn't stop Ren Yu's punch!


Ren Yu yelled, grabbed the Thunder Dragon Horse next to him, and under his surprised gaze, the two of them bumped out of the gap.

After the two landed and rolled around, they were still tens of meters away from the shore.

So Ren Yu made a bold move.

He simply grabbed Raiden Ryoma, regardless of whether he agreed or not, and threw the latter with the heavy exoskeleton armor.

call out

And at this time, the bridge also collapsed!

After landing, Leiden Ryoma rolled forward a few laps according to the inertia, and struggled to get up from the ground, his eyes instantly turned red!

"Cough cough cough..."

He didn't care about the injuries on his body, he suddenly exerted force on his feet, and he hurried to the place where the incident happened!


He was actually saved by that kid!

Thunderbolt Ryoma was in a state of anxiety, and guilt surged up one after another, and he didn't know what to say.

The boy fell!

He just watched it fall!

Soon, Leiden Ryoma rushed to the side of the cliff, his gaze was impatiently searching for the familiar figure.

What he hopes most now is to see that guy who likes to giggle again!

But as time went by, Raiden Ryoma's mood became more and more depressed.

He found nothing.

Below is the Grand Canyon hundreds of meters deep!

"Boy, where are you? Quickly answer! Huh?"

Lei Dian Longma looked sad, and he seemed to be a few years older, only to see him roaring loudly.

"Didn't you say you wanted to invite me to Mei's wedding? What the **** are you? Come out and annoy me!"

But no response came.

Just when Raiden Ryoma was about to give up.

Suddenly there was an extra hand on the edge of the cliff.

A hand reaching up from below.


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