The sky has turned white, and the morning glow is rising.

Siberia Prison, on the tarmac built by the reformers.

The cold wind howled here, and even though he was wearing a thick fur coat, Raiden Ryoma still sneezed and sneezed non-stop.

"Ah Choo, Ah Choo!"

I saw him shrinking back, looking at someone in front of him with a look of monsters.

In this weather, this guy is actually wearing short sleeves?

Thunderbolt Ryoma was extremely puzzled.

But what he didn't know was that Ren Yu, whose whole body was wrapped in a shield, actually couldn't feel the cold outside at all.


The black spot on the horizon is getting closer and closer, which means that the helicopter that came to meet them has arrived.

Seeing this, Ren Yu and Leiden Ryoma hurriedly withdrew to the side, away from the big H sign on the ground.

"Where are we going?"

This sentence has been held in Leiden Ryoma's heart for a long time.

Due to his previous neutrality, he did not know which place the anti-entropy conservatives had chosen as their base.

"Where else can I go? Go back to your daughter's school." Ren Yu said casually.


At the moment when Raiden Ryoma questioned.


There was a loud bang that shook the sky and exploded.

I saw countless strong purple rays of light appearing out of thin air in the sky, dyeing the surrounding area with a layer of rose red veil.

All of a sudden, the mountains shook and the ground shook violently. The helicopter that was just about to land spun wildly and fell towards the other side of the forest.

And Ren Yu and Leiden Longma staggered even more, almost lost their standing and fell directly to the ground.

"What happened?!"

Raiden Ryoma looked at the densely packed black crystals that kept rushing out of the sky, and asked with a frown.

I saw these crystal blocks with sharp edges and corners, distributed in clusters, and the body was translucent, and the lavender liquid flowing inside could be vaguely seen.

"do not know."

Ren Yu shook his head, this was also the first time he encountered such a situation.

And just when the two were wondering.

There was another roar that resounded through the sky, resounding like thunder through the sky!


The voice sounded very thin and lengthy, much thinner than a woman's scream.

After hearing this voice, Ren Yu hadn't reacted yet, but the expression of Thunder Ryoma next to him suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing the flustered look of the latter, Ren Yu hurriedly asked.

"This a Honkai Beast! And it's not an ordinary Honkai Beast! At least it's a roar that can only be uttered by the apex of a lower-level Honkai Beast—the 'Honkai Emperor'!"

After listening carefully for a while, Raiden Ryoma shouted loudly to Ren Yu next to him: "No, according to our understanding of the Honkai Beast's lifestyle, this is a signal to call the same kind!"

And while the two were talking.


Another new voice came over, mixed with the previous screams, it was extremely noisy, and people couldn't help but want to cover their ears.


Thunderbolt Ryoma's face turned pale.

This joining voice explained to him one thing, that is, there are at least two 'Honkai Emperors' in this area!

Judging by the loudness of these two voices, I'm afraid it is the place where the Houkai beasts gather, not far from where they are!

Something is really going to happen this time!

Thinking of this, Leiden Ryoma couldn't help but clenched the 'Plasma Shadow Show' around his waist, with a serious expression on his face.

On the side, Ren Yu also raised his eyebrows.

Honkai Beast?

Hadn’t the Houkai Beasts left in this area of ​​Siberia been wiped out by the Mandate of Heaven and Anti-Entropy long after the second Houkai?

"Are you sure this cry is really 'Honkai Emperor'?"

Just in case, Ren Yu specially asked Thunder Ryoma: "Is it possible that it was imitated by other creatures?"

But the latter quickly replied:

"I heard it right! When I was a graduate student, I once had an elective course on the habits of Houkai Beast."

"This voice is definitely a signal from the higher-level Houkai beast to the lower-level Houkai beast and the dead!"

Since Raiden Ryoma is so sure.

Ren Yu didn't ask too much, and even vaguely had an answer in his heart.

—Honkai has come again in this area of ​​Siberia.

On the other side, the Mediterranean Sea.

The destiny headquarters, above the floating islands.

There are sirens everywhere, crowds are crowded, and the entire Tianming organization is extremely busy.

"An abnormal Houkai reaction was detected at the Siberia base"


Da da da…

With the sound of hurried footsteps, the door of the church auditorium was pushed open.

I saw a blond girl appearing there.

She held a long spear in her hand, and the armor on her body was as clean as new, still reflecting a glimmer of light.

"Bishop, I'm ready, let me lead the entire 'Blade of Immortality' Valkyrie team to the scene of the incident!"

Bianca said loudly.

At the same time, the experimental base of the 'Moonlight Throne'.

After Wadrin and Tesla received the news of the Honkai outbreak, they immediately stopped the electromagnetic test and walked out of the test site.

The two walked and chatted anxiously.

"It's unreasonable that Siberia can collapse again."

"And this time there are at least two monsters at the level of the 'Honkai Emperor'. If it is an ordinary dead soldier, the revolutionary army can still carry it and help clean it up. But when encountering a Honkai beast of this level, They can only fill it with their lives.

Having said that, Wadrin suddenly stopped in her tracks and asked Tesla next to her, "Speaking of which, has the Valkyrie armor called Moon Soul been repaired?"

Tesla instantly understood what she meant, frowned and said:

"Okay, okay... But that guy named Rita is too low in controllability, you don't want to throw her over to support Ren Yu, do you?"

But Wadrin interrupted her with a wave.

"We have no choice. It takes too long to mobilize mecha troops, even our top mechas."

"Now that the collapse has occurred, we must put high-end combat power on the battlefield as soon as possible."

"Originally I planned to go there by myself, but now we have other options..."

Just as they were talking, two light curtains suddenly jumped out in front of them, and it was Yae Sakura and Rita that were shown above.


Ren Yu and Raiden Ryoma were sitting in a heavily armed heavy armored vehicle, heading to the place where the Honkai occurred.

And as the distance continued to shorten, they encountered more and more Houkai beasts.

From the beginning, I didn't see one for half a day, and gradually there were one or two every hundreds of meters.

"One level, one level, one level... or one level..."

Ren Yu looked out of the window at the Honkai Beast who kept receding, and murmured softly.

If he wanted to use the 'Heroic Killer' to improve his physical fitness, he had to kill life forms above level 3.

But along the way, the Honkai Beast Dingtian encountered was only level one, and some of them didn't even step into the threshold of level one.

Chapter 154

If you look at it this way, can those "Honkai Emperors" have three levels?

Ren Yu didn't know too well, so he could only go and have a look first.

"What are you mumbling about?"

Raiden Ryoma wanted to ask from just now.

Ren Yu in the passenger seat was absent-minded, and the way he was talking to himself made him very puzzled.

Ren Yu shook his head, changed the subject and said:

"It's nothing, I'm just wondering if the town in front has been affected by the collapse."

Hearing this, Raiden Ryoma's expression also became serious.


He glanced at the data sent back by the artificial intelligence "Ada", and analyzed: "After all, it is a small town with a population of one million. If the Honkai breaks out there, I am afraid that the disaster in Changkong City will repeat itself."

"We've got to drive a little faster and hopefully there aren't too many casualties there."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ren Yu felt the armored vehicle under his **** tremble slightly, as if some switch had been turned on, and the speed of the Honkai beasts outside the window became faster.

It has been more than an hour since the collapse happened.

During this period, those Houkai beasts who came from nowhere continued to expand their territory.

U City is the closest human city to the place where the collapse occurred.

Due to the radiation interference of the Houkai energy, the frequency band and electromagnetic waves in this area were all disturbed.

And the fiber optic cables buried deep underground were also destroyed in sevens and eights, and there were very few channels for exchanging information with the outside world.

"Monster! The monster is coming!"

When they saw the group of Houkai beasts that were getting closer and closer like sea water, all kinds of negative emotions completely exploded in the crowd.

What are these things?

Are you making a movie?

Why did the army suddenly forcibly close the city and make them prepare for refuge?

Why? !

After these civilians knew that there were still these monsters in the world, they caused an uproar.

Some people are protesting, some are marching, and some are praying constantly.

But these blaming behaviors did not change the current situation at this time.

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