But I don't want to go to the fourth floor, the fifth floor, it's too messy, and the time rules themselves are disgusting.

  Especially on the fifth floor, one day in the past is equivalent to half a year in the outside world.

  Fortunately, he has the inspection token, otherwise he would not be able to block this kind of rule.

  I still remember that Killing Qiandao once left him a mission.

  That is to go to the fifteenth floor and capture or kill a certain patrol agent traitor of the Space-Time Alliance.

  According to Ye Wudao's inquiry about this matter and the investigation given by Shengyu, the traitor who inspected the general alliance has about [-] million divine power index, which is not something Ye Wudao can deal with now, but he may not have a chance in the future. .

  "Let's go, let's go back to the silver time and space first, what do you want to do next, you can arrange it at will, I only give you three appointments, and you can leave the ultimate iron man, let him pretend to be Sun Ce, and really Sun Shangxiang I With the help of Jiangdong University's order, she will be transferred to the Eastern Han Academy, and Yuxiang and Yuce, let them go to the Iron Dimensional Martial Arts League, and I will pick you up at that time."

  Ye Wudao remembered this.

  Could not help the eyes light up.

  This may be the best way.

  And it won't hurt Xiaoci.

  "This is the imperial jade seal you want, you'd better not lie to me."

  This is Ye Siren's last confidence.

  Handing over the iron rooster is equivalent to saying goodbye to the silver space-time.

  Hope to replace it.

  Now it is a mirror and the moon is full of joy.

  How could he accept it.

  But he didn't accept it. Seeing Ye Wudao's strength, he knew that even if a thousand of his combined efforts might not be Ye Wudao's opponent.

  "I can't accept it, my life is really hard."

  "Don't be so depressed, as far as I know, the demon world also has the Yehenara family, but they are completely demons, not humans. The ninth floor of the devil world belongs to the Yehenara family. If you want to take revenge on them, the future is not No chance!"

  "How is this going?"

  Ye Siyan was stunned.

  He didn't expect the twists and turns.

  Just like the main vein of the Ye family, Ye Siyan only had hatred for the Yehenara family in the Iron Dimension.

  He didn't care whether Ye Xiongba was alive or dead.

  He wanted revenge, entirely because of his exile.

  Lack of affection and love, as if his birth was a mistake.

  "If this is true, I can give allegiance to you, but you want me to avenge myself! This kind of family should not exist.".

Chapter 261

  "Okay, I promise you, when your magic index can exceed one million, I will transform you into a real demon body and help you become a demon. When the time comes to go to the ninth floor of the demon world, I will take you with you."

  Ye Wudao smiled.

  This is his trump card.

  Finish these words.

  Ye Wudao gave Lanling King and Wu Lian'er an order to start training.

  Demons need to improve.

  Combat puppets need to gain experience, and also need to run in.

  In fact, there are also a lot of resources here, but they are useless for power users, but they can be converted into various building materials.

  Ye Wudao is preparing to build an empire and become a real royal family.

  Create an eternal kingdom of his own.

  "Let's go, there's still a lot to do. I don't have time to stay here to play with you. You have to know that I can make you live, and I can make you die."

  Ye Siyan must be in his hand, and after signing the rules of fate, Ye Wudao can let go.

  After eliminating the biggest variable in silver time and space, he can perfect his own plan.

  The iron rooster is in hand.

  After Ye Wudao weighed it, the system issued a prompt.

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the main quest, obtaining the Iron Rooster with the Imperial Jade Seal, and the reward for raising the magic power to the third tier, with a [-] combat power index!"

  "Ding! The system has released the second link of the main quest. Please build an empire within one year, overthrow the entire school alliance, rebuild the new martial arts alliance system, and develop at least [-] masters at the master level. The reward is unknown!"

  "Accept, withdraw rewards."

  The combat power index officially exceeded [-] million.

  Ye Wudao was very satisfied.

  Next time, he can completely break into the Time and Space League Competition Tower to gain combat power.

  Or he can buy a small galaxy or an abandoned plane as a territory in the Alliance of Time and Space.

  He has thought about establishing a territory in the iron plane or the silver plane.

  But all failed.

  This X quadrant, very specific, cannot be purchased.

  It can only gradually develop into a territory by purchasing abandoned time and space from other quadrants and re-establishing a new time and space order.

  At that time, after recruiting talents and developing into a power, Ye Wudao can profit from it.

  To buy a galaxy, you can have at least two or three planets, and you can choose mining rights.

  As long as it is not destroyed, it can still be traded repeatedly.

  About the size of a holy rain star.

  The area is equivalent to the size of Kaiwang in Dragon Ball.

  Now what Ye Wudao knows about the Alliance of Time and Space is only a skin, but even so.

  Ye Wudao knew that the Space-Time Alliance was very powerful, occupying at least 2000 space-times, while the Demon Realm occupied more than 5000 Space-Time, and the Spirit Realm probably occupied [-].

  Resources can be mined repeatedly, as long as the time and space are destroyed and reborn, a large amount of resources can be regenerated.

  But it also needs to consume some special energy.

  For example, the Heavenly Demon Library.

  Saying goodbye to King Lanling, Ye Wudao took Ye Siyan back to Sun's house.

  The attack from outside has stopped.

  Ye Wudao waved his hand to cancel the protective magnetic field.

  Sun Ce led someone in.

  "Whatever you do, step back and don't have a bad influence on the distinguished guests. Ace, you will announce it later. Jiangdong University has formed an alliance with the Eastern Han Academy, led by the Eastern Han Academy, and fully obeys the various rights and interests of the whole school alliance~々."

  "Father, shouldn't you be coerced?"

  "Bastard, is there anyone who talks like that? Go back and punish you for copying your ancestor's teachings a hundred times."

  Everyone looked at each other.

  Zhou Yu always felt that Ye Wudao and Sun Jian were strange.

  But he couldn't tell what was wrong.

  After all, Sun Jian is still the same. He didn't change because of Ye Wudao, but now he just changed his plan.

  It is beneficial to join forces with the Eastern Han Academy, but the benefits are not great.

  Being an enemy of the Eastern Han Academy has great advantages, but it also has no small disadvantages.

  Only by maintaining neutrality and impartiality is the biggest winner.

  After all, the Yellow Turban colleges and universities have not been eliminated, and the world is in chaos.

  The colleges and universities founded by the princes from all over the world are nominally loyal to the whole school alliance, but they have long since fallen apart behind the scenes.

  Everyone wants to be the next leader.

  Jiangdong University is no exception.

  "Axiang, Ace, you will help me send General Ye off later. From now on, our family will be a close ally."

  Sun Jian looked at Ye Wudao, who had not said a word, and bowed his hands to him.

  After Ye Wudao blinked, he nodded and smiled: "Yes, Jiangdong University and I became allies, not the Eastern Han Academy. Just remember this, don't spread it, otherwise our cooperative relationship will be terminated immediately."

  Zhou Yu suddenly realized.

  Perhaps this is the reason for Sun Jian's change.

  Although they didn't know what kind of interests made Ye Wudao willing to cooperate with the Sun family.

  Although he has no right to know.

  But after asking Sun Ce, I might be able to guess some clues.

  "General Ye, it's better to let my precious daughter do her best as a landlord and have a good time in my Jiangdong District School Alliance."

  Ye Siyan smiled brightly, but this only made Sun Ce somewhat unable to adapt.

  For a long time, he knew that his father was very cold.

  But now it has ruined his three views.


  Ye Wudao stood up indifferently and walked out.

  Sun Shangxiang was surprised and happy.

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