Ye Wudao didn't intend to keep his hands.

  However, he felt that if Ye Sizhen was surrendered by him, he might be able to save some trouble.

  After all, the Wulin League also needs an ambitious person to sit in.

  As for whether the Yehenara family needs to be rebuilt, Ye Wudao doesn't think it is important.

  "Boom boom boom!"


  It seems to be due to the protection of magnetic fields.

  There is an attack from outside.

  Ye Wudao lit a cigarette and said indifferently: "You want to join the demon world, but I don't know that Diablo has already been destroyed by me, and Ye Zhan, the ancestor of the Yehenala family, was also defeated by me. Some of them are dead, and only a small number of direct lineages are still in the iron time and space, such as your brother Ye Siren, hehe."

  Ye Sizhen was silent.

  "Also, hand over the iron rooster that you stole from the Silver Dimensional Alliance, which is passed down to the whole school. Maybe I can spare your life. As for you, don't bear the identity of Sun Jian, otherwise I'm afraid that one day I will not like you. The gun broke you."

  Being pointed at by the black wind gun...  

  Ye Siyan knew in his heart that he couldn't compete with Ye Wudao at all.

  And the whole plan was disrupted.

  If it goes on like this, I am afraid that Jiangdong University will exist in name only.

  How to still gather the demonized troops and counterattack the iron time and space.

  Moreover, Ye Xiongba is no longer Iron Time and Space, and he has no way to take revenge.

  "You win, I admit defeat."

  "Very good. The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. This seat can make the decision to end the hatred between you and Sun Shangxiang. She will not seek revenge on you, but you should leave Jiangdong University to Sun Quan as compensation."

  "As a reward, I'll give you a bigger stage."

  That's right.

  This old fox, Ye Siyu, has been planning for many years to steal the iron rooster of the Imperial Jade Seal from the entire school alliance, which is not easy.

  In the past forty-seven years, he has never been happy. He was exiled by his dearest father. Under the guise of Sun Jian's identity, he was struggling in the silver time and space under the name of Sun Jian. The thoughts of the world will not want to resist the iron time and space.

  Although not reconciled.

  But the enemy is gone, who will he seek revenge for?

  "How to reward? How to compensate?"

  "Follow me and you'll know!"

  Ye Wudao waved his hand to open the door of time and space, and set the location to the holy war city of the demon world.

  As the best breeding ground for demonized people, the demon world can at least make Ye Siyu's magic skills advance rapidly.

  And there is no need to sign a contract with the demon world.

  When Ye Siyan saw such a city, he couldn't help being shocked.

  And when he saw that there were at least one million puppet soldiers in the city, he was a little confused.

  "See Allies!"

  Wu Lian'er, the King of Lanling, kneeled in front of Ye Wudao with a guard.

  "Well done, I will introduce a colleague to you. From now on, you will conquer the second layer of the demon world for me as soon as possible. If you encounter a master, let the King of Lanling and Ye Sixi fight. Within three years, all the demons from the first to the third floor will be quelled, occupying the demon world and transforming the demon world!"

  "Thank you allies!"

  "Ye Sixian, you can feel it, this is my sincerity to you."

  Seeing that Ye Wudao threw him 20 magic spar, Ye Siyan could feel that this small stone actually contained not weak energy, and it was very suitable for him to absorb.

  "Let's go, today is just to open your eyes, remember my words, I need to see your sincerity! If you dare to betray me, no matter the ends of the earth, you will not understand where you are!".

Chapter 260

  Brother Ye Sizhen was so angry that he had been planning to regain the glory that belonged to him since he was born.

  But now he found out that he was not ready, Yehenala's family had collapsed.

  And even he has to be controlled by people.

  Even if you are not willing, you can only endure.

  "You should have practiced the dark scriptures, that kind of garbage martial arts is useless."

  Ye Sizhen was a little bit broken.

  He didn't expect that Ye Wudao even knew this.

  But he can't say much now. After all, he is in the devil world, and there is an ultimate devil fighter watching him.

  How dare you make any small moves.

  And Ye Siyan, who has practiced the dark scriptures, has a magic index of only 7.

  It is clear.

  He couldn't even beat Wu Lian'er.

  The Demon Realm can be called a holy place for demonized people. One day of practice here is equivalent to one month of practice in Iron Time and Space.

  But it's clear here that it's not for everyone.

  After Ye Wudao unified the iron time and space, he has already transferred all the demonized human troops to the holy war city on the second floor of the demon world.

  Let them develop on their own.

  If he encounters a strong enemy, King Lanling will take action to suppress it.

  Experts like Demon Venerable are disdainful to come down to the ninth floor.


  And ordinary devil kings and devil lords can't beat the ultimate devil fighter like Lanling King at all.

  Now King Lanling has transformed his body into a demon body.

  The magic index has exceeded 80. After cultivating in the demon world for a year, it is expected that he should be able to raise the magic index to a million level.

  At that time, Ye Wudao was using the converter, at least to enable King Lanling to reach the ancient demon body.

  "How about it, I'll give you three months to sort out Jiangdong University, don't look at me like that, my purpose is to destroy the silver space and time, and let the flame messenger restart the space-time order of this time and space, I'm saving you, silly hat."

  Ye Wudao's disdainful eyes made Ye Siyan even more annoyed.

  But when he heard this, he was really taken aback.

  "I can't beat you, but that doesn't mean I can never beat you."

  "I'm afraid you'll never be able to beat me."

  Now in the realm of hell.

  The rules of the local universe could not stop him at all.

  Nearly 6000 million combat power index broke out. Except for the puppets, everyone in the holy war city knelt on the ground and worshipped Ye Wudao, a man who looked like a demon.

  Even if Ye Siyan was reluctant, he didn't dare to talk nonsense.

  Disappointment, depression, and self-defeating emotions made Ye Siyan almost collapse.

  He thought that Ye Wudao's combat power index was at most [-] million, but who would have thought that it was only one-tenth, or he thought that Ye Wudao's real strength was at least around [-] million.

  How to chase?

  He didn't want to provoke this kind of coercion.

  Now, apart from bowing down and admitting defeat, there is simply no other way to go.

  "As for your son and daughter, what do you want them to do?"

  I heard Ye Wudao mention Ye Yuce and Ye Yuxiang.

  Ye Siyan said in horror: "Don't tell me, do you still want them to come to such a bad place with me?"

  "Well, they are not demonized people anyway. As long as they don't fall in love in this time and space, I don't care what they want to do, but it's better not to get caught up in it, otherwise I can only clear the door and give you time to tell them the truth. As for Sun Quan, you must keep him safe."

  Ye Wudao's words made Ye Sixi heave a sigh of relief.

  And he still doesn't know that Ye Yuxiang has already developed a very strange feeling for Ye Wudao. Although he can't talk about liking it, his good feeling has already developed.

  Moreover, Ye Wudao has always refused.

  Ye Yuxiang will probably rely on him.

  For him, it was also a little trouble.

  Unlike Xiaoci, she is a girl with low self-esteem. She is the eldest young lady of Jiangdong University and has her own power and strength.

  "A Ce and A Xiang... can you let them return to the Iron Dimension?"

  "Okay, it's just right to let them join our martial arts alliance. Coincidentally, Xia Liu, the head of Xia Lan Ningde's family, has accepted her as a disciple and passed her many iron time and space abilities, but the ultimate iron man Xia Liu has It's Yu Ce's cousin, Yuxiang's cousin, with them around, you don't have to worry about them being bullied."

  Ye Siyan slowly became calm.

  such a transformation.

  He can accept it.

  In addition, Ye Wudao threw him a million battle puppets, of which [-] generals, [-] demon kui and [-] demon kings could be mobilized by him, but only in the demon world.

  As for the puppets of the Demon Lord level, he does not have the right to buy them yet.

  And in the first five floors of the devil world, there is no need to deal with the devil at all.

  The forces here are very chaotic.

  Ye Wudao only wanted to occupy the first three floors and develop the power of demonized people.

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