At this time, all the students were driven to the playground by the Hedong Army.

  Dong Zhuo held the trumpet and put gold on his face.

  "My Dong Zhuo is a good principal. In order to improve the system of the Eastern Han Academy and continue the beautiful tradition, I have decided to re-elect for the student council president. Students may wish to elect a prestigious student for election...!"

  Cao Cao's expression changed.

  The Five Tiger Generals hurriedly stopped Cao Cao in a low voice and said, "President Cao, don't fall for Dong Zhuo's tricks, he wants to take the opportunity to support his subordinates, but with your reputation in the Eastern Han Academy, I think everyone will still choose you. "

  "I'm not worried about this. I'm just worried that Principal Wang will be assassinated by Dong Zhuo. In any case, we must rescue Principal Wang as soon as possible."

  Cao Cao clenched his fists.

  For a time, the Eastern Han Academy was really messed up by Dong Zhuo.

  But anyway.

  On the bright side, Dong Zhuo was the acting principal, and his arm could not bend his thigh.

  What's more, the fact that the military and police are stationed on the campus is itself an unpleasant thing.

  The students groaned.

  Diao Chan hesitated, wondering if he should tell everyone that Wang Yun was fine.

  But she couldn't say it in public, otherwise Dong Zhuo must have the next steps.

  Everyone returned to the Cao family compound to discuss.

  At this time, Ye Wudao took Wang Yun to a quiet time and took the principal's seal from the principal's office.

  Without this, Dong Zhuo's verbal orders would not work at all.

  Not only students will not buy it, but this thing also has the ability to dispatch troops.

  "Everyone, I'm afraid we have to fight Dong Zhuo for a long time. No matter what today, we will sneak into the medical room of the Eastern Han Academy and meet Principal Wang Yun!"

  "But President Cao, how can you be sure that Dong Zhuo will not set a trap for us to take the bait?".

Chapter 250

  "This is Dong Zhuo's conspiracy. No matter how we choose, this is an inevitable result."

  Cao Cao sighed.

  at the same time.

  Ye Wudao has returned to Ye Zhai with Wang Yun.


  Diao Chan and Xiao Qiao also came back.

  "Brother Ye, why are you and Principal Wang here?"

  "Xiao Qiao, I don't want to lie to you. In fact, my father cooperated with Wudao to set up a game for Dong Zhuo. Don't tell President Cao and the others about this for the time being, so as not to affect his plan."

  Little Joe opened his mouth wide.

  Wang Yun thought it was a little funny, and laughed at himself: "I didn't expect Dong Zhuo to be fooled, my son-in-law is really good, and the mere account of Dong Zhuo's true nature is exposed, but it makes me such a lovely student worry, my principal is really a failure. !"

  "Okay, it won't be too long. Dong Zhuo has already entered the pit, and this good show is about to start. As the chief director, I have to see if Dong Zhuo has the chance to turn things around and cut off the reincarnation."

  Little Joe was at a loss.

  She didn't understand at all why Ye Wudao did this.

  Is it good for the Eastern Han Academy to calculate Dong Zhuo?


  But it's not enough to make the whole school alliance hurt, but it can remove bad cells.

  Keep this attitude.

  Ye Wudao is ready to appear.

  But no matter how you play, the original plot can be changed, and what should happen, it will still happen.

  "Brother Ye, with my big mouth, I'm afraid I can't hide this secret."

  Qiao Qian was a little worried.

  Ye Wudao shrugged and said with a smile: "This is half-truth and half-truth, both Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao are suspicious, even if you accidentally release this news, as long as I don't admit it, no one can do anything about me, not to mention the people behind Dong Zhuo. The backing is about to fall."

  Ye Wudao didn't say it too clearly.

  Xiao Qiao and Diao Chan couldn't understand, only Wang Yun's eyes lit up.

  "Could it be that that thing was successful? Son-in-law, son-in-law, you really surprised me!"

  "It's all my fault."

  Ye Wudao bowed his hands, and then everyone ate.

  Because Dong Zhuo blocked the campus, the message flow was slow.

  But every major university in the country has its own eyes, eyes and spies.

  For a time, the storm surged.

  All eyes are on the Eastern Han Academy.

  And this time.

  Ye Wudao's army of thieves also opened up.

  Under the banner of King Qin Nursing School, the purpose is to put pressure on Dong Zhuo.

  After all, Ye Wudao's power is too great.

  Go positive.

  Dong Zhuo couldn't bear it at all.

  Moreover, Ye Wudao cut off his right hand. Without Li Ru, the think tank, even if Dong Zhuo wanted to find someone to discuss, he could not do it.

  Seeing that the great cause is about to start, he got the news that Ye Wudao's class teacher was returning to the dynasty.

  It will indeed make Dong Zhuo restless.

  "Fengxian my son, I asked you to approach Diaochan, how did you do?"

  "Foster father, I'm afraid that this matter will be difficult to handle, that Diaochan will ignore me at all, and I heard that Ye Wudao and Diaochan have a marriage contract..."

  Lu Bu just felt embarrassed.

  He thought he was the best in the world in martial arts.

  Among the younger generation, it is difficult to find an adversary.

  Whether it is the Five Tiger Generals or Cao Cao, he is not in his eyes.

  But only in front of Ye Wudao, Lu Bu found that he couldn't even have the will to fight.

  This kind of thing made him extremely confused.

  "I don't want to know the process. I only want a result. Wang Yun is tight-lipped, and he doesn't say where the principal's seal is hidden. Only by temporarily appeasing the five tiger generals and Cao Cao can we fight that stinky brat."

  What was Dong Zhuo thinking.

  Lu Bu couldn't guess.

  After sending Lu Bu away, Dong Zhuo threw something in the principal's room.

  He was really angry.

  But now, he has been riding a tiger.

  Without the seal of the principal, he couldn't even issue an order, and it was not so easy to forge.

  That's why he cast his eyes on Diaochan.

  As long as Lu Bu could pry Diaochan away, even if Ye Wudao was angry, he would have a way to deal with it.

  But the only thing he didn't know was that Diaochan's force index was even higher than that of Lu Bu.

  If he knew about it, he probably wouldn't let Lu Bu approach him at all.

  After all, Ye Wudao had already told Diao Chan about these things.

  In the battle of Dingjun Mountain, Lu Bu did not rescue Diaochan at all, and naturally he could not gain Diaochan's trust.

  With pearls and jade in the front, who can look at such a crooked melon and cracked jujube.

  "What should I do, I'm so panicked."

  Lu Bu stood outside the principal's room, listening to the various voices inside, feeling helpless.

  "It's not good, it's not good!"

  "Lu Bu, is the principal inside?"

  Mei Niang ran to the principal's room in a panic.

  "What's the matter, foster father is in a bad mood right now, I suggest you don't mess with him at this time."

  "What are you talking about, let me in!"

  Dong Zhuo's voice resounded in the principal's room.

  After the two pushed the door and went in, they found that it was like a thief inside, and it was turned over in a mess.

  "Clean up for me later, what's up with Mei Niang?"

  "It's not good, Mr. Principal, the General Fuguo has returned to the court! It's just that he has surrounded the Eastern Han Academy and said he wants to see Wang Yun under the banner of Qin Wang's school."

  Mei Niang's voice just fell.

  Dong Zhuo's expression changed drastically.

  Lu Bu could see that Dong Zhuo's legs were shaking.

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