"Everyone, it has been three days since General Ye went to the Yellow Turban thieves to attack the Yellow Turban colleges and universities. According to the records of my Cao Family Intelligence Network, Zhang Bao, the dean of the Yellow Turban Colleges, and Zhang Liang, the vice-principal, have been captured by Brother Ye, and Zhang Jiao has retired to Guangzong. campus."

  "I can't believe that Brother Ye is so fierce. I think the Yellow Turban High School is only a flash in the pan."

  "Not only that, there is no other voice in the whole school alliance. At least Brother Ye is a classmate of our Eastern Han Academy, and there is light on our faces."

  "I really want to join the army, I really want to fight side by side with Brother Ye!"

  In the courtyard of the Cao family, the five tiger generals and Cao Cao were discussing.

  In addition to researching and discussing combat objectives and analyzing combat situations, it is also a disguised union.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  After all, Ye Wudao gave Cao Cao a feeling of a tiger descending from the mountain and a dragon going out to sea, with a great victory that was irresistible.

  Although everyone belongs to the same camp now, it is hard to say that they will not become enemies in the future.

  "No, no, no, Principal Wang Yun passed out, Diaochan, Diaochan..."

  The people who were still discussing suddenly stood up.

  When Xiao Qiao appeared, things changed.

  "Little Qiao, speak slowly, what happened?"

  Qiao Qian was full of horror, took a sip of water, took a few deep breaths, looked at the crowd, and said, "Today, Diaochan said that he would accompany Principal Wang Yun to investigate the construction of the campus, but was suddenly attacked by the Yellow Turban thieves, Diaochan chased the enemy, but was hit by In order to adjust the tiger away from the mountain, when she came back, Principal Wang Yun was injured by Zhang Jiao and is now being diagnosed and treated in the school doctor's office, and the troops of Hedong University trapped the principal's office and the infirmary, and Diao Chan and I were not allowed to explore."


  "What! Principal Wang Yun has an accident, let's go quickly, this must be Dong Zhuo's plan, maybe he has already united with Zhang Jiao."

  Cao Cao was shocked.

  The Five Tigers hurried to follow, and went to the Eastern Han Academy to ask for an explanation.

  Everyone arrived at the infirmary together, but was stopped by a general holding a Fang Tianhua halberd.

  "Lu Bu, what are you doing?"

  "President Cao, where are you going?"

  Lv Bu looked very calm, and he couldn't help feeling overwhelmed by Dong Zhuo's concern for him without Li Ru recently.

  According to Dong Zhuo's order, Lü Bu transferred to the Eastern Han Academy after Ye Wudao left three days ago.

  But for the time being, he kept a low profile and did nothing.

  Diao Chan snorted angrily: "No way, you are a spy sent by Hedong University, get out of the way, I want to see my father!"

  The eyes of the five tiger generals were full of fighting intent.

  But Cao Cao stopped them and said in a low voice, "I can't act rashly for the time being. According to my Cao Family Intelligence Network, Lu Bu's strength is very strong, and it is not easy for conflicts to occur for the time being."

  Lu Bu looked at Diao Chan with a hint of admiration. Guan Yu saw this and suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

  "Principal Wang Yun is Diao Chan's father. What right do you have to stop her from visiting her? Besides, this is the Eastern Han Academy, not Hedong University. What do you mean by stopping here?" Qi.

Chapter 249

  "Principal Dong Zhuo repelled Zhang Jiao and saved the life of Principal Wang Yun, but Principal Wang was unconscious, and I was afraid that he would not have time to deal with the trivial matters of the Eastern Han Academy. Principal Dong Zhuo, in the name of General He Jin, entered the Sili area to encircle and suppress the yellow turbans. , was exceptionally promoted to become the acting principal of the Eastern Han Academy, which is a special gift from the leader of the entire school, see clearly!"

  Mei Niang came out from the other side.

  Show the appointment letter.

  Cao Cao watched for a while, then fell silent.

  "Everyone stand back, it's true."

  "I want to see my father, how dare you stop me?"

  Diaochan was very angry.

  But Lu Bu stood in front of her.

  "Miss Diaochan, don't make it difficult for you. This is the order of Principal Dong Zhuo. Since everyone agrees with this letter of appointment, please retire, unless you can get the permission of Principal Dong Zhuo."

  Seeing this, Lu Bu still did not let everyone approach the infirmary.

  And the soldiers of Hedong University have already flashed the wave seven and five seven, and the bullets are loaded.

  "What Lu Bu said is not unreasonable. I think we should go to the principal's office first to see what's going on."

  Xiu hurriedly stopped them, not without a sense of horror in his heart.

  Cao Cao took a deep breath and said, "I'm here to see what Principal Dong Zhuo wants to do. Is he trying to steal my Eastern Han Academy and keep it for himself!"

  "Everyone, let's go to the principal's office!"

  The five tigers will protect Diaochan Xiaoqiao and leave the infirmary.

  As they passed through, they could see that the army had surrounded the campus.

  The students of the Eastern Han Academy were also driven to the playground.

  "Brother Ye made a bad start, which attracted Dong Zhuo's revenge. I'm afraid that Zhang Jiao that Diao Chan saw was also attracted by Dong Zhuo.

  Cao Cao had a bad feeling in his heart.

  The soldiers of Hedong University are equipped with refined food and have a strong momentum.

  And because of the special dispatch of the leader of the alliance, the guards of the Eastern Han Academy were taken over.

  "Diaochan, please send a message to Brother Ye and ask him to bring troops back. With him in Dong Zhuo, he would not dare to act rashly."

  Xiu is coming up with ideas.

  Cao Cao shook his head and said, "I played SIMAN, but Brother Ye didn't pick it up. He must still be fighting against the Yellow Turban high school. He can't quench his thirst from afar. Let's find out what Dong Zhuo wants to do first, and then take a step by step. Bar."

  Actually they don't know.

  Ye Wudao already knew that Dong Zhuo became the acting principal of the Eastern Han Academy.

  But Dong Zhuo didn't know that the Eastern Han Academy was a big hole now.

  Because there is no start-up capital, if Dong Zhuo wants to become the acting principal, he needs to buy the ten permanent servants Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong.

  And these two people are now slaves in Ye Wudao's hands.

  This is why Dong Zhuo was able to get the permission of the leader of the alliance so quickly.

  And this matter was also known by General He Jin.

  If Zhang Rang spreads this matter out, Dong Zhuo will not be human inside or outside.

  This is Yang Conspiracy.

  Ye Wudao digs a pit for him to jump down, but he can't climb up.

  Because of the plan.

  Dong Zhuo and Zhang Jiao were injured and knocked unconscious, but they were just ordinary puppets.

  The real Wang Yun had long been arranged by Ye Wudao in Ye's house.

  Only Diaochan knew about this matter, so Diaochan was not worried, just cooperated with Ye Wudao to dig a hole.

  Wang Yun was willing to cooperate, and it was also Ye Wudao who told him that he wanted to see who was loyal to the Eastern Han Academy.

  Wang Yun had no doubt that he was there, and he could observe the Eastern Han Academy from Ye Zhai, not to mention that Wang Yun himself had installed a lot of candid photography equipment from Ye Wudao in the principal's room.

  Even Dong Zhuo might not be able to notice it.

  "You see, Dong Zhuo's wolf ambition is not as friendly to you and the Eastern Han Academy as you say!"

  Ye Wudao smiled.

  Wang Yun grimaced and said nothing.

  At this moment, Ye Wudao had returned home long ago.

  The encirclement of Guangzong by soldiers is only a temporary measure.

  He didn't even bother to take care of the Yellow Turban High School.

  Besides, Dong Zhuo is just a small boss, and the biggest boss in Yin Shi and Space has not yet appeared.

  "Cao Cao has a heroic appearance. Don't look at him now maintaining the Eastern Han Academy, but he must be one of the princes in the future."

  "Although the five tiger generals are good in force, they have no brains, and Liu Bei is not happy."

  "Lu Bu is Dong Zhuo's adopted son. Do you still think the Eastern Han Academy is safe?"

  Ye Wudao's complaints made Wang Yun speechless.

  Wang Yun was slightly puzzled and asked, "Son-in-law, tell me the truth, why does the leader trust you so much?"

  What, was he discovered?

  Ye Wudao shrugged and said, "I'll tell you about this later, it's not the time yet, you can still watch a good show later, come with me."

  Ye Wudao changed Wang Yun into casual clothes and disguised him as a school worker.

  The two came to the playground of the Eastern Han Academy together.

  After all, Dong Zhuo is only an agent, he has no right to control people's hearts...  

  The voice of doubt almost made Dong Zhuo unable to step down from the stage, but Dong Zhuo couldn't vent his anger, because the Eastern Han Academy was an aristocratic school.

  More than [-]% of the students have different backgrounds at home.

  If Dong Zhuo dared to offend them, within a day, Dong Zhuo, the acting principal, would say goodbye to him.

  Therefore, Dong Zhuo will inevitably win over a group and attack a group, and divide the Eastern Han Academy.

  The only ones to focus on are Cao Cao and the Five Tiger Generals.

  "Son-in-law, what should I do now?"

  Wang Yun lost his square inch.

  I didn't know what to do for a while.

  He could only follow Ye Wudao into the Eastern Han Academy and hide in the playground.

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