In the evening, Wu Ming's house.

At this time, Wu Ming was wearing light pajamas, sitting cross-legged on the bedroom bed, using practice to relieve his thoughts.

At this moment, crunch, the door opened~

A handsome black-haired boy opened the door of Wu Ming's attic and walked in.

As soon as Chen Feng walked into Wu Ming's room, he was almost dazzled.

I saw the bright moonlight shining in from the window, and it was filled with colorful colors under the refraction of the gems.

When you are in it, you feel like you are in a small world of gems. On the walls, various gems are carefully inlaid, like colorful paintings.

From deep sapphires to fiery rubies to dreamy turquoise, their presence makes the entire room sparkle.

The gems on the table are even more dazzling, shining with mysterious light. Some gemstones are soft pink, like a girl's cheek; others are deep purple, like stars in the night sky.

These gems not only have different colors, but also have various shapes. Some are round, some are oval, and some are irregular. Each one is unique.

At the same time, the air in the room is filled with a light aroma, which is refreshing and refreshing.

Chen Feng looked at the gems in the room and smiled. Although the gems were beautiful, Chen Feng had someone more beautiful to appreciate.

Chen Feng took steps and walked towards the bedroom.

As for Ma Xiaotao, Chen Feng didn't expect to wake up before the next day. Chen Feng spent the whole night with Wu Ming.

Chen Feng pushed open the door of Wu Ming's bedroom and saw a blonde beauty wearing a thin lace pajamas made of black silk, sitting cross-legged on the bed and practicing quietly.

It was Chen Feng’s exclusive assistant, Wu Ming.

Her long golden hair flows like a waterfall, each strand shining with the light of the sun, as if the warmth of summer has been integrated into her hair.

Her long golden hair lay gently on her shoulders, and the moonlight shone on her hair through the window, adding a softness to the warmth.

As Chen Feng pushed open the bedroom door, Wu Ming opened her eyes from practicing. The familiar breath made Wu Ming's eyes well up with excited tears.

Chen Feng looked at Wu Ming, his narrow and upward beautiful golden pupils were charming because of the little pearls spinning inside.

The long eyelashes tremble slightly like butterfly wings, the bridge of the nose is high and the lip line is clear.

The red lips are full and attractive, the kiss is soft and comfortable, and the fair face is thinner than before.

Chen Feng smiled and said, Sister Wu Ming, I'm back!

The next moment, a golden figure swooped into Chen Feng's arms.

Chen Feng, one month and twenty-one days, wuwuwu, I miss you so much...

Chen Feng opened his arms and hugged Wu Ming tightly. Wu Ming's slender and powerful legs were wrapped around Chen Feng's waist, tightly.

The next moment, Chen Feng and Wu Ming kissed each other.

Chen Feng kissed Wu Ming while walking towards the big bed.

The thin black pajamas fell to the ground with a tear, revealing the beautiful curves of her body underneath!

The straight peaks, slender waist, graceful and smooth sexy lines give people a sense of health and beauty.

The slender thighs are as straight and white as ivory.

This feeling is neither like Ma Xiaotao's elasticity nor Ling Luochen's tenderness.

But Chen Feng couldn't put it down because of the muscular lines on that bumpy body.

As for Wu Ming, she had been holding back for more than a month, and now she had caught Chen Feng. Even more reluctant to let go.

Wu Ming: Do you know how I have spent these more than a month? Obviously I have a man, but I have to look at my delicate hands sadly...

As a result, Wu Ming is like a person who hasn't drank water for three days in the hot summer. Now he encounters a spring and will not let go unless he drinks enough at once.

The Golden Crow Saint tonight is not so easy to defeat...

On the big bed in the bedroom, the quilt kept twisting and turning, purring and going.

Voices came from inside the quilt from time to time, Hiss, hiss, sister Wu Ming, strangle me gently, I won't run, you are trying to strangle me to death!

Chen Feng, I'll rub it for you and it won't hurt anymore...

After a long time, Chen Feng and Wu Ming lifted the quilt. Their black and golden hair were tangled together, and both of them were dripping with sweat.

Wu Ming smoothed her sticky golden hair, stood up and lay on Chen Feng's chest, looking at Chen Feng's handsome face, then stretched out her jade hand and gently stroked Chen Feng's cheek, Chen Feng, I haven't seen you for more than a month. He’s more handsome and taller.”

Chen Feng said, Sister Wu Ming, you have lost weight. After saying that, Chen Feng straightened up and pinched Wu Ming's face, You have lost weight.

Wu Ming said with a smile in his eyes, If you stay with me more, I will gain weight. After saying that, Wu Ming struck again.

The beautiful and melodious voice sounds, and people can't help but have their thoughts and thoughts rise and fall after listening to it.


Chen Feng, no, I'm too sweaty and clingy. Let's go take a shower.

After saying that, Wu Ming was carried by Chen Feng and walked toward the bathroom. Along the way, Chen Feng stepped on it, and it was slippery. If Chen Feng hadn't been good at cultivation, he might have slipped.

Wu Ming blushed and rested her chin on Chen Feng's shoulder weakly...

The jade bathtub was filled with water from Poseidon Lake. The petals sinking in the bathtub surface told Chen Feng that the water in this pool must have been used by Wu Ming for bathing before.

Wu Ming lay next to Chen Feng's ear and said, I'm not dirty. It's very troublesome to change the water at night, so just use this water to wash.

After saying that, Wu Ming waved his hand, and the water in the bathtub became warm again.

Chen Feng smiled and said, How dare I dislike the beautiful Sister Wu Ming!

After saying that, the two of them entered the bathtub, and suddenly a large amount of water poured out of the bathtub.

The small bathtub seemed a bit crowded for two people to soak in.

Rush, rush, the warm water covers the skin, which is very comfortable.

Wu Ming stroked Chen Feng's moist skin, and then helped Chen Feng clean his back...

After a long time, after taking a bath, Chen Feng picked up the weak Wu Ming and returned to the bedroom again.

That night, all Wu Ming's thoughts burst out, like a dam releasing floods, out of control.

Just when Chen Feng and Wu Ming said goodbye to each other better than their newlyweds, they were relieved of their lovesickness.

At this time, outside Wu Ming's room, a woman with long black hair, a quiet and gentle temperament, a delicate face, and flawless fair skin was listening to the disturbing sounds in the room.

Zhang Lexuan was a little shocked, but it seemed that she had expected it.

Zhang Lexuan knew that Chen Feng was back tonight and came to Wu Ming's house in the middle of the night just to confirm the situation.

The worst happened. Her good sister, Wu Ming, not only fell in love with someone she shouldn't have liked, but also gave herself to him...

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