A few days ago, when Chen Feng defeated Xingluo Royal Academy. At Shrek Academy, Mr. Mu held a Poseidon Pavilion meeting.

There were nine people sitting around a long oval table, all seniors and elders of Shrek Academy.

Mr. Mu said calmly, In this continental advanced soul master academy soul fighting competition, I predict that Shrek Academy will still be the champion this time, but that's not what I want to say in this meeting.

Hearing what Mr. Mu said, the surrounding Mr. Ge and Mr. Su all looked confused and thought to themselves, Did something big happen recently? Mr. Mu actually wants to hold a meeting. How come I haven't heard anything about it?

Mr. Mu said, This is the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition. I went to the competition site to watch it in person.

Today's soul guide technology is becoming more and more advanced, and its power is quite astonishing.

If it weren't for the two Soul Saint combat powers of Chen Feng and Xiao Tao, based on the level of teams sent by our Shrek Academy in the past, our Shrek Academy would definitely lose this competition.

Even so, during the competition with Star Luo Royal Academy... Xiao Tao also suffered from the soul guide.

Now Shrek Academy must make changes, otherwise it will be eliminated by the times in the future!

After hearing what Elder Mu said, most of the elders and elders of Poseidon Pavilion looked at each other in shock.

Only Song Lao (Xian Lin'er's mother), Xian Lin'er, and Qian Duoduo looked happy.

Mr. Mu continued, The times are progressing, the world is developing, and the era of soul guides has arrived.

I predict that in the future, powerful soul masters paired with powerful soul guides will be the main theme of the world.

Therefore, we at Shrek Academy must vigorously develop soul guides! Not only that, but also to change the past arrogant behavior of looking down on soul guidance devices and not using them.

Mr. Mu said to Xian Lin'er, Lin'er.

Teacher! I'm here! Xian Lin'er stood up respectfully, excitement showing in her eyes.

Mr. Mu said: After this meeting, at least one flying soul tool and one defensive soul tool will be customized for each inner court disciple!

In addition, the seventh and eighth grade students in the inner courtyard are given a soul guidance course every week. They are not taught how to make soul guidance tools, but are taught how to use and understand soul guidance tools.

Yes. Upon hearing Mr. Mu's words, Xian Lin'er's face suddenly showed joy, but Yan Shaozhe, who was opposite her, frowned.

The relationship between the martial arts department and the soul guidance department has not been very good for a long time. They have always been competing for Shrek Academy's resources and talented students.

After all, there are only those outstanding students, and they must be snatched up.

Traditional martial soul soul masters have always had the absolute upper hand, and their strength far exceeds that of the newly created soul guidance system.

The atmosphere of the entire Shrek Academy is traditional, with martial soul masters focusing on cultivating their own martial souls; looking down on soul guidance students who use evil and crooked soul tools and rely on external forces.

The martial soul students in the inner courtyard have also inherited the pride of traditional soul masters and focus on cultivating their own martial souls without asking for help from others. They believe that relying on external things will make them weak and detrimental to their future progress, so All chose not to use soul guides.

Teacher, does this have too much of an impact on the martial arts students? Should we reconsider this? Yan Shaozhe asked tentatively.

Mr. Mu looked at Yan Shaozhe, his droopy eyelids opened, his golden eyes brightened, and he said in a slightly stern voice: What should I consider? I have already made up my mind. There are really people who are not smart enough to practice cultivation. He He is not worthy of studying in the inner courtyard. Using a soul guide is hindering his own progress?

It's too narrow-minded. His personal strength is strong. Using a soul guide will only amplify this strength!

If he is worried that he will be affected and hinder his progress even when using a soul guide, this soul master is too unstable for himself, too timid and too weak.

How can a person with such a state of mind and such an inflexibility climb to the top!

Shaozhe, if you always insist, then you should stop being the dean of Shrek Academy and leave it to Lin'er. Moreover, the customization fee is paid by the Martial Soul Department to the Soul Guidance Department, and no arrears are allowed.

Seeing that Mr. Mu was angry, Yan Shaozhe did not dare to refute no matter how dissatisfied he was, and nodded repeatedly.

Mr. Mu continued, Lin'er, after the meeting, you send a letter to the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, proposing mutual learning and exchange.

Xian Lin'er was stunned, Mr. Mu, will they agree?

Mr. Mu smiled slightly, The Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy has long wanted to exchange and study with our Shrek Academy, but we didn't agree before.

Yan Shaozhe said in shock: Teacher, wouldn't this allow the foreign races of the Sun and Moon Empire to learn the advanced martial arts knowledge from my Shrek Academy?

Mr. Mu patted the armrest of the chair and said, The students we send to the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy will learn from them as well.

What else did Yan Shaozhe want to say? In his heart, soul guides were just scum, how could they compare with their Shrek Academy's martial arts knowledge.

Yan Shaozhe always believed that soul masters were more powerful, and the soul guides became less powerful as they went to the back. But if others say that soul guides are powerful, he can disagree with them.

He even went up to compete with someone who said the soul tool was powerful, but the person speaking was the teacher he admired and respected the most, so he couldn't help but take it seriously.

Xian Lin'er on the side saw Yan Shaozhe being criticized, with a proud smile on her face. Looking at Qian Duoduo next to Xian Lin'er, she was very depressed and sour.

Mr. Mu criticized Yan Shaozhe, then turned to comfort him, Shaozhe, don't think I'm making a fuss out of a molehill.

In recent decades, the Sun-Moon Empire's soul-guiding device technology has developed rapidly, almost with each passing day.

How is the development of the soul guidance system of our Douluo Three Kingdoms? Compared with those foreign races in the Sun and Moon Empire, they are far behind.

The gap in national power is getting bigger and bigger. Sooner or later, when the national power of the Sun and Moon Empire is enough to crush our Douluo Three Kingdoms, war will break out.

And that day is definitely not too far away, maybe ten years later, maybe twenty years later.

Hearing what Elder Mu said, all the Pavilion Elders and Su Elders present could not help but be surprised.

Lin Huiqun and Elder Lin were surprised, Mr. Mu, is a war going to break out in the Sun and Moon Empire so soon?

Other elders and elders also asked, Is the war going to break out so soon?

Mr. Mu said in a deep voice: Not long ago, I was very restless and planned to go to the capital of the Sun and Moon Empire to see how the Sun and Moon Empire is developing now.

That exploration surprised me. The development of soul guides in the Sun and Moon Empire exceeded everyone's imagination.

The power of those soul guides can even threaten my life.

What I said today is by no means alarmist, and I no longer attach importance to the development of soul guidance devices. Then, our Shrek Academy is probably not far from destruction.

After hearing what Mr. Mu said, everyone present widened their eyes.

It can threaten the life of Mr. Mu, a ninety-ninth level extreme Douluo. The Sun and Moon Empire's soul guides have actually developed to this extent!

Many pavilion elders thought in shock, This...this, I didn't expect that the soul guidance device would develop to such an extent. It's scary, it's really scary!

Elder Mu looked at the shocked faces of those present and felt quite satisfied.

What Mr. Mu just said was actually a bit exaggerated. Although those soul guides put some pressure on him, they definitely could not pose a threat to his life.

But in order to make most of the proud elders and elders take it seriously, Mr. Mu deliberately exaggerated the facts. Looking at it this way, the effect is extremely outstanding.

Mr. Mu let the tense atmosphere simmer for a while and continued, As the Sun and Moon Empire continues to grow in strength, they are now increasingly unwilling to be lonely.

Thousands of years ago, I, Shrek Academy, led the Douluo Three Kingdoms to stop the Sun and Moon Empire.

If war breaks out again, the first person the Sun Moon Empire will have to deal with is me, Shrek Academy.

After listening to Elder Mu's words, all the elders suddenly frowned and fell into deep thought.

Mr. Mu said in a deep voice: Let's vote on my proposal today. As he said this, Mr. Mu was the first to raise his hand.

As the Optimus Prime of Shrek Academy, how could Mr. Mu’s proposal fail? And what Mr. Mu said makes sense.

For a moment, everyone raised their hands and agreed to Elder Mu's proposal.

Mr. Mu said to the four deans of Shrek Academy: Shaozhe, Mei'er, Lin'er, Duoduo, the development of soul guidance devices is the general trend and cannot be reversed. All we can do is keep up with the times.

It’s time to exert our strength. Our Shrek Academy is full of geniuses and its development speed is definitely not slow. The future belongs to our Shrek Academy!

After Mr. Mu finished speaking, he said to Lin Huiqun, who was in charge of Shrek Academy's business finance: Huiqun, all aspects of the development of soul guidance devices, whether it is the purchase of rare metals or the blueprints of high-end soul guidance devices, require money. In terms of funds, You should be more supportive.”

Mr. Lin nodded and said, In terms of funds, Jubao Pavilion still has a lot of savings, so Mr. Mu can rest assured.

Mr. Mu said to Xian Lin'er: The level of Fan Yu's soul guidance device in the soul guidance department is pretty good. Let's stop working as the teaching director and let him be responsible for developing soul guidance devices.

Except for his two direct disciples, there is no need for him to teach other students. When our students go to the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy for exchange and study, let him lead the team.

Xian Lin'er nodded and said, Yes, teacher.

Mu Laojian finished what he said and waved his hand, That's it for this meeting. You all go and get busy.

Others saluted Mr. Mu one after another, and then disappeared in a flash.

Mr. Mu looked at the empty hall and murmured, I hope it's not too late to develop soul guidance devices, and fortunately the soul guidance devices are not too powerful now.

If one waits until the soul guide can easily kill Extreme Douluo, then it will really be too late to try to develop the soul guide.

Moon lay on the recliner, thinking in his mind, I don't have much life left. After I die, with Chen Feng's talent, Shrek will have no worries for the next three hundred years. During this period, we must vigorously develop soul guides. Try to catch up with the Sun and Moon Empire.


The time has come now.

High in the sky, Chen Feng and his party were tied into a string by Mr. Xuan and flew in the air.

At this time, Chen Feng and others were overlooking the ground from the air, looking at the outline of the majestic Shrek City on the ground, and they were all excited.

Seeing that he was almost reaching Shrek City, Mr. Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and slowed down his flying speed.

Wang Dong looked at the bustling Shrek City and said happily: Shrek Academy is here, yeah yeah!

Although the others did not speak, they all had smiles on their faces.

Chen Feng held Snow Emperor's little Loli in his arms and looked at Shrek City, his thoughts racing in his heart.

It had been more than a month since the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition, and Chen Feng missed his exclusive assistant, Senior Sister Wu Ming.

Ma Xiaotao and Ling Luochen were very noisy because they were only nineteen or twenty years old, which gave Chen Feng a headache from time to time.

Senior Sister Wu Ming is much more considerate and never gives Chen Feng a headache. She is the most pleasant to get along with. After not seeing her for a long time, Chen Feng wants to spend time with Wu Ming.

Soon, Mr. Xuan and his party arrived at the east gate of Shrek City.

This is also where the gate of Shrek Academy is located.

It was already approaching the afternoon, students were out of school, and the entrance to Shrek Academy seemed very lively.

The students from Shrek's Outer Academy were laughing and laughing one by one, and the vendors gathered at the east gate of Shrek Academy, selling various things.

Seeing that there were too many people at the entrance of Shrek Academy, Mr. Xuan sent the group directly to the academy, and then put Chen Feng and others down.

Mr. Xuan said to Chen Feng and others, It's not late today, you all should have a good rest tonight.

Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, you will all gather at the shore of Poseidon Lake in Shrek Academy. Rewards will be distributed to you then.

After Mr. Xuan finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the spot.

At this time, Elder Xuan had arrived at Poseidon Pavilion and went to Elder Mu to report.

Poseidon Pavilion.

Mr. Xuan looked at Mr. Mu who was lying on the recliner and said, Mr. Mu, in this Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition, our Shrek Academy once again won the championship.

Mr. Mu nodded gently, Thank you for your hard work, Xuanzi.

Mr. Xuan smiled and said, What's the hard work? These children are the ones who have the hard work, but this little guy Chen Feng is really awesome.

No matter who the opponent was, they all won easily.

I can see that he has never shown his true strength in this Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition. The most important thing is to be mature and stable, without the arrogance of teenagers. This is the most rare thing.

Mu Laodao said, I have always been very satisfied with Chen Feng's progress. You said, Chen Feng and the others won the championship in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition. What kind of reward should the academy give them?

Elder Xuan thought for a moment, and then said, The Xingluo royal family has taken three fine soul bones that are ten thousand years old. I think it would be better for the academy to also give out a few soul bones as a reward.

After hearing this, Mu En nodded, Xuanzi, tell me what happened during the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition.

Mr. Xuan spoke eloquently, focusing on Chen Feng.

After hearing this, Mr. Mu stretched out his fingers to tap the armrest of the recliner and said with a smile, This little guy Chen Feng is really in demand. The Star Luo Empire actually gave me a 70,000-year-old ice jade scorpion left arm bone.

Mr. Xuan nodded and said, I think the princess of the Star Luo Empire is somewhat interested in Chen Feng.

Mr. Mu said with a smile, The Xingluo royal family made a good plan...

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