Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 989: Dark old, hit hard!

The Ice Swallowing Ape stared at Chen Feng. There was a hehe sneer in his throat, and then he suddenly opened his mouth and let out an extremely powerful roar.

The entire mountain seemed to tremble with the shaking. On the rock wall, the rocks fell rustling and hit the people below. Hundreds of people were directly shaken to death by the roar.

And Chen Feng clearly heard Zi Yue and An Lao screaming.

The roar stopped, and the Ice Swallowing Mountain Ape gave Chen Feng a cold look, as if to warn him, then turned and left.

After waiting for him to leave for a long time, a few big men cursed in a low voice: "This **** thing, what's the nerve of this beast?"

Chen Feng's heart was cold.

Because he could not perceive the existence of Ziyue and Anlao at all, Chen Feng wondered if they had disappeared.

"You **** beast!" Chen Feng cursed in a low voice.

Chen Feng's expression became a little disheartened, and a deep look of despair appeared in his eyes: "An Lao, Ziyue, where are you? Are you all right now? Why can't I perceive your existence?"

Chen Feng was not so desperate just now, because he knew he still had an old hole card.

But at this time, An Lao seemed to have left him.

At this time, An Lao's voice sounded. Although extremely faint, Chen Feng could hear that it was An Lao's voice.

He was immediately ecstatic: "Old An, are you okay?"

An Lao's voice was extremely weak, like a candle in the wind, it seemed that it might go out at any time:

"Chen Feng, the beast just discovered the existence of me and Ziyue. Both of us were seriously injured by him, but you can rest assured that neither I nor Ziyue is in danger."

"Now, I'm about to fall asleep, I'm afraid I won't be able to appear in a short time."

The words stopped abruptly, and then Chen Feng no longer felt the existence of An Lao.

At this time, all of Chen Feng's hole cards disappeared.

However, the more so, the more aroused the ruthlessness in his heart!

He gritted his teeth and laughed fiercely: "Mountain-swallowing giant ape, right? You are very powerful, your methods are very cruel, but do you think this is enough? Chen Feng, I am going to consume you to the end!"

Suddenly, he heard the sound of footsteps coming from nearby.

Then, Chen Feng saw a girl walking next to him.

The girl's face was quite beautiful, she looked at Chen Feng with an unbearable look in her eyes.

He hesitated, but still walked to Chen Feng, squatted on the ground, fixed his eyes on him, and asked softly, "You, are you seriously injured?"

And when she saw Chen Feng's broken throat, she then apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I forgot. It turns out that you can no longer speak."

Chen Feng yelled twice, and then he realized that he could not speak anymore, gave a wry smile, and pointed to his throat.

The girl said with concern: "You must be in pain, do you need me to take care of it?"

At this time, Chen Feng realized that his throat was extremely thirsty.

He quickly gestured: "Ah, you want to drink water, right?"

The girl was obviously very clever, so she hurried to a mountain spring, took a basin of water, helped Chen Feng up, and fed it down.

The cold water inlet temporarily relieved the pain.

Chen Feng only discovered at this time that the small thing like drinking water that was usually ignored by him had become so happy and extravagant at this time.

The girl murmured softly while feeding him and drinking water, "There are still ten days left. It's the night of the full moon. By then, all of us will die."

"But before you die. It's always good to suffer less pain."

She looked at Chen Feng and smiled, with a soft smile in her eyes, and said: "The next half month. I will take care of you!"

"I really want to find someone to talk to, but it's a pity that all those stinky men just want to take possession of my body, and you, even if you want to, can't do it!"

She said, giggling, brilliant as jade.

Chen Feng looked at her, feeling moved.

This girl, really kind of temperament, faces such a desperate situation, but still wants to take care of herself.

In the next few days, Chen Feng quickly got acquainted with the girl.

He also knew the girl's name. It turned out that this girl was named Duan Yushu, who was also a child of a large family in Suiyang County.

She was caught here by the Ice Swallowing Ape while she was playing around Tulong Mountain.

The people here were basically captured by the Frost-Swallowing Mountain Ape, each of them was not weak, and the lowest strength also had the cultivation base of the seventh and eighth floors of the Divine Gate Realm.

Of course, in the eyes of Duan Yushu, the strength is not weak this time.

In Chen Feng's view, these people are very bad.

The strongest is not his opponent with a punch in normal times!

Chen Feng still couldn't speak, his throat injury was very serious.

His whole person, like a useless person, can't move.

But to his relief, his hands and feet can already make a little movement, such as making simple gestures.

And Duan Yushu didn't seem to care whether he could answer his own questions.

Chen Feng couldn't speak, so she said to herself that she regarded Chen Feng as the object of listening, and Chen Feng listened quietly.

On this day, Duan Yushu was chattering there.

She was talking about his parents.

Duan Yushu’s parents came from family concubines, and their status in the family was not high, but they loved Duan Yushu very much and gave him everything they could give Duan Yushu, allowing her to live a carefree life like a princess. .

But unfortunately, bad luck soon came, and her parents died in a family mission.

From then on, Duan Yushu became an orphan.

Her status in the family was quickly reduced, and since then, the family has been quite harsh on him.

At this moment, heavy footsteps came, and Chen Feng raised his eyes to see that seven or eight brawny men came over here.

And the one who took the lead was the one who kicked him hard that day.

After these burly men came over, they suddenly grabbed Duan Yushu and took her off with a lewd smile.

Duan Yushu struggled and shouted in surprise, "You, what are you going to do?"

"What are we going to do? What are we going to do?"

"You little girl is really stupid and pathetic. There will be a full moon night in a few days, when all of us are going to die, it's better to cheer up a few of us before we die! It's you too! Make a contribution."

When Duan Yushu heard it, his face showed extreme horror.

The big man chuckled: "You little lady, our brothers, let you taste the comfort of being a woman before you die, you should be grateful to me!"

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