Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 988: Insult

Countless hoarfrost was condensed on his body fur.

At this moment, this huge ice great ape squatted aside with interest and looked at him.

Chen Feng took a deep breath. It turned out that She Shangfeng's appetite was so great that he was actually hitting this monster's idea.

Chen Fengfeng didn't know what level this ice great ape was, but he didn't need to think about it. It must be extremely tyrannical, I'm afraid it is already a seventh-rank 8-rank spirit beast.

In front of him, the Watersplitting Thornysaurus would be easily killed like a chicken.

And the behemoth in She Shangfeng's mouth is obviously him.

The ice giant ape showed thoughtfulness in his eyes, and suddenly he spoke.

And the words uttered from his mouth turned out to be human language.

His tone was a bit weird, but Chen Feng heard clearly: "Haha, this tiny human being has such a powerful blood in his body, so I can feel it from a distance!"

"When I get closer, it makes me salivate even more. I don't know who threw him down!"

"I don't know if there is a trap or what, but even if it is a trap, I am not afraid!"

"In this world, how can anyone get me? I take the advantage, and I just smash the trap!"

The ice giant ape has a huge voice, and when he speaks like thunder, Chen Feng almost faints.

Then, the Great Ice Ape bent down and grabbed Chen Feng in his hand.

His huge palm is hundreds of meters long and wide, and it is afraid that it can hold tens of thousands of people.

After he grabbed Chen Feng, he strode forward.

Every step he takes forward is hundreds of meters!

There are thousands of miles around the ice valley, huge icebergs everywhere, and ice on the ground.

And on the ground, there are countless bones, all of which have been sealed in by ice, almost all of these bones are human!

At a glance, there were hundreds of thousands of bones, almost covering the valley floor.

Chen Feng was shocked, how many people did this great ice ape eat?

Soon, the ice giant ape grabbed Chen Feng and came outside a huge cave.

This cave is obviously his residence, and beside the cave, there is a slightly smaller cave.

Chen Feng saw that at the entrance of this slightly smaller cave, there was a huge iron fence that sealed the entrance.

And behind the iron fence, there were thousands of people shut.

When these people saw the ice giant ape coming, they all looked at him with horror.

The Ice Great Ape didn't pay attention to them at all, and directly pulled the iron fence away, and then threw Chen Feng in.

When those people saw someone coming, they quickly let go of a clearing.

Chen Feng fell heavily to the ground, he wanted to groan in pain, but only then realized that he couldn't make a sound.

He clapped his hands, and the ice giant ape chuckled, "There are still ten days before the full moon!"

"After ten days, I ate all of you!"

After speaking, he let out a loud laughter, then turned around and closed the iron fence. Into the cave next to it.

After a while, a huge snore sounded.

Chen Feng fell to the ground, and the pain was so painful that he was relieved for a long time.

Yeah, I looked around, and this cave is also very huge, with a radius of tens of thousands of meters.

At this time, thousands of people were locked inside.

When they saw Chen Feng, their faces were full of suspicion, and when they saw Chen Fengfeng's soft hands and feet, and the throat that had been beaten, all these people showed a look of relief.

Suddenly, seven or eight people came out and came to Chen Feng.

One of the sturdy men kicked Chen Feng directly, kicked Chen Feng away more than ten meters, hit the mountain wall hard, and then fell down again.

Chen Feng almost fainted by this shock!

Then the giant man laughed and said: "Little bastard, he has occupied Lao Tzu's territory, and I don't know how to roll Lao Tzu aside!"

Seeing him bullying Chen Feng, everyone around him laughed loudly. The smile was very crazy, and there was unstoppable despair in the madness.

Obviously, they all know their future destiny.

In this kind of desperate life, he has become very abnormal, taking pleasure in bullying others.

The big man walked up to Chen Fengfeng again, kicked him a few times and cursed.

Seeing Chen Feng stopped moving when he was kicked, he also felt a little boring. He spit on Chen Feng and walked aside.

But he didn't see that in Chen Feng's sharp eyes, there was an extremely cold expression and that proud and unyielding expression.

He was curled up in the corner, without anyone's attention, but in fact, An Lao and Zi Yue were both beside him.

Ziyue looked at him with great concern and said, "Chen Feng, you, why did you become like this?"

As he said, tears fell.

She was lying on Chen Feng, feeling very distressed, and her eyes were flushed.

Chen Feng became so miserable that she was terribly uncomfortable.

At this time, An Lao was still relatively calm.

He said lightly beside him: "Now is not the time to be sad, but more importantly, how to solve the predicament in front of you."

He looked at Chen Feng and said softly: "Chen Feng, this time, things are very tricky, because the giant beast you are facing is the mountain swallowing giant ape."

"What? Mountain swallowing giant ape? What is this?" Chen Feng had never heard of such a behemoth.

"The mountain swallowing giant ape is an extremely powerful behemoth. This behemoth has an extremely large family and extremely powerful body."

"And the mountain-swallowing giant ape you just saw is just the most humble and weakest of the mountain-swallowing giants, the ice mountain-swallowing ape!"

"What?" Chen Feng was shocked by the stormy waves in his heart.

This giant beast looks extremely powerful, but it is only the weakest existence among the mountain swallowing giant apes?

"How powerful is the mountain swallowing giant ape clan?"

An old man slowly said, "Most of the mountain swallowing giant apes are beyond the existence of spirit beasts. How powerful do you think they have to be?"

An old man continued: "But at this time it is meaningless to say this."

Chen Feng asked softly: "Old An, can you help me take out the things in my belly?"

Old An shook his head and said, "I can't do anything about it."

Chen Feng was about to speak when suddenly, he felt a little weird.

Then, Chen Feng realized why there was such a strange feeling.

Because in the cave next door, that huge, constantly ringing grunt suddenly disappeared!

But then, everyone felt that it was half dark, and the entrance to the cave was blocked by the body of the mountain swallowing giant ape.

Frost Mountain Swallowing Ape's eyes fixed on Chen Feng's body, at this moment, An Lao and Zi Yue also disappeared suddenly.

Chen Feng instinctively sensed that this iceberg sky swallowing ape seemed to have sensed the existence of An Lao and Zi Yue.

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